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Welcome, Toyota Tundra - II



  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    As soon as the article comes out, the TOIDs (Tundra owners in denial) attack the credibility of PM just like EPA mileage specs, when instead they should be reading them, and making informed decisions.
  • powercatpowercat Member Posts: 96
    Popular Mechanics, now there's a magazine I always look to when I want to buy a vehicle. Boy you Toyota wannabees sure have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for anything positive about those clunkers. By the way , do they still glue the doors on the GM pickups or was that just another in a long line of brain farts? How long is it going to take them to get it right? Maybe "Popular Mechanics" is right after all. . .and maybe Clinton is a good President!
  • tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    You are absolutely right! I should not have placed an order for a Tundra. A truck made by the company that makes the world's most reliable cars.
    Who cares if it has a marvelous engine and phenomenal ride. I am backing out of my deal now and buying a good ol' American piece of junk because a magazine says I should. Thanks for the tip Citroen and Quad. You guys are the best. Keep up the good work. Maybe I'll see you guys at the service shop.
  • citroen7citroen7 Member Posts: 62
    Only a year of the new GMs but they have come out on top in all catagories including the ever so exaggerated toy dependability. I don't really know where that comes from. My seven toy trucks required warranty work and quite a lot of it(I got to know the service managers and mechanics so well I sent them Christmas cards). So then I graduated(why am I driving these little things I thought). Toys ads might be working on the Reagan raised Y generations little brains. Read everything and have your own opinion not a sheeple generation. Go to the largest body shop in your town and ask them how toys do in a crash.
  • jcm1jcm1 Member Posts: 48
    ok I'm looking at the Popular Mechanics stats....Can anybody explain what the Service Index means?? the foot note to it says.."Based on 60 simple weighted tasks." Of course the Tundra was first in that category by a large margine. Now lets see...thats five first place categories for the Tundra..The GM's has only one first place in HW and city mpg...but thats funny the Tundra won in combine mileage.
    So its pretty obvious that citron7 and quadrunning must work for PM.....or else there was alot of crack smoking that day.........
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    Have you gotten your recall notices for the potential engine fire from faulty fuel lines yet.
  • cwirthcwirth Member Posts: 169

    Where did you get your info regarding the potential engine fire. Please state your reference material.
  • tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    You would think that someone with your superior intellect would have been wise enough to have not purchased SEVEN inferior Toyotas. Especially with all the trouble you had with yours! As always, we appreciate your tips. By the way, what generation are you from?

    How about a little more info about the recall?
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    I heard from a toyota salesman that they have had a few problems with the lexus with the same engine as the tundra,and they may have to do a repair,a fuel line repair.It may be nothing you may just want to call your dealer.
  • snookeysnookey Member Posts: 19
    Nuff said?
  • tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    Thanks for the info...I'll check with my dealer's service manager. I'll report any findings here.
  • schroederaschroedera Member Posts: 13
    I finally ordered my Tundra today and now having scramble to make sure I get what I want first time out. I want Keyless Entry but I thought you had to have CQ, apparently not. I want the in dash phone but don't know if Port or Factory item. If any body knows about either of the drop a note.

    Crying because I will miss my old Landbruiser
  • citroen7citroen7 Member Posts: 62
    Never said toyotas were inferior. I loved them those years, 73-94, and they made me money and rarely let me down. They were a better value then however, the domestics have not only caught up but gone ahead. I want and hope the toys get better. Why not have 4 discs, all wheel drive, and the diesel engine they offer the rest of the world, a 60k bumper to bumper warranty, and cheaper price. My generation was not ignored by both working parents having to work to make it in the so called good reagan-bush years, trickle down was tinkle down on the middle class for the rich and corporate welfare they gave and 5 trillion they barried us in.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    re: GM, er, I mean P. M. website.
    Thought it was a little curious that GM advertising was everywhere on the popular mechanics website. I'm sure, however that all those advertising dollars in no way influenced the P.M. staff to name GM no.1 even though Toyota was superior in nearly every category
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    You wrote (and I quote):

    "I heard from a toyota salesman that they have had a few problems with the lexus with the same engine as the tundra, and they may have to do a repair, a fuel line repair. It may be nothing you may just want to call your dealer."

