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2013 and Earlier - Toyota Camry Prices Paid and Buying Experience



  • eandyleeeandylee Member Posts: 28
  • willy662willy662 Member Posts: 4
    I went to the dealer to buy an ad car, one of three that they will sell each weekend as a loss leader. The ad price was 15,795. The ad cars are usually the supposedly less desirable colors like white or silver, which would have been fine for me because I actually like the white. Unfortunately the white ad car was damaged when they pulled it out of the lot and the others had been sold. As a consolation, they then offered me any LE auto on the lot with an MSRP of 20,495 for 500 over the ad price. My color of choice happened to be one of those cars so I jumped on it.
    There is a 1000 rebate in effect till the end of this month. Don't know if it will be extended, but if it's not in effect, expect to see the ad cars at 16,900ish. Good luck.
  • labgirllabgirl Member Posts: 13
    I'm looking to buy a RED XLE - red seems to be pretty unusual as are XLEs - so should I expect to have to put in an order? I only want side air bags added so I'm hoping it would be fairly easy to acquire. Any thoughts out there? ANy other buyers of red XLEs? I might go with just an LE if things got too tedious.
  • andrelaplumeandrelaplume Member Posts: 934
    Hmmmmm, I was skeptical of this fee as well though 6 out of 7 dealers I shopped / emailed included it in their price and would not budge. The 7th dropped the fee yet his best price still was in-line with the other 6. So I guess if this really IS something the dealer will wave either they are not doing it in my area, the are waving it and adding it into their 'profit', they are selling a damaged/used/rental/program car or a highly undesirable one they can not get rid of.

    eeandlee, IMO YOU should not feel ripped off if YOU pay it so long as YOU are getting the car YOU want and not some sort of ad/damaged/high mileage car.

    White, a non-desirable color?...I am insulted...in fact I had to order mine....now if you had said that icky blue...Ha Ha just kidding!
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    In Clearwater Fl saw ad for Camry LE 4 cyl auto for $15,485. I called and confirmed the price. In my area that car is $16,985. Might be worth a trip for anyone in the SE.

    Labgirl--an xle with side airbags only maybe hard to find, red should not be that big a problem. I am running into the same problem with my XLE search. None with side airbags and premium pkg only. I ordered mine. On another thread a toyota dealer in the SE said that 18% of XLE's in the SE have side airbags. Have your dealer try to locate one through dealer daily. Are you looking for 4 cyl or V6?
  • jtbruinjtbruin Member Posts: 40
    I also called to confirm the price on a camry at $15,999 (e.g. for all in stock with msrp 20469), and they said it was good. But when i then asked the internet manager for a quote he said $16,999 and the $15,999 was no good. so i'm not sure what's going on there. I'd ask if there are any other fees added on, such as ad fees, high doc fees, which could add another $500? goodluck!
  • willy662willy662 Member Posts: 4
    They usually have only between 1 and 3 cars at the loss leader prices and you have to talk to the retail guys. The internet guys usually don't sell the ad cars.
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    I agree, there were maybe not too many of them avaiable. I'll talk to retail over internet anyday to save $1000. If it is an LE auto with nothing on it, there should be a supply in the area. Just check through toyota's website for inventory. Check the cheapest LE's at each local dealer. The website will show that it has no options.

