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Porsche Panamera Lease Questions

kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 248,809
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  • lg5lg5 Member Posts: 6
    Hi Car Man - looking for lease insights (discounted price) residuals/money factors for Panamera 4: 90k sticker, 36mo w/ 10k mi per year... thanks!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Greetings lg5. Porsche Financial Services' current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 Panamera 4 with 10,000 miles per year are .00120 and 58%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • vuutuutvuutuut Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2012
    I got the same number as Car_man for Panamera 4. I'm shopping for a Paramera S - Porsche Financial Services' current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 Panamera S with 10,000 miles per year are .00120 and 56% for cusotmer qualified for top tier credit.

    Paramea S MSRP range from a bit under $100K to about $107K, I got dealers offer 5K off sticker with above lease numbers. Anybody got better than 5K off? Thanks in advance for your feedback!
  • thomastkathomastka Member Posts: 29
    Hi, what is the current (January or February 2012) 24 and 36m residual and money factor for a Panamera 4S lease with 10,000 miles p.a. please? Is there a way to reduce the money factor with multiple security deposits like e.g. at BMW?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi thomastka. According to the latest information that I have seen, Porsche Financial Services' current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 24-month lease of a 2012 Panamera 4S with 10,000 miles per year are .00120 and 58%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

    The numbers for an otherwise identical 36-month lease are .00120 and 55%.

    I'm not sure if PFS offers a multiple security deposit option. You should ask your dealer to find out for certain.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • msharkmanmsharkman Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2012
    I was told by two dealerships that the money factor from PFS on the Panamera 6 cylinder models was .002. Is this accurate? They claimed that only the Panamera S and above had lower money factors.... Does anyone know how often PFS changes its money factor and residual rates? Thanks!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi msharkman. The last time I checked I thought that the buy rate lease money factor on all 2012 Panamera models was .00120 for consumers who qualify for Porsche Financial Services' top credit tier.

    This program was originally scheduled to run through April 1st.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • zheckszhecks Member Posts: 50

    What is the April lease rates (residual , money factor) for a Panamera S, 4S and GTS from PFS with 10,000 miles/yr? I am interested in a 36 or 48 month lease. IS PFS still offering a $3500additonal discount if you are coming over from MB or BMW?

    thanks in advance.

  • zheckszhecks Member Posts: 50
    Hi kyfdx,

    Not sure if Car_man is on vacation. did not get a reply from the question below. can you help?

    What is the April lease rates (residual , money factor) for a Panamera S, 4S and GTS from PFS with 10,000 miles/yr? I am interested in a 36 or 48 month lease. IS PFS still offering a $3500additonal discount if you are coming over from MB or BMW?

    thanks in advance.

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 248,809
    I think Car_man is on vacation..

    Unfortunately, I don't have that information... he is our resident expert!

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi Zhecks. Porsche Financial Services' April buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 Panamera S with 10,000 miles per year are .00120 and 56%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

    Porsche isn't providing any support on 4-year leases of this car, so you probably shouldn't lease one for any longer than 3-years.

    The numbers for a 36-month lease of a '12 Panamera 4S are .00120 and 55%.

    The numbers for the GTS are .00120 and 49%.

    I know that Porsche is making up to three remaining payments for current lessees of competitive models right now, but I haven't heard anything about $3,500 for BMW or Mercedes customers.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    I was indeed on vacation, but I'm back now and hammering away at the questions :shades: .

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • zheckszhecks Member Posts: 50

    Thank you very much, this helps a lot in my negotiation of the deal. I am able to pull the trigger and this comes at the right time.

    Is this still a very popular car? I tried to get other inputs on their recent buying experience on this car and no one responded. Are people not as cost sensitive like me or there is no high demand for this car out there.

    thank you again.

  • khurramakhurrama Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2012
    Car Man-
    Are you sure about those panamera numbers?
    I have been told by two good friends of mine who work at porsche that the current MF and Residuals on the Panamera with 10k are .0020 and 59% on a 36 month.

