Toyota 4Runner Vibrations

brock1313brock1313 Member Posts: 3
edited July 2016 in Toyota
I have a 2002 4Runner that has recently developed a vibration at freeway speeds. I purchased new tires about two months before the vibration started. I have been back to the place where I bought my tires and the assure me that they are balanced.
I have been dealing with this problem for the past couple of months and have been getting nowhere. When I took my 4Runner into the dealership to get the lower ball joint replaced I spoke with the service folks about the vibration problem and all I got in response was "we've never heard of that before".
I guess that I'm looking for any ideas or experiences as to what the problem might be.


  • bobgordonbobgordon Member Posts: 156
    Is the vibration felt through the steering wheel, back-end of the truck or throughout the whole vehicle?

    It could be a number of things but since you say it happens at "highway speeds", it sounds like it could be a driveshaft issue.
    Is there any noise (i.e. clunk, squeaking, etc.) on turns?
    It also might be a motor/trans mount.

    Check the front driveshafts and CV joints, rear driveshaft and u-joints and mounts.

    It's rather difficult to diagnose over the net but these are a few things to look at.

    Good luck!
  • brock1313brock1313 Member Posts: 3
    The vibration is felt through the steering wheel and also to a lesser degree the rest of the vehicle. It starts at about 60 mph and isn't constant. Meaning that the vibration varies in intensity. There aren't any noises associated with the vibration. Going around corners/curves doesn't seem to have an affect on the vibration. I've tried to experiment a little with acceleration and decelaration and it might get a little worse during acceleration but it is difficult to tell.
    Anyway, thanks for the help. I managed to wrangle a friend of mine thats a mechanic for a Toyota dealership to take it for a spin and see what he thinks as well. But I will definitely bring up the items that you suggested.
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    Sounds like badly balanced tires. These rims are notoriously difficult to balance - it took me two different tries at two different places last time I bought tires, before it was right.

    You would feel badly balanced front tires through the steering wheel, and badly balanced rear wheels as a kind of distant vibration/shimmy in the rear end. And both would be most noticeable at highway speeds.

    A bad driveshaft feels more like a kind of drumming under your seat, and can get pretty alarming at 60-70 mph if the U-joints are shot.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    I just purchased 2 new 2006 4runners. An SR5 4wd for my wife, and a Sport Edition for myself. Both V6. They both have a vibration in the steering column. I went back to the dealer and drove another one, and it also has a vibration. The service manager at the dealership then drove another new 4runner, and acknowledges that there is definitely a vibration radiating thru the steering column. He then contacted the local Toyota rep, who says that this is a "CHARACTERISTIC" of the vehicle!!!!!!! Unbeliveable. I guess Characterisic is Japanese for DEFECT!!!!!! I contacted the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission and filed two complaints, one for each vehicle. We need more people to file complaints before Toyota will do anything to fix this obvious defect. Over $70,000 in 2 vehicles and they are telling me that a constant vibration is a "characteristic"!!! It is NOT tire balance. Gauranteed. My guess is motor mounts or engine vibration. You can really feel it when you accelerate. Too get a real dose of it, try putting two fingers on the headlight stalk while holding the steering wheel with you left hand. You can really feel it. I am now thinking about engaging the Oregon Lemon Law and going into Arbitration to give both vehicles back to them. Only have 1800 miles on the SR5 and 700 on the Sport Edition. Absolutely absurd for Toyota to take this attitude with an obvious problem. My sport edition also will not track. It either goes left, or veers to the right. No such thing as straight ahead. Feel like I am driving drunk. The National Highway Traffic Safety Commission advised me that they have another complaint on the veering to the right, veering to the left. I am not a happy camper with my 2 new Toyotas!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • canddmeyercanddmeyer Member Posts: 410
    No vibration on my 2003 V6.

