I wanted your suggestions on what you feel would be the best classic car?
We run a classic car hire company based in perth [non-permissible content removed]. I wanted your suggestions on what you feel would be the best classic car? Our most popular car is the rolls royce silver cloud but are looking to buy a new car.
That would really depend on your target market.
If your market is weddings and things like that, how about a 1959 Cadillac 4-door sedan. Outrageous styling, plenty of room, generally quite reliable, and since it is a sedan you can buy them relatively inexpensively.
Wow...that's a great suggestion. I totally concur!
If you're doing weddings, I think a Lincoln Continental with suicide doors would also be way cool. Really great for photo shoots, with the way those doors open. Of course, probably not as reliable, or easy to find parts for, as a '59 Cadillac.
I think almost any full-sized convertible is also pretty cool for a wedding. Years ago, I let a co-worker use my '67 Catalina convertible in her wedding, for photo shoots.
I am assuming this person lives in Perth Australia, or maybe Scotland - so the supply of 59 Caddys and old Continentals might be low. Good excuse for a private import though.
Oh, Aussies buy American iron all the day long. There are even companies here in the US (in your neck of the woods, Fin) who specialize in expediting the purchase and shipment of US cars to Australia. There's a very active pipeline right now.
I thought about the Lincoln Continental also but they are troublesome cars, so I nixed the idea as a livery vehicle. You have to keep your inventory rolling if you want to stay in business.
Pontiac?? how did that get into your mix?