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2014 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque Lease Questions

Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,263
edited May 2015 in Land Rover
To discuss the latest lease details for the current model, please join us in the 2015 Land Rover Range Rover Epoque Lease Questions forum.

You can also research local dealer inventory and pricing, reviews, features, and specifications on Edmunds 2015 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque page.

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  • sbarraclsbarracl Member Posts: 10

    I'm interested in leasing a 2014 Evoque Pure or Pure Plus for 3 year / 36K miles. Do you have any MF / residual #'s? Thanks in advance.

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @sbarracl said:
    I'm interested in leasing a 2014 Evoque Pure or Pure Plus for 3 year / 36K miles. Do you have any MF / residual #'s? Thanks in advance.

    Evoque Pure - 53% and .00001

    Evoque Pure Plus - 53% and .00011

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  • sbarraclsbarracl Member Posts: 10

    Thank you for the quick response

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @sbarracl said:
    Thank you for the quick response

    Best of luck in your shopping. Come back and let us know how you did.

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  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @sbarracl said:
    I'm interested in leasing a 2014 Evoque Pure or Pure Plus for 3 year / 36K miles. Do you have any MF / residual #'s? Thanks in advance.

    I think we quoted the wrong numbers... Is the Evoque you are interested in a 2-door or 4-door?

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  • sbarraclsbarracl Member Posts: 10

    I'm interested in the 4 door model. Is there an extra "0" in the .00001 MF you posted for the Pure? That comes out to $1/ month in interest which sounds too good to be true.

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @sbarracl said:
    I'm interested in the 4 door model. Is there an extra "0" in the .00001 MF you posted for the Pure? That comes out to $1/ month in interest which sounds too good to be true.

    2014 4-door Pure: .00036 MF and 56% residual for 36mo, 12K/yr.

    Pure Plus: .00043 Mf and 56% residual.

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  • pjwingpjwing Member Posts: 1

    I'm interested in leasing a 2014 Evoque Pure Plus 4 door for 3 year / 30K miles. Do you have any MF / residual #'s? I saw the 36,000 mile numbers. How does 30,000 differ

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @pjwing said:
    I'm interested in leasing a 2014 Evoque Pure Plus 4 door for 3 year / 30K miles. Do you have any MF / residual #'s? I saw the 36,000 mile numbers. How does 30,000 differ

    10K/yr residuals are 1% higher than 12K/yr residuals.

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  • njcruisenjcruise Member Posts: 17

    Hi kyfdx. I'm interested in leasing a 2014 Evoque Pure Plus for 3 years/12k miles and would like the MF and RV for April, if available.

    Also, I'm seriously considering a lease deal but wanted to get your expert opinion on whether you think it's reasonable.

    A delaer in Northern Jersey is advertising a lease deal for the Evoque Pure Plus w/cold climate package, nav, and digital/sat. radio at $499/mo. with $0 down, 36 mo./30k miles, taxes and fees: approx. $3650, MSRP $49,197.00. This dealership is located too far from where I live so I decided to shop around locally.

    I negotiated the following with another dealer: MSRP: $49,139.53, I was told they were selling the vehicle approx. $1k below invoice but failed to write down the selling price :blush: I did note a cust. discount of $5010 so I believe the selling price is $44,129.53, 36 mo./12k miles at $497/mo. w/sales tax of $1177.47 included in payment=$529.70, 0 down, fees=$1887.50 (to be paid upfront). The vehicle is white w/almond interior w/the same specs as above but includes wheel locks and framed mats (whoop dee doo).

    Thank you for your time.

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @njcruise said:
    Hi kyfdx. I'm interested in leasing a 2014 Evoque Pure Plus for 3 years/12k miles and would like the MF and RV for April, if available.

    Also, I'm seriously considering a lease deal but wanted to get your expert opinion on whether you think it's reasonable.

    A delaer in Northern Jersey is advertising a lease deal for the Evoque Pure Plus w/cold climate package, nav, and digital/sat. radio at $499/mo. with $0 down, 36 mo./30k miles, taxes and fees: approx. $3650, MSRP $49,197.00. This dealership is located too far from where I live so I decided to shop around locally.

    Thank you for your time.

    36mo/12K miles per year:

    3-door Pure Plus - 51% and .00003

    5-door Pure Plus - 56% and .00042

    I negotiated the following with another dealer: MSRP: $49,139.53, I was told they were selling the vehicle approx. $1k below invoice but failed to write down the selling price :blush: I did note a cust. discount of $5010 so I believe the selling price is $44,129.53, 36 mo./12k miles at $497/mo. w/sales tax of $1177.47 included in payment=$529.70, 0 down, fees=$1887.50 (to be paid upfront). The vehicle is white w/almond interior w/the same specs as above but includes wheel locks and framed mats (whoop dee doo).

    When I plug these numbers in with the 5-door MF and residual, I get a pre-tax payment of $491.52 for a 36 mo / 12K per year lease.