    I too have (had) the tracking issue. Crosswinds don't help any either. Not being able to steer a straight line has driven me nuts since after I made my purchase, mostly because my two prior Chevrolet's did the same thing and I thought this wouldn't be an issue with a Toyota. I didn't notice it during the test drive. For whatever reason, as I've put more miles on the vehicle, the tracking is better, but not perfect. Mine isn't bad enough to have an issue with Toyota. I guess GM products have me brainwashed.
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    There are several things that could cause the tracking issue and I am not all that familiar with my 2006 suspension system so I am going to have to rely on my dealer to investigate and see what gives. Toyota's determination that the vibration radiating thru the steering column is "charisteristic" is what has me really riled up!! Kind of disturbing, though, to discover that somebody else had already filed a complaint with the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission regarding the tracking issue on the 2006 Sport Edition. I have always been a Toyota fan, but this attitude that is being exhibited by Toyota is starting to turn me absolutely sour on them. I have owned almost every make of vehicle( bought them all new), including, but not limited to, Mercedes, BMW, Lincoln, Volvo, Buick, Chevrolet, Ford, Jeep, etc. They all have their faults, but the only car company that I have ever been totally stonewalled by was Ford (Fix Or Repair Daily- Found On Roadside Dead!)A real horror story. I can only hope that enough 2006 Toyota 4Runner owners will complain about the vibration so Toyota will have to do something before I become involved in the long and tedious process in filing under the Lemon Law.
  • brock1313brock1313 Member Posts: 3
    Just a follow-up on my vibration problem. The problem was resolved by getting new tires and having them "road force" balanced. The guy that installed/balanced the tires told me that having problems balancing tires on a Toyota is fairly common.
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    I sure wish that tires was my problem!! My wife's sr5 has Michelin cross terrains and my Sport Edition has lousy Dunlop Grandtrek AT20's. Having raced cars for several years I can gaurantee that tires are not the problem with all of these 2006 4runners. Motor mounts, driveline, engine vibration (camshaft?) are possiblities, but even Toyota cannot figure out the problem. I am glad that your problem was resolved thru tire balance. I am the "King" of tire balancing!! Had almost every kind of balance problem you can mention. I had a Mercedes that was almost impossible to get the tires balanced on, and I found that the Hoffman hi speed on the car balancing worked somewhat, but not totally foolproof. Tire balance is very easy to ascertain. Many people confuse tire balance with a driveline that is out of balance; had my driveline balanced 3 times on my Isuzu Trooper. Chronic problem. Anyway, if anybody reading this has a 2006 4runner and has this vibration please let me know. My son has a 2004 sport edition with no vibration. My daughter drives a 2002 sr5 with no vibration problem, but like I said earlier, every 2006 that we have driven has this same defect. Thanks.
  • vg245vg245 Member Posts: 4
    I got the same problem with 06 sport. Went to the delaer 4 times and nothing happened. I called corporate office and i got nothing from them too. I think the problem is the tires. I am trying to get new tires M/S only, donloop AT sucks !!!!
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    Is your problem only at Highway speeds, or do you have a vibration that radiates thru the steering column at all speeds? Mine is there all the time and increases when you step on the accelerator. Toyota put $800 worth of tires on my wifes SR5 and $400 worth of tires on the Sport Edition,with the Sport Edition stickering at $3000 more than the SR5!! Does not make sense. I was going to put a set of the Michelin Cross Terrains on my Sport Edition, but my wifes SR5 has the same constant vibration that my Sport Edition has so we are going to wind up filing under the Oregon Lemon Law for relief on these two junkers!!!!!!!
  • vg245vg245 Member Posts: 4
    vibration strats after 30. I think the problem is the tires. I test drove the same car with the same tires and u feel the same vibration. My frind has 4runner 05 and he has M/S tires and no vibration at all. If they wont replace my tires i will go with Lenon Law.