    Aren't you one of those "Big Three" guys....and you were "slumming" with a Toyota salesman? I sure hope none of your buddies saw you or you'll have a lot of explaining to do all around. As it is your out here once again in Tundra Territory attempting to stir up some trouble about a so called fuel line problem. What was it last time...? Oh, I remember the exploding Avalon axle? Your the reason I keep coming back man...I own a Tundra and I know how great Toyota's are...but it just makes me laugh my [non-permissible content removed] off to read about you guys so green with jealousy, you'll stoop to anything just to have something to say. Can't wait to see what's next...please, don't disappoint me, ok?
  • meredithmeredith Member Posts: 575
    Some of you.....

    need to reread the Participant's Agreement regarding the inappropriateness of profanity, and the conduct of civil discourse.

    Basicly, if it won't come on the 6:00 news in middle America, it won't fly here either.

    Front Porch Philosopher
    SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    "...What was it last time...? Oh, I
    remember the exploding Avalon axle?"

    Yes, indeed. I think the light of truth is shining on Beerlitz. Let's get him to post a pic of his Ford F-150 Lightning, because I'm beginning to believe that he's fudging the truth a tad.

    So there it is: Beerlitz, go buy a disposable camera and snap a pic of the awesome truck in your driveway. For a small fee, just about any Fotomat can digitize your pic into JPG format for web publishing.

    I'll even post the pic for you on my website!

    PS: Take a pic of the service order for the repair of your sisters in law's exploded Avalon axle, while you're at it.
  • cwirthcwirth Member Posts: 169
    I have some scratches in the lower plastic dash panels of my Tundra. Does anyone know of any type of touch up paint or something similar that can be used to cover them. I have the Oak interior.
  • doughowarddoughoward Member Posts: 20
    i'm still looking for a nice new canopy for my access cab tundra. any pointers?
    also, i'm going to mount some bigger, more agressive dunlop radial rover p265.75.r16's on my aluminum rims. i'll let you know how they ride...
    and i take it that fuel line problem was a farce, right?
  • leewleew Member Posts: 32
    Well, my Tundra is at 1500 miles and it still puts a grin on my face. Awesome truck.

    Has anybody found an aftermarket wiring harness? I had a hard enough time finding an aftermarket hitch (finally found a hidden hitch locally.) Nobody seems to carry the wiring harness except the Toyota dealer and they want 65 bucks for a 25 dollar harness. If any of you guys know where I could order one from, I'd appreciate it.

  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    I will post a photo of my lightning for you and I'm not knocking the tundra,believe it or not the tundra is the only one of the big 4 I should say now that is entirely made in the USA.There are some good writeups on all trucks at www.trucktrend.com. I will post on this site when my photo is up for you to see.
  • pickup2pickup2 Member Posts: 13
    Try LEER or SNUGTop. They both have several models. SNUGTop has a model called EXPO That is real nice. Check out the rear window hinge on that model. Here in So. Calif. the EXOPO sells for $1,369. If any one knows a cheaper price, please post.
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    "I'm not knocking the tundra,believe it or not the
    tundra is the only one of the big 4 I should say
    now that is entirely made in the USA."

    Well, great. I'm glad you agree, although I'm sure you're the one who identified me as a 'traitor' for buying a Japanese truck in forum only a few days ago. Everyone has little voices in their head, Barlitz, but we don't necessarily do what they say, you know...

    Personally, I think the whole 'Made in USA' argument is nonsense. I'm still waiting for some here to explain why buying a domestically designed and manufactured Toyota constitutes anti-American sentiment, whereas buying a foreign-built Ford/GMC/Chevy/Dodge supposedly keeps the dollars here in America.

    ... Which poses the real question: 'Is it better to spend money on a foreign brand which will pay American workers, or buy 'Made in USA' which enriches Mexican and Canadian auto workers?'.

    I prefer my dollars to go in the wallets of American auto workers, even if the Japanese are the only ones lately seeing fit to orchestrate it.