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  • njcruisenjcruise Member Posts: 17

    Michaell, thank you so much for your prompt response.The info. you and kyfdx provide is invaluable and I truly appreciate it.

    Hmmmm, your calculation is interesting. It is a 5-door (I neglected to mention that). I wonder if they increased the MF slightly. Either way, I'll make sure the numbers add up before I sign the contract.

    Many thanks again.

  • ashenmoralityashenmorality Member Posts: 13

    Hi, I am interested in the lease mf and resid for 2014 Evoque 5-Door Pure Plus with vision/nav/comfort and Premium w/comfort for 10k and 12k per year. I am in Denver, Colorado. I know its close to end of April, are there any rates for May yet? If not, any expectation of large number jumps for May? Thanks!

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @ashenmorality said:
    Hi, I am interested in the lease mf and resid for 2014 Evoque 5-Door Pure Plus with vision/nav/comfort and Premium w/comfort for 10k and 12k per year. I am in Denver, Colorado. I know its close to end of April, are there any rates for May yet? If not, any expectation of large number jumps for May? Thanks!

    You didn't state the lease term, so I'll assume 36 months.

    56% for 12K; 57% for 10K

    MF of .0042 for both.

    No May numbers are available yet, and our crystal ball doesn't allow us to see whether the numbers are going to get better or worse from month to month.

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  • melonball3melonball3 Member Posts: 25

    @njcruise‌: what dealer did you get this at? I am in Philadelphia area and looking for similar numbers. Thanks!!!

  • nickb81nickb81 Member Posts: 39

    Any update on the MF and RV for the 5 door pure and pure plus for May?

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    Not yet... hopefully, soon

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  • ashenmoralityashenmorality Member Posts: 13

    Are the MF and Residual available for May yet on a 2014 Range Rover Evoque Pure Premium w/comfort, 36 months, 10k and 12k in Denver, CO?

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @ashenmorality said:
    Are the MF and Residual available for May yet on a 2014 Range Rover Evoque Pure Premium w/comfort, 36 months, 10k and 12k in Denver, CO?

    .00024 MF and 53%/52% residual. (assuming 5 door)

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  • car_curious1car_curious1 Member Posts: 21

    what is the lease rate and residual on a 14 evoque sport, black edition if that matters. 36 mo and 24 month with 12k a year. Thanks!

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @car_curious1 said:
    what is the lease rate and residual on a 14 evoque sport, black edition if that matters. 36 mo and 24 month with 12k a year. Thanks!

    coupe or 5 door? i don't see a sport edition...

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  • car_curious1car_curious1 Member Posts: 21

    5 door. Dynamic. sorry got confused with sport.

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @car_curious1 said:
    @car_curious1 said: what is the lease rate and residual on a 14 evoque sport, black edition if that matters. 36 mo and 24 month with 12k a year. Thanks! 5 door. Dynamic. sorry got confused with sport.

    24/12 - 56% and .00020

    36/12 - 49% and .00024

    For Land Rover, there is a Maximum Residualized MSRP (MRM) - if you option the car beyond that price point, the excess is not residualized. For the 5-door Dynamic, the MRM is $65,275.

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  • car_curious1car_curious1 Member Posts: 21

    Thanks Michaell. Residual is really poor on the dynamic. But the black package looks so good.

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @car_curious1 said:
    Thanks Michaell. Residual is really poor on the dynamic. But the black package looks so good.

    Residual is generally poorer as you get into the higher trim levels, regardless of manufacturer.

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  • lovethtcarlovethtcar Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2014

    Hi there all.Can you please tell me the what is the June/July 2014 lease rate and residual on a 36m/12k a year lease for a 2014 evoque sre5 4 door pure plus with cold package, satellite and nav. First time leasing and clueless as to how to go about this and what to look for, any advise is welcome! The dealer is offering $569.28 pm, $795 acquisition fee (?), $1842.65 NY sales tax, $75 doc fee, $10 inspection,$270 license, total on delivery $3574.43
    Any of these fees and costs bogus add ons? I am thinking yes. Help?

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @lovethtcar said:
    Hi there all.Can you please tell me the what is the June/July 2014 lease rate and residual on a 36m/12k a year lease for a 2014 evoque sre5 4 door pure plus with cold package, satellite and nav. First time leasing and clueless as to how to go about this and what to look for, any advise is welcome! The dealer is offering $569.28 pm, $795 acquisition fee (?), $1842.65 NY sales tax, $75 doc fee, $10 inspection,$270 license, total on delivery $3574.43
    Any of these fees and costs bogus add ons? I am thinking yes. Help?

    .00280 MF and 56% residual. Those fees all look legit and the right amount (all leases have an acquisition fee that goes to the bank).

    To give an opinion on the deal, we'd need an MSRP and a selling price.