  • biglatkabiglatka Member Posts: 78
    Just a suggestion: Why don't you and your friend, with the 2005 4Runner, swap wheels (and tires) to see if you still have the vibration? If you don't then you know definitely that it is the in the wheel/tire combination.
  • wilkinsswilkinss Member Posts: 3
    I haven't been on this site since late '05 when I gave up trying to understand my vibrating steering wheel. I have a '05 Limited 4WD and have EXACTLY the same symptoms you describe. I didn't notice it on the test drive...too busy looking at rest of car I guess. The resonance/vibration occurs all the time and is different than a tire problem...very noticeable by putting a finger on the tilt lever on the steering column. I finally decided just to live with's my wife's car and she doesn't really notice it (she's less picky than I am). May sound goofy, but there is one spot on my steering wheel where the vibrations are cancelled out...roughly the 5 o'clock position. I do most of my driving holding that spot. Let me know if you find any solution to the problem. Lexus had some kind of similar problem with their GX 470 and they designed a retrofit fix. Link to Lexus discussion on topic below.
    Good luck.
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    Both of our 2006 4runners ( SR5 and Sport Edition-Both V6) have this constant vibration in the steering wheel. My wife mistakenly thought it was road surface causing the vibration thru the tires, but IT IS NOT!! The vibration really comes in when you press on the accelerator. I have noticed that the vibration also seems to be more pronounced when going thru a curve. I am convinced that this is engine vibration, possibly motor mounts. If not motor mounts, then it is coming direct from the engine. Toyota still saying that it is "a characteristic" of the vehicle!!! I am taking both vehicles in to the dealer 3 times and then I am filing for arbitration under the Oregon Lemon Law. Will post the results when they are available. I do not know how long this will take. If Toyota were to tell me that they are trying to find a solution to this annoyance, I would just wait for a fix. However, they have the atttitude that I should just accept this obvious defect and keep my big mouth shut. $70,000 for 2 autos that are absolutely unpleasant to drive!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    You might be able to get the dealer to swap the tires with a different set/brand to rule them out. Be an interesting test to compare the two with different tires on each.
  • tiemtiem Member Posts: 6
    Toyota has a lot of vibrations on their cars these days. There is vibration at the brake pedal every time I step on the brake for my 06 4Runner. They changed the Brake master cylinder, but the vibration is still there. My lawyer just submitted a repurchase under a California Lemon Law. I think I got a lemon on my 06 4Runner too.
  • petemattpetematt Member Posts: 8
    I think Toyota is selling pure JUNK these days.. I have a pending arbitration hearing at dealer's place. Then i will come to know what is the next pain toyota has for me. I now regret trading my 2005 fully loaded TL with this junk, non-fixable 4 runner crap that always vibrates only on the driver side.
    Service manager told me that all SUV's have vibrations. Because 4 runner is a TRUE truck so it has vibrations. I even wonder how Edmunds actually rate this junk among best suv's.
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    The service manager told you that ALL Suv's have vibrations!!???? I have been driving 4 wheelers since 1973 and have owned Suburbans, Blazers, Jeeps,Isuzus, Toyotas. He is literally full of baloney!!!!!!!!!!!!! These 2006 4Runners that my wife and I are driving are the first vehicles that we have ever had a vibration problem with. Toyota is trying to hide from what I suspect is a serious defect. I have constant vibration when I touch the accelerator and am now feeling the vibration not only thru the steering column but also thru the brake pedal!!! Kind of scary. Toyota describing all of this as a "characteristic" of the vehicle. As I previously stated on this forum, Characteristic must be Japanese for DEFECT!!! I have one more visit to the dealer before I can legally file for arbitration under the Oregon Lemon Law but the sooner the better!! I only have 1200 miles on my Sport Edition and my wife has 2600 miles on her SR5. Will post more as this ridiculous situation progresses. I wish more 4Runner owners would file complaints. Too many people are accepting of this obvious defect and Toyotas claim of "normal".
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    It is NOT your tires!!! My wife's SR5 has Michelin Crossterrains and my Sport Edition has the Dunlop Grandtrek. The vibration comes thru the steering column as a "fine vibration", and has absolutely nothing to do with your tires!!! I raced cars for 2 years and at one time had 42 tires in my garage. I have experienced just about every kind of tire "out of balance" that you can describe. This vibration is NOT tires!!! My personal opinion is that it is either in the engine or the engine mounts. The vibration in both of ours decreases when you let off the gas pedal and increases when you step back on the gas pedal. The service manager at the dealership where we bought my wifes SR5 drove a new one off the lot and told me the same exact thing; vibration decreases when you let off the gas and increases when you step on the gas. I also notice that the vibration increases when you go up a hill which indicates to me that you are putting a load on the engine and that is causing the increased vibration. In Oregon, if you cannot get the same problem resolved in 3 trys in the first 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first, you have the right to apply for either your money back or another vehicle. You have to go into arbitration to get this accomplished. What I am going to check into is whether or not the arbitration is final. If they find against you, can you then pursue this thru the courts?? You should report this problem to the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission. The phone number is toll free; 1-888-327-4236. Your owners manual even suggests this option. The more people who complain, the better we all are. Not knowing the exact problem is very disconcerting to me. Could it possibly be the brakes!!???? Who knows. Toyota cannot tell us the source of the problem and do not seem to care about finding it. Very discouraging. Your complaint to the Highway Traffic commission is confidential. They will not tell anyone who complained so don't worry about any repercussions from anybody. I made it known at my dealership that I filed a complaint. Please let me know how you come out with this. Be sure that whoever drives it puts their finger on the headlight stalk when they are driving because that is the most sensitive part on the steering column, at least it is on both of ours.
  • sirhelmsirhelm Member Posts: 8
    I have just encountered the same thing on my brand new 06 SR5 V8 AWD. I notice a vibration from the steering wheel and from the gas pedal. Exactly as outlined above. When accelerating it grows in intensity. I am in California and will have to have them look at it.

