Lexus IS 300 SportCross



  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    No manual for the SportX in 03. They probably figure the demand wouldn't be enough to make it worth while. I would imagine 90% of the folks looking at the SportX would go for the E-shift. I am one of them.
  • cdndrivercdndriver Member Posts: 86
    I've been looking for a good wagon. I have wanted a 5 series BMW but am worried about reliability (though now CR says it's the best sedan they 've ever tested and given it, the 530i, Recommended status and taken it away from the 3 series???). So I looked in the guides and saw that Lexus has "exceptional" reliability. I saw the sport cross on the web and thought, "now that is a cool wagon, I'm in love." I called a dealer here, after reading in an above post that he was told they were discounted, and found that they didn't have any, they were sold out, and that they started at $50,000.00! I found a 2002 used one with 14, on it, for only 49g's. I jsut watched my dream car roll away into the mist.. ;-(
    So it's back to: do I want a 99 528i touring, or a new Outback for the same money? What a choice.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    I would pass on the Outback unless 4wd is really important; enough to have to deal with the lack of power.

    The 528 wagon will have more space than the SportCross but a little less sport. A used 323/325 wagon might be an option. The 323/325 is smaller and cheaper than a 5 series

    From what I have seen the electrical problems are the most painful/expensive to deal with for used BMWs. I think the 528 has a much simpler drive train than the newer 5 series; no Vanos. It should be very reliable if it was treated right. I have a friend who is a BMW mechanic and he is looking for an older 5 series wagon because they have fewer high tech parts.
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    why if they can bring the manual to the sedan, can't they put one in the wagon as well? It is the same powertrain. With a car like the IS, I wouldn't want one with an auto, manual is a must!

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    The only reason for no manual is Toyota wanted to cut some development costs. I think the percentage of people who like the SportCross and want a manual is pretty small. I wanted the E-shift and would have never bought the car with a manual, I have exceeded the lifetime quota for manual shifts many years ago.

    I have grown tired of dealing with stop and go traffic with a manual. When I turned a few laps on the racetrack with my car I found the e-shift to be less that perfect and the manual would have worked far better. For everyday driving the e-shift works really well for me.
  • gohodegohode Member Posts: 2
    Bought one "for the wife" about 5 months ago. She wanted something sporty after hauling kids in the suburban for years. Sporty it is. Problem is she didn't realize how accostomed she had become to sitting 4' off the road, and can't get used to the low ride height. Anyway, it is an awesome car for the money, and I would highly recommend. 02' mica green/taupe escaine - real head turner.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    Hopefully you will get a good price for it. It appears there aren't a lot of new ones around in some areas.
  • wale_bate1wale_bate1 Member Posts: 1,982
    Geez, this place is deader than a doornail.

    OK, I got mine. '03 silver/ black leather interior, loaded. Could not possibly be happier with a car, I believe.

    So far, even people who have seen an IS300 are asking what it is. Lot of head turning at the carwash too.

    Goes like stink, stops on a dime, stickier than a two year-old with an all-day sucker.

    Utter bliss! :)
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    looks so distinctive on the road - I just saw one the other day - you are right, there are not that any out there...makes for a nice exclusivity factor!

    IMHO, it looks less "boy racer" and more "distinguished" than the sedan.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • revkarevka Member Posts: 1,750
    (this is post #113 edited/re-posted)

    Hi wale_bate1- Thanks for stopping by... and congrats on your new 03 IS300 Sportcross!

    Sorry, we haven't had very many Sportcross owners around here. We appreciate any details you have to share.... Happy motoring! ;-)

    Hatchbacks & Wagons Host
  • brydymondbrydymond Member Posts: 41
    Lovin the Sportcross.

