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Any 1999 F-250 owners?



  • bigmaxbigmax Member Posts: 11
    To Edmunds,I am interested in a ford F250 lite
    duty,all l see is pricing info on the F250
    superduty,are you going to put pricing info up on
    the Ford F250 lite duty?
  • dennis4dennis4 Member Posts: 47
    Well I am now a proud member of the "F250 Owner's Club". Wow. It is so, so, so, NICE! Sure does beat my 86 Bronco or my wife's 95 Lumina APV (a.k.a. Dustbuster).Took 11 weeks from order date of 8/26 until I picked it up yesterday 11/16. The V10 seems to be smoothing out already @ 145 miles.
    Have been in 4wd (ESOF) all day due to some light wet snow and it is smooth! Wow again.
    I have a question regarding the overhead console. How do you get the instantanious mpg reading that is shown in the owners' manual? I have the average mpg, outside temp,miles to empty and compass but no instant mpg. Does the F250 have it? The average mpg is showing 11.4, which would be great if accurate as I am used to 10-12 with my Bronco. Anybody have updates on their V10 MPG?
  • stanfordstanford Member Posts: 606
    My F350 doesn't have the instantaneous mileage either. Then again, maybe that's a good thing...
  • BrutusBrutus Member Posts: 1,113
    Mine doesn't have the instantaneous mpg either. I do reset it each tank. To reset it, you just push both buttons at the same time. I wouldn't call that instaneous mpg though, even at the exact minute you reset it. You've got to give it a mile or so to climb up from zero.

    If you've got the 3.73 rearend, that 11.4 sounds realistic. I've got the 4.30 and have averaged almost exactly 9.5 mpg on my 40 mile daily roundtrip in rush hour traffic during this first 1,500 miles. The few people that I have talked with about their mpg with the 3.73 have indicated the same range you mentioned, so it looks like the difference because of the axle ratio is about 2mpg. I've been hearing highway figures in the 14mpg range for the 3.73 axle ratio.
  • stirlingstirling Member Posts: 10

    I don't have any more info on the ESOF. I spoke with the dealer's son, who sells a lot of the super duties, mostly PSD's. He said "you don't want the ESOF" (and then went on to explain about the plastic gears stripping out). Have you asked your dealer? Also, what was your 95 windstar problem (we have that vehicle, which I'll be trading for the F250SD).
  • mroffshoremroffshore Member Posts: 148

    I did not call or ask the dealer. In fact I know the owner of the dealership very well and I am well aquainted with his service mgr. I'll call and ask about the gears ect. I'm curious to know where the gears are located, In the hubs? I still can't believe Ford would make an inadequate and/or a cheap system. But nothing suprises me any more!

    The Windstar had to have the head Gasket replaced before 60,000 miles. Well after some research including the use of the Edmunds site, I found out this premature failure was occuring all over the country. A small % of vans were fortunate enough not to fail. There were several Tv stations doing stories on the failure in an attempt to force Ford to do a total recall instead of just extending the warrenties an extra 10,000 miles to 60,000. If it did'nt happen to you, you were fortunate. It runs $1,100 to 1,800 depending on who does the work. Ford did reimburse me but it was a pain.

  • stanfordstanford Member Posts: 606
    stirling: One thing to check -- did he have a bunch of 4x4s on the lot without the ESOF option at the time? I asked my dealer when I went up for an alignment and the folk in the service department had never heard of that kind of problem -- only the very early models with the computer problems.
  • stirlingstirling Member Posts: 10
    I didn't have (yet) the head gasket problem on our windstar (85,000 miles). Re: ESOF: he said that the teeth on the plastic gears shear off when the 4wd is engaged; I don't know where the gears are; he already had at least one come back in with the problem; maybe it's been fixed, I don't know. I'm not going to order the ESOF in any event.