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  • liljaden11liljaden11 Member Posts: 21

    Current MF/Res please for 4DR Evoque Pure Plus 27/36 12K/15K. Any incentives this month? Thanks

  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    edited July 2014

    All we show for a leasing incentive is a $1,000 bonus offer for members of the British America Business Association or the Monticello Motor Club.

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @liljaden11 said:
    Current MF/Res please for 4DR Evoque Pure Plus 27/36 12K/15K. Any incentives this month? Thanks

    .00280 MF and 54% residual for 36mo, 15K/yr. 56% for 12K/yr.

    We don't show a 27 month term.. 24 month terms are not good.. No incentives, except for low APRs on purchase.

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  • liljaden11liljaden11 Member Posts: 21

    Is it the same for Evoque Pure? Thanks

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @liljaden11 said:
    Is it the same for Evoque Pure? Thanks

    Yes.. same numbers.

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  • jacobjones79jacobjones79 Member Posts: 2

    @Michaell said:
    8/1 is when the dealers will have this information; we hope to have it the same day as well. Early next week if we aren't so lucky.

    Any updates for August? Looking at the following for 5 door:
    2014 Pure Plus, 10k Miles, 36 Months
    2015 Pure Plus, 10k Miles, 36 Months
    2014 Pure Premium, 10k Miles, 36 Months
    2015 Pure Premium, 10k Miles, 36 Months

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @jacobjones79 said:
    Any updates for August? Looking at the following for 5 door: 2014 Pure Plus, 10k Miles, 36 Months 2015 Pure Plus, 10k Miles, 36 Months 2014 Pure Premium, 10k Miles, 36 Months 2015 Pure Premium, 10k Miles, 36 Months

    Still waiting for the August numbers from LR .. early next week, we hope.

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  • ysautoysauto Member Posts: 42

    Looking to lease a Pure Plus this Sept or Oct. what do I look for and what should the lease price be if the price is 46K, can I see a calculation breakdown including out of pocket.
    We can use Aug as an example

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @ysauto said:
    Looking to lease a Pure Plus this Sept or Oct. what do I look for and what should the lease price be if the price is 46K, can I see a calculation breakdown including out of pocket.
    We can use Aug as an example

    What is the MSRP? What lease term and how many miles per year?

    With that information and the August numbers, we can model a payment. As you noted, the numbers may very well change going forward.

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  • ysautoysauto Member Posts: 42

    Thanks, lets say MSRP of 51K and a 36 months lease 10K/yr
    Can you break down the calculations, we can use current incentives.

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @ysauto said:
    Thanks, lets say MSRP of 51K and a 36 months lease 10K/yr
    Can you break down the calculations, we can use current incentives.

    Argh ... no lease numbers in the current LR docs we have.

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  • jacobjones79jacobjones79 Member Posts: 2

    Do you have updated residuals and MF for Aug? Looking at 2014 Dynamic. 10k for 36 month or 48 month.

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    Sorry.... no lease info for Land Rover/Range Rover, this month.

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  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @jacobjones79 said:
    Do you have updated residuals and MF for Aug? Looking at 2014 Dynamic. 10k for 36 month or 48 month.

    .00042 MF and 50% residual for 5-door, for 36mo, 10K/yr.

    .00080 MF and 41% residual for 48mo, 10K/yr

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  • pdxccpdxcc Member Posts: 3

    Hi I am new to leasing. Trying to get the advertised deal, but conveniently nobody has Pure models in my area. So, can someone help me find out what the cost should be currently for a $46,800 MSRP / 36 mos. / 10k & 12k per year. Can you break down how to calculate it? $3k down.

  • pdxccpdxcc Member Posts: 3

    oh and I live in Oregon, no sales tax

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082
    edited August 2014

    @pdxcc said:
    Hi I am new to leasing. Trying to get the advertised deal, but conveniently nobody has Pure models in my area. So, can someone help me find out what the cost should be currently for a $46,800 MSRP / 36 mos. / 10k & 12k per year. Can you break down how to calculate it? $3k down.

    We would need the selling price to model a payment.

    Pure 5-door MF and RV are 56% or 57% and .00036.

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  • pdxccpdxcc Member Posts: 3
    edited August 2014


  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @pdxcc said:

    You are saying the selling price and MSRP are the same?

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  • z4maudiomanz4maudioman Member Posts: 137

    Looking to lease an Evoque 5-door Dynamic for 36 months/15K year. Can you please share the money factors and residuals for both 2014 and 2015 models? Thank you.

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @z4maudioman said:
    Looking to lease an Evoque 5-door Dynamic for 36 months/15K year. Can you please share the money factors and residuals for both 2014 and 2015 models? Thank you.

    2014: .00005 MF and 46% residual.

    2015: .00139 MF and 49% residual.

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  • e90me90m Member Posts: 30

    Are the MF and Residual the same for a Pure Plus model?

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082

    @e90m said:
    Are the MF and Residual the same for a Pure Plus model?

    2014 Evoque Pure Plus 36/15 - 52% and .00005 MF

    2015 - 57% and .00139

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