    I have only seen 2 ever in Toronto. One parked at a hotel next to my office (gold on ivory---eww) and a silver on black. They had a nice black on black at the Toronto Auto Show.
  • daschtickdaschtick Member Posts: 63
    "Sorry, we haven't had very many Sportcross owners around here"

    I like this thing a lot myself, but I have yet to see one....ANYWHERE! I've never seen one on the road or at a dealer. I'd like it for my wife, but I think the styling may be a little "too" sporty for her tastes. I'm leaning more toward the Mazda 6 Wagon, or maybe the Passat, but I haven't been too confident in VW recently.
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    looks pretty sporty too.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • lngtonge18lngtonge18 Member Posts: 2,228
    I saw one of these yesterday. The car struck me as quite attractive and very sporty looking. It was neat how the clear tailight lenses almost blended right in with the silver paint. However, I can see why they don't sell too well, because it simply looks too cramped with the sloped tailgate and roofline. A wagon is generally bought for its superior amount of room over its sedan counterpart. Although the Sportcross is definitely more versatile, it is simply too small to really offer a 4-5 person family enough room. Therefore, those who would shop for a wagon would cross it off their list and go look at the Passat or C240 wagon. Those who shop for the sedan wouldn't even consider the wagon because they either have no use for one or already have a minivan or SUV to take on the family duties. To me, the Sportcross makes sense for emptynesters or the sucessful single parent with 2 kids.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    I never had a nest and I bought the SportCross over a traditional coupe or sedan. I wanted some hauling capability with good handling, smooth 6, RWD, and LSD. The only real contender was 325 wagon but it cost more and had less go power with an automatic; no LSD either. I am not an Audi fan so I never bothered looking at the Avant.

    The performance, unique looks, and the flexibility the hatch provides in the SportCross is hard to beat. I am constantly folding down one the seats to haul things. I have hauled small trees by wrapping them in plastic and sliding them in the back horizontally.

    For a family of 4 with lots of stuff to haul there isn't as much room as you would have in a traditional wagon for sure. I would think most folks in that category would be going for a loaded mini van or silly ugly vehicle.
  • wale_bate1wale_bate1 Member Posts: 1,982
    I've been hauling with mine too. It had to be able to handle Homeless despot duty. It isn't our family hauler, but it certainly handles local family duty with ease. For the long trips we use the Town & Country.

    somebody looking for a real wagon, though probably isn't looking this direction, it's true. This is more in the 325it, A4 Avant category.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    I saw a picture of what appears to be a G35 Wagon. The back was really square, like it was pasted on without any real attempt to style it. It is almost as ugly as the Porsche Cayenne.
  • wale_bate1wale_bate1 Member Posts: 1,982
    That's unfortunate. There are too few choices for RWD sport wagons as it is.

    I am distressed to hear rumors (unsubstantiated) of the SportCross possibly morphing into a crossover.

    This car is a winner. It needs some marketing behind it. Wherever I go, people stare (no, my fly is up; I checked) and try to figure out what it is, and some actually come up and ask. "I didn't know they made that", is what I'm told.

    Couple TV adds, maybe?
  • bbgunsbbguns Member Posts: 4
    I'm looking at an '03 Sportcross, Silver with black leather/power package, graphite wheels.
    The dealer is willing to sell it for $500 over invoice ($30250). I know these are hard to come by, especially in the southeast. I was wondering what others thought of this price...
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    Sounds like the price is pretty good based upon the limited availability. I paid more than that for my 02 and I still like it.
  • mbednorzmbednorz Member Posts: 63
    Been lurking here for a couple of months. Ready to buy a car, and a used '02 Sportcross is on my short list (along with a regular IS300 and '02 Infiniti G35 sedan or coupe). Surprisingly, I've sighted four sportcrosses here in Houston in the last 2 weeks. White, silver, red, and black; so I know they're different cars. Liked the look of the black more than the others. There are three used ones available for sale right now, so Houston seems to have a higher concentration than most places. Thanks for all the postings here. They've been really helpful. Sportcross appeals to me over the regular IS300 because:
    - Not seen on every street corner.
    - better cargo handling (I have 2 kids and I coach baseball)
    - Used ones less likely to be tricked out by street racers. I want one unmodified with a valid warranty!