    He didn't have any on the lot, I wish he did. I haven't found anyone with these trucks in a 4x4 CC --all my discussions with him were on ordering one.
  • bunkskibunkski Member Posts: 10
    One of the factors leading me to a dodge truck decision over the ford is the problem with ESOF and the confusing ford locking hubs. Never seemed to have that problem with my good old GMC (but with no diesel or gas engine with any torque they're out of the running). So prior to taking the plunge, Question do SD's have to have unlockable hubs??? Can't you just throw the lever to shift to 4wd like you can in the dodge???

    Also (very important as far as the wife is concerned)..... Where did you guys find the overhead computer console in ford. My dealer said they don't offer it and I don't find it in the options list????????? I could only find it in Dodge. Any one have the ford option # for it???

    Sure glad you all are here to keep me straight.
  • stanfordstanford Member Posts: 606
    The console is standard with the Lariat package, and not available without it. I just leave mine on the Miles-to-empty view.
  • lemanslemans Member Posts: 43
    I have a computer in my van that has instant miles per gallon. In the 5 years that I have own the van I have only put it in "instant MPG" a couple of time. It varies so much that the information it provides is useless. The average mpg is the most useful. Most of the time I do like stanford, leave it in miles to empty or on the compass and outside temp.
    I will be at my delearship tomorrow and will try to talk to one of the shop people (mechanic) and see if he can tell me something about the SOF since that is what I have order with the PSD. I realy don't want the shifter in the floor.
    (bunkski) Before you order the Dodge truck, talk to some who own them. I have and they do like them but several have had transmission replace several times and the bodies seem to not be as tight as the Ford. If the S
    OF is why you don't order a Frod, Why not order manual locking hubs and manual shifter.
    It is my understanding the you do't have to get out and lock the hubs on a SOF allyou have to do is punch the button.
    I will also be surprise if Ford has design such a heavy duty truck and then put plastic gears in it. I will be extremly upset after paying what the PSD is costing me and then find out I have a 10cent plastic gear that breaks.

    PS Still don't have build date yet.
  • mroffshoremroffshore Member Posts: 148

    I felt the same way about my instant mpg mode on the trip computer. I just realized because of this
    site, that I had this mode. I tried it yesterday and your right it's all over the place and useless in around the town driving. I just leave it on ave. MPG like you said and I know what I'm doing over the long run. I will say this, I found out because of this mode my highway MPG was much better then I thought. I'm doing almost 18 on the highway and ave, 16.2 with around town driving with the 7.3 CC, LB, Auto. The cap helped up the ave. also.

    Again in terms of the gears being plastic or cheap, if your a Ford engineer you should be ashamed to collect a pay check and if your managment you should be terminated if infact that is the case! I wonder if there is someone other then a dealership you could call to find out the truth about the SOF. When all the hoopla was going on about the hold up with the SOF in the spring, I was under the assumption it was because of hadware
    failure and replacement. Now I see several posts that contend it was a computer and/or chip problem. I never heard that before. A post from early May stated a hub coming apart at a dealership lot, or poping off during a demo by the salesman or something along those lines. Thats why I thought it was a hardware problem. Something was not holding the hubs in place properly or along those lines. I was no longer concerned because my reorder/truck was built in late June after the problem was supposed to be rectified.

    The bottom line is I have it, I wanted it and hopefully it will function and hold up as designed or advertised!!!!!

