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Chrysler 300 Alignment Issues



  • smayericsmayeric Member Posts: 6
    I have had my car at the dealer 4 times for tire wear and pull right issues. I asked the dealer to check the alignment and they "found the vehicle to be in spec." The dealer printed out the alignment specs and told me to go to a tire dealer to claim the tires. I printed out the service bulletin which is supposed to correct the pull right issue and compared the alignment specs with what the dealer printed out from the alignment rack. The allowable toe on the front of the 300 is 0-.10 degrees at each front wheel. The dealer sheet showed my car at .3 degrees left front and .3 degrees right front which is clearly out of spec. Finally after the fourth time at the dealer, the service manager agreed the car was out of spec and I have an appointment on Friday to have it put back in spec and aligned to service bulletin specifications to correct the pull right issue. They still won't replace my tires even after I showed them the alignment was WRONG. I'll be sure to let everyone know the results on Friday. Hopefully the problem will be resolved.
  • baddawgscbaddawgsc Member Posts: 15
    Good Luck on Friday. Guess we were at least lucky that the first set of replacement tires were free of charge (although the fronts are feathering pretty good again) Hope that the TSB solves your problem. We had the most recent one done and still have problem (it did show a slight improvement) We are still trying to get someone to put it on a machine--we would LOVE to have this car fixed--if at all possible. I would continue to fight for the tires. Let us know how things go and we will do the same.
  • gagugagu Member Posts: 4
    AHHHH-HA! It seems to me that all Chrysler Service Centers are prepaired with the same line of bull-loney to keep owners from a class action law suit. My dealer refuses to put the car on the rack to test their own work. My service center refuses to give me any specs on the car because they know that it will prove that they are WRONG! I dont have to touch the wheel to make a lane change nor do I have to touch the wheel to make a right turn...cause as per the dealer...its the crown in the road. I was unaware that New Jersey roads where built on mt everest like ranges that sloped to the right. We havent heard anything from the lawyers yet, they sent out paperwork to chrysler today letting them know that we plan to sue the pants off of them. Hopefully things get exciting from here cause I dont wanna hear one more excuse. The service centers try so hard to convince you that you are crazy and what you hear, see, or experience is not what is actually happening. Dont get frustrated, get a lawyer. They are not concearned for you safety, they just want to make a buck. Ill keep you posted on what happens. Im sure I will get a call from the service center claiming they can fix my car and legal action is not necessary.
  • dennisfedennisfe Member Posts: 12
    My 300 C had been in 3 times for pulling to the right. When the DM came he did the alignment. The car does not pull at all to the right anymore.
    As for the tires, I think there was a problem with the tires themselves. I called Continental and spoke to them. They sent me 4 new tires. The new tires have a deeper tread and seemed to have a harder rubber. I am very satisfied with what Chrysler has done and also Continental.
    This whole operation took 28,000 miles and 8 months, but now it is done.
    I hope you all can get the type of service that Chrysler has done and also Dave Mower from the Chrysler District Office.
  • baddawgscbaddawgsc Member Posts: 15
    I Wish that we had the same type of Luck with Chrysler. Chrysler Customer Service has tried to be helpful, but, Ultimately the decision falls into the DSM's hands. We have been dealing with this since August (less then 2 weeks after the delivery of the car) and for the less than 12,000 miles we have put on it (we bought a demo with 5,400 miles on it) Glad to hear of a Success Story. Wish I had one of my own to share.
  • baddawgscbaddawgsc Member Posts: 15
    We are in the same boat (a quickly sinking one it seems) We have put less than 250 miles on this car since the last 2 attempts to correct this problem (150+ of those miles were put on by dealership road tests and 2 trips home and back to the dealer) The car has been at the dealership or sitting in our driveway since the 11th of April, so we know how you feel. Please keep us up-to-date on how things go and we will do the same.
  • col_10022col_10022 Member Posts: 18
    Good luck finding a lawyer that will work on lemon law cases on contingency unless it is so obvious that you would actually be better off paying per hour.
  • evilgrecoevilgreco Member Posts: 40
    What are you talking about? ALL the Lemon Law lawyers here in Mass work that way. No money out of my pocket and the manufacturer pays MY legal fees. Search: Lemon Laws in Massachusetts on the web.