    Off for a test drive this weekend. Wish me luck.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    I bought 6 rodedendrons bushes in about 2.5 gallon containers this weekend along with a couple big bags of dirt. Using some plastic to cover the seats and rear area, I got everything inside the car along with the wife. I would have had to make two trips with the IS Sedan. Several people came by while I was loading the car and said what a neat car I had for hauling plants.

    Planting the bushes wasn't much fun though.
  • dtharperdtharper Member Posts: 1
    Last week I was at my local Lexus dealer getting some service done and was given a SportX as a loaner. I liked it and when I got back to the dealer I thought I would take a look and maybe trade in my 2001 IS300 sedan in. After looking over the lot I couldn't find one and then asked a sales person if they were getting any in or if they were hidden in the back. He stated that they Lexus discontinued them 9 months or so ago and that is why they are scarce. He said they are redesigning them to have more featurs and look less like the IS sedan.
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    they were selling slowly, but still, that is a shame. If I were in the market for an IS, I would want the five-door, not the sedan. It probably didn't help that there was no manual available for the five-door.

    I hope they are as good as their word, and do bring it back.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • nedzelnedzel Member Posts: 787
    I read they were making it into a cross-over. So, they'll jack it, add cladding, it will handle worse, and still won't have any off-road capability.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    If they were discontinued 9 months ago it would mean that they didn't make any 03s, ask the salesman why people are driving around in 03 SportCross. Your salesman was as usual uninformed or not telling you the truth? Lexus continues to build the SportCross and you can still order and 03. I would assume that the cutoff date for 03 orders is probably pretty close though. If you like the car call Lexus and ask them for the location of a dealer who will sell you a SportCross.
  • wale_bate1wale_bate1 Member Posts: 1,982
    I bought my '03 SportCross three months ago. At the time, I had eleven of them in a 75 mile radius to choose from. Of those, eight were silver, two were black and one was Graphite.

    Interesting to see if they resurface for '04. I now understand that the 3-series wagon may go away. So much for a RWD sport-wagon in the smaller sizes.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    I thought there was talk about an M3 version of the Sportwagon coming out in the next body style (05?). Not sure if it will make the swim to our shores though. It was pretty easy to pass up the 325 SW for the SC. A 330 SW would have been harder to ignore but shame on BMW for not providing a limited slip diff as part of the sport package.
  • nedzelnedzel Member Posts: 787
    Yup, that would be hard to resist.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    On one of the IS300 boards somebody just said they ordered an 04 SportCross.
  • r0bertbr1anr0bertbr1an Member Posts: 19
    I'm new to this board, and have some questions about the SportCross. I currently drive an SUV, but don't use it for SUV purposes very often. I do have a child and a fairly large dog, so a low entry with fold down seats is a must. I am a car nut, so driving an SUV is pure hell, especially since my place of employment has moved from two miles away to fifteen.

    Here are my questions: Do any of you have the roof rack accessory installed? What kind of treadwear life have you gotten out of the stock summer 17s, and are the all-season 17s low profile? Does anyone know the total cubic foot cargo area with the rear seats folded down (I haven't seen it anywhere, but I'm thinking about 50-55)? Do the rear seats fold flat?

    I think that's it for now. Since most of you seem to love the SportCross, I'd like to offer my opinions as well. It's a shame that U.S. and Japanese manufacturers don't see how many fathers out there need utility, but do NOT want the gas-guzzling, rollover-prone, harsh ride that SUVs are known for (I've had mine up on two wheels before). The Europeans, on the other hand, have a wealth of wagons to choose from. I can afford an A4 3.0, Volvo V70, or VW Passat, and could even see myself stretching it for the Mercedes C320. So I went to their discussion boards and was amazed at all of the subject lines on outrageously expensive repairs and problems. This board doesn't even mention it. I really want a Lexus or maybe the Mazda 6 Wagon when it comes out. I'll stop rambling now. Any answers or suggestions will be much appreciated.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    You can get roof rails that were built for the car from Japan. Lexus doesn't import them but you can order them from some of folks online that deal in special order parts from Japan. They cost was about $750 but they look really good and you can attach standard roof rack accessories to them. There are some aftermarket racks that people have used also.