  • KEH4x4KEH4x4 Member Posts: 109
    I just lifted my Super Duty 5" in the front, and 2" in the rear. I also added 305/85R/16 Coyote tires. It sits level and tall, and looks awesome. The only problem is I need to re-aim my headlights. I see some torx screws under the hood behind the headlights. Are these the adjusters? Anyone know how to adjust the headlights, or know someone that does?
    Thanx, Ken
  • bfunfrulesbfunfrules Member Posts: 2
    Thank you's to the people who responded to my "camper package" question. I bought the truck on Sunday, and have been very pleased with it so far. Its a bright red, CC, short-bed 4 by 4, with the PSD. It rides smoother over bumps than the Explorer I traded it for, which is really amazing. I'll be trying it out towing my 22' trailer over some Cascade Mtn passed in a couple of weeks. I have a feeling it won't even notice the extra 4000 lbs behind it...Now, I've got to look for a nice cap and cab steps...
  • bigfur1bigfur1 Member Posts: 34
    Yes those torx behind the headlights are the adjusters. Are they inverted or normal torx? Either way there should be two on each side, one up/down the other left/right.
  • PepsiForeverPepsiForever Member Posts: 3
    Hey does anyone have any comments on the f-250 w/a diesel? We're thinking of getting a 99.
  • ddorffddorff Member Posts: 8

    There's already a wealth of information on the very general topic you're querying about. Please read all the responses on this thread (click "see all responses" near the top right of this page), and read all the responses on the other threads titled "Gas vs. Diesel", and "Super Duty Delivery Issues", and "Mileages".

    After that, I'm sure many here will be quite helpful in responding to any specific questions that you have that still be unanswered.
  • f150manf150man Member Posts: 42
    Has anyone installed the Ford module to control the idle speed of the diesel engine when parked? What has been your experience? I understand these are used for transmissions with PTO, also with rigs that needs lots of electricity ... like those with inverters or with heavy emergency light demands, or campers. I am just wondering if this is a worthwhile option to install after delivery.
  • smith6smith6 Member Posts: 11
    The Ford is the one modern truck with the hubs that lock out(I think). Why would you want this is because when you are driveing in two wheel drive with the hubs unlocked, the front wheels spin free of the entire front drive assembly. This saves on wear of the front universal joints, bearings, differential, and the front driveshaft. The next time you are driving down the highway in a car or low enough vehicle, look from the back at the front U-joints and you will see that GM and Dodge trucks have the u-joints spinning like mad and the Fords just sit still. That and a little better gas mileage(supposedly) are the reason that you may want unlockable hubs.
  • f150manf150man Member Posts: 42
    Took first trip in the SD on Thanksgiving Day as truck was only 12 hours "old" so to speak. It was a rainy day with ugly cross winds and the Crew Cab did get blown around a little. Traveled from Connecticut to Marblehead, just North of Boston. The trip was great, milage was over 20MPG (using on board computer) with PS Diesel, auto trans and 3.71 rear end in an F250. Only downside was that the streets of Boston and Marblehead are just a little narrow for a big rig. Also, all the construction for the BIG DIG did not help.... This is my 6th Ford truck and appears to be far and away the best of them all. PS When I drove by the local high school foootball game the refs called time out... but I am not sure if it was cause and effect or just cosmic coincidence:-)
  • dave40dave40 Member Posts: 582
    That FORD SUPER DUTY would look a lot better with a ghrome grill instead of that dull black one !
    Any after market replacements avalable ?
  • KEH4x4KEH4x4 Member Posts: 109
    Check out www.j-jent.com for a stainless steel grill. They quoted me a price of $250 or so (I think). A place in town sells them installed for $200. I like the way they go over your stock grill with no cutting, and the blue oval shows through.
  • dennis4dennis4 Member Posts: 47
    Lariats have a nice chrome grill.
  • f150manf150man Member Posts: 42
    I put the new F250 Super Duty, Crew Cab, with PS Diesel onto the truck scales yesterday and was one surprised dude! Truck weighed in at 6,500 pounds with no one on board. With 8,800 GVW that leaves a payload of 2,300. Ford literature shows a maximum payload of 3,310. That means either they were optimistic, or I have 1,000 pounds of accessories. This will put me marginal for adding a slide in camper. I will have to add air bags... and after some road time, may have to add extra springs to bring me up to the F350 rating.
    Still, no complaints.... this is one massive truck!
  • BrutusBrutus Member Posts: 1,113
    The PSD adds about 700 pounds over the gas engines. Even with the V-10, I opted for the duallys after researching the slide-in camper I bought. Most people don't realize that the weight restrictions play a much bigger role when it comes to slide-in campers than it does when it comes to fifth wheel or conventional towing. I know that I was not aware of it until I started researching it a little.
  • KEH4x4KEH4x4 Member Posts: 109
    If anyone is interested, I have pictures of my 99 Super Duty Crew Cab short bed 4x4 with a five inch front lift and a two inch rear lift and 36" tires posted. You can see them at:
    There are several large pictures, so it may take a while to load.
  • hawkpilothawkpilot Member Posts: 75
    Great looking truck! Nice pictures of it, too. The lift/tires really give the truck a nice stance. post more pictures as you add more goodies.

