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Volvo C70 Convertible Top Problems

lemennlemenn Member Posts: 89
Roof down I noticed these plastic cover with 2 "bumps"/abnormalities.

Roof up I don't see them because it seems to be the locations of the left back "pillar".

Roof down it looks there were some stress on this plastic cover.

stress on left plastic cover


  • lemennlemenn Member Posts: 89
    I try to find out where to look at regarding the potential stains on cover.

    Can someone post a picture?

    Here are some but I doubt that any of these rubber protections are creating the potential problem.

    Rubber protection with roof inside the trunk in low position.
    Rubber protection with roof inside the trunk in low position.

    Rubber protection with roof inside the trunk in high position. You can see the roof is touching slightly the rubber, but for now no problem.

    Rubber protection with roof inside the trunk in high position. You can see the roof is touching slightly the rubber, but for now no problem.

    Another rubber bumper with obviously some stress on it, but again I cannot detect a problem, this must be normal.

    Another rubber bumper with obviously some stress on it, but again I cannot detect a problem, this must be normal.

    Another rubber bumper but everything looks OK.

    Another rubber bumper but everything looks OK.
  • grsubgrsub Member Posts: 13
    Can you pan out on this photo to give us a better idea of where this plastic abnormality is located.
  • lemennlemenn Member Posts: 89
    OK now I found the famous potential round bumpers stain creators.

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    These are the two bumpers, and you can only see them if you stop the closing /opening process.

    Looking carefully these bumpers are not touching the plastic cover (few millimetters away) and should not create stains.

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Here is the plastic cover where the stains should appears if they exist. Not on mine until now...
  • guestguest Member Posts: 770
    You are 100% right on the stain problem that I had.They are the bumpers that the technician adjusted the cover away from when it is riding on them to silence the noise of cover bouncing when the top is closed. Mine were riding ON the cover which is much lighter color than yours. It is almost same color as the inside lining of your trunk shown in picture of bumpers. The stains came out as almost a brown stain because of chemical reaction from bumpers.

    The technician placed a temporary tape over my bumpers with a slick cloth side which would rest on cover in case they touched each other and so far I have seen no circles as before. He said that as soon as dealer received the correct tape they would replace the temporary tape on mine.

    I was surprised that yours did not have any tape on them. They must have changed the composition of bumpers or else the space between the two has been the problem all along.
    Mine as stated were riding directly on cover all the time with top up before he adjusted them.
  • ilyily Member Posts: 1
    Those marks on the quarter panel are caused by the rear headliner being too low. It's a very common problem for Volvo C70-cars. In coupé mode the headliner should not touch the quarter panel. There is supposed to be a small gap between them. Marks as deep as the ones on the picture probably can't be removed entirely; at least not the one on the edge. The quarter panel would have to be replaced. You could probably make them look a bit better using a hot air pistol, by heating them up carefully from a bit of a distance, then applying some pressure to them with your fingers. Unless something is done about the rear headliner the marks will probably return, though.
  • henkbwhenkbw Member Posts: 22
    Hi Lemenn

    I had the same marks on that panel. It is made by the roof in closed position. I took the car back to the dealer, he send it back to the importer. They've got special trained personnel for repairing/adjusting the roof. They replaced the panel and re-adjusted the roof. The car was away for a week. During that week I got a V50 (with a fully filled gas tank) for usage. After the repair the roof was working fine. They also did some software-updates ("puppy-sound" !!). And of course, it was all for free (I didn't even had to pay for the gas).

    So, before doing something you might regret, contact your dealer:)

  • lemennlemenn Member Posts: 89
    Hi henkbw,

    Thank you for the info. Unfortunately I don't see myself asking to change this part to my dealership unless it is really distroyed which is not the case yet.

    I really missed the good customer service you have in the USA.
  • henkbwhenkbw Member Posts: 22
    Hi Lemenn

    For your info:
    I live in the Netherlands (yes, Europe).
    And the car's panel wasn't destroyed neither. It only had two small dents, just like the ones you have (according to your photo). They've tried to repair it, but weren't satisfied with the results. So, they replaced the whole panel (and re-adjusted the roofmechanism).
    Maybe you should be more persistent. After all, you paid a lot of money for the car. And Volvo always give up highly about their customer-friendliness. So, let them prove that.