    I am beginning to regret my 34K purchase here.

  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    Unfortunately, ALL 2006 4Runners have the same defect. Toyota is hiding from it and that really gets my motor going!!! You will get the run around and probably be told the same thing I have been told on both of our 2006 4runners; it is a "characteristic" of the vehicle!! You should call the National Highway Traffic Safety commission and file a complaint. That is the only way we are going to get Toyota to step up to the plate. The phone number is in your owners manual. Good luck and please post the results of your meeting with the dealer here for all of us to read.
  • vg245vg245 Member Posts: 4
    Just swaped the tires. Little better, but still the same problem. Going to the dealer again and i think Lemon Law is waiting for me. I am just so upset with this car. I miss my old maxima.
  • sirhelmsirhelm Member Posts: 8
    Does anyone know if the 2007's have the same issue? Did they fix it?

    I am pretty much going to go to the Sales Manager and Service Manager and advise them that here in Cali.. there are a million Lawyers who would love to work for me to get me out of the 4runner under Cali Lemon Law, plus added punitive damages. I will bring in the 4 runner every day to have the vibration issue looked at. I will have it tested at an independant garage as well. For my 34K I am willing to take the time and energy to get this resolved.


  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    The dealer cannot do anything for you. You have to get Toyota to "belly up to the bar"!! Since Toyota is denying any culpability, you will probably have to do like I am doing and file under the lemon law. If enough people would contact the National Highway Traffic Safety commission and file a complaint like I did, they will investigate this problem and they can make Toyota fulfill their obligation to us buyers. Complain, Complain, Complain!!! It only takes a few minutes on the phone and can only help the cause, not hurt. The fellow at the Highway Safety commission said they need more complaints in order to do anything. Toyota cannot say that this is not a safety issue since they claim no knowledge of any problem and do not know what is causing this vibration. Engine Mounts? Brakes?? Who knows. The dealer just drives the vehicle and admits to there being a vibration and states each time that Toyota claims this to be a "characteristic". We need to keep in touch about what Toyota will or will not do to resolve this nightmare. I hate driving this junker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sirhelmsirhelm Member Posts: 8
    I agree. I have already written the NHTSC number down and will be giving them a call. What is weird, is that all of these review auto buying guides didn't mention this. Toyota will only care once it starts hitting their bottom line, and sales of the 4runner start to drop off.