  • f150manf150man Member Posts: 42
    For those of you collecting trivia, the last few weeks of Ford production has moved the PS Diesel emblem off the front fender and back onto the doors. Being a Ford man, I hate to think they are copying Dodge?? Anyway it will now be easy to tell what blew by you on the highway.
  • KEH4x4KEH4x4 Member Posts: 109
    I wish they didn't stop making the highly polished rims. I have the dull XLT rims on mine. They don't look anywhere as good as the bright polished ones that were on the lots when I ordered mine.
  • rbpxwrbpxw Member Posts: 4
    After logging on to this site for the first time a few weeks ago, I wondered what could these guys talk about for 500+ posts and who would ever have enough time to read them all. Well, now I know. This site is a great resource. I haven't really changed my mind about which truck I want (F250,V10,4x4,CC,LB); just reconfirmed some of my assumptions. As you can imagine I don't have too many unanswered questions left, except....

    I noticed that many people have ordered or own a crew cab. When I was truck shopping the other day I realized that the rear seat in the new crew cabs are almost identical to the bench seat out of the regular cab pickups. I've never owned a crew cab before, but I was hoping (actually expecting) the rear seats to do something more than just lean forward. I was imagining a neat fold down maneuver like in extended cabs or at least enough room for a full size fridge. ;-). Am I missing something or is everybody else happy with the rear seat? Does anyone know of a source for an aftermarket seat with added functionality?

    Response to Llight post #410 from October:
    I can't really say as to how the long term ride is in the new SD as I don't own one yet, but I did find your account of finding a dealer interesting. I also live in the Seattle area and will be ordering a new SD this spring and I was wondering if you could comment on what, in general, was wrong with the first 9 dealers you went to (price, attitude, etc..) and which dealer you finally ended up buying from. At $300 over invoice, it sounds like you got a great deal.

    Every now and then I'll catch Motor Trend TV magazine on TNN on the weekends. The preview for next weekend's show claimed that they will be dyno testing the new F250 V-10. Also, I picked up a January copy of Four Wheeler magazine. In this edition they pick their own version of truck of the year. I wasn't as interested in the fact that the F-350 SD finished fifth out of five trucks in their testing as I was in their rear wheel torque and hp results. The V-10 finished only ~7% better than the 5.3L V-8 Vortec in the new Chevy. For some reason I was expecting a bigger difference. It would be interesting to see results from the 6.0L Vortec and the new Powerstroke.
  • dennis4dennis4 Member Posts: 47
    I have heard people being critical of Four Wheeler's editorials before, and now I understand why. Some of their "facts" are Foolish!
    Here are some of the "facts" from the article at

    "On the chassis dyno, we measured 341 lb.-ft. of torque at 2,000 rpm, with 200 peak horsepower at 3,500 rpm."

    200 HP and 341 ft/lbs of torque from the V10? I don't think so.
    and regarding their figures on the 7.3 diesel...

    "On the dyno, we found 245 horsepower at 2,500 rpm and 590 lb.-ft. of torque at 2,000 rpm. Our 4x2 full-size ran like a rocket off the line, turning mid-10s in the quarter-mile and leaving rubber on the ground for about 120 feet."