    The HiPerf tires are good for 20-25K. If it snows where you are at you will want a set of winter tires and wheels which will also increase the life span of the HiPerf tires.

    I don't know what the total cargo room is but the rear seats are split back and fold flat. The front passenger seat has a plastic back and you can fold it pretty much flat also to carry longer cargo. You will probably need to see a SportCross in person to judge if it has enough room for you.

    The SportCross handles really well and is probably more Sporty than all the other wagon out there right now outside of maybe an Audi Avant S4. The 325 sport wagon is a little down on power with the automatic and sadly the only place you can get a limited slip diff in the 3 series is in the M3.

    I get 20-22 MPG on the highway and 16-18 in the city without any attempt to conserve gas.
  • hkyhky Member Posts: 71
    I have both sportscross and the new 4runner. Each time I drive my suv I have to adjust my mind not to drive so fast and making turns so late, brake earlier..., my 4runner actually a little better on mileage though. After folding the seats and removing the cover you probably have a little less than 40 cu. I will limit the choice between vw & lexus and lexus is better in reliability and service.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    I hear you. I had my car serviced yesterday and got an RX300 loaner car. I appreciate Lexus giving me a Lexus to drive but I don't like driving SUVs because the handling is so poor compared to a good car. Even the wife preferred driving her 03 Accord over the RX300 and she drives like the proverbial little old lady.
  • kaplingerkaplinger Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone have a sportcross with child seat? The rear leg room does not appear to be spacious and I am concerned about whether it would fit.
  • r0bertbr1anr0bertbr1an Member Posts: 19
    I'm having a tough time making a decision. I've found a 2002 black & tan SportCross with only 3800 miles on it (can't tell you where, one of you might snatch it out from under me) at a great price. Since I've been researching these, I've found a few for sale here and there. My concern is that a lot of them have very few miles on them (could be worse). What I'm wondering is, are people returning them because they didn't realize how small it is when they bought it? Maybe they just got nailed for a new set of performance tires before they expected? A lot of repos? Those have been my only reservations about buying one (plus the insurance cost, which is only a slight jump). I really love the car (drove the sedan the other day, looking at a blue SX with 14k tonight). I guess I'm just afraid that there's something I'm overlooking. Any thoughts?
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    Maybe it's an economy thing where you are located? In 20 months I have had my 02 I have only seen one forsale in this area. I think there are 10-15 in the metro area where I live and only one of them is Blue like mind. It is nice to seldom see the car you are driving.

    I guess you could misjudge how much space is available. The roof is low and the backend is a little narrow so the total cubic space available probably doesn't match what it looks like from the outside. I can get my mountain bike in the back, with both seats backs down, without any problem. I remove the front wheel but that just makes it easier.

    The car uses all the same mechanical parts as the sedan; the only difference is the rear body work. The IS300 in general has gotten good ratings for safety and reliability from the mags. As you have found when driving the car, the inline 6 is super smooth and the car handles and stops really well with the 17" HiPerf tires. If the car has been serviced and not wrecked you should be ok. I think there is a good chance you will find the Lexus warranty and service to be really good.

    I personally haven't found anything that really compares to the SportCross. I really wanted an inline 6, handling package, and a limited slip diff. The only thing close is the 325 SportWagon but you pay more for less go power and a limited slip is not available.

    I think over time the SportCross will become more desirable as a used car because of the additional space. A young couple with a kid would be more comfortable in the SportCross than the sedan. I plan on keeping mine for 3 or 4 more years anyway so I guess I will find out.

