n_dotsethn_dotseth Member Posts: 1
edited March 2017 in Chevrolet
My 2013 Impala has less than 5000 miles on it and all of a sudden I'm getting SERVICE STABILITRAK warnings, and the car is running like crap now.
I haven't even made the first payment on it yet! To say that I'm very disappointed is an understatement. After reading similar posts concerning Impalas that are at least 4 years older than mine, I now feel like I bought a lemon :(


  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,257
    Since it's still under warranty, hopefully they'll be able to find and fix the issue and it won't return.

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  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I can certainly understand your frustration with having this warning on your vehicle. As the Host stated, please work with your dealership to have this corrected. If you have any additional concerns please let us know.

    Amber N.
    GM Customer Care
  • jodeelyn1jodeelyn1 Member Posts: 1
    I have seen tons of posts about this issue. I also have a 2013 Impala and this just started happening. Not really fun when you are driving on the freeway and your car starts decelerating! It is of course out of warranty,but you would think that since this is such a big problem for many many owners, this should have been looked at by GM.
  • tammy2016tammy2016 Member Posts: 4
    Mine also is doing that and it's 2010
  • purplek69purplek69 Member Posts: 1
    I just came across this while looking for an answer to what is happening to my 2012 Impala. The only difference is that I'm getting a different answer from the dealership's service dept.
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    There is no one answer to this kind of Stabilitrak problem unfortunately. The cause could be any number of different things. So the "fix" for Car Owner A might have nothing to do with Car Owner B.
  • jamaal2078jamaal2078 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2017
    I have a 2013 Impala LTZ and I'm having a major problem with the Stabilitrak light going on and off. And in order for my car to drive normally, i have to manually cut off the traction control, if i dont, i have a loud noise when i make turns, HELP.....
  • cloaks64cloaks64 Member Posts: 1
    Today I am taking my impala back to the dealership for the third time with stabilitrack issue. I just picked it up day before yesterday for this problem. Getting very frustrated. I just bought it in October. 
  • Mrmechanic7861Mrmechanic7861 Member Posts: 1

    Check all wires for continuity and check steering angle sensor and the most common chech battery cables if everything checks out replace the abs module

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