    Mid 10's in the quarter mile? They're saying that a 6600(?) lb, F350 pickup can beat a Viper and a Vette in a drag race?!

    "Compared head-to-head with the new V-10, the 4x2 Navistar truck was smoother, faster, and more comfortable around corners. Our guess is the front springs are relatively soft, and the extra diesel weight helps keep the frontend planted.
    In addition, our Powerstroke averaged well over 20 mpg, all of it in the city. As to respective weight, the diesel Crew cab weighed 20 pounds more than the V-10 Crew Cab..."

    The diesel handled better? and weighed almost the same?
    That article is highly misleading and at times completly wrong. Don't take that writer's (Mark Williams) info and opinion very seriously.

  • AirwolfAirwolf Member Posts: 142
    Nice truck! The pictures are nice, and she looks like she's a blast to drive. I'm more into the details than some, so:
    1) What type and manufacturer of lift (or lifts) did you get?
    2) Where did you get it/them?
    3) How much did you pay for the lift and install?
    4) Did you have to worry about backspacing the wheels at all?

    Thanks, and again, nice truck.

  • mroffshoremroffshore Member Posts: 148

    Do you have a long or short bed? Lariat or XL?
    I have the LB Lariat.

    I'm curious just to compare my milage with yours.
    I think my ave. is 17.5 between highway and town. I am still playing with my trip computer. When I reset it the other day for the first time, the milage changed rapidly. I am assuming it is functioning properly. It will show about 19.5-20 MPG when first reset on the highway. If I leave it alone, it gives me what I believe is the ave. MPG between the highway and around town which has been 17.5 or so.

    Any thoughts?

  • cdeancdean Member Posts: 1,110
    The 4-wheeler article seemed like a pretty good article to me, until the powerstroke part. before that, all the arguments and numbers seemed reasonable and objective, but i don't know how a powerstroke will run 10 sec quarter. i'm hoping that was a misprint and it was supposed to be 10 sec 0-60.
  • BrutusBrutus Member Posts: 1,113
    mroffshore, I've been resetting the trip computer avg mpg after each tank, so I can compare how my mpg changes from tank to tank. When you hit the two buttons at the same time when you're looking at the avg mpg, it resets to zero and then quickly climbs back up to what you are getting right then. It usually takes a couple of miles on the highway before it levels off. I've reset it while at a stop at the gas station and while I'm traveling at highway speeds. If you never reset it, you'll just get the average mpg since you bought the truck.
  • tom50tom50 Member Posts: 14
    Stuck w/o limited slip:

    Any reason why Ford does not offer a limited slip diff. with an auto. trans. in Calif. on a 4x4 250 SD extended cab? Limited slip is not available with the emissions pkg required in CA. LS is available, however, with a manual trans with an axle ratio of 4.3 on the V-10. This small, but significant, inadequacy is forcing me to consider a Dodge. Ford really screwed up on this one!
  • stanfordstanford Member Posts: 606

    Why toss out a truck because of one easily-replacable feature? Have the dealer give you a price that includes a limited slip rearend that they install (and they should give you a break on that price to get your business) as the final truck price?

    The reason that Ford doesn't offer it at the moment is that California requires every powertrain combination to be seperately tested and licensed. This costs Ford a lot of money, which in turn is passed on as part of the truck price. If they determine that the vast majority of purchasers aren't going to buy an option, they may not pay to test it (at least initially).
  • mroffshoremroffshore Member Posts: 148

    Thanks for that info! In fact it was because of one of your post's 2 weeks ago that I realized the truck had that feature. I thought I should be ave. more then 16.2 MPG. The fuel seemed to be lasting much longer then the trip computer indicated. I never read that part of the manual.

    For the weight of that truck, tow pkg, hitch, L bed, fiberglass cap, 4x4, CC, lariat pkg, ect to get 20 MPG on the higway and ave 17.5 with around town, that to me is very good! I also believe it will still get better.