    Good luck.
  • r0bertbr1anr0bertbr1an Member Posts: 19
    Thanks "jmess." The car I was looking at was sold out from under me the day before I had them ship it. Although I was disappointed at first, I e-mailed all of the Lexus dealers within 100 miles and have gotten some good responses. It's starting to look like I'll be able to swing buying a new one. Here are some more questions: Is it true that Lexus only puts black interiors in them, unless they're special ordered with tan (I like the black, but my dog is just too furry)? How long does it take after ordering one to get it delivered (if any of you had to do that) and where are they made, Japan? Which end does the full-size spare fit, front or rear? Is the rumor true that the 2003s will be the last SportCrosses made? I know these are nit-picky questions, but I'm so close and I just need answers that will give me the peace of mind that only a fellow owner could provide (not a dealer). Thanks.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    The Lexus salesreps in general have proven to be a constant source of misinformation about the availability of the cars for 03. So the best place to call would be Lexus Corporate; they should be able to tell you how long it would take to get a car via special order. Dealers resist doing special orders because a high percentage of the time the buyer jumps to another car before the car is delivered and in most cases they have to give the deposit back.

    All the IS300s are built in Japan. In Japan they are sold as Toyotas under the Altezza (Sedan) and Gita (SportCross) model names.

    The only tan interior SportCross that I have seen was white and it had the Nav and the full leather packages. My car is black; black appears to be the color that the majority of the cars were built with. You also want the Limited Slip diff, it really improves the daily driving experience.

    Most of the SportCross, in my area (West Coast), came with the 17" HiPerf tires and have a full size front alloy wheel and tire for a spare. The tires are directional and the tire and wheel widths are different front to back; same thing you will find on a lot of BMWs. The tires are directional but the manual clearly states that you can use the spare on any corner if needed. You can bet the car is far safer to drive this way than with a spacesaver spare?

    One other note. As with all cars with HiPerf (summer) street tires you will need a set of winter tires if you have to navigate through snow and Ice.
  • brydymondbrydymond Member Posts: 41
    Black on personal favourite...thats what mine is.

    I find it OK for room. Its not great but quite functional for a car and we have a CRV for bigger hauling.

    I also have Yakima racks for it that work great and I can attach a box to it if need be. I am still on original tires (but use snows). Mileage sucks...but its worth it.
  • JPhamJPham Member Posts: 148
    "The Lexus salesreps in general have proven to be a constant source of misinformation about the availability of the cars for 03"
    Wow, I'm a Lexus salesrep and I find that hard to believe ...
  • r0bertbr1anr0bertbr1an Member Posts: 19
    Thanks for all your input, everyone. My 2003 SX (black and ivory) is being brought up from Florida and should arrive here in Virginia by Saturday. I should be signing the papers (with my wife) on Monday afternoon. I am extremely psyched!!! I'm opting for the all-season rubber so I won't have to buy new tires in three months (lots of snow last year).

    It's amazing the variety of stories I got from the sales reps, but I finally found one that was willing to do whatever I requested, without any questions or diversions. I basically decided to pay them to transport the car from a distant dealership (where the cars are sold with ivory interiors) instead of ordering a 2004 and waiting an eternity. Unfortunately, I have to drive 100 miles to pick it up (but that'll be 100 miles knocked off of my break-in period). My local dealership didn't contact me until five days after I mass-e-mailed eight dealers in the region. Man, did they miss out on an easy sale.

    I found that after measuring the "cargo" area that it was roomier than it looked from the outside. I should be able to fit my wife, son, dog and a couple of suitcases in it without any trouble. That's really all I need 99% of the time. As for hauling, screw that. I wouldn't want any potted plants or bags of dirt in a car like that anyway. We'll just use the cavernous Accord Coupe trunk with the liner for that, or if it's something big, the company Chevy Express van.

    Quick questions: Is the "woofer" in the back a subwoofer, or just a 6x9? Does everyone here use premium unleaded and is that what's recommended? How long is the break-in period - 500 miles?