    Honestly I did not read the 4runner problems etc... on this forum before I purchased the 4runner, as I was too busy focusing on getting the best deal. However like those before me, I am upset at the what I now believe is a "snow job" by Toyota.

    One of the reasons I got a 4runner was for safety. This is now in question, especially if we do not know if this vibration can or has caused accidents in the past.

    Has anyone tried the Lexus GX470 TSB that i have seen thrown around in the forums?

  • tbowentbowen Member Posts: 1
    Hello, I just found this site today. Thought I'd add my experience(s)....I have an '05 SR5 4 wheel drive 4 Runner. Bought it with 4500 miles on it. I have had MORE trouble with the darn thing. I have had the sunroof worked on 4 times, still isn't right. I have a serious vibration problem in the steering wheel on the highway at speeds over 55-60 mph. Funny thing is I don't notice it as much on a really smooth road but the least little uneven-ness really sets it off. I have the original tires on it (Dunlop), I have 23,000 miles on my car and already need new tires. I tried rotating the tires, having them aligned and balanced etc etc. Nothing helps and it has progressed to the point it feels very unstable on the highway and scary. I don't drive off road or do anything "hard" on my tires. My husband hates Toyotas now from this experience and is in the process of making a trade from the 4 Runner to a Ford Explorer. He fears it will cause a wreck, can't afford those expensive tires every 23,000 miles, and the warranty will run out and still not be fixed. The local Toyota shop hates to see me coming, they think I'm a pain and swear no one else has problems with their 4 Runner like I do. I had a limited 2002 4 Runner prior to this and that car was awesome! I think when they changed body styles they really messed up, the newer ones just aren't even close to the previous ones-2002 and prior- as far as quality,reliability etc. Now I wish I'd just kept my '02 4 Runner, I know that car would go for many more years! I wish you all luck in fixing your vehicles, I just don't have any more patience or time to fight Toyota. I need a car I can depend on. Toyota lost a huge fan in me, unless and until they stand up and treat customers right and stand behind their products and go back to quality vehicles like they once did, I will not buy another Toyota!
  • nelsoncmnelsoncm Member Posts: 103
    I just test drove a Limited v8 4runner and was loving it, right up until I got about 60 mpg and started noticing a shimmy in the steering wheel. The sales manager I was with seemed surprised and wouldn't let me take it on the freeway to further investigate (though he said I could do it another day, just had to put a plate on the car for legal reasons.) Then I remembered I had read about this problem on Edmunds. Damn! I loved everything else about the car. I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee and was looking to trade it because while I love the car, it is so uncomfortable for this petite 5ft 2 woman to drive -- (seats sit high and the pedals are too far to the left for me). The 4 runner is much better suited to me, the seats sit lower, the pedals are placed better and the seats are way more comfy. I'm bummed. My test drive took place in Tustin, CA. -- By the by, if it weren't for being uncomfortable for me, I think overall the Jeep GC drives much nicer, feels very stable at all high speeds, and is way quieter. If anyone is looking to get out of their 4runners. I just wouldn't recommend a cherokee to short drivers, based on my experience!
  • 2006sr5v82006sr5v8 Member Posts: 6
    I just purchased a 2006 SR5 4wd V8 and am experiencing the vibration/shimmy along with some pulling to the right and a bad radio! I have taken it back twice. The first time the dealer said it was just the interstate that I was driving to the dealership on because their machine said the alignment was dead on. They adjusted the tire pressure and fixed my center console (it was crooked!) and sent me home. The shimmy/vibration still continued and the pulling and then the radio starting having this popping/cracking noise. I went back for a second time. They balanced the tires and agreed to replace the radio. I go back again this Thursday for the pulling and vibration issue. I am floored that I am having these problems with a new car especially since Toyota was suppose to be a reputable vehicle. I'm extremely disappointed. I would love to hear any progress anyone else has made with any of these same issues. :mad:
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    I just read your post and want to urge you to call the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission. Their phone number is in your owners manual. Toll free number. Only way we are going to get Toyota to do something about this problem that exists with all new 4runners!!! I still have a couple of more visits to the dealer yet before I can file for arbitration under the Oregon Lemon Law. I wish people who post here would mention their State of residence; it would help with the argument that this is BIG problem!!! The vibration is not tires; it is in the drivetrain and like I have said earlier, I think it is engine related. Let off the gas and coast for a ways, then step back on the gas and the vibration reappears in the steering wheel. You can really feel it by holding the steering wheel with your left hand and then sticking your left index finger on the light stalk. Gives you a double dose of the vibration and unmistakeable. I will continue to post here and hope all others do the same. We all need to share any info that develops with our problem with Toyota. Thanks.