  • lemennlemenn Member Posts: 89
    Hi henkbw,

    I will probably try next week end, but my dealership is very new in town. They have only been around one year. It is a subsidiary of a bigger dealership located one hour away.
    They are selling Volvo, Subaru and Suzuki like the big dealership. When they have to work on my Subaru, they have to send it to the big dealership because they don't have all the tools. It is basically 2 sales people and 1 main mechanic/customer service person + maybe 1 or 2 technicians and 1 secretary.

    3 months ago, we had our 97 subaru legacy outback limited that we brought back from California for a complete 10 years check up. One of the things was to control the airbags and everything went fine. After 10 years we have nothing to do on this car. But we are still waiting for the certificate confirming everything is fine with the airbags, and that after more than 3 requests.

    Just to show that the customer is not always the king like we say.
  • volvo_drivervolvo_driver Member Posts: 34
    Hi, I have experienced twice now a warning regarding the top. The scenarios have been mostly the same... It has been night time, top is up and has been up for several days, I am driving on the highway at somewhere between 65 mph and 80 mph and it has been moderately windy. An alert displays in the drivers menu screen stating something to the effect "Stop Close Top To Avoid Severe Damage" and the red hazard light in the drivers panel lights up with a loud beep accompanying it. As I said, the top has been closed on both occasions. I have pulled over and stopped, pushed the close top button and the rear windows go all the way down and the menu changes to "Roof Closed"... the rear windows do not go back up automatically, so I have raised them with the driver door control. Beeps and warning message stop and problem is averted... I'm guessing the speed and the wind are partially to blame, but after two times I am hoping this is not a regular thing as it is a hassle and annoying to pull over of off the highway to stop.

    Has anyone else experienced this?
  • cricket4cricket4 Member Posts: 94
    My dealership just gave me a new small brochure entitled "All-New Volvo C70 Tips - Guide to MY07 All-New Volvo C70 Features, Functions, and Use". It is as big as an 8.5 x 11 page when unfolded but has loads of tips and features listed in it. If you haven't seen a copy and would like one, please let me know and I'll e-mail it to you. (Way too much to type for you.) Anyway, I came across a warning inside of it that concerns me. Regarding the Retractable Hardtop (RHT), it states "Always complete the cycle and wait for the confirmation signal (chime) ROOF CLOSED and ROOF OPEN." Further down it reads "WARNING: Do not leave the roof in a stationary "middle" position. If necessary to leave the roof in this position, do not do so for more than a few minutes." I'm very upset to find this out because my car arrived at the dealership about four days ago and on its second day at the dealership they had the roof stopped in mid-action for the WHOLE DAY to display it! Stupid me thought that the dealership wouldn't do something that might damage the car. When I went back today to discuss this they said they don't do that anymore (what a difference two days makes or was it the brochure that finally brought them to their senses since it arrived around the same time). So if you do this with your roof - DON'T!
  • tom007tom007 Member Posts: 40
    I would appreciate a copy of the brochure as my dealer told me when my car was delivered that it would not harm the system to stop roof in middle position. My E-mail address is tomjeff03@aol.com.

    Thanks in advance and again this forum has proven that we can help each other when we receive tips about the C70.

    I look forward to receiving a copy of brochure and I hope they did not harm your car. If it was the one with ribbon taken with your cell phone, I thought the top was in middle position.
  • volvomaxvolvomax Member Posts: 5,238
    Volvo is quite explicit about not leaving the roof in middle position.
    Also, the roof should not be cycled any more than 5 times in an hour, with 10 min intervals between cycles.
    Plus, the roof should not be out up or down on an incline.
  • erisamanerisaman Member Posts: 99
    Yes please, may I have a copy also? My e-mail is on my 'profile page', if not I'll post it here tomorrow. I'd appreciate a copy when you have a moment. As Tom007 said - this is what this forum is all about - helping one another and passing on timely info - thanks for thinking of others when you obviously have your own worries. Let's hope that all will be well for you.

    Merry Xmas - if we don't have any further exchanges before Monday.
  • cricket4cricket4 Member Posts: 94
    Sorry, I've been away from the computer throughout the day. I'll go in to work tomorrow to scan the brochure and then e-mail copies to both of you, erisaman and tom007. I'll try to send a copy in an e-mail by late afternoon tomorrow.
  • erisamanerisaman Member Posts: 99
    Hey - this is Xmas, no going into work for this, I'm sure Tom007 would also be happy to wait a day or two until the festivities have passed.