    Thanks again everyone. It's good to be buying a car that's of such high quality, and so rare to spot out on the road. My son loves Mustangs (yech!) and we spotted 16 of them on the way home (three miles) the other day, yet I've only seen two SportCrosses in town since I began researching them a year ago. Not bad.
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    Dude, you and the wife are going to love your new SX. I have had mine for 22 months now and I still enjoy it. I have a work car (honda civic) that I drive most of the time during the week and I can't wait to jump in the SX when I get home. The wife didn't like the car when I brought it home but after a couple of months she fell in love with it. She has an 03 Accord that she drives most of time so it is kind of a kick for her to drive the SX once in a while.

    I actually hauled 6 fairly large plants inside mine. I brought along some plastic tarps to cover the interior with. People were really surprised when I pulled up to the loading area at Costco and proceeded to stuff the plants in the car. Several people walked over to admire the car. It still turns heads because you seldom see an SX.

    The SX actually is supposed to have a powered subwoofer but I don't remember where it is at the moment; under a front seat? I think the sedan doesn't have a woofer.

    May be Mr. JPham knows since he is a trained Lexus sales rep that actually knows the SX still exists?

    Premium fuel is specified but I have used the mid 89 grade several times with no ill effects. Alternating between fill ups with 91 and 89 would probably work long term. The engine electronics will dial back the timing to prevent any predetination/pinging. The best performance will always be with 91.

    It is amazing how badly Lexus has marketed the SportCross. They were a little a head of the curve for the resurgence of the sport hatchback/wagon. Now everybody is jumping on board (chevy, mitsu, Maz, etc). The RX330 does nothing for me. The SportX may be my last Lexus unless they come out with something better than the SportX in the future.
  • revkarevka Member Posts: 1,750
    We look forward to hearing all about your delivery experience. Happy motoring!

    Hatchbacks & Wagons Boards
  • JPhamJPham Member Posts: 148
    I don't know why it was so painful to get info from your dealerships but ... the 2004 SX remains virtually unchanged except for the addition of memory seats.
  • nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    this thing is like "Lexus' secret model"....and try to find one in stock anywhere...I haven't been able to.

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

  • wale_bate1wale_bate1 Member Posts: 1,982
    I have had the same difficulty, frankly. I was told on separate occasions that green was discontinued, Ivory was unavailable, there would be no '03 SportCross, NAV was only shipping with leather, etc., all with the disclaimer of "to the best of my knowledge".

    Case of "sell what you have", as far as I can tell. ;)

    I agree that this is the most significantly under-marketed car in modern history! Everywhere I take it, people always comment to the effect that "I didn't even know Lexus made a wagon", followed by "that is very cool" or words to that effect.

    Missed the boat? I don't think they even found the pier! :)
  • jmessjmess Member Posts: 677
    The local Lexus dealer runs an ad in the sport section of the local paper. The ad was obviously done at Lexus Corp for general use. The ad shows the Lexus model lineup. Every car is there except the SportCross. I guess Lexus Corp is afraid somebody might go to a dealer and want to buy one??

    It would really be easy to stick a manual in the SportCross to broaden the appeal to some of the shifty folks. A number of people have said they thought the SportCross was way cool but they had to have a manual and bought the sedan as a result.
  • wale_bate1wale_bate1 Member Posts: 1,982
    I would dearly love to know the breakdown of SX sales in, say, the UK, or somesuch other locale where wagons are considered (rightly) more hip than sedans/saloons.

    Interestingly, the IS200 is available with a six-speed manual across the pond...
  • JPhamJPham Member Posts: 148
    "green was discontinued, Ivory was unavailable, there would be no '03 SportCross, NAV was only shipping with leather, etc."

    all this may be true ... well, except for the discontinuation of the '03 part ... I usually show my customers actual paperwork to back up my claim. Lexus does make these funny decisions on color availability and options that we all struggle to understand and deal with.
This discussion has been closed.