  • 2006sr5v82006sr5v8 Member Posts: 6
    jokol2 - I purchased the car in SC but reside in NC. I will post the results of the appt. tomorrow. I have felt the vibration that you are describing. The shimmy that I felt before isn't as bad but I still feel it here and there and mostly in a curve. I hope the replacement of the radio is a fix at the least!! I feel like a new problem arises every day that I drive this car. I hope to see some solutions soon. I'll keep checking the post.
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    Steve: I just found this posting!!! It is not my tires!! The vibration disappears when you take your foot off the gas and then re-appears when you step back on the gas. If it was the tires, it would be constant. I can feel the same vibration when I start the car up in the morning and then put it into gear; immediately get the vibration in the steering wheel and steering column. The service manager, who is pretty sharp, told me that he test drove a new 4runner off of their lot and it does the same thing and that it is definitely not the tires. When the vehicle is sitting stationery and the vibration only comes into play when you put it in gear, it seems to me that it is the engine or engine mounts. Very, very disturbing. Thanks for your input. JOE
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Maybe you could test drive one or two yourself and see if you can reproduce the vibes.
  • 2006sr5v82006sr5v8 Member Posts: 6
    Update: I took my 4runner yesterday. I don't know if I mentioned in my earlier post but I also had some kind of spots all in the paint on my hood and the top of the car. They are attempting to detail the car and see if they come out!!!! Bad news....I noticed yesterday that I haven't received one piece of paper from these guys. They only had in the system that I was in for a radio replacement and an alignment yesterday. The service consultant finally took out a NOTEPAD to write down all of my complaints.... I think I am in real trouble with this car and now I have no proof to backup anything that has been done. I know they have records in their system but they are vague and don't describe exactly what I came in for everytime. I've yet to hear from them to tell me when to come pick it up. This sucks.
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    You should call Toyota and file a complaint. I did. I received a call from the service manager at the dealer, apologizing for not responding more definitively to my complaints! It will not hurt you to do so and you should be on record with Toyota regarding your complaints. They will give you a case number and they immediately contact the dealer. Having a record of your complaints with Toyota can only help you, not hinder. Keep us informed here of what happens with your vehicle. Joe
  • 2006sr5v82006sr5v8 Member Posts: 6
    Update from 3rd visit to dealer - They replaced my radio and it doesn't pop/crack any longer. YAY! It doesn't pull to the left or right any longer. HOWEVER, I still have the shimmy in the steering wheel around a curve at 60-65 and their attempt to fix the paint went from bad to worse. The man I spoke with at their body shop said it was rail dust or overspray. So, the detail dept. was instructed to buff it. That led to huge buff circles all over my hood and some kind of runs down the doors and on each side of the hood. Today I had to give up the car once again. They are going to have it professionaly done now to see if they do a better job with the spots. I also informed the salesman that the shimmy effect around a curve is still happening and not to call me until the car was fixed. The saga continues..............
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Ugh, rail dust and overspray both often come right off using a simple $10 clay bar. Your dealer doesn't sound too swift. :sick:
  • 2006sr5v82006sr5v8 Member Posts: 6
    Steve: Funny you should say that....that is what they told me they used this time. It feels and looks much better. I just wish they would have been smart enough to do that the first time because now I'm stuck with those buff circles on my hood. They were unable to reproduce the shimmy around a curve and suggested that it could be happening when the tires are cold. :confuse:
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    I own not one, but 2, 2006 Toyota 4runners. An SR5 V6(my wifes car) and my Sport Edition V6. I also went over to the dealer and drove another one (new) to see if it had the vibration problem and it did! The service manager drove another one and admitted that it also had the vibration problem. I am convinced that all of the 2006 4runners have the same vibration problem and it is beyond my comprehension why more people are not raising cain about this defect. Vibration almost disappears when you let off the gas, and quickly reappears when you step back on the gas. Joe
  • mike805mike805 Member Posts: 33
    All 2006 4Runners do not have this problem. I have a new V6 SR5 with about 3000 miles and do not have any vibration unless it is so small it is not noticeable. I have 16 inch wheels from a Tacoma and Dunlop tires that might be a difference.
  • bobgordonbobgordon Member Posts: 156
    I agree with you Mike. I have an '06 4Runner Sport with factory wheels and Dunlop tires, about 4400 miles and no vibration at all.
    I really think this vibration issue is realated to a drivetrain problem; driveshaft, trans, motor/trans mounts, differential, axles, etc.