    Car in for the 5th and final time per Chryslers lawyers. They wanted to try and fix it one more time....and all they did was ANOTHER alignement! What are they thinking, the first 4 didn't work, why would the 5th! Stupid waste of time, but it only helps my case.
  • smayericsmayeric Member Posts: 6
    Had dealership set alignment to the TSB settings. Car still has a VERY slight pull to right which I have agreed results from road crown. Car drives straight as an arrow on flat surfaces. My suggestion...make the dealership provide copies of the Hunter Alignment machine printouts. This way there can be no questioning whether the vehicle is right or not. I'm satisfied with the fix.
  • evilgrecoevilgreco Member Posts: 40
    After my 3rd alignment it felt like it was fixed, then a day later it went back to the right pull. I have had it....it is going to court. My lawyer is about to end this aggrevation for me. I WISH they fixed my car, I really do love the way the car looks, and besides the pull, it runs great. Oh well. Off to find a CTS.
  • evilgrecoevilgreco Member Posts: 40
    Does anyone with a 2006 300 Chrysler have the pull to the right problem or any of the other issues we have seen on the forums here? Please post if you do. Thanks.
  • paul138paul138 Member Posts: 31

    I also have been trying to get an answer if the pulling problem has
    been corrected on the 06 models.I have tried unsucessfully with
    Chysler(corporate).Two dealers have said the problem was corrected
    (but of course what else are they going to say)).I was hoping to find some type
    of documentation that states the problem was identified and corrected.
    BUT then of course Chrysler probabaly does not want to admit there
    was even a problem.If i could be convinced they made changes and corrected
    this problem I would buy a 300 today...If i hear of anything definitive i will
    let you know.
  • jeepjeep Member Posts: 86
    I'm not sure what the relevence is. Many, including myself have never had the right pull issue. Mine was built early May, 2004. I guess the real question should be: Why do some have problems, and why don't others?
  • evilgrecoevilgreco Member Posts: 40
    The fact that some have it and some don't make it a bigger problem. If it was all 2005 300's then they could pinpoint the problem easier, but since it is only some (I am guessing about 10% of the 300 & Magnums ) it makes it easier for Chrysler to say that there isn't a problem and not do anything different in the building of the 2006s.

    I also think this problem increases as you drive the car. I know someone that has a 300C and it was fine, and after a few 1000 miles, it started to happen, and got worse. They have done the aligment issue several times, with no fix. So 2 months from now, you may start to feel the pull too.

    It's too late for me, my lawyer is taking this into the final stages of a buy-back, but I want others to know what to look for and not got thru the hell that I, and many others, have dealt with.

    :lemon: :lemon: :lemon:
  • bobaybobay Member Posts: 4
    I have the pull to the right problem. I have only 389 miles on the car. I am taking the car in for service for the 2nd time on Monday. When I took the car in last week, I was told that the 05's had the same problem. You would think that they would drive the car, and fix any problems prior to delivery when you pay over $40,000.00 for the car. I guess I should have waited the 8 weeks for the Toyota Avalon with the new body style. :lemon:
  • bobaybobay Member Posts: 4
    :lemon: :lemon: :lemon: I took my 06 300 C HEMI, in for the front end pulling to the right on 6/7/05. I got the car back on 6/8, the car was worse the it was when I took in in. The service dept told me that the 06's are having the same problem as the 05's had, pulling to the right. One good thing, if they can't fix it we can always lemon law it. :lemon: :lemon:
  • joeg6joeg6 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2005 Chrysler 300 that had the same problem within a couple weks after I drove it off of the dealers lot. After I returned it to the dealers service center they took care of the problem. The service manager informed me that the REAR END was out of alignment, not the front end. The problem was corrected and haven't had any further problem with it pulling to the right. Note: My 300 is a rear wheel drive. Hope this helps you.
  • bobaybobay Member Posts: 4
    I took my 06 300C HEMI in for the 2nd time in 2 weeks because they didn't fix it the first time. This time they added air to the front tires. I now have 37lbs in the front, and 30 lbs in the back. I guess I need to call chrysler and the tire company to verify that the air pressure change will not void my tire warranty. :sick: :confuse: :blush: :lemon:
  • tctexastctexas Member Posts: 3
    I just picked up my 300 on Saturday. The problem still exists, mine pulled to the right badly. Tested it on roads with croned roads and flat roads and even on roads croned to the left. All drifted to the right. I'm bringing in on monday to install TSB 0200304 a change in chamber bolts. If this isn't fixed they can have there car back.
  • evilgrecoevilgreco Member Posts: 40
    :lemon: :lemon:
    It isn't a Rear Aligment problem either, at least in my case, and many others. That has been checked 4 out of my FIVE, yes FIVE aligments.