    All the very best, once again :) .
  • tom007tom007 Member Posts: 40
    Absolutely cricket4. This is season to relax and enjoy yourself. I will be happy to get the brochure at anytime you can send, but don't interrupt your Holiday just to send it. Thanks again for bringing it to our attention
  • erisamanerisaman Member Posts: 99
    Am I right in thinking that, to open (or close) the roof is a half cycle - and that a complete cycle would be to open and then close the roof?
  • tom007tom007 Member Posts: 40
    Just received your E-mail with brochure copy. Did some editing to break it apart so I could read it and print it out. Thanks and have a wonderful Holiday.
  • erisamanerisaman Member Posts: 99
    Thank you Cricket4 - it's Xmas morning here in the UK and I received your e-mail late last night, printed it out and took it to bed to read.

    It is very interesting, containing info not found in the handbook, especially the part that the roof action should not be repeated too often, in fact, recommending even longer spells than that suggested by Volvomax.

    So, Merry Xmas one and all - look forward to more info in the coming days and in the New Year.
  • volvo_drivervolvo_driver Member Posts: 34
    Hi "Cricket4"-
    May I also have a copy of the brochure emailed to me... mbinla@mac.com. No rush, whenever you get a chance,
    Merry Christmas and many thanks!
  • sanjodlausanjodlau Member Posts: 4
    Thank you all for the info shared on this forum.A bit more than a month to delivery , but I feel like I know quite a bit of the car already.

    If Volvomax said min 10 minutes between cycles , what does the brochure say?

    Actually , if I may ask , Could you - or Cricket4 - e-mail me that brochure too, wheever time and occupations permit?
    Would be highly appreciated. :)
  • sanjodlausanjodlau Member Posts: 4
    oups !! finger trouble
    Meant to wish you all a mery Christmas and a great '07
    all the best
  • cuccicucci Member Posts: 49
    Dear Volvomax ....... would it be possible for you to send me a copy of the brochure? It seems to contain stuff we all need to know ... anytime would be fine! I think my e mail address is on my profile. That would be so kind!!!! Hope your christmas is going well ....... cucci
  • erisamanerisaman Member Posts: 99
    Sorry Cucci - it's me again!

    The brochure is being distributed by 'cricket4' although it's quite possible that Volvomax also has the same brochure.

    I checked out your profile for your e-mail addy but it shows up as private - otherwise I would have forwarded the brochure this evening. My e-mail (previously marked private) is now def on show so you can contact me if you wish.
  • cuccicucci Member Posts: 49
    oh god .... I am not up to full speed on all this!!! I thought buying a new car ... would be ... well, just like buying a new car!!!! That it just goes when you want it to, etc. etc.!!!! I'll e mail you!
  • cricket4cricket4 Member Posts: 94
    Your e-mail is marked as private. If you like I will e-mail it to sanjodlau@carspace.com. Do you check your e-mail on your "My CarSpace"? Or would you prefer to change your e-mail from "private"? If you prefer, you can e-mail me at cricket4@carspace.com. That should work and I will reply with the brochure. (If you've already gotten a copy from someone else, disregard this post.) Glad this brochure helps. For those of you who have not picked up your car yet, next time you are at the dealership you should be able to pick up a brochure (IN COLOR, ohhh ahhhh). Might be only the US, though.
  • erisamanerisaman Member Posts: 99
    Sorry Sanjodlau - missed your posting earlier, not deliberately ignoring you.

    The brochure says [quote] "Ideally, the roof should be opened or closed only once every 15 to 20 minutes" - so that answers my question to volvomax as to what constitutes a cycle.

    I can forward cricket4's e-mail to you, no problem, send me your addy if you wish and I'll get back to you fairly soon as I have it at home, whereas cricket4 has it in the office - a no-go area over Xmas.

    P.S. Snap, I see cricket4 is responding even as I type.
  • cricket4cricket4 Member Posts: 94
    P.S. - the interval is as follows:

    * The roof should not be operated more than four times consecutively without allowing the hydraulics and motors to cool.