    And that on a Panamera 4 with 10k it is .0020 and 58% on a 36 month and that these will remain until July 2nd.
  • zheckszhecks Member Posts: 50
    Car_Man is right on these lease #s. I am not sure about the V6 Panamera. For Panamera S, 4S (V8), I have 2 Porsche dealerships offered these low rates to me. I think it has to do with Panamera is getting a new look in 2013.
  • khurramakhurrama Member Posts: 14
    I'm sorry. My mistake.
    I thought you were quoting the v6 numbers but you were quoting the v8 numbers.
    Sorry about the confusion.
    I can confirm for the v6 it is 0020 and 59% and for the Panamera 4 it is .0020 and 58%.
  • crobar1crobar1 Member Posts: 7
    Hey Car Man,
    I am looking for some hard numbers on a Panamera (base model) lease..I just received a quote on a 76,500 base for $1,200 per month. Didn't do much negotiation after that but that seems to be very high..am I wrong? What is an approx lease price for that car considering a 3 year lease. Assume teir 1 credit, ect.

    Thank you again
  • khurramakhurrama Member Posts: 14
    That does seem very high but it depends on what selling price you have negotiated and what mf and residuals are being used.
    I got a quote on a panamera 4 with msrp of 88,850-
    1064 per month 0 down but taxes being paid up front instead of rolled into monthly payment. This is a 3 year 10k per year lease. 12k would be 24 more per month. Also I qualify for a Porsche conquest rebate because I am currently leasing a BMW.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're very welcome Zhecks. I think that the Panamera is still relatively popular, but nowhere near as popular as it was.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey crobar1. Porsche Financial Services' May buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36-month lease of a base 2012 Panamera with 12,000 miles per year are .00120 and 58%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

    Let's say that you were able to negotiate a $5,000 dealer discount on this car. I estimate that if you were to lease a 2012 base Panamera that has an MSRP of $76,500 and a selling price of $71,500 through PFS right now for 36-months with 12,000 miles per year, your zero down, pre-tax monthly payment would be around $893. Even at full MSRP this car would have a pre-tax payment of $1,038. As you can see, $1,200 per month is way too much for this vehicle.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • rainpudirainpudi Member Posts: 2
    Thanks Car_man.

    I have been talking to different dealers on a Base Model and none of them are going below $1181. Any suggestions as to the best place to try ? I am in Florida.

  • rainpudirainpudi Member Posts: 2
    I have talked to multiple dealers and all of them have said that the May buy rate money factor for a 2012 Porsche Panamera is 0.0020 and not 0.00120.

    Car_man , is there any place where we can check the correct rate that Porsche Financial Services is offerring?

  • crimattcrimatt Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2012
    Actually, the May buy rate for the 2012 Panamera 4 is .00200 until July 2, 2012. The buy rate for the 4S is .00200 for that same period for those who qualify for PFS top tier credit rate.

  • crimattcrimatt Member Posts: 21

    The Panamera 4S has a money buy rate of .0012 for those who qualify for PFS upper tier credit rate. This money factor is good at least until July 2, 2012.

  • emmhollaemmholla Member Posts: 2
    Hey Car_Man,
    What can I expect to pay for a Porsche Panamera 4S with no money down and taxes rolled into the monthly payment. 36 Months 15k Miles a year.. Retail Price is about 120k.. Thanks in advance...
  • larciellarciel Member Posts: 31
    I'd like to know answer to emmholla's question too. Thx in adv!
  • joeygjoeyg Member Posts: 11
    Looking to confirm residual and MF for June 2012 delivery. Am I correct that MF is .00200 and residual for 12k miles is 58%. I'm hearing different numbers from different dealers and I'm concerned that they are marking up MF.

  • crimattcrimatt Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2012
    Assuming a reasonable 7% discount off of the MSRP, you are looking at roughly a $1416/month payment for a $120K Panamera 4S for 36 months and 12,000 miles/year. This payments reflects all taxes and fees up front (~ $6900).

    If you were to bury those fees into your payment, the monthly rent would increase to $1559. These figures assume the use of a Residual percentage of 57%.

