Toyota Tacoma (2004 and earlier)



  • compostercomposter Member Posts: 1
    Apparently it happens with the 2000 as well. I just went in for my state inspection expecting the usual routine sticker paste up. It flunked because of rust holes in the frame. 105,000 miles, runs like a top, body still bright and shiny. I tried two shops and the lowest estimate was $5000! So I'm off to see if I can foist it off on some dealer for a trade-in. If not, it's the junk yard. Unbelievable!
  • dasman12dasman12 Member Posts: 11
    Someone else already suggested getting it checked out by a REPUTABLE mechanic.....

    That said, it sounds like your tires may be scalloped, or alignment off.

    Scalloped tires are symptomatic of a number of potential issues...... find someone who is honest and "a good mechanic", and have them check it out.

    If it's still under warranty, take it to the dealer. If they try to sell you on an uncovered repair, get a second or third opinion.
  • roncayenneroncayenne Member Posts: 3
    Got one better. I have a 2001 2.7 4cyl auto and was getting 13-14 mpg. Took to 2 dealers and also to regional rep that 'happened' to work at one of the dealers. Said nothing was wrong.
    4 cyl getting 13-14mpg..come on!!! Wound up getting a K&N air induction filter and put it on in less than 30 minutes. Now I get around 17mpg in town. Still not happy with the pickup and also still burning too much gas. The tail pipe is black. Heard about checking an oxygen sensor on it. This is 2nd tacoma... won't buy another one....
  • dasman12dasman12 Member Posts: 11
    Hey Ron,

    If it is a 4x4 with autotrans, that is probably typical in town mileage. You should also get 22+ mpg on the highway. If you had a 5speed, you would get significantly better mileage.

    You didn't say, so I'm just going to presume it's a 4x4, and also, a tuning issue.

    Your post provides virtually NO actionable information, in terms of a diagnostic.

    Check out and you will likely find some useful feedback.
  • tmiller159tmiller159 Member Posts: 25
    I would also pump up the tires. I have Michelin tires that hold up to 50# so I set them at 45#. That put my truck up to 19 MPG on the highway. A diesel sure would be nice in this thing. A 4 cylinder turbodiesel would get near 30 MPG in this 4x4 tacoma. My first and last Toyota truck as well. My frame is rotting away. Original exhaust though!! What's wrong with this picture?
  • tmiller159tmiller159 Member Posts: 25
    I get it from a local dealer but bacame a preferred customer and now get it direct from the factory. If you are interested, send me a personal email and i will forward the paperwork. You can buy it at dealer cost!!
  • roncayenneroncayenne Member Posts: 3
    The truck is a 2X4 with autotrans. I took it to 2 dealers and they both said the same thing. I asked them to switch out the computer on it and they said would make no difference.
    Not run a diagnostic check on it cause only got 20K miles on it. I really like the truck and the looks but every time I think of the mileage and the performance of the engine I cringe. Knew I should have gotten the SR5 V6 but tried to save a grand... thats what I get...
    I will go to the toyotanation site and see what they say... thanks for the feedback..
  • crazykittycrazykitty Member Posts: 1
    just got it can anyone tell me if you can mantinance the tranny yourself need help
  • dasman12dasman12 Member Posts: 11
    Ron, definitely go to Toyota Nation, and put tons of details up there, including vehicle history.

    That's awfully low odometer mileage, for 6 year old truck.... which is fine, or is it?

    It might also suggest the vehicle usage hasn't been "full range", and maybe the fuel system is getting cruddy. Has it been on the highway, driven fairly hard? If not, how long since it has>

    Toyota trucks, treated right, are not usually a problem.... with the exception of the early Tacoma "frame death", which mine had.

    160, 000 miles, and I didn't even take that good care of it, other than running Amsoil in the crank. Thing purrrred. 3.4 v6

    Pour a can of Sea Foam into a tank of gas, and see if that helps. Also, are you getting your fuel from a reputable gas station.... one that also moves a lot of fuel?
  • juking2juking2 Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2003 Tacoma Extended Cab 2WD with 40,000 miles on the original tires. They are Firestone Wilderness HT P205 75R15 97s M+S. They are rated at 60,000 miles, and still have good tread. However, I am beginning to shop for replacements. Can anyone recommend good replacements (competitor or otherwise). I live in Florida, and I drive mostly on improved roads and highways with very little off road driving. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
  • dasman12dasman12 Member Posts: 11
    What are your "replacement criteria"?