    JT- You can always try the trick of calling the store from a few blocks away, ask about the ad car, get the saleman's name, then drive over in 2 minutes. It could not have sold in 2 minutes. I would expect a doc fee of around $500. The dealer I am ordering from has a $389 doc fee, but he backed it into my OTD offer.
  • georged7georged7 Member Posts: 4
    I tried to use price reference ($17800) from www.carsdirect.com for negotiation and bought a LE automatic two weeks ago in Dallas area. The car comes with a package (security system upgrade, 6year/100000 mile tire extended warranty and floor mats),a $970 value on the sticker. I though the package was worthy of about $500, thus I tried to offer the $18300, then the manager showed me the invoice with amount of $18400 and asked me to match it. I paid $19800 out the door cash price. Based on the discussions on this site, the dealer made at least extra $1000 profit from my deal. It seems that the prices quoted from internet dealers are still too high.
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    You should have just told the dealer thanks and ordered from carsdirect. I am sure as you were walking out, the dealer would have gone for your price. In my area, SE, carsdirect is $900 below their own invoice price. In reality that is about $300 below edmunds invoice price. This is a pretty good deal considering there is also a $1000 rebate in my area. As I mentioned above I have seen ads in Fl for a car close to yours for $15,500. That is an LE auto. The best ads in my area are $16,600 to $16,900 (close to what you paid if you include the $1000 rebate here).
  • gonkrazgonkraz Member Posts: 19
    2003 XLE Blue, Side CURTAIN Air Bags ($500), Pkg 1 Carpet/cargo mats/glass breakage sensor ($362), Simulated Birds Eye Maples Dash [Plastic]($79).

    This is how it came on the lot. Went in with my consumer reports information. Used their numbers and gave the dealer a 4% (CR said 4-8 is normal). Dealer said I was $1000 off.

    Sticker 23,700. I came away with 21,200. Started out 21,400 ("I'm making no profit") to another dealer who said "we don't normally go that low" but dropped another $100 back to dealer one who dropped $100 more. Ended up $200 below invoice.

    Probably could have done a bit better if I felt like beating myself up. They found me a 3.73 interest rate but denied any rebates despite paperwork I brought from the internet.

    Suggestions: Do your back and forth over the phone. Once you are in the chair it is very difficult to get anything. Take a digital pic of the sticker, blow it up and take it with you. Told Dealer One the car I found a car at Dealer Two so he gave me a price w/o seeing sticker and was little surprised when I placed it on his desk.

    Want a no haggle experience. Buy a Honda. They go to the Edmunds site pull up the TMV and voila, you're done.
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    What do you mean "denied any rebates despite paperwork I brought from the internet"?

    Do you mean that they said that there were not any rebates at the time of purchase, and your info was wrong or that they were giving you a price that included the rebate and you were negotiating a price that you thought did not include the rebate? This is where it gets kind of murky with rebates. It would be best to offer an OTD price including the rebate. That way there is no misunderstanding about whether the rebate is included in the price or not.
  • gonkrazgonkraz Member Posts: 19
    masspector May 6, 2003 3:18pm
    Yep, I showed them what I pulled off the net and the salesman dissapeared in the back. When he returned he simply stated they did not have any rebates, just the special finance rate of 3.99
  • jjhsjjhs Member Posts: 2
    I just bought a 2003 Camry LE in Houston, TX.
    Options: ABS brake, side airbag.
    A Package include: Alloy wheel, tint,security system upgrade, 6year/100000 mile tire extended warranty, floor mats, first aid kit, cargo net etc.
    Outdoor price: $21,300 with 0% finance for 36 months.
    Wondering if it was good or not?
  • ral2167ral2167 Member Posts: 791
    what was the msrp of the car?

    what's the tax rate in texas?

    what was invoice price of car with your options?

    was this a 4 cylinder or 6 cylinder?
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    that people post what they paid and then ask if it is a good deal. You should post what you paid so others can get an idea of prevelant acceptable prices or if you have an offer and want to know if it is good, ask BEFORE you buy.
  • pmoskalpmoskal Member Posts: 25
    When I was shopping for my new vehicle I looked at the Camry XLE. I discovered that if I had waited until late spring/early summer, then I could of had the 2003 1/2 model year Camry with a 210 horsepower powerplant. The 2003 1/2 Camry (all V6s) are going to inherit the 210 horsepower Avalon engine. That will make your Camry more powerfull adn quicker than all the others out there. If you are considering a V6, and you love to get the 200+ horsepower engine then wait for the 2003 1/2 model year Camry V6.
  • jjhsjjhs Member Posts: 2
    LE 4 cylinder
    msrp: 23,280 (with ABS, side airbag and package 4C).
    The invoice of the car without options is 17,780. I don't know the invoice with options.
    Tax: 6.5%
    Total need to pay is $21,300.
    First payment is $2,000, others with 0% finance for 36 months.
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    I know it is kinda late to be asking this question, but did you not confirm the rebate with any other sources? I would have confirmed it with at least two additional sources before I was convinced it was real. It sounds like you just had some outdated info.
  • ral2167ral2167 Member Posts: 791
    anyone wish to share price you paid on a basic new LE 4 cylinder auto ... purchased after may 1? price before tax, since we all have different tax rates...

    family member looking to buy LE with ABS brakes as only option pretty much-- might get a moonroof...