    Remember, the current Money Factor of .001200 for the 4S will only continue until 7/02/2012. However, this does not preclude the very likely possibility that PFS may decide to make the MF even more attractive after that date.

    Good luck on your purchase!

  • monstercb2002monstercb2002 Member Posts: 2
    I have been following this thread and in the market for a 2012 4S. I have never leased a vehicle before and looking into leasing a 2012 4S.

    Excuse my "newbie-ness" but when calculating my numbers for what my monthly lease will be, what is the money factor (i.e. .00120) and residual value (i.e. 55%).

    How do I calculate these numbers into what my monthly lease could be?

    I have tier 1 credit.

    Thanks in Advance
  • gittledoggittledog Member Posts: 4
    Were you able to find the lease you were looking for on the panamera? I live in south Florida and shopping around for the best deal. What deals wre you offered? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • zheckszhecks Member Posts: 50
    Porsche is having a promotion on Panamera. I got 8% off from MSRP. Check if the Conquest program is still on. If you currently have a lease with another competitor luxury brand, you can get up to another $3500 off. I got 8% +$2500 conquest => 10.5% off. Not a bad deal at all. Of course, you have to negotiate hard to get your 8%. Some dealers only gave 5-6%.
  • gittledoggittledog Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for the info.
  • monacobmwmonacobmw Member Posts: 8
    I am presenting the most current information that I have. Until July 2, 2012, the base model carried a .00200 rate, but all of the other models carried a .00120 rate.
    The residuals are all over the place.
    For the base model with 12k, it had a 58% residual. The hybrid was 54%.
    These are all for 2012 models. The 2013 models are unknown, but we should figure things out tomorrow (July 3) when the new rates appear.

    You have to watch out for the money factors. I live in South Florida, and some dealers like The Collection (Miami) and Champion (Pompano) try to cheat customer by adding an extra 40 points to the rates. Thus, they quote the .00120 rate as .00160. This is flat-out deception, and only those who know how leases work would be able to call them out. If you want to know what this type of cheating means, on a $90k Panny, the deceptive money factor quote adds around $3k to the price. As far as I know, the other dealers in Florida don't do this.

    Let me sum up leasing in a few words. Once you negotiate the purchase price of the car (yes, you have to do this even for a lease), you are effectively paying for your "use" of the car, which is the difference between the purchase price and what the car is still worth when you are done (the "residual"). Plus, you have to pay the bank a finance charge to "borrow" the value of the car for the terms of the lease. When you are driving a $100k car, you are effectively borrowing the $100k for the term of the lease.
    When you add your cost for the "use" of the car plus the finance charge to borrow the price of the car until you give it back, you get your lease charge. Spread this over the term of the lease, and you get your monthly payment.

    I hope that this is helpful for everyone.
  • lexusjglexusjg Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2012
    CAR MAN,

    Any idea if the Money factors and/or residiual changed for July?

    I am looking for the MF and resifual for 10k or 12k miles per year/ 36 month lease for a base 2012 Panamera with the V-6 engine? Car is approx $82,600.

    Thanks for the help.
  • lexusjglexusjg Member Posts: 7
    Jul 05, 2012 (11:06 am)
    CAR MAN,

    Any idea if the Money factors and/or residiual changed for July?

    I am looking for the MF and resifual for 10k or 12k miles per year/ 36 month lease for a base 2012 Panamera with the V-6 engine? Car is approx $82,600.

    Oh I forgot to ask, any incentives still out there like the guy above mentioned...

    Thanks for the help.
  • rwinston2rwinston2 Member Posts: 6
    I think that the 2012 rates stayed the same.
    The base model would be .00200 MF and 58% residual (12k).

    I have heard that the residuals for 2013 are about 2% lower for most models.

    I believe the 2013 money factor is the same for the 2013 base, but the MF may have risen from .00120 to .00200 for all of the other models.