    Do you want inexpensive? Do you want superior ride?

    If I could easily afford them, as daily usage tires, I would ALWAYS buy Michellin's.

    Frankly, I never believed Michellins could be that much better than other tires, until I put a set on my van. It was like I had purchased a new car. The ride was that much different than the "cheaper" tires.

    They do make some pretty good sized tires.

    My 2¢
  • mikefm58mikefm58 Member Posts: 2,882
    Can anyone comment on the best manuals for just basic maintenance? How are Haynes and Chiltons for Toyotas? I didn't care for them for Hondas and picked up an official shop manual on but they don't have Toyotas.
  • dasman12dasman12 Member Posts: 11
    What Toyota are you needing a manual for?
  • mikefm58mikefm58 Member Posts: 2,882
    2004 Tacoma and 2004 Highlander
  • luvuvrideluvuvride Member Posts: 5
    i prefer chilton's they give more data such as horsepower ratings-they're at kragen...although your vehicle may be too new for publication
  • taco98taco98 Member Posts: 1
    i have a 98 tacoma trd. The clutch seems to squeak mostly when it is colder weather outside. I have no idea what weather could have to do with it but I have tried spraying anti squeak stuff on there and nothing seems to help. does anybody have an answer??
  • mysportmysport Member Posts: 19
    My '02 Tacoma squeaked as well. Good news is that it didn't effect operation of the clutch or pose a safety hazzard. Bad news is that the bushing around the clutch/pedal needs to be replaced. Cost is about $300. I decided to put up with the intermittent squeak - have it sprayed from time to time. Maybe if I win the lottery I'll get 'her fixed lol. ;)
  • sndman2ksndman2k Member Posts: 1
    I have the chance to buy a 98 Tacoma that has spun a bearing on a main. Three questions, first does anyone know where I can get either a short block or bottom end rebuild kit. Second Maybe a used engine. Third would it take alot to upgrade it to the v6, it's the 2.7 and a 5spd. would it take alot to change it( bell housing bolt pattern, size, mounts....). Any help would be appreciated... Thanks
  • jackoskijackoski Member Posts: 1
    at between 55 and 60 mph my 2003 tacoma V6 4x4, 5 speed gives a high pitch wine in 5th gear. Is this normal or is a bearing going? also with the ABS when I brake my foor is hitting the gas pedal. Brakes were bled and plenty of fluid and brake pads.
  • mdawg25mdawg25 Member Posts: 23
    I've been conidering buying a taco v6 4Wd for awhile now. I'm looking at anywhere between an 01 and 04. Ive been looking at this discussion and the frame problems scared me.Has anyone with an 02 or 03 had this problem? Thanks
  • dasman12dasman12 Member Posts: 11
    I've heard the frame design changed somewhere in the 200X timeframe. You might want to ask a service dept about it.