    Now I know the the 2006 aren't worth it either from some of the above posts. I will never by DM again.
    :lemon: LAW
    :lemon: LAW
    :lemon: LAW

    I've know a good company that is Lemon Law specialits...email me for the info if you are in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Massachusetts and Maryland.

  • evilgrecoevilgreco Member Posts: 40
    Had the TSB 0200304, done, the PREVIOUS pull TSB done, AND had the Bolts changed....I hate to tell you, but it doesn't fix it. None of it does, and they will keep giving you the run around. We really need to start a Class Action here. Anyone know where to begin?
  • baddawgscbaddawgsc Member Posts: 15
    Just an up date on our Pull To The Right Problem
    If you remember a few weeks back the DSM drove the car, but, would not put on the machine for us...we were told it was perfect and our selling dealer and other local dealers could not work on car.(or at least anything that related to the alignment) we drove it home and parked it in driveway until we found someone to take it in.
    We found a DC Dealer (not Chrysler, but, Jeep) that agreed to look at our vehicle.
    Guess what they found???
    7 out of 8 points on the alignment readings on the front end (according to the TSB) were not within specs. This is a little far from perfect.
    Also, the inner tie-rod end was bad (can't even align when it is like this, so not sure what the other dealer did) had to replace, which requires the entire steering rack to be changed.
    after we received it back alignment was better, but, still not within TSB Specs and pulling. we brought back and they re-aligned. We had to pay for the alignment. When I called DC, I was told that a TSB is not a recall. (Duh!!) But you think with all the alignment issues that they would have covered it. They said that if the alignment was not done properly by my selling dealer who had just done it with the DC Tech Rep., I should have brought it back to them and not to this other dealer :confuse: . I guess that they forgot that they told me that I could not go back to them or maybe they had changed their mind.
    Also they said they will not replace tires again, that it is continental's problem
    and of course continental said there is no warranty because of the alignment issues.
    Now we are again waiting (not holding our breath) for the DC Lemon Law Dept. to call back. They told us 7- 10 days on the first. No call by Thursday and I will mail the arbitration check in. We have already been accepted, just need to pay the fee and set the date.
    p.s. pull is better, but, still there
  • decker3decker3 Member Posts: 10
    Attention all 300 owners who have a pulling problem to the right, Chrysler has bought my car back after one year of fighting. We have no lemon law in Canada but we do have arbitration though CAMVAP and I won my case as the vehicle was defective when manufactured. I also wanted to purchase a 2006 300 when my 2005 was returned, but when I test drove it, it also pulled to the right. Beautiful car but not worth the problems!! Keep fighting for your rights, you purchased a new car, not a repairable car which can not be repaired :sick: :P
  • jeepjeep Member Posts: 86
    I still can't understand it. My "C" which was mfg. last May is fine, as well as numerous other ones. Why is it that some are having the pulling problem and not all? It appears that some must have gotten some out of spec parts when built, no?
  • decker3decker3 Member Posts: 10
    I am not sure why some cars pull and some cars don't, it also has sometime thing to do with the tolerance of the driver as well. I made a point of speaking with 300 owners when I seen them beside there car, most people were experiencing the same thing but they were told different things by the selling dealer. Many people don't know how serious the problem really is as they are being told it is an alignment problem, tire problem, sensitive crown problem etc. most people do not pursue the issue but once the warranty is over you stand on your own. The suggested fix to the pulling problem is shifting the cradle which tricks the car by making it pull to the left to compensate the pull to the right, but what effect does that have on the rest of the car. The cradle holds the motor, steering componets, suspension etc. once shifted the the drive shaft is out of line with the rear end which may cause future problems with the u-joints, premature tire wear, premature front end wear. Chrysler is not sure of the problem, if they were, it would be fixed. On my 300 Touring if you took your hand off the steering wheel for a brief second or you were not paying 100% attention you were heading for the ditch. My wife refused to drive the car, she felt it was unsafe as you always steering the vehicle to the left to compensate for the pull, it was like following a drunk driver as you were all over the road.
  • m1miatam1miata Member Posts: 4,551
    Does anyone, including Chrysler know why the car pulls to the right?
    This seems so strange. It is happening in new 2006 models too, I guess.
    My cousin just rented a new 300 with few miles on it and it pulls to the right.
    He was going to let the rental agency know about the alignment, so I told
    him about this weird problem they are having with the car. I guess it is the
    most common complaint here - or is it?