    $500 rebate is what they're showing here in ohio/michigan. wonder if this is accurate...

    thanks for any help.

    i assume toyota still has TDA (advertising) as part of their invoice that customer pays.
  • slov98slov98 Member Posts: 112
    for le v6, the price was $20733 (including $500 rebate) plus 188 processing fee, tax and tags(no advertising fee)
    options were, JBL, carpet floors, beveled 5 spoke alloy wheels(these may be standard on the V6 models, it's not priced on the window sticker)

    they couldn't find this exact car, they found a similar one with the addition of simulated maple dash(which is $250 invoice),and preferred accessory package 1(bonus cargo net, 1st aid kid - $55 invoice above just carpet floors, ) they kept the same price

    I think the best way to deal is to price the car you want, for example, www.costco.com, click on services,then auto, click on any options you want and write down the invoice price only, then offer $300 above invoice to the dealer,(don't forget to subtract the rebate) if the exact car is in stock you might even offer less. check out the dealer's inventory online first, check other area dealers also

    if the they don't have the car you want, visit a dealer and just get a quote on that car anyway, they will probably locate it for you, then go home and find out the invoice prices for all the options and compare to the price you got, mine happened to be $100 above invoice, after the rebate, so I didn't have to haggle..if you add the couple extras..it's 200 below invoice..I don't know if I got lucky or they just need to get rid of these 03 models, good luck !
  • kscbruinkscbruin Member Posts: 10
    Here in So Cal. they have a deal for a Camry V6 LE for $17,788. It's a base V6 LE with floormats. I think the MSRP is around $22,929? IS this the best deal people have seen?
  • slov98slov98 Member Posts: 112
    but be careful that it's not a demo, it's priced 2000 below invoice ($19810 is base le v6)
  • mikejdsnmikejdsn Member Posts: 4
    IT IS $4000 OFF THE MANUFACTURE OR $2000 UNDER INVOICE in Maryland and Virginia. So, make sure you guys get the right deal.
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    To respond to the previous couple of posts, I think there is a factory to dealer incentive on LE's. As I have posted before I have seen LE's advertised around $2700 below edmunds invoice price in Fl. In that area there is a $1000 rebate, so that would be like a $1500-$1700 factory to dealer incentive. In Ga I have seen the price on LE's slip about $500 recently. The dealers here are either not giving the incentive at all or only about $500 of it.
  • pzhangpzhang Member Posts: 2
    With standard features plus ABS and Preferred Accessory Package (Carpet Floor/Trunk Mat Set (5 Piece)• Cargo Net• First Aid Kit). The guy offered me an invoice (excluding 3% holdback) +200. That is $18897. I still need to pay tax and tag etc. Any thoughts?
    BTW: I am in Indiana. Seems like they don't offer any rebate here, only 0%APR and $400 new collage grads rebate.
  • pzhangpzhang Member Posts: 2
    When you guys talked about 200 over invoice, did you mean the real invoice (Toyota has 3% of base model MSRP holdbacks, for example SE 2.4 Auto is about 640. So the real invoice actually is 640 lower than the invoice you can find on Edmunds etc.)?