    Thanks, Mroffshore
  • f150manf150man Member Posts: 42
    My super duty is a short bed lariat model. I am only on my second tank of Diesel fuel so I cant speak off milage with much data... but the first tank was 80% higway and it was at 20 mpg. So far, to tool around town does not seen to hurt the MPG too much but I would like to get 2000 miles or so before I say for sure. I also want to compare the onboard computer against my own math each time I fill up. I can tell you I am getting better milage than my 1997 F150 with a small V8!
    While I am happy with the milage and the PS Diesel, I would have to say I am more happy with the entire package that Ford put together in this Super Duty. this truck just works, it makes sense, and it certainly is a head turner in the Crew Cab model.
    PS I purchased a white over gold model and I compare it to Moby Dick on the beach.... when I come out of a mall it is no challenge to find that sucker in the lot.
  • f150manf150man Member Posts: 42
    I had the fold down rear seat in my last three F150's. But with the Crew Cab I do not miss it at all. I was a little worried before delivery.... but after using the truck.... I find the storage behind the rear seat to be just fine. I did install a diamond plate saddle tool box in the bed.... so maybe that is meeting my needs??
    I do wish Ford left a little more room to insert your hand to trip the back seat latch. I do not have big hands and it is a challenge to operate that latch. But I can live with it.
  • KEH4x4KEH4x4 Member Posts: 109
    My lift was made by a local spring/suspension company that has been in business over 50 years. They are Valley Spring in Phoenix Arizona. I paid $825 including Dick Cepek shocks installed.
    I didn't do anything for backspacing, but the tires will barely rub the front lef springs on full right turns sometimes. When it is stationary, they have about 1/4 inch of clearance at full turn. But when moving sometimes you can make them rub lightly, but only on right turns. But it is no problem, just remember when parking or whatever, when you turn sharply to the right, just back the wheel of just a tad. I don't see an adjustable stop on the front axle like most 4x4s have. I may look into a spacer (perhaps 1/4 inch) that goes between the wheel and hub someday, but it really isn't anything urgent.
  • tom50tom50 Member Posts: 14
    Dear Stanford:

    Thanks for the reply. Not only did you answer why the LS was not offered with the auto. trans, but you provided a very logical solution to the problem. Thanks again!
  • mroffshoremroffshore Member Posts: 148

    Did I see some where that you have two wheel drive. I do have 4X4 which I'm sure also adds some extra weight. I also agree with you on the room you have to work with inorder to trip the rear seat release. I have lg hands and it's a fight to get to that release. But you live with it.

  • f150manf150man Member Posts: 42
    Yes, I have 2wd. With a truck that weighs in at 6500 lbs. w/o me on board, I can't believe I will be lacking any traction in the granite of New England.
    FYI my rig is a F250 Super Duty, PS Diesel, Crew Cab, Lariat, White over Tan, Short Bed, Auto Trans, 608A Pref Equip Pkg, Trialer towing, Privacy Glass, Trailer hitch/towing pkg, Chrome rear step, Roof lights, CD player, sliding rear window, 3.73 rear end, & sliding rear window. I think that is it.... OH YEA list price at $35,630 with destination charges included. Factory discounts bring it to 34,225. All this info is off the window sticker.... memory says I paid about 30 to 31 for it... before the trade in.
    Hope this helps.
    Got to change my handle to F250SDman:-)
  • zoom2zoom2 Member Posts: 3
    Has anyone had problems with water entering the air cleaner on the PSD during heavy rain?
  • LlightLlight Member Posts: 4
    Hi rbpxw,