    Toyota (dealers) should put the vehicles in question on a 4 wheel dyno. :confuse:
    That would narrow the cause down.
  • petemattpetematt Member Posts: 8


  • wvgasguywvgasguy Member Posts: 1,405
    My 06 V8 Sport Edition does not have any vibration (9000+ miles)
  • ejonshultejonshult Member Posts: 1
    I have the same problem with vibration at highway speed.

    I just took delivery of my 4wd v8 2006 4runner on Friday November 7. On my first joyride, I noticed a vibration in the steering wheel and also in the gas pedal. I took the car into the dealer ship and we test drove another 4runner that also had the vibration issue. Then the mechanic blew me off saying that all toyotas behave that way. The 4runner I test drove on a previous occasion didn't have vibrations in the steering wheel.

    I took my car to another dealership that ended up balancing the wheels. Now it doesn't vibrate as much when it is coasting at 30 but it still vibrates at highway speeds or when you press on the gas pedal.

    I contacted toyota and now I have a case number.

    I read all the posts in this forum about owners that experienced the same issues with vibrations that I have with my car. What has been the resolution for you? Did toyota eventually fix your cars or did you get them declared lemons? Are the 4runners supposed to vibrate? Do I have to live with a vibrating car?

  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    Everybody keeps talking about "highway speed". Both of my 2006 4runners have a vibration that you can feel in the steering column at ALL speeds!!! I am convinced this is an engine or engine mount problem. When I fire it up in the morning and put it into reverse, I can feel the vibration in the steering column. I have now driven a total of 7 2006 4runners and they ALL do the same thing. The lead technician at my Toyota dealer gave me the same song and dance: "all 2006 4runners have a vibration and it is just a characteristic of the vehicle". Under Oregon Lemon Law, vibrations are included in the list of complaints that can win you a new car or your money back after going thru the mandatory arbitration process. You have to have a Toyota dealer attempt to fix the problem 4 times before you can file and you have to do this within the first 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. Toyota is literally hiding from this defect. As I stated before, "characteristic" must be Japanese for DEFECT!!!!!!!! If you hold the steering wheel in the 5 or 6 o'clock position, it is hard to feel. If you hold the wheel in the 9,10 or 11 o'clock position like I do, it is a constant vibration. And if you hold it in the 9,10, or 11 o'clock position with your left hand and then put one of your fingers on the same hand on the end of the headlight stalk, it is absolutely unmistakable. My wife at first thought that it was just "rough pavement" that she was feeling but now knows that is not the case. When the pavement changes on the road, the vibration is still constant. If enough people keep complaining, we might get some reaction. You absolutely need to call the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission (the toll free phone number is in your owners manual). They told me that if enough people complain, they will follow thru with Toyota. If not, it sits on the back burner. Keep us all posted. Thanks. Joe
  • rjrrrjrr Member Posts: 1
    just a got 2006 4Runners we did have this problem. I have a new V6 SR5 with about 600 miles it had bridgestones tires on it and toyota put a complete set of Michelin Cross Terrain SUV tires on and all noticeable vibration is gone