    * Ideally, the roof should be opened or closed only once every 15 to 20 minutes.
  • sanjodlausanjodlau Member Posts: 4
    Hi Cricket4 and erisaman

    Thanks for the prompt reply to you both.I thought I had set my e-mail to 'public' but something must have gone wrong somewhere.Anyway , it should show up now.
    Thanks again and can't wait to be able to feed usefull info on this forum , just like you guys - and girls - have done so far.
  • dresparkdrespark Member Posts: 1
    I am looking to purchase the C70 T5 within the next day or so. I am just curious as to what you think about yours. If you had a chance to do it over again, would you purchase the same car?

  • rheinsrheins Member Posts: 5
    Got mine about 10 days ago.... weather has been good so I have been able to do topp down some... The car is GREAT.... Now I am coming off of a 2001 Toyota Solara.... which I also liked... but this car is a huge upgrade... it is much more solid and really just night and day compared to the Solara.... I got silver with black leather, love the dynaudio stereo.. it really does ROCK!!!....
  • cricket4cricket4 Member Posts: 94
    I don't know. I haven't driven my car yet! (can you believe it?!) I will take it home in a couple of days. I love it so far (just looking at it and sitting in it). I loved the test drive (not my car but a 2006 C70). My dealership has been great to me and I look forward to continuing my relationship with them. So far the experience has been great but, of course, I can't really answer your question until I've been in my car for at least a drive. Unless the car turns out to be a lemon (seriously doubt it), I'm 99.9% certain that I would pick the same car. I love it.
  • macsvmgmacsvmg Member Posts: 1
    I have had the same issue, 6-8 times per month, since I bought my car in August. I notices the same thing with the rear windows not closing. It's incredibly annoying and dangerous to have to pull over to the side of an interstate whenever this happens. My wife called from her cell phone in a panic a couple weeks ago. I have brought my car into the dealer several times (once while the alarm was still screaming), without resolution. They said Volvo has told them the divider needs to down at ALL TIMES when driving -- which really cuts down on the amount you can carry. And in any event it doesn't fix the problem. The dealer says they're trying to escalate this with Volvo. Stay tuned.
  • volvo_drivervolvo_driver Member Posts: 34
    I'm sorry you are having the same issue, but yet somewhat relieved to know I'm not the only one. My car was delivered mid-July. With regard to the truck divider, mine is always locked down - you never know when you'll be inspired to drop the roof! However, even if this "solution" worked, I hardly see it as an acceptable solve to our problem... what's the point of having the large cargo area if you are unable to use it while the car is in motion with the the top up?

    My dealer/service center casually asked me to more throughly take note of the events and circumstances leading up to it the next time it happens... as if I wasn't detailed enough... and sort of glossed over the issue. I guess they just need to buy time until they learn of others having this issue and receive a fix from Volvo.

    Fortunately, it has only happened the couple times and thankfully not the 6-8 times per month you have experienced. I'll keep you posted on my progress toward a solution and hope you will keep me advised of yours.

    Until then... happy driving.
  • lemennlemenn Member Posts: 89
    Hi Macsvmg and Volvo_driver,

    Of course, what you have been told is not correct. There is no problem to drive with the divider placed in up position in order to be able to use the full trunk space.

    So when the roof is up and you use the car as a coupe, you can take advantage of the full trunk space (and believe me it is plenty of space). The only inconvenient is if you decide to put the roof down and use the car as a convertible, when you push the roff down button it does not work (I did it). You see a warning message asking you to place the divider in the down position. You have to exit the car, open the trunk, placethe divider down, and that's it now it will work.

    As a conclusion, there is no problem to use the full space of the trunk.
  • rschleicherrschleicher Member Posts: 79
    Hi cricket4,

    I noticed in some previous posts in this thread that you were willing to e-mail a brochure, that has more detailed info on roof operation (and maybe on other things as well).

    If it's not too late, and not too much of a bother, could you also e-mail the brochure to me, at bullswin5@aol.com ?

    Thanks much ! (I tried sending a regular e-mail to you, but it was rejected, since it didn't come from the carspace.com domain.)
  • cricket4cricket4 Member Posts: 94
    I sent it to you via e-mail. (Others also have the brochure and may have beaten me to it.) Hope you get it. Let me know, if not.
  • lemennlemenn Member Posts: 89
    My mechanic told me one of his customer had water entering via the roof panel separations. He is using the high pressure water system you can find publickly in Europe.

    I did use this method for cleaning my C70 but I don't have this problem.

    So, just to let you know it can happen. Be cautious.
  • tmarttmart Member Posts: 2,294
    Yes, one needs to be very careful using high pressure washes. IIRC, Volvo says the tip should get no closer than 13 inches.
  • lemennlemenn Member Posts: 89
    I would agree with that. It makes sense.

