Today I drove a 2003 EX V6 coupe and was surprised(but not pleasantly) at how much Honda had changed the seating position from my 2000 coupe. Even with the telescopic feature on the tilt wheel and better seats, I had a very difficult time getting comfortable. The seat, it seems, is set lower and the power adjustment does not bring the seat up high enough in relation to the steering wheel, even with the wheel in its lowest position. The only thing the hasn't changed is that the tilt wheel (as with most imports) does not have enough adjustment. Otherwise, the interior was nicely done, with nice materials and more seat comfort than the previous model. Has anyone else had this problem with getting comfortable in the coupe?
Hi all. Ordered my 4cyl.ex-l 5spd. manual in late December. Dealer is telling me the car should be available in March. Frustrating to wait so long. This question is for anyone out there: Could someone post the Canadian dealer cost price for this model. I'm a little anxious about how much I may have paid for it. Wondering if I could have done better.With the spoiler I paid $26500.00 Cdn. plus taxes.
jrp: It took me about 1 day of driving the car to get completely used to it. I thought the cowl was a little too high at first but now I have no problems with it. I am 5'3 if it helps any.
carpal: Good choice with the EX-L 5-speed coupe, but then again I am biased. What color are you getting?
nowakj: I've heard that some dealers already have some here in Atlanta.
anonymousposts: I'm getting the Sapphire Blue Pearl. Looks good with the spoiler and I'm not a spoiler guy. I found the power with the four is perfect-sporty and practical. Still have to follow speed limits you know. 240 hp. with our gas prices up here is crazy- about $3.00 per gallon U.S.
My local (1.5 hours south of Atlanta) dealer got a 6MT on the 13th and I believe most of the other dealers in the Atlanta area did too. I bought mine Saturday up in Roswell.
Blue looks awesome on this car. It was our 2nd color choice, silver was first, but we ended up with black. We had to take what we could find while Honda still had 3.49%. Don't get me wrong, the black is gorgeous, especially with the tinted windows and spoiler, but it's a pain to keep clean and scratch-free.
240HP would be nice but it's not necessary nor practical in our case. We drive too fast with 160HP, give us 240HP and a 6-speed and you might as well take our license as you hand us the keys.
I noticed the low seating position when test driving the car, and was a little upset for a while because I really liked the car but thought it might be problem. We also have a 2000 Coupe, and the seating position definitely is a bit higher. However, I did lease a 2003 V6 Coupe, and absolutely love it. The seating position is not a problem, and I have gotten used to it. Visibility is fine. When I drive my wife's car, which has higher seats, I now find that a bit uncomfortable. So you really do get used to it. but take a few test drives to make really sure it works for you, as I did.
The dealers around me in Ohio say that there will be VERY few 6 cylinder 6 speed manual coupes. The biggest dealer expected 6 all year. That renders the car a non-entity to me. At this rate, you might as well go get a bargain on an Acura CL 6 speed coupe.
Are others seeing a dearth of 6 speed 6 cy coupes?
Ditto, my local dealership is expecting two this year. It's too bad. I can understand the desire to preserve CL-S sales, but all Honda's going is sending potential buyers over the the 350Z and RX-8 lots, where they will buy and consequently take themselves out of the Accord V6 6MT market altogether.
The Acura CL forum contains posts from apparently knowledgable industry insiders indicating that Acura CL production stops June 03.
Because it's a USA market-only car, there will be no "trickle" quantities of the CL if this is true.
Consequently, Accord 6M production should increase after June 03, althought I'm not sure if the Accord Coupe 6M is cross-shopped with the Acura CL 6m to make this an airtight prediction.
I bought my 6MT two weeks ago. I got the spoiler, door and roof visors, splash guards, foglights, and side trim for $100 over MSRP ($26460, no trade-in). I negotiated with a low volume dealer in my area that was willing to do MSRP (with splash guards only). One of the dealers in my area is saying 2/MONTH, not year. I'm also not sure if that includes models with NAV. I'm sure that within a month or so, anyone that wants one at MSRP can get them. It may be more difficult to get under MSRP, but I'm sure it will happen before the end of the MY.
By the way, did you notice the ebay 6MT didn't sell -- not even a bid at the opening $28k?