    BTW: did you guys pay the Toyota Ad. Fee?
  • sazaman1sazaman1 Member Posts: 22
    Anyone knows if Toyota is discontinuing the convertible Camry Solara from 2004? please help....
  • motownusamotownusa Member Posts: 836
    $20,801. That's better than what I got and mine doesn't have side curtain airbags. Mine was one grand more than that.
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    saw ad this weekend for camry LE for $15,999. Not sure if it was auto, ad did not say. Looks like some of the incentive money is trickling down slowly. Also rebate appears to have gone to $1250 in the SE. Same ad had a xle with leather for $19,999.
  • petrnycpetrnyc Member Posts: 47
    whos ad was it ?
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    Hello everyone! I just bought a 2003 Camry SE (4 cyl) for $20388.00. Actually, this is my wife's car. We first wanted the LE (4 cyl) with moonroof and ABS. The dealer won't do it under $19K. Then we are kind of like the SE because it has sport-tuned suspension, fog lights and spoilers. The dealer has the lunar mist (silver) in stock. In addition to the SE standard features, it has JBL 3-in-1 sound system, power drive's seat, 16" alloy wheels, ABS, moonroof and floor/trunk mats. I also took the 0% APR from Toyota. I don't know if this is a good price.
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    I am in Ga., major metro area. Not sure the specific dealer. If you really need to know I can try to find out and post it. I have also seen ads in clearwater,Fl for LE auto at $15,500. Remember that SE has either a $1000 or $1250 rebate that is included in these prices.
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    The MSRP is $22.8K. I have the SE (4 cyl) standard features plus automatic, JBL sound system, ABS, moonroof and floor/trunk mats. I got it for $20388. The 0% APR saves me a lot of money for the next 3 years.

    I was doing a research with Edmunds. It shows negative number on power seat/power moonroof package like -$992. I added all the options and got high $18K. But the dealer won't do that for SE with such options. They can do it for LE (4 cyl) with moonroof and ABS with $18k range. Anyway, we love the car and going to pick it up this Friday.
  • cy_roadtestcy_roadtest Member Posts: 1
    That looks like a good price. Which dealer did you get this at?
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    Now I am really confused. At first you say you cannot get an LE the way you want it for less than 19K. Then you post the SE price and say that the dealer can do 18K for an LE. Which is it?

    Did you check CD for your car? What was their price? Did you go to more than one dealer? Sounds like you were negotiating at just one dealer.
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    cy_roadtest - It is Expressway Toyota in Dorchester, MA. I am not sure the this is a good deal. I overheard there is a $1K to $1.5K factory to dealer incentive. I think the invoice is $20170. And my price is $20388. So if the incentive is true, they still make at $1.5K. But I believe this is a fair price when I consider Toyota only build less amount of SEs and XLEs (both 4 cyl). Plus we both like the color and we are not interested in the V6. Well, we took the advantage of the 0% APR. I still need to order some accessories (i.e. mudguards, All-weather mats) from the internet. Dealer costs double on these.

    masspector - Sorry for the confusion! I and my wife's friend went to car shopping. She also wants the Camry SE with the same options. There are two lunar mist 4 cyl. SEs in the lot. They already sold one to a customer. The dealer has to get it from other dealer. Then she considers the LE (4 cyl.) with moonroof and ABS. The salesman quoted her $19.7K or $19.3 without the options.

    Yes. This is the only dealer that we went. I only did a research on Edmunds, not even a price quote from other dealers. Indeed, my wife was looking for RAV4. And I have been doing a lot research for the car: Edmunds and internet price quote from several local dealers. We both went to test drive last week. And she didn't like it. She first thought it would be fun to drive. Then we asked for the Camry and she loves it. BTW, I know these are two different vehicles. But for the same price range, she picked the Camry. I already have a SUV. So we need a sedan.
  • gordy6gordy6 Member Posts: 14
    Looking to buy a 2003 Camry LE V6 with:


    This vehicle has a MSRP of 23,219.

    Price is $20,200 (21,800 out the door) taking the 800 rebate instead of 0% financing.

    Your thoughts on this deal are welcome.
  • scorpsdudescorpsdude Member Posts: 1
    After going to 7-8 dealers in AZ and CA, finally I think I got the best deal for LA with Power Seats for 17,100. Bought in March 03 when 1000 rebate deal was going on.