    My 98 was one of the rusted out ones.... welded it up with 1/4 inch steel plating.
  • dion1dion1 Member Posts: 2
    You can buy anything other than Hunter grill guards. They are junk. They vibrate a lot when you drive. I got their guard last year and it rusts badly just after a few months. They do not honor their warranty and ignored my calls. I do not recommand anyone buying Hunter Truck products.
  • patusafpatusaf Member Posts: 1
    Try turning your rotors. I have a 2003 double cab 4x4 with a similiar problem. I bought new OEM pads and turned both front rotors. Fixed the problem and it stops like new.
  • madmike5madmike5 Member Posts: 2
    Trade it! I have a 2003 Tacoma TRD pak 4x4 That sound like it 20 years old springs
    squeaking like it has 300000 miles.Dealer has no answers,dash also squeaking,also getting a value stem if it sits for a day get small puff of smoke when cold starting. purchased this truck new a thought i was buying a reliable truck . I will never buy a toyota. Stick with GMAC NEVER A HAD ANY PROBLEMS.
  • jazzbeaujazzbeau Member Posts: 10
    Sorry for the problems your having.. but let's be realistic here.. You bought an unfortunate truck that has problems.. Nothing can be 100% perfect. I have a 2000 Tacoma 4wd std cab 2.7L. In the 8 years I've had it, nothing ever has gone wrong with it mechanically. I service my truck on it's regular intervals and drive it within it's design parameters.
    It's bothersome that when the few that have a problem with a Japanese vehicle that they have to bad mouth it as if ALL of them have the same fate as you have had. Be fair, Many GMC, Ford, Dodge trucks and cars have been on the watch out list for years and only now are they starting to realize that quality does mean something. They've ignored their problems until now, when they were about to go belly up and then advertise them like it's been second nature. Yes, I know of some Big 3 vehicles that have been trouble free or mostly, but the majority of them aren't and it's shown in the yearly auto issues of Consumer Reports. Even Toyota's have shown up on the troublesome list recently, (V-6 Camry, Tundra 4WD ) What sets these vehicles apart is that Toyota is right on the problems and they have been fixed. The Big 3 has ignored their problems with their noses up in the air. So please, be realistic. You were one of the few who have bought a lemon :sick: ? Either sell it or fix it.. ;)
  • tmiller159tmiller159 Member Posts: 25
    Where do you drive your truck in this country? Those of us complaining about frame damage are mostly in the snow belt where large amounts of salt are used on the roads. There is absolutely no reason for a frame to rot out before the exhaust system which is subjected to severe corrosion due to heat and exposure to those same chemicals. The exhaust is 1/5th the thickness of the frame and the frame does not see the heat that accelerates the corrosion. One thing good about US vehicles is the fact that they have better rust and corrosion protection than any Toyota truck has from 98-99-00 model years. The Toyota bodies are great. Again, 1/8th the thickness of the frame with nearly zero rust. Drive trains work perfectly. Put 500# in the bed and the truck folds in half! Many of the reports here are from people who took their trucks in for exhaust work and the frame collapsed on the lift!!! This is not acceptable and shows poor quality of materials used in their construction. My 17 year old VW did rust out in the same environment with 175K miles so why are Toyota truck frames so vulnerable from these 3 years of production? How many do we have to show you before you decide there is an issue with them? I found two on ebay last month for sale with rotted frames but immaculate bodies. People who sell their Tacoma's on ebay seem to always mention the fact that their truck has a "solid frame" so that tells you there is a general concensus that a problem exists and buyer beware.
  • tmiller159tmiller159 Member Posts: 25
    I will be swapping the frame on my 98 Toyota Tacoma this summer and will document the procedure and post the link here so if you find yourself in my situation, you will be able to see what is involved and what it might cost. Most used frames run $800-$1200 plus freight if they have to ship it to you. Other items come up in the cost because you cannot get parts off the old, rusted frame and have to replace hardware and cables/brake lines, etc. to finish the job. You also should take the frame to a frame shop to have it checked/straightened before installing it. Another $250-$400. I figure it will be 3 or 4 weekends to do the complete swap with a helper and an overhead A-frame lift to move the bed, cabin, and drive train parts. Stay tuned. If you know of such a website already, let me know so I can preview it. The dealer figures $6000 for such a swap, no additional parts!!
  • bronxscoutbronxscout Member Posts: 1
    Hello everyone,
    I'll be a new owner of a 2001 Tacoma DCab V6 4speed automatic this week. I noticed during the test drive that on the highway, engine noise increased considerably during acceleration through 2500 rpm, but then it decreased after reaching 70mph, when I eased off the accelerator. Is this just normal downshifting? Is the engine noise normal as well?
  • cmiles97cmiles97 Member Posts: 17
    I just purchased a 2001 Xtracab 4x4 2.7L automatic with 85,000 miles on it. The frame and the rest of the truck is perfect but the Carfax did show it to be owned in Tennessee for its life. I live near Tampa, FL (inland not near salt water) so it will never see snow or saltwater. I shopped around for quite awhile before I purchased this one. It is my first Toyota. I bought it specifically because of reliability. It is immaculate. On the highway it did spark knock a little bit and I notice that you can feel the engine vibration when stopped. Is this normal? The owner’s manual did say that slight spark knock is normal but excessive knock requires service. I compare this truck to our 2003 Honda Element EX AWD which is also a 4 cylinder with 83,000 miles on it. Both have similar acceleration (none) and poor fuel expected fuel economy (low 20s). The Element never ever spark knocks and you only feel engine vibration with the AC running. I will change the plugs on the Taco this weekend to see if this helps. Should I run 89 octane in it to eliminate the spark knocks? By the way the engine looks brand new with new belts and hoses and a new air filter. Thanks for your suggestions.
  • jazzbeaujazzbeau Member Posts: 10
    Here we go again! Why do so many people complain about low 20's mpg when they are driving a 4 WD vehicle that has so much more weight than a comparable model with 2 WD?? Dang not all cars can get 30-35+ MPG, especially hauling the extra weight of 4 wd. I have A 2000 Tacoma 4WD with the 2.7 and a 5 spd. I've never heard a spark knock to date. Try checking the motor's timing, and also, check the gap on the plugs.. they could be way off. I've only felt engine vibration with the A/C on but it has never been excessive. 89 Octane may help but it's an expensive fix over time. BTW, I get 24.5 mpg at 60-65 but it drops to 23.5 when above those speeds. I get 19.5 - 20 mpg during daily driving on the I-5 Corridor in the North State area of California. This by far has been the most reliable vehicle I've ever owned in my near 56 years :) I had an '89 Corolla that was a very close second. It had 186K when I sold it. I can't compare the 2 until the Tacoma has similar mileage so a close second is the verdict. Thanks! :)
  • cmiles97cmiles97 Member Posts: 17
    The reason I was surprised at the lack of fuel economy was my 2005 Dodge Ram quad cab with a 5.7-liter "Hemi" V8 that provides 345 hp and 375 lb-ft of torque and weighed 4906lbs (non 4x4) averaged 16.3 mpg. This was before MDS was included in 2006. The Tacoma weighs 3470lbs with a 2.7L engine making 150hp and 177lb-ft averages 19.5 mpg. It only gets 3 mpg more than the dodge that outweighs it by 1400lbs and is a much broader/taller truck.