It might not be all that much. All you'd really need to do is split the main pipe after the rear cat, and buy or fabricate some hangers. While you're at it, it only makes sense to replace the stock exhaust with a cat-back, or even all the way up to the mainfold.
Finding an aftermarket twin muffler setup shouldn't be all too difficult. You'd probably get a few HP out of the deal, not to mention a nicer exhaust note.
You also need a V6 Accord rear bumper to make the 2 exhaust tips work & fit, look at one to see what I mean. The 4 cylinder only has 1 spot the 6 cylinder has 2 spots for the exhaust tips to come out the back under the bumper.
Also my local dealer has their in and is sold at sticker, they are getting 2 more which 1 of the 2 of those is sold at sticker.
I retract my last post, the 4 cylinder rear bumper can be cut out and have another exhaust tip run under there. The rear bumpers can be used for a 4 or 6 cylinder production car. Look at it. I was wrong & just checked it out.
$400 for splash guards I can buy for $50 $400 for moonroof visor I can buy for $70 $1k for the spoiler I can buy for $300 $1k for the front lip I can get for $150 $1k for the fog light kit thats $250.
holy smokes, can you imagine the labor costs on these parts? =oP
i very recently leased an '03 v6 ex coupe. so far the car has been a delight except for a slight lack of headroom because of the sunroof.
anyway, i do have a couple questions. do any of you guys that own this car think the throttle is a tad touchy? also, i've noticed that when you are accelerating at a decent clip the 5-speed autobox upshifts nice and smooth, but when you only have light throttle application it's upshifts feel kinda "lurchy" for lack of a better word. the car i'm leasing does this, and a different one i test drove also did this. any of you notice similar??
Have had mine for about 5 mos. and have not experienced anything you mentioned other than the lack of headroom. Seems like my '98 had more headroom. However, I'm having some issues with the breaks. Seems like the rotors may be a little warped. Will have this checked out during the first service. Otherwise, the car has been a joy to drive.
We have 5500 miles on our EX-L coupe and so far it has been perfect. My last tank of gas averaged 29 MPG .. not bad considering my heavy left foot and driving somewhat in between city and highway conditions.
I hate to say it, but the pics from the New York Auto Show of the 2004 Solara indicate (at least in my opinion) that it will be a much better looking car than this new Accord Coupe. It has much more personality than the bulbous, generic design Honda has forced on us.I'll take the 15 less horsepower if it looks better than the '03 Accord. Maybe this will force Honda to speed up a restyling before it loses more customers. If you like the '03 Accord, that's fine. I just can't seem to warm up to this car at all. In my opinion, it looks less expensive than its predessesor and too much like an '89 Ford Probe with Focus headlights.
Some people will buy the new Solara, just like some people have bought them before. Not everyone has to buy an Accord or they would sell a million a year instead of 400K.
You must be kidding me. Now I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but come on. I have always liked the solara (convertible), but think this new design is a combo of too many different styling appeals from other cars. Maybe it will look better in person, lets hope so, but for now I love my '03 coupe - even if you think it resembles a generic bulbous probe with focus ligths. LOL
I knew that would stir up a bit of a hornet's nest. I don't mean to insult Accord owner's cars, but as you said beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Its funny, I think that the new Accord is, as you said about the Solara, " too many different styling appeals from other cars". Styling cues form the original Probe, the Cavalier, the latest Mercury Cougar, and the Ford Focus, all look as if they influenced the styling of the Accord coupe. I saw a new Accord parked next to an original Probe and just about dropped my teeth (even though they are attached) when I noticed the similarity. Not, I suspect, what Honda had in mind. And then there is that weird grille opening with the insert. It looks like its trying to stick out its tongue. IMHO, Honda could have done better. Maybe a different front bumper to reduce the bulblous look of the nose would help.
The new coupe looks a lot better IMO, with the aero ground kit. Honestly, I did not fall in love with this gen's looks like I did with the gen6, however, the styling has grown on me and the gen6 now looks a little outdated - but I'm still fond of it. Thanks for stiring up this thread, it was getting a little stale in here. I think it is hard to find a new car today (in this price range) that does not in some way resemble another. BTW, I'm not insulted, this is a great car with a world class interior.
hmmm...just took a gander at the new solara on and at i can say that i'm glad i'm not waiting for that car!! looks like a hyundai tiburon procreated with a monte carlo....ugggh!!