    Also, was very satisfied with the dealer: Toyota Towne of Simi Valley, CA. HAd best expeience with these guys after visiting nearly 8 other dealers.

    Worst experinece was with "Big Two Totoyta" dealer in Phoenix (Alma School and Broadway). They suck! Thoroughly UNPROFESSIONAL AND CHEATS.
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    I am driving this lunar mist SE for the second day. My wife loves it more than I do because I am currently driving a Kia Sorento. I and my wife decided to get the 4 cylinder. The power and handling are just what we are expected. The V6 engine seems underpower when compares with most V6 powered cars in the market. I admit the SE with sport tuned suspension is kind of bumpy. It is quite firm and very sensitive to the road condition. But we love the standard features and options on SE over the LE. I don't know why Toyota offers the sport suspension on sedan. I wish the power sunroof has one touch open feature and dual vanity mirrors with lights. Even my Kia has these.

    gordy6 - Sounds like a good deal. I think the dealer told me to choose the $750.00 cash back or 0% APR for 36 months. I figured the interest that we pay will more than the cash back money if finance the car with 3.9% (maybe 4.9% for most banks) for 3 years and with only 10% down. I eventually lost the $750.
  • bronzemaxellbronzemaxell Member Posts: 55
    lok888, are you sure your SE doesn't have one touch power moonroof? i bought my 03 SE three months ago, and it does have one touch open/close power moonroof, and i thought i broke it too when i was installing a factory alarm V5 myself after disonnected the Negative terminal on battery. it went like retarded, have to hold the button to close or open, and then it overshoot during closing and tilts up, then someone told me i have to calibrate the moonroof after nagetive disconnected from battery, hold the tilt up button all the way until it stops and retracts a little. now it resume the one touch tilt and close/open function. The vin# shows me that my 03 SE is a japanese built, came here by boat. not sure if that is the difference.
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    bronzemaxell - I just got mine few days ago. It has been a rainy weekend. I only tried the moonroof couple times just to make sure it is working. But I am sure I have to press and hold the button for opening. The sales manager mentioned no one touch power moonroof on this car when I picked up the car. I think mine (4 cyl) was built in KY. The VIN is 4T1.... Let me read the owner's manual to find out. I don't have the VIP R3200 system. But I was surprised it came with the keyless entry.

    Also, why there is no illuminated vanity mirrors, courtesy lights, fold away side mirrors on Camry? At least not on my Camry SE. My 10-year-old Accord and Kia Sorento have these.

    BTW, can I add a trunk mounted CD changer (Toyota or aftermarket) with the JBL system (single disc)?
  • azcamrydriverazcamrydriver Member Posts: 1
    Bought at Tempe Toyota in AZ. New Camry LE. $16,577 pluss another $199 to get windows tinted. Tax, title etc was another 1.8k. I'm pretty pleased with the price I got. I just called the fleet dept, never go through the front door, always call and ask for fleet! They are straight talkers in the fleet dept, don't negotiate, just tell you the price. They had the best fleet quote of the 6 dealers in town. Hope this helps.
  • ral2167ral2167 Member Posts: 791
    you go right ahead and add that cd changer in the trunk- it will probably be fm-modulated-- just tune in to 88.9 or whatever and you're all set...
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    I agreed it will properly be FM-modulated. So I think I have press FM (or FM2) in order to play CDs in the CD changer since there is no specify button for CD changer (or CD controller) on my JBL system with single disc.
  • ral2167ral2167 Member Posts: 791
    i had a pioneer cd changer in my 99 solara-- along with the jbl radio/cd that came with the car... just preset an fm station to 88.9 or whatver to listen to the cd-changer--actually whoever installs it will do all that...
  • bronzemaxellbronzemaxell Member Posts: 55
    my camry SE vin# start with JTDB..., it read Made in Japan, Nov, 2002, i took delivery in Feb 03, paid $20,300, but it is a manual transmission, i guess most of all manual 4cyl SE came here by boat.
    moonroof is a standard feature, but mine came with one touch, along with one touch driver side windows down, power driver seat, illuminated & keyless entry, i also bought alloy wheels, rear spoiler, abs, convenience plus pkg B that include 6cd in-dash, rear sunshade. and carpet/cargo net

    when i bought my lexus RX300, i felt like i bought an overpriced toyota, cus the lexus vin# also starts with JT, came here by boat cus i have to wait for a week after i signed all the paper work, they said they were unloading from boat in NY. Along came with one touch moonroof, one touch all windows up & down, even the all glasses on the car stamped TOYOTA.