    A lot of preposterous finger-pointing over this issue alone has occured here. Since the argument is hereby invalidated, what's the point of continuing? We can continue elsewhere:

    Aside from some curious claims of potentially inflammible Tundras and dashboard vibrations that I've yet to see, the next best complaint about the Tundra seems to be frame-mounted seat belts and a poorly-positioned clock.

    Folks, I believe we've seen the extent of the Tundra's downside legacy: The clock ain't placed right.

    Oh, the horror!
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    The sticker on the last Tundra I looked at said content, Japan 50%, others 50%.

    According to the Commerce dept., it's still an import truck.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    The sticker on the last Sierra I looked at said content, USA 85%, others 15%.

    See the difference?
  • fortwhitetomfortwhitetom Member Posts: 6
    I simply must agree with #131. In actuality, when I want to know what time it is, I look at my watch. When I don't believe so much time has passed because I was having such fun in my Tundra, I might just glance over at the digital display to double check.

    I've heard some lame comments regarding the stereo system as well. When I want to listen to fantastic musical sounds, I sit at home in my recliner with headphones attached to my Pioneer Stereo System. This is NOT what I bought my truck to do (tell time and listen to music).

    I DID, however, wish to have a good looking, great driving vehicle that could not only carry the groceries but also pull my boat or camper when and where I wanted to go without worrying about breakdowns or when and if I would ever get home again. So far my Tundra is doing exactly what I purchased it to do - and then some.

    I don't care what anybody says, it's a great truck right out of the box and will only get better as time goes on. My hat is off to the Toyota folks - they seem to have gotten it pretty much right the first time. Frankly speaking... for as long as the "Big Three" have been making pickup trucks, it might do them well to take a few notes from the new kid on the block. And believe me, I speak from experience - I've owned 'em all.

    Regarding the "topper", or "cap", or "canopy" that 'doughoward' asked about previously, I have a Leer 100XL that looks great on my 4X4 Access Cab. They have a website @ www.leer.com if you are interested.

  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    Quadrunner: "See the difference?"

    ... Only in quality.

    Hmnnn... My window sticker reads higher than 50/50 for domestic and import parts. Are you *certain* that this was a Tundra you were looking at?

    Would you like to try again with those figures?
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    "...My hat is off to the Toyota
    folks - they seem to have gotten it pretty much
    right the first time."

    Well, the 'first time' was the T-100.

    Say what you want about that one, Quadrunner.
  • present4upresent4u Member Posts: 52
    Citroen: "...My generation was not ignored by both working
    parents having to work to make it in the so called
    good reagan-bush years, trickle down was tinkle
    down on the middle class for the rich and corporate
    welfare they gave and 5 trillion they barried us

    Anyone else got the idea that Citroen and Barlitz are conjoined twins -- two heads sharing the same body -- where one takes turns posting to Edmunds.com while the other sleeps?
  • jcm1jcm1 Member Posts: 48
    ok....hate to get off the subject....but who has the port installed hitch with harness? What kind of plug is on the harness...I'm going to be pulling a boat wiht a 4 prong in-line connector. Is it going to fit??? Is there more then one harness available?
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    The info I got on the tundra being totally built in the usa was from that site I posted www.trucktrend.com.I do believe some parts are shipped from japan and assembled in the usa,maybe thats why they consider it all usa.

    present4u you have a problem with repeating what other people say,either there is an echo in your head or its that agent orange you got over in the gulf."if you were really there"
  • citroen7citroen7 Member Posts: 62
    I know you know there was no agent orange used in the gulf, in fact no plant life to use a defoliator on. The Gulf War syndrome is what present4u has. An import truck has a 25% tax on it which is why the Tundra is 25% inflated in price. 20k is what they should cost. They will depreciate very fast.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    The sticker I saw recently, a white 4x4 access cab V8 said Japan, 50%, others 50%. As more assembly work gets done in the Indiana plant, the proportions change. It's a moving target. But the "others" category includes more sources than USA, too. But to be certified domestic, the USA percentage has to be at least 51%. I haven't seen any recent marketing calling it a domestic. They already have you snowed by calling it full-size, so why bother? That's my story and I'm, stickin' to it.