    Anyway for the Half top part of the car you don't really need high pressure because it is mostly glasses and the roof parts.

    You only need high pressure for the half bottom part of the car where most of the dirt is (weels, bumpers, doors).
  • lemennlemenn Member Posts: 89
    As some of you maybe remember I noticed that the plastic panel on the left back side of my C70 was slightly damaged. I thought it was the roof pusshing to hard on this part when in up position.

    My Volvo support technician replaced the panel but did not do any roof adjustment. he told me is was a pin attachment that broke rising a little bit the panel and creating too much presurre when the roof was up.

    HE also notice one missing "silent block" on the plastic engine cover. He also replaced the part.

    Now my baby is totally like new and ready for the sunny days.

    I was concerned by the French Volvo customer support at first but even with my small volvo dealership they have been very customer oriented and I am totally satisfied with their services.

    All of that for free and they provided me with a Volvo V50 at each time my car was unavailable.

    Not many participants on the forum since few days. Does this mean that there is no problem with the C70 at all anymore???
  • cuccicucci Member Posts: 49
    Dear Lemenn,

    You realise that your last line is now the 'kiss of death' ..... and we'll all start having problems again!!!? Sincerely hope not!!! All seems well and fairly perfect with ours right now ... although we have had pretty cold and bad weather ... more snow coming in Thursday for London ... so there has been NO roof action!!! Pleased to hear that your problems were all fairly minor and all fixable at no cost! Well done again! Wonder how cricket4 and erisaman are getting on????
  • erisamanerisaman Member Posts: 99
    Erisaman enjoying keeping up to date with you all - and pleased that all is going well with you.

    I've had more spare time lately and have now been able to use the C70 more - and yes, the weather last weekend meant that I covered a few miles with the roof off. Oh - and there were no further dents discovered, despite the roof operation(s).

    I've taken a few more pics but the sky, although blue, doesn't have the hue I'm waiting for.

    One amusing incident - I was driving in a 30mph limit with cruise set at 30 and saw a pedestrian with a child in a pushchair on the pavement, coming towards me. I was in 'coupe mode' (roof up) and noticed this guy staring long and hard at us - obviously perplexed at what was coming towards him. After I had passed him, I checked my rear view mirror and he was still staring whilst still walking, but now turned three quarters of the way around - resulting in the child's pushchair hanging over the edge of the kerb! :lemon:

    Yes, it could have been dangerous but the road was clear behind me so no problem - but I still smile at the thought of these cars turning heads. :)
  • silverspydersilverspyder Member Posts: 9
    I just got my C70 and am perusing all the forums. I would like a copy of that brochure. My email address is "beastman_07728@yahoo.com". The weather since I picked up my car has been ugly, and so I'm still driving my older car mostly. I don't want to get any salt on it until I'm down to one car. I think the car is awesome (so far).
  • cricket4cricket4 Member Posts: 94
    Good to hear from all of you. The weather is great here. It is 60 degrees today and I'm stuck at work! That's okay b/c I feel an early departure time coming on and I'll at least get to commute home drop top. (I forwarded the brochure silverspyder. Hope you got it. Let me know, if not.) With all the horrible weather, if the roof was going to leak, it would have leaked and it didn't. So that's good news, too. The chip on my roof was a rock chip, I'm pretty sure, because it hasn't re-chipped with all the times I've used the roof since.
  • cricket4cricket4 Member Posts: 94
    I am just re-reading my last post and BOY WAS I WRONG!!! I am so unhappy right now that I can't sleep; hence, a post to the forum at 2:40AM. It seems that the paint chip that I thought was caused by a rock was in actuality caused by the roof mechanism!! Earlier I posted that we are having 60 degree weather so I drove around town for about an hour or so with the top down yesterday and afterwards I was examining my car (as I often do) and discovered that the same paint chip spot has been "re-chipped". (Doubt it was hit by another rock in the very same spot.) This time not only is it re-chipped but very near the original chip are small scratches that stretch down the panel and I also found a plastic brown "cap" lodged in the crack of the trunk just below the chipped panel (the "cap" looked new but also like it had been chewed up and split down the side). I think that cap was supposed to be protecting/cushioning whatever it is that has rubbed against the roof panel and caused the paint chip & scratches. I think the cause is not due to the cycle of the roof opening and closing but from parts of the panels rubbing against each other as I hit potholes/bumps in the road when the top is folded on top of itself in the trunk. That's why it hadn't happened from me simply opening & closing the roof earlier but now that I've taken it on a longer road trip with the top down, it happened. Anyway, I'm taking it into the dealership in the morning on my way in to work. I don't think I'll be happy with the panel being painted (in the past when I've had auto body repair work, the paint always faded and never matched the rest of the car). So now, I think I'm not so happy with this car. I hope I change my mind (or Volvo changes my mind) but I would not recommend this car to anyone. I am so unhappy right now. I sincerely hope no one else has this problem. It will make you miserable...
  • erisamanerisaman Member Posts: 99
    Oh Cricket4 - am so sorry to read that last post of yours, I can almost feel your desperation and I truly hope, and genuinely believe, that your dealer/Volvo WILL get it sorted for you - after all, that was why they did a temporary repair until they were convinced that it wouldn't happen again. Well it has - so now they have to kick into action, and I'm sure they will.