    Regarding Seattle area dealers, we've been through the mill! We actually live on the Olympic Peninsula, but as you probably know, it's easier to say you live in Seattle. We started close to us - Bay Ford in Port Orchard and then hit Parr in Bremerton. We had an appt with Bay regarding the Costco program and we waited for the specific Costco rep to help us for two hours before we walked. Parr lost our business too since they only wanted to give us 1/2 of the wholesale value of our trade. Then, in no particular order, Evergreen in Issaquah didn't want to deal (even though they were dealing all over on diesels but no go on V-10's), Bill Pierre in Lake City didn't seem too interested in selling us anything, Titus Will in Tacoma waited too long to get back to us and didn't give us a great offer on our trade, Mallon in Tacoma ticked us off the moment we got out of our car when the 13-year old salesman said "just looking"? (my question was, did it matter?), the Gig Harbor Ford salesman hardly gave us the time of day because we weren't buying right now, and I can't remember who else. We ended up back closer to home at Courtesy in Poulsbo and it was pretty painless. Jeff Rusho, the manager gave us a decent price for our trade and hardly blinked an eye when we told him we wanted $300 over invoice like the Costco/internet deals. He didn't ask for anything down, we didn't sign anything but we did get in writing what he would give us for our trade and the $300 over invoice. I call him about once a week to check on the status and he doesn't mind a bit that I "bug" him on a regular basis. The latest is that the order was to have been pulled this week, but we don't have a VIN yet. We ordered it October 10 and there was some hold up from Ford on the AM/FM/cassette/CD player but apparently stock is back up to where it should be. We're anxiously awaiting our truck! Good luck to you, I think you'll like Courtesy's low key/not pushy approach.
  • KEH4x4KEH4x4 Member Posts: 109
    You people in the Seattle are are not the only ones to get dealers that don't want your business. In Arizona, I went to a total of 9 dealerships. 3 of them wouldn't even give me a price on an ordered truck. They only want to sell a truck TODAY. One of them even said that they didn't know the price on a truck until it comes in. None of the dealerships would give me more than $1000 UNDER the wholesale blue book on my 97 F150 SC 4x4 with 18,000 miles. And the dealer that I bought my Super Duty didn't return my calls after I ordered, and tried to fleece an extra $900 out of me at delivery.
    I talked with someone in Fla, that was experiencing the same type of attitude. No wonder some people are trading in their Blue Ovals for little boys bowties. The head Honchos at Ford need to go around the country and start doing some surprise anonymous inquiries about Super Duties and start kicking some asses.
  • rbpxwrbpxw Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for the reply. We have only talked to few dealers, but most of them had no problem ordering for us; however, we haven't tried to negotiate a price on an ordered truck either. One was willing to try to find us a truck in stock at another dealership that he could trade for so we could avoid the wait, even if he had to go to Idaho or Montana. We also had something similar to KEH4x4's and your experience at Evergreen Ford; they really wanted to sell you a truck, as long as it was one sitting in their lot. If we buy from Courtesy we might just pick up the truck and head straight out to the coast for a week with it.
  • SdwolffSdwolff Member Posts: 7
    I have a question? I am trying to decide between the Cummins turbo diesel and the navistar diesel. What kind of mileage does the navistar get with the 6 spd manual tranny? Then also what mileage does the Cummins with the 5 spd manual get?

    Another question is how reliable is the navistar I have heard lots of negatives from people around here? My parents have a 95 Dodge with the cummins and are pretty happy so far with it.
    Thank you for your time.
    Sean Wolff "The Jailbird"
  • blightblight Member Posts: 22
    I have another point about that fourwheeler article. They compared a Chevy with a 4.56 rear end to the Ford with a 3.73. If you compensate for the differences between the rear ends, the Ford with the 4.30 would probably have out performed the Chevy in every test. It looks to me like they stacked the deck against Ford. I don't read them much, do they usually favor Chevy?

    I have always preferred GM products over Ford (in fact my wife usually calls me the GM poster child), but I had to order a Ford this time. Chevy just wasn't able to make what we needed, when we needed it. Ford was supposed to have picked up our order last week. We are getting the F250SD, V-10, supercab, LB, XLT, 3.73LS, black and decked out.
This discussion has been closed.