    Just how long before this import becomes a domestic depends on how many you buy, ultimately. But there is no denying the benefit to Indiana for giving Toyota the $70 million tax break is they collect taxes on wages. But the Toyota plant doesn't spawn growth, help small business, or support the service industry within the local economy. How many of you work for companies of less than 100?

    But I'm sure it's important to Toyota not to have the 25% import tariff in effect. Even though many of you are shucking out $30,000, don't look for them to put any back in your pocket.
  • tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    I am "shucking" out $26,215 + tax for my 4x4 access cab. Definitely not $30,000. I don't care if I can buy a comparably equipped domestic for hundreds or even a thousand dollars less. Toyota's reliabilty is worth at least that to me. I have done the GM thing and was not impressed. As far as buying American goes, I think that whole theory is pointless. Where is it written that one should buy(whizz money away) on ANY inferior product to prove one's patriotism. The only thing it proves is that a fool and his money are easily parted. My money is hard-earned. I do not intend to spend it recklessly. I buy the best products(cars, stereos, furniture, you name it) I can AFFORD. One would have to be nuts to spend any other way. My two cents.
  • tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    Do you think the 2000 plus Indiana workers employed at the new plant spend any of the money they are paid? Do you think they buy clothing, food, housing, or gas? Do you think they frequent restaurants, bars, movie theaters, or the local ice cream shop? Do they buy insurance? Do they need health & dental care? Your economic theory intrigues me. Please tell us more.
  • citroen7citroen7 Member Posts: 62
    Your hardearned money is poorly spent. Name a japanese product and I'll name a Euro or U.S. make that is a better value. Their Bikes, cars, small engines, high-end audio, cameras, are all 2nd rate, like their banks and economy, and I couldn't care less. As they do about you.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Present4u has it all wrong...these two aren't TWINS...they are sharing the same BRAIN!

    Barlitz and your pal Citreon 7,
    Your fingers should refrain from typing until you check to make sure your brain is in gear. Making fun of someone for serving their country...oh, how American of you. How nice...ya give lip service (Buy American!!!), but you respect and the intellect that should go with the statement.

    Even if you don't agree with why American men and women are out there fighting, you can respect the fact that they are American's and stand up for them, be proud of them regardless of the where or why. If you are old enough, why I'd bet you were probably out there jeering at the Vets when they returned from Vietnam. I get to leave my family to defend jerks like you for a living? There's just no justice in this world! This forum gives us the opportunity to voice our different opinions but a personal attack of the magnitude you are guilty of? Shame on you, he fights/fought for a country that permits your mouth to run over like a clogged toilet. Now you've convinced me... you've got no class.

    European???? That sounds American to me...not. I lived in Japan for 14 months and it would seem to me that you've got some kind of hang up when it comes to foreign made products. European is fine...but avoid "those" Japanese products at all costs,eh? Very odd for a guy who claims to have owned how many Toyota trucks? My question is this...if they were such lousy trucks...why did you own so MANY?
  • spoogspoog Member Posts: 1,224
    Hey people, if you want to cut RIGHT through all this B.S. go to the National Highway Transportation and safety site and click on "safety recalls" and "technical repair bulletins" for the Dodge, Chevy, Ford and Tundras.

    If you want the truth that is...........

    Run Barlitz Run.....Run Citroen...run for the hills................
  • jcm1jcm1 Member Posts: 48
    Sorry to interrupt the kindergarden class...but can any one help with my hitch harness question back at #138?
  • tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    Read my post again. I said one should buy the BEST product he/she can AFFORD. It did not say the BEST product is Japanese, American, European, or Martian. If you know the origin of the BEST bikes, cameras, small engines, and audio components that's great. I am sure there is a forum out there for you to tell the world which to buy. However, this forum is about trucks(1/2 ton) in this case. I believe, as well as most others in here, the Tundra is the best choice.