I did see the front view of it in a newspaper today. I wasn't impressed. I don't think the new Accord Coupe resembles any Mercury Cougar, Ford Probe, Cavilier or Focus. The back end looks looks like the Mercedes CLK and the Front looks like a Civic. Honestly Toyota and Honda are both going the wrong way with their styling. Their rivals Mazda and Nissan are going the right way. The new Camry looks a Tarus and the Accord resembles a Buick. I'm tired of this "American meets Japanese Styling" of styling with Honda's and Toyota's cars lately. I don't want a car looking half American and half Japanese because it just doesn't look right. Just style the car 100% Japanese. The new Corolla and 4 Runner were a downgrade from a styling prespective from last generation. The Accord is a definate downgrade from last generation. How bland can you get with cars? The new TL looks like the TSX. What the heck? So is Honda going to share front ends with their cars(Civic-Accord, and TSX-04 TL?) The TL is a downgrade from last generation. Toyota and Honda are headed towards nowhere's land with their styling of late.
But I'd say considering 30,000/month people seem to like the new Accord/Camry and so far less than 25,000/6 months seem to like the Mazda, it looks like Toyota and Honda are on the right track.
And I think the new TSX/TL look are the bomb. So there ya go.
Mazda is not a well known brand like Honda and Toyota. I think 6 sales are a little misleading because Mazda didn't have enough 5 speed manuals on the lot when the 6 first debut. 6 sales did pick up a little last month. Yeah some people do like the newer Accord but I'm young so Honda really went away from my age demographic with the new Accord. The TSX is nice looking although a little bland on the back end but still nice looking. I just don't like the TL's front end looking like the TSX's.
The beef I have with newer Honda's and Toyota's is in the 80's and 90's they looked 100% Japanese now I notice their putting some American Car Designs in their style from Ford and GM. Ford and GM cars styling I never cared for except for a few exceptions here and there. Its just seems like a slap in the face to your loyal audience after 20 years to throw your audience off in the styling department like Honda and Toyota have been doing of late. Mazda and Nissan did that in 1995 and they suffered bankruptcy because of that.
That's not the problem. But if that makes you happy go right ahead. Actually if Honda's loyal audience stays the same audience they have had since the beginning, don't you think maybe they are getting a little older too?
Also, even if Mazda's problem is that they didn't have that many manuals on the lot in the beginning and they didn't sell, that many does that mean few people want the automatics. I mean when you have every variety of automatic sitting on the lot and everyone is wanting a stick then you are in big trouble later. Most of the U.S. market wants a automatic.
But then why are we discussing the Mazda6 in the Accord coupe room. The Mazda ain't even got 2 doors.
Some of the younger buyers(20-30)who have a 96 or 98 Accord don't actually care for the new Accord. Maybe 40 year old buyers don't care about "sportiness" but some of Honda's younger buyers who bought a 94 Civic or 96 Accord do care about "sportiness". I expect the Accord's average age to go up for buyers to Camry Levels.
About the 6 and manual transmissions the BMW 3 Series and Honda Civic sell alot of cars with manual transmissions from what I understand. I would want an Automatic if I bought a car but as you saw in the 6 room when the 6 was released everybody was complaining about lack of 5 sp. manuals on the lot. Its not what makes me happy(believe me) its what I saw on the 6 board when the 6 was realased: where are the manual transmissions at?
Honda still sells 30K Accords a month. Mazda struggles to get to 6000. Who is more successful in finding the target audience? I don't know. it's a toughie.
If you look at the Mazda6 board you'd think that was the problem until the actual dealers say that that's not the problem. They will tell you the demographics of Edmunds has nothing to do with what they see in the real world.
Again even if several people wanted the stick, MORE people want the automatic and they had plenty of those. Yet the Mazda still is having a hard time. I seriously doubt the stick would put 10,000 more butts in the seats.
Mazda has publicly stated they're seeking the same niche that gravitates toward the Passat and Altima. They're after the people who put a higher premium on the driving experience in their 25k and under midsize sedans. You compare the goal of driving a somewhat sporty-handling car to 95% of the people who purchase a Camcord and you'll see they're quite distinct niches.
I've driven the 6 and Accord coupe. There's no comparing them as far as from-the-factory handling prowess. The 6 feels like an athletic monster when held up to the Accord.