    i am confused and suprised how toyota market or assemble their vehicles differently if they made from Japan or KY

    i've read from forum how other people complained about various rattle from their new camrys, i haven't hear any unwanted noise yet, the odeometer is approaching 3000 miles, even though i took apart the whole console to put a VIP RS-3200 Plus and auto dimming rear mirror myself.
  • masspectormasspector Member Posts: 509
    I do not think there would be that much difference between the camry made in japan and in KY. I have heard others say there are differences, but I think it would be a problem at the dealerships if there were major quality or system diefferences. If something like that was real and it got out to the buying public, people would only buy the japan made cars and the dealers would be stuck with the US made cars.

    I am not sure what lok is talking about with the moonroof, but everyone that I have seen on a car made in the last 5 years has been an auto/one touch affair.

    I agree with what you said about lexus vs toyota, but I have a different take on it. My feeling is that lexus has been very successful and as the innovative technoligies and designs have been brought up to a large economy of scale that this has filtered down to the toyota lines. That is what has made toyota better the last few years. As the rx300 improved, they transfered most of that to the highlander, let toyota sell basically the same suv for $10,000 less, then hit you with the even more advanced rx330. Sounds like a good plan in my book. In another camry thread or in the readers reviews, not sure which, a lady commented on driving the new camry and the es300. She said that they were basically the same car and could not see paying the way higher price for the lexus. You can tell the influence with the 2002 camry redisign.

    I cannot afford a new es300, but I test drove a 99 CPO es300. There was no comparison. The 03 camry xle was nicer and bigger inside for about the same price as the used es300 with 40k miles on it.
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    bronzemaxell - I did try the moonroof couple times and it has no one touch opening feature. There is only one button. When I press the other end of the button, it is for tilt up. For the other end, it is open/close. But I have to hold it all the times.

    My lunar mist Camry SE, 4 cylinder, automatic and everything that comes standard on SE plus JBL 3-in-1 sound system, keyless entry (no alarm), 16" 5-stroke wheels, rear spoiler (standard), moonroof, ABS and floor/trunk mats all for $20388 (MSRP = $228??) with 0% APR. It was built in KY , May 2003.

    About the moonroof, I am 100% that is factory installed. The dealer mentioned they can install a moonroof on any Camry (or any Toyota vehicles) without factory installed moonroof in port location for $900 or $1000. And the one touch opening feature maybe missing. But I don't think mine is the case. I did see those white paint protection tape wrapped around the car when it was on the lot, including the moonroof (the whole roof area).

    Masspector - That's what I thought about the one touch opening moonroof. Even my Kia Sorento has this, plus illuminated vanity mirrors, foldaway side mirrors and courtesy lights which is not on my Camry. Is Toyota cutting cost on Camry? BTW, I prefer the moonroof switch on the dashboard like most Honda vehicles.

    ral2167 - Thanks for the info. So, you have press FM (or FM2) to listen to the CD changer. I am thinking the Panasonic trunk mount 8 CD changer from Crutchfield. The Toyota OEM cost me over $400 plus their book didn't show if I need any adaptor or cable. BTW, how do you control the CD changer and to change disc?

    Anyway, I enjoy my Camry very much. And I have order the all-weather mats, mudguards, wheel locks and cargo net from the internet. My dealer costs me big buck on these. Thanks all!
  • ral2167ral2167 Member Posts: 791
    the cd changer will come with a wired remote or an unwired remote- depends on what you buy...the remote controls the cd changer-- simple

    i like the unwired remote since it's not tethered to anything...
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