    Our 2003 Honda Element EX AWD weighs 3577lbs with a 2.4L 160HP/ 161 lb-ft averages 23mpg and it has the aerodynamics of a brick plus weighs 100lb more than our Tacoma yet averages almost 4mpg better.

    I traded the Ram in for a 2006 Dodge Magnum SRT-8 that weighs 4260lbs with a 425hp/ 420lb-ft Hemi and it is averaging 17.3 mpg. The Tacoma is only 2mpg better than this?

    Now don't get me wrong I bought the Tacoma based upon its reliability/longevity ratings and am happy with it so far. I was just surprised that it was worse on gas than our Element box on wheels and not a whole lot better than both high powered Dodges. I will be switching to synthetic oil next to see if that makes a difference. All of the other vehicles above are using it.
  • jazzbeaujazzbeau Member Posts: 10
    Hi! I understand your confusion regarding the differences in mileage. One thing to note is that weight to power ratio is way in favor of the Dodge. The Dodge has 14 HP per pound compared to 23 HP per pound for the Yota. 4906/345=14, 3470/150=23. Gearing is another factor to weigh in. When I was a kid, 10-12? y/o? we had a '55 Cadillac that weighed as much or more than your Dodge, it had a 270HP 2, 4 barrel carb. set up and consistently got in the low 20's on the road. It's a weird thing I know. I never saw a significant difference with synthetic oils in my experience.. Amzoil, Mobil 1 etc, etc. One thing that will help your Yota is a K&N intake set up but it will take a while to pay for itself.. but 2-3 yrs down the road it will help. I'd just not worry about any kind of big mpg increase, It's not going to happen ! Take care and thanks for your response ;)
  • jwoody61jwoody61 Member Posts: 1
    Where did you find a used frame? I have a 2001 Tacoma with a clean body and solid engine and transmission. The rear end of the frame is completely rusted out and I am thinking of putting it back on a solid frame for my son. None of the salvage yards near me have anything and I haven't been able to find anything on-line. New frames from Toyota are $3600. Rather not spend that much.
  • tmiller159tmiller159 Member Posts: 25
    I have not found a frame yet but they are out there. I am saving up the money to do it first. The expense is in the freight charges to get it from whoever has it to you. There are a number of Toyota Truck recyclers on Google. Look for a light rollover and you will be good to go.
  • damogr81damogr81 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 02 Tacoma. Just wondering how to get the spark plugs off? The driver side pulls right off, but the passenger side looks like there is a harness to. Any suggestions?
  • damogr81damogr81 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 02 Tacoma. Was wondering where is the oil filter?
  • chagasichagasi Member Posts: 7
    Hark! Someone listens. Toyota admitted this flaw in this era of Tacomas.