I love the Accord's ample power and nice luxury appointments but it'll take at least wider tires/bigger rims and a thicker swaybar to make the Accord a comfortably handling daily driver - figure 2-3k. for the 6 I think a good swaybar could be enough to bring it at least to a level where the car's neutral in corners - figure 200-300 dollars.
They also knew who they wanted to hit and hit em hard. The Mazda V6 Auto can't hit 60 in less than 8 sec and the stick is .2 sec from getting left by the Accord Auto. At least the Altima came out with the power to match it's muscular looks and sporty handling. The Mazda is a great handling car, but handling is lost on most people that even claim to be "real" drivers when the engine can't "bring the fire". Check the lastest issue of C@D they'll tell ya the SR-T may not be the best handling car, but you can't go wrong with 5.? sc 0-60. Even if you can't keep the front end going in the right direction.
Another thing...Like the Acord, the Altima is pretty big. That makes it and awesome family hauler. That's another area where IMHO the Mazda falls short. The basic job of all these cars is to cart the family to and fro. The Accord and Altima are great at this primary job first while being able to give sports car like thrill when you stomp the go pedal. The Mazda on the other hand concentrated so hard on the sporty they seem to have considered being a family sedan a second thought.
Everyone always wants to say that the new Accord will be driven by people who are 40+. Even if true is there anything wrong with that? Money is money. Even if the Mazda6 is a more popular car with people in their 20's, how many 20-somethings are willing to spend $25,000 for a car when they should be buying a house or are starting families? And anything less than a 6s with the sport package is just an ordinary car that looks like a Millenia/626 and will get left by the 60 year old woman in her 4 cylinder automatic Accord.
I think Honda is endangering themselves of becoming Toyota and Cadillac: younger buyers not wanting their cars. You ask yourself whats wrong with that? When you can't get younger buyers you will see what is wrong with that. Honda is changing themselves when younger buyers always went to Honda. Honda is moving their target demographic away from younger people and trying to be Toyota. Toyota in the late 90's started to get rejected by younger people.
On the Altima the interior is too cheap for a Nissan. The 6 is a more complete car than the Altima. Mazda's has always had less room than Honda and Toyota. I think the 6 is good for smalll family's.
So what if the 6 looks like a Millenia : nothing wrong with that since the Accord front end looks like a Civic.
I'm not trying to dog Honda or anything but it hurts me for them to get so bland like that. When I was younger I always thought Honda do no wrong. Now there just messing up a good thing they had going in the 90's. They could have done alot better job on styling the Accord.
If the market gets to where it demands that change, Honda will start making products that will appeal to the younger set. Right now they are staying where the money is.
You are right about Toyota being rejected by the younger set. But they are still a serious company to recon with in the world auto market.
As far as styling on the Accord. That's so subjective. And since even the Element has gotten a warm welcome from the buying public, I don't think they missed their mark there either. I find the Accord quite attractive. As most CamCord design, it'll probably wear much longer than most designs.
carpal: Good choice with the EX-L 5-speed coupe, but then again I am biased. What color are you getting?
nowakj: I've heard that some dealers already have some here in Atlanta.
240HP would be nice but it's not necessary nor practical in our case. We drive too fast with 160HP, give us 240HP and a 6-speed and you might as well take our license as you hand us the keys.
Are others seeing a dearth of 6 speed 6 cy coupes?
I heard there were going to be very few of them.
Because it's a USA market-only car, there will be no "trickle" quantities of the CL if this is true.
Consequently, Accord 6M production should increase after June 03, althought I'm not sure if the Accord Coupe 6M is cross-shopped with the Acura CL 6m to make this an airtight prediction. iewItem&item=2404793752&indexURL=5&photoDisplayType=2
By the way, did you notice the ebay 6MT didn't sell -- not even a bid at the opening $28k?
Any word whether 04 will see more V6, 6 speed beasts?
Finding an aftermarket twin muffler setup shouldn't be all too difficult. You'd probably get a few HP out of the deal, not to mention a nicer exhaust note.
Also my local dealer has their in and is sold at sticker, they are getting 2 more which 1 of the 2 of those is sold at sticker.