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    Mike: My wifes 2006 SR5 V6 came with Michelin Cross Terrain tires. Great tire!!! She has the same vibration that radiates thru the steering wheel that my 2006 SportEdition with Dunlop Grandtrek At20 (lousy tires!!) has. The vibration is there at all speeds. Engine vibration, driveline vibration, etc. is totally different that wheel vibration. We can get the vibration to go away by letting off the gas pedal but the minute you step back on the gas pedal, the vibration re-appears. Counting both of our 2006 4runners, I have now driven 9 of them!! They all have this defect. Dollars to donuts says that you have the vibration but have not recognized it or else you are doing like my wife first did; blaming it on road surface. The service manager at the dealer we purchased my wifes SR5 from has readily admitted to me that "all the 4runners have the same vibration". Toyota calls it a "characteristic" of the vehicle!! Hope your 4runner turns out good for you. Would be a great SUV if it were not for this obvious defect. Regards, Joe
  • bdemarco38bdemarco38 Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2005 Limited V8. It was fine until the techs "balanced" the wheels at the 15,000 mi service interval. Finally had a tire shop balance them "lug-centric" has helped but still feel a shimmy. Thinking about buying either Goodyear or Michellin Tires and dumping the Dunlap GrandTrek AT20's. Has anyone tried replacing the tires? :mad:
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    My wife's 2006 SR5 has the Michelin Cross Terrain 265/65-17 and they are a great tire! 60,000 miles can be expected out of them. We have run Michelin LTX for several years and Michelin cannot be beat for quality. Expensive, though. Discount Tire seems to always have the best price on them. The Dunlop Grantrek AT20's will go about 22/25,000 miles and then they are gone. I have these on my 2006 Sport Edition. The Dunlops retail for about $430.00 for 4 tires and the Michelin's for $800.00, yet Toyota puts the Dunlop's on the more expensive Sport Edition and the Michelins on the less expensive SR5. Crazy. Sounds like your vibration problem is different than ours; we can feel the vibration when accelerating but letting off the gas pedal relieves the vibration and then it reappears when you step back on the gas pedal. Driveline problem; not tires. Good luck with your problem. Joe
  • andrew17andrew17 Member Posts: 26
    Dear Friend!
    1. The same thing happened to us: your problem is one of the rear tires being unbalanced by factory defect. When it is put on the front, the front shock absorbers transmit the vibration to the steering wheel. On the rear, you don't feel it as much because the vibration is not reaching the front suspension/ steering column. -May I suggest to switch the tires to the rear and if you are satisfied, drive them for an other xyz miles before buying the Michelins. Would you consideer the smoother running Michelin XLT tires?
    2. While working on the tires, you may also want to have the safe wheel lugs installed (anty-theft lugs). Thieves can steel your wheels fast - it just happened to a friend. Think about it! Have a nice weekend: Andrew
  • jokol2jokol2 Member Posts: 27
    Hi Andrew: The first thing I did was put on McGard wheel locks! Michelin does not make the LTX tire in the right size for the 4runner. My problem is not with the tires or wheels; my wife has the Michelin Cross Terrains on her SR5 and I have the Dunlops on my Sport Edition. If it was the tires or wheels, regardless of the position on the vehicle, the vibration would not disappear when decelerating and then reappear the minute you step back on the gas pedal. I raced cars for several years and at one time had 42 tires, all mounted on wheels, in my garage and have probably had every kind of balance problem that you can think of. The vibration that we have is somewhere in the drivetrain. I do appreciate your thoughts, though, and encourage anybody else to post here on the same problem. Best Regards, Joe
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