    You can get the specifics here, but the gist is that the frames will be extended to 150K or so, and replaced or reparied at toyota expense. pickups-to-15-years/

    similar statements have been cross-posted by others. I luckily have not had this problem yet.
  • mikefm58mikefm58 Member Posts: 2,882
    Check engine light came on after picking up the vehicle from the dealer, in for service for brakes and new spark plugs, diagnosed as a bad O2 sensor, $359 please. The vehicle only has 39K miles and is about 8 months out of warranty. I'm trying to get some out of warranty assistance through Toyota but I'm not holding my breath. O2 sensors should not go like this one did.
  • tmiller159tmiller159 Member Posts: 25
    Should be covered under warranty for 50k miles as part of the emissions equipment.
  • mikefm58mikefm58 Member Posts: 2,882
    Nope, I tried that, it's on the 3yr/36K warranty. My truck is just under 4 yrs old and 39K miles.
  • sb6464sb6464 Member Posts: 1
    I Have A 2004 Tacoma X-Tra Cab And Sometimes When I Come To A Stop Then Give It Gas I Get A Nasty Jerk, That Feels Like I've Been Rear Ended And I Have No Idea What It Is The Dealer Says Its The Driveline But I Dont Tink It Should Be Like That Any Ideas?????
  • 71pro71pro Member Posts: 2
    if you have'nt located a frame I would wait. I don't now for sure but the warrenty extension on the 95-00 tacoma's may extend out to your year there are some 01 that are rotting also
  • battlecat07battlecat07 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2001 Tacoma S-runner. Check engine light with the following diagnostic results: cylinder misfire detected - Random cylinders; fuel trim bank one condition. I have replaced the spark plugs, fuel filter, and O2 sensor prior to the catalytic converter. None of the hoses appear to have leaks or holes. The truck runs normal for the most part. When I shift into any gear other than 1st and then floor the gas pedal, there is a complete loss of power and the truck won't go above 2000 rpm. If I let off the gas and then slowly come back on it everything is fine and it will run at above 2000 rpm. My next hunch is to replace the O2 sensor after the catalytic converter. After that I have no guesses. Any suggestions out there? Thanks. :confuse:
  • kaballocokaballoco Member Posts: 2
    I have a 03 taco prerunner dcab, every now and then I get this noise rigth before I fully stop like something loose and makes a thud noise. It feels like something shifted and when back in and hits a solid structure. Any help will be appreciated.

  • dasman12dasman12 Member Posts: 11
    In the front or back?

    Could be a LOT of things.... check for broken front coils.... check rear suspension and frame rails for damage....
  • kaballocokaballoco Member Posts: 2
    front only....I'm new to Toyota, my 1st Taco. At 1st I thought is the motor mount by it only happens before fully stop. I looked underneath and notice that the trans mount flexes when you jerk the exhaust front and back...
  • joespot22joespot22 Member Posts: 1
    I have an 08 sr5 v6 auto.. I'm getting about 19 hwy..Is there any suggestions on better mpg??? My dad has an identical truck, but 07 and he get 24...Go figure!!! :P
  • cw3nolacw3nola Member Posts: 2
    Hi everyone, safely return from combat duty in Iraq. I have 03 Toy Taco 4x4 and have 80K miles. Only problem I've had was the recall on the ball joint. I also have a TRD Supercharger, TRD Headers and TRD Cat. I also undercoated the Taco with Durabak. Was worth it. Was wheeling at Padre Island before going to Iraq and was laughing at all the Jeep 4x4's getting stuck in the sand. I love my Toy Taco.

  • dasman12dasman12 Member Posts: 11
    Welcome home cw3!!!!

    Glad you're back...
  • dasman12dasman12 Member Posts: 11
    Your dad's has a manual transmission?
This discussion has been closed.