$400 for moonroof visor I can buy for $70
$1k for the spoiler I can buy for $300
$1k for the front lip I can get for $150
$1k for the fog light kit thats $250.
holy smokes, can you imagine the labor costs on these parts? =oP
Awww, too bad it didn't sell.
i very recently leased an '03 v6 ex coupe. so far the car has been a delight except for a slight lack of headroom because of the sunroof.
anyway, i do have a couple questions. do any of you guys that own this car think the throttle is a tad touchy? also, i've noticed that when you are accelerating at a decent clip the 5-speed autobox upshifts nice and smooth, but when you only have light throttle application it's upshifts feel kinda "lurchy" for lack of a better word. the car i'm leasing does this, and a different one i test drove also did this. any of you notice similar??
If you like the '03 Accord, that's fine. I just can't seem to warm up to this car at all. In my opinion, it looks less expensive than its predessesor and too much like an '89 Ford Probe with Focus headlights.
Not everyone has to buy an Accord or they would sell a million a year instead of 400K.
And I think the new TSX/TL look are the bomb. So there ya go.
apparently you haven't seen many home market japanese cars...many of them are far uglier than anything japan has built for the US market!
The beef I have with newer Honda's and Toyota's is in the 80's and 90's they looked 100% Japanese now I notice their putting some American Car Designs in their style from Ford and GM. Ford and GM cars styling I never cared for except for a few exceptions here and there. Its just seems like a slap in the face to your loyal audience after 20 years to throw your audience off in the styling department like Honda and Toyota have been doing of late. Mazda and Nissan did that in 1995 and they suffered bankruptcy because of that.
Also, even if Mazda's problem is that they didn't have that many manuals on the lot in the beginning and they didn't sell, that many does that mean few people want the automatics. I mean when you have every variety of automatic sitting on the lot and everyone is wanting a stick then you are in big trouble later. Most of the U.S. market wants a automatic.
But then why are we discussing the Mazda6 in the Accord coupe room. The Mazda ain't even got 2 doors.
About the 6 and manual transmissions the BMW 3 Series and Honda Civic sell alot of cars with manual transmissions from what I understand. I would want an Automatic if I bought a car but as you saw in the 6 room when the 6 was released everybody was complaining about lack of 5 sp. manuals on the lot. Its not what makes me happy(believe me) its what I saw on the 6 board when the 6 was realased: where are the manual transmissions at?
If you look at the Mazda6 board you'd think that was the problem until the actual dealers say that that's not the problem. They will tell you the demographics of Edmunds has nothing to do with what they see in the real world.
Again even if several people wanted the stick, MORE people want the automatic and they had plenty of those. Yet the Mazda still is having a hard time. I seriously doubt the stick would put 10,000 more butts in the seats.
I've driven the 6 and Accord coupe. There's no comparing them as far as from-the-factory handling prowess. The 6 feels like an athletic monster when held up to the Accord.
I love the Accord's ample power and nice luxury appointments but it'll take at least wider tires/bigger rims and a thicker swaybar to make the Accord a comfortably handling daily driver - figure 2-3k. for the 6 I think a good swaybar could be enough to bring it at least to a level where the car's neutral in corners - figure 200-300 dollars.
Another thing...Like the Acord, the Altima is pretty big. That makes it and awesome family hauler. That's another area where IMHO the Mazda falls short. The basic job of all these cars is to cart the family to and fro. The Accord and Altima are great at this primary job first while being able to give sports car like thrill when you stomp the go pedal. The Mazda on the other hand concentrated so hard on the sporty they seem to have considered being a family sedan a second thought.
On the Altima the interior is too cheap for a Nissan. The 6 is a more complete car than the Altima. Mazda's has always had less room than Honda and Toyota. I think the 6 is good for smalll family's.
So what if the 6 looks like a Millenia : nothing wrong with that since the Accord front end looks like a Civic.
I'm not trying to dog Honda or anything but it hurts me for them to get so bland like that. When I was younger I always thought Honda do no wrong. Now there just messing up a good thing they had going in the 90's. They could have done alot better job on styling the Accord.
You are right about Toyota being rejected by the younger set. But they are still a serious company to recon with in the world auto market.
As far as styling on the Accord. That's so subjective. And since even the Element has gotten a warm welcome from the buying public, I don't think they missed their mark there either. I find the Accord quite attractive. As most CamCord design, it'll probably wear much longer than most designs.