    Other than this issue, would you say that most people are satisfied with the

  • mike_sp1mike_sp1 Member Posts: 43
    Dunno if this will help at all since I am new to this group, but I found a TSB #0200304,dated March 12, 2005 entitled: Right lead/revised alignment specs,2005-2006 Chrysler 300/Charger/Magnum. Its National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration number is 10013692

    While I can find listings and real brief summaries of TSB's and recalls on Edmunds.com, AllData and the NHTSA Web sites, I cannot find any details of these TSB's and Recalls. Is there anywhere to locate more details on these TSB's and recalls -- free? (I am cheeeep)

  • ecampbellecampbell Member Posts: 2
    I had the same problems with a Dodge 2500. pulled to the left from day one. They replaced everything on the left side of the vehicle - nothing helped. I gave up after about 8 visits and just lived with it. Eventually, it pissed me off to where I tore it apart myself. Turned out that the problem was not an over-zealous left brake, but a weak right one! I replaced the caliper on the right and it has been stopping straight for the last 80,000 miles. Maybe it is the same with yours. Good luck!
  • dickrindickrin Member Posts: 4
    I took my 2005 touring 300 to the dealer and told them about the tech bulletin to correct the right pull....I guess they tried but it still pulls...but not all the time. there are a few road surfaces that allow the car to drive straight as an arrow.--go figure. it almost feels like a steering sensitivity issue. need to take it back to the dealer but my wife just won't give it up for a day.
  • yositoyosito Member Posts: 55
    Engine cradle!!!
  • greyfox1greyfox1 Member Posts: 28
    I think you meant to say steering cradle. Am quite sure that the engine mounts have nothing to do with the pull to the right problem.
  • lornadoonelornadoone Member Posts: 5
    greyfox1, could you elaborate on why you say "Am quite sure..." ? I'm just now starting my own odyssey with pull-to-the-right problems, and have read every post re: this problem. Some of the posts clearly say that one of the fixes is to mess with the engine cradle. Of course, there are all kinds of downsides to this. If you've gone down this path and it didn't help, that would be helpful to know.
  • kevm14kevm14 Member Posts: 423
    If there is a front subframe, the engine AND front suspension may be attached to the same "piece." That would explain the confusion. But on the 300, I'm not sure the "engine cradle" is really what's being modified.
  • greyfox1greyfox1 Member Posts: 28
    Thanks for your answer. I believe it is correct and much clearer than the one that I replied with.
  • djv59djv59 Member Posts: 4
    I took my car to 3 dealers for the right pull problem. Finally the third dealer simply told me that they didn't have the latest alignment equipment to correct the problem. All these other dealers are just guessing at sliding the cradle left or right. I was told who had the right equipment (a Dodge dealer) and went there. Problem confirmed, diagnosed, and solved in an hour! Make sure your problem isn't road crown first!!!
  • ford624ford624 Member Posts: 75
    Chrysler Corp. told the dealership where I have my car serviced what to do to fix the pulling to the right on my 300 C.
    I picked the car up Friday and drove it home on hwy 280 from Woodside Road to San Jose, it steers GREAT now.
    So, have your dealership contact Chrysler Corp., they know what to do.
    I also believe it was a simple fix.
  • chirodoc1chirodoc1 Member Posts: 4
    Hey ford624: Very happy to hear that you have had the right pull issue resolved, please tell me the name of the dealership where the service was done. I feel my dealership is a little slow to respond to new stuff. Thanks :)
  • ford624ford624 Member Posts: 75
    The dealership that fixed my front-end steering problems in a very timely manner after consulting with the Chrysler Corporation is Boardwalk; in Redwood City, Calif.
  • beerchampbeerchamp Member Posts: 4
    My 2006 300 limited now has 6000 miles on it. I've read alot of posts telling of a pulling to the right problem. Mine never did this until recently- Its not bad but you need to correct a little. I don't think its road crown(?), is something loosening up or what? Question to owners who had it fixed- was the pull from day 1 or did it get worse over time. Where are the problems on 2005 models only? I hate going to the dealer- so right now I'm putting up with the little annoyance.
  • goofytimlgoofytiml Member Posts: 41
    Our 2005 300C has only been "ours" for a little more than two weeks, but it drives straight and true. I haven't reviewed the maintenance history from the previous owner to know whether a "pull" was corrected with this vehicle within the first year of ownership.