    Any confirmations out there on the rates for the Panemera?
  • gittledoggittledog Member Posts: 4
    CarMan, I just got quoted $1325 incl. taxes per month on an 85k stickered 2012 Panamera V6. Top tier credit. Is this a good deal or am I getting screwed. Thanks
  • monstercb2002monstercb2002 Member Posts: 2

    I have been tracking this post and made a comment earlier. I just leased a 2012 Panamera 4S and paying $1538/month. The out the door price was $102,500. I put $8,000 down. It came to $1,450/month - 12K miles/yr, but I added a warranty package that covered wheels, windshield dings, door dings. After that it came to $1,538.

    Sounds like you are looking at a regular V6 Panny. No money down on a 4S would have been $1,750 month. There seems to be a $200-$300 interval between Panny models when you lease them.

    Just my 2 cents...I may be wrong in my assumption. I'm not an expert here
  • rwinston2rwinston2 Member Posts: 6
    In response to the $1325 per month quote on the 2012 V6, we need to know a lot of information to determine if it is good.
    I assume that this is a 36 month lease.
    The next question is whether it is 10k, 12k, or 15k miles.
    You have to consider an $895 lease acquisition fee and the typical "dealer" fee.

    It is important to remember that the final payment is the "result" of many factors. When dealer asks you "what do you want to pay," they are banking on your lack of leasing knowledge to build in hidden profit. If you ask me if $1325 per month on a 3 year, 12k per year lease is high for a car of MSRP of $85k, I would say definitely yes. The dealer is charging you something around MSRP for the car, and they are likely building in a higher money factor to make more profit.

    If you learn how a lease works, you can save thousands of dollars.

    If you don't have time to figure this out, then you should be negotiating the purchase price of the car as if you are buying it. Then ask the dealer to insert this purchase information into the computer without doing any mark-ups on the "money factor." You should be able to get 90% of the way there if the dealer uses a true purchase price and does not mark up the money factor.
  • fallmanfallman Member Posts: 9
    Just wanted to know if the Conquest program is still available for Panamera 2012 or 2013. Could not find any information on the Web. Also, what type of discounts are people getting on 2012, with 2013 just on the way. Thanks.
  • seamus666seamus666 Member Posts: 1
    Circle Porsche in Long Beach, Ca is offering thsi deal. Sounds better than some of the ones you guys are mentioning.

    Monthly payment is $899 + tax. 36 month lease on approved credit through Porsche Financial Services. $0.30 per mile penalty over 10,000 miles per year. $5,000 cap reduction, 1st payment, acquisition fees, and 1st year DMV fees due at delivery. No security deposit required. Stock #80329
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Yes, fallman, the conquest program is indeed still available on the Panamera.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • fallmanfallman Member Posts: 9
    Thanks. My local dealership told me that it only applies if you are currently "leasing" another luxury brand and not if you own one. Is that true?
  • zheckszhecks Member Posts: 50
    Yes, you must be "leasing" another luxury brand currently (with at least 3 months remaining in the lease) in order to qualify for the Conquest program.

    I just took advantage of the program with my recent lease.
  • emmhollaemmholla Member Posts: 2
    Thanks Crimat!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey fallman. I know that the incentive is meant to make the remaining payments for consumers who are currently leasing, and possibly financing a competitive vehicle, so what you were told makes sense.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • kerbkerb Member Posts: 195
    Greetings Car_Man:

    Could you kindly provide me with the buy rate and residual for a base Panamera on 24 & 36 month terms with 7,500, 10,000 and 12,000 miles.

    Many Thanks.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey kerb. Porsche Financial Services' September buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 24-month lease of a 2013 base Panamera with 12,000 miles per year are .00200 and 62%, respectively for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

    The residual value for a lease with 12,000 miles per year would be 1% higher. The 7,500 residual value would be 2% higher.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • kerbkerb Member Posts: 195
    Thx. Again Car Man, could you provide the 36 month figures as well.

    Best Regards
  • kerbkerb Member Posts: 195
    edited October 2012
    One additional question - Car_Man:

    Is the Conquest program still active on the Panamera? If so, when does it end?

    Thanks Again.
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