    You have made a very valid point about the cause of the damage - it's the movement when the roof is housed within the trunk that is probably the cause, so a superficial check of the roof by opening and then closing it will not reveal the problem.

    You have been such a support to others on this forum, I'm sure we all wish you well, not for our sakes, but you deserve satisfaction on this. Good luck.
  • rschleicherrschleicher Member Posts: 79
    Cricket4 - I think your assessment of what was happening is probably correct. It has always seemed to me that the greatest chance of damage to the roof paint would be when the three panels are stacked, and in the trunk. As you go over bumps, they might be banging around a bit, unless held securely in place, with appropriate bumpers between panels, etc. If that cracked piece you found laying in your trunk was part of what was supposed to keep the panels separated, then that part missing could easily explain the paint chip.

    In dealing with your dealer service dept., I would want a good explanation of what the little cracked piece was, where it came from, and if it fully explains the paint chip. Then, an explanation of why the little piece cracked and/or fell out in the first place, and what has been done (like an adjustment of some kind) to prevent future cracking of the replacement plastic piece. I suppose it is possible that it just fell off for some reason, and then later cracked, due to falling someplace where it got jammed or pinched by the top mechanism. But it would be good if they showed you where it came from, etc. After the replacement plastic part is installed, they need to operate the top, and perhaps drive over a bumpy road with the top down, to make sure that the new part doesn't break/fail like the original part.

    Finally, they MIGHT be willing to replace the chipped top panel with one that was provided pre-painted. But I doubt this is going to be the case. What you should probably argue for if they can't obtain a pre-painted roof panel is re-painting by the dealer's preferred body shop, of the entire roof panel. Because it is just 1/3 of the roof, painting that one panel should not be a problem for them. They will be able to mask it off from the rest of the roof and body. Obviously it needs to match the other two roof pieces and the rest of the body. But given the newness of the car (and lack of fading), they should be able to get a very good match - aided by the fact that there is a clear panel separation line, and no need to blend in. Don't let them talk you into just painting where the chip was - insist on the full panel. I doubt if it is necessary to re-paint the whole roof - again because of the separation (rubber seal line) between panels.

    I know you are unhappy with things now. But this is a case where they should be able to make things "good as new", if they do the repair the way they should. Good luck!
  • cricket4cricket4 Member Posts: 94
    Thanks all for the support. Really means a lot. You are absolutely on point rschliecher. Thanks for the pointers. I am using them when talking to the dealership. My dealership has been great. The sales manager had said earlier (when we thought it was a rock chip) that he would have his ace auto body guy paint the entire panel but wanted to wait until we made sure that it wasn't the roof mechanism. He said even if I waited a year and then wanted to paint it, he would do it at his cost (even when we thought it was a rock chip). I'm glad we waited. (I would be a wreck if we had gone through the trouble and then this happened.) Anyway, the service dept is on the phone with a Volvo engineer regarding this fix. They've been on the phone going back and forth with them all day, today. I'll keep you posted on the problem and the fix once I hear back. Either way, I think you are right about the newness of the car and re-painting... Plus, they told me when I dropped off the car that they wanted to make sure that whatever was done to it was done exactly right. (Guess, they knew just what to say to make me feel better.)

    PS - How ironic is the "Re:" line above?!? LOL.
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