    However, we purchased our T&C AWD van from this same dealer 11 years ago, and in short order I became convince that they didn't know what they were doing with respect to alignment. With the van I had noticed a slight pull and significant tire wear within the first few thousand miles, and took it to an alignment specialty shop in which I have great confidence from prior experience. Somewhat later, I took it back to the dealer to tell them what the alignment place had told me about the poor alignment.

    The dealership realigned the car as a result (I hadn't really asked them to) and I watched again. Sure enough, same characteristics... took it back to the specialty alignment shop and will take the 300C there if this trouble crops up. I have no trouble going to the dealership for routine service and maintenance items related to the engine or transmission, but I won't be going there for alignment.
  • tinwhistletinwhistle Member Posts: 4
    Several weeks ago, I had this identical problem. When I told the Chrysler dealer, i was FLOORED. The factory had input the wrong parameters into the machine that aligns the wheels and so, I got a wheel alignment for free. And I had over 9,000 miles on the car. They are standing behind this one.

    All the best,

  • alrobinson6022alrobinson6022 Member Posts: 2
    I having the same trouble with my 2005 300. It's pulling to the right. Thanks for this info. I guess the alignment fixed it huh?
  • cjefferiescjefferies Member Posts: 3
    Bought an 05 300C in Dec 2004. Car pulled to right from day one. August this year I got totally aggravated with left wrist aching from constant correction. Dealer did decent job adjusting camber to absolute maximum but still pulling though not so bad. Dealer advises only fix is non chrysler kit but Chrysler District Mgr says car within factory tolerances and therefore OK. I'd like him to be there when they pull the car out of the ditch ! I can't put non chrysler kit onto car without skewing warranty. Am considering going legal after an independent assessor's report. anyone have any input?
  • cjefferiescjefferies Member Posts: 3
    I posted a brief history of my pulling to right issue earlier today (Dec 12th). My Dealer did the engine cradle adjustment without any success. They adjusted the camber to the max with a little success but still a problem. Chrysler have given up on me so I'm starting to get reactionary.
  • decker3decker3 Member Posts: 10
    I took Chrysler to arbitration and won, Chrysler was force to buy back car, you can go to my profile and email me, I will send you the arbitration report, car was deemed unsafe for the road by a automotive structural engineer :lemon: :lemon: :cry:
  • decker3decker3 Member Posts: 10
    Adjusting the cradle does not help, it may calm the pull but creates a whole new batch of problems, by moving the cradle they are creating a pull to the left to offset the pull to the right in turn creating premature tire wear problems, misalignment of the drive line which can cause transmission drive shaft and rear end problems, steering etc, again you can go to my profile and email me, i will send the whole report from the arbitrator, the independant mechanical report, and the award for buy back, after one year Chrysler walked away from me and my $45,000.00 piece of garbage.
  • youtellmeyoutellme Member Posts: 14
    I have a 300 that is being bought back buy Chrysler. Did you have to pay any money for the miles that was on the car? :confuse: :lemon:
  • martin17martin17 Member Posts: 1
    My 2006 300 does not pull to either side, however the left front tire (9000 miles)is worn flat on the outside. A true sign of alignment problems. (Wierd.only one tire has severe wear)...Dealer states this is a 'known' problem with Continental tires and that they will last only for 20,000 miles. All they can do is rotate them every 6000 miles for me. They refused to check the alignment before I get 12000 miles. They rotated at 10000 and did not bring the worn tire to my attention....(because to them..that is what happens with the tires Chrysler approved to put on 300s.they call it feathering)
  • cjefferiescjefferies Member Posts: 3
    I'm reading through old posts re the pulling to the right problem. I posted in early December. Has anyone had any success with correcting the issue - camber adjustment, cradle shift, alignments etc all failed for me. I don't particularly want to get into a buy-back situation but do want to know if Chrysler are just burying their heads in the sand over this whole thing. someone mentioned a class-action suit - has that picked up any support as yet?
  • decker3decker3 Member Posts: 10
    I lost a total of $10,000.00, I did not get freight PDIcharges back, lost on undercoating and paint sealant and $6,500.00 file mileage. but I did use the car for one year and put on 30,000 kilometers. great value for the dollar but just way to many problems, car was in the shop more than on the road
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