    I do not know the answer to your port installed hitch question. I will know in a couple of days. I will report my findings if no one has responded by then. However, I believe adaptors are readily available at most hardware stores/home centers to convert from 7 to 4 wire for a nominal cost.
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    I haven't been knocking the tundra as a matter of fact I've made some very positive comments about the truck, from what I've read from this site and other articles it sounds like a very fine truck.Present4u was name calling awhile back and I was returning the favor.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Tp4unc, it doesn't bother me a bit you value being a good consumer more than being an American. You're but one in a generation of me-firsts. Not saying you are not entitled, in view of your ax to grind.

    By the way, if I didn't point out the domestic content was less than 51%, most here would be calling it American made, so get a grip.
  • tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    I am not sure what you are referring to in topic #149 regarding "knocking the Tundra". Maybe you meant to send the post to someone else. Please let me know if I missed something. I appreciate YOUR Tundra comments. Especially after you cleared up the Avalon axle situation.

    I consider myself a good, American consumer. I can't speak for the "others" you refer to in post #150 but, I simply do not care where the Tundra is made. As long as the vehicle does the job I'm paying for, I will be satisfied. We all live in a global economy where the line between domestic and foriegn products gets more blurry everyday. Look around your home, Quad. Is everything in it American made? I know the answer is NO. Don't throw stones at me. See ya.
  • doughowarddoughoward Member Posts: 20
    why don't you guys get a room?
    lemon7 and bardog -- start a toyota bashing site somewhere else.
    Lets try get back on the subject.
    somebody mentioned stereo shortcomings.
    i have the 3 in one (CD, radio, cassette),
    with 6 speakers, and if you want to improve
    the accoustics, replace the back (access)
    speakers for new 6.5" co-axial polk audios like I did. only $75, and MUCH better sound --
    highs and lows. polk audio -- american made?
    i don't know and i don't care. they're just better than anything else I saw...
    just like the Tundra.
  • tundrarulestundrarules Member Posts: 1
    I am counting the minutes until I get my Black Limited v8 4x4 Tundra. I got every factory option except the 6 disk changer. I figure that I will install a really good aftermarket system anyway. I was only able to get the salesman down $650 from MSRP. I was soooooo blown away by the test drive of the tundra. I was impressed by its incredibly smooth ride and quick acceleration and it also turns on a dime. I fell in love instantly.
  • 606zpx606zpx Member Posts: 75
    I've looked at the port installed harness done by the Southeast toyota distributors.....it is a 4 prong in line plug that I am sure is compatible with yours. If it isn't there are adapters for virtually any set up at Pep Boys, etc...
    The hitch is a Reese model but I don't know if it is class III or IV
    My preference would be the class IV since its capacity better matches the trucks towing capacity ( the class III only goes up to 5000 lbs but the truck tows over 7000).

    Hope this helps
  • jcm1jcm1 Member Posts: 48
    Thanks for the info....this waiting for the truck to come in is killing me..............

    Any info out there on bug reflectors? Is the toyota one around yet?
  • cwirthcwirth Member Posts: 169
    Yes there is a bug shield for the Tundra. I purchased one for my Tundra. It is made by Lund, model number 18083. It should cost about $55. I purchased mine locally but you can get it at the following website www.detailshop.com. It looks great and was easy to install.
  • barlitzbarlitz Member Posts: 752
    I probably did mean to send it to someone else,I don't have to many friends at this site.I think you all made a good choice in your tundra trucks,although I will always buy an american product"they are getting better".I will continue to occasionally read this site but I will keep my comments to myself.

    Good Luck
  • redfox1redfox1 Member Posts: 42
    Relative to the discussions on what kind of gas mileage the Tundra is getting, I will add my two cents. As of today I have 4,916 miles on my Tundra SR 5 4X4 Access Cab V-8. The total gallons for these miles was 276.943 gallons for an average of 17.751 mpg. These miles included a trip from Prescott,Az to Denver,Co; a trip from Prescott to San Diego, Ca; a number of small trips (100 to 200) miles around northern Arizona and the rest in town driving.Since the brochure said 14-17 mpg, I am happy with my results. The AC was on 95% of the time and the 87 octane gas was used exclusively.If you have questions , dial me at www.laserfox@cybertrails.com or vicenta_98@yahoo.com
This discussion has been closed.