Subaru Crew Canadian Owners

Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
edited August 2014 in Subaru
Canadian Owners!

Share your Subaru experience here.


  • joybelljoybell Member Posts: 275
    New 2003 Forester 2.5X Silver Manual arrived today at dealers and we have instructions that it will be ready to pick up on Monday afternoon. AND we have to pick it up then and not later (June 30) because the special financing of 3.8% (in the USA it is 2.9%) ends June 30. Does that mean the clearance of 2003 Foresters is over?
  • hypovhypov Member Posts: 3,068
    No, there should still be '03 Foresters waiting to be bought up. It's only the 'special' financing offer that ends, barring any 'special' extension or new offers.

  • joybelljoybell Member Posts: 275
    I have an appointment to get the new Forester rustproofed immediately at a local body shop. He suggested having it done again in the fall. I know Canadian Tire does this as well. I don't like to use the same rust-proofer twice in a row (one will get the spots the other one doesn't), so I would like to try Canadian Tire in the fall. Does anyone here have personal experience having rustproofing done at Canadian Tire? Are there any Canadians here at all (except me?)?
  • b10609b10609 Member Posts: 37
    All right all you other backroad canucks, did you bother to put in a radiator screen ? - no, not one of those homely outside plastic grill covers. I mean the hidden one behind the grill - all of $4 and needing a skilled assistant with smaller hands (my daughter)to slide it through ? Sure beats an expensive rad job later on when you travel into the woods as often as we do. Her 1995 Legacy was a breeze compared to the newer closed and cramped rads. To Joybell: I'm sorry I didn't see your posting earlier - don't waste the money - just put it through the carwash regularly. Our 1995 above has NO RUST, gets polished once a year ( Turtle Wax ) and that's it. You can buy a lot of washes for the price of those fancy sprays and coatings. - Waterloo
  • b10609b10609 Member Posts: 37
    Allright all you other backroad canucks, did you bother to put in a radiator screen ? - no, not one of those homely outside plastic grill covers. I mean the hidden one behind the grill - all of $4 and needing a skilled assistant with smaller hands (my daughter)to slide it through ? Sure beats an expensive rad job later on when you travel into the woods as often as we do. Her 1995 Legacy was a breeze compared to the newer closed and cramped rads. To Joybell: I'm sorry I didn't see your posting earlier - don't waste the money - just put it through the carwash regularly. Our 1995 above has NO RUST, gets polished once a year ( Turtle Wax ) and that's it. You can buy a lot of washes for the price of those fancy sprays and coatings. - Waterloo
  • joybelljoybell Member Posts: 275
    I guess the rust situation all depends on where you live. I'm right on the main highway to Montreal, where the salt trucks come out as soon as we get a few flakes of snow. We have had too many cars (and trucks) rust out before wearing out mechanically. My brother, who lives in the Laurentians (where they use sand more than salt), had his car for over 10 years with not a speck of rust and he never rustproofed it. Another cause of rusting is humidity. He has a garage for his car, we don't. Our sheds are reserved for the more expense equipment (tractors, combine, other farm equipment). As for radiators, the one on my old Loyale (bought in 1992) is still good.
  • joybelljoybell Member Posts: 275
    Hey lookee here....a "trusty Justy with no rusty" I couldn't believe that a 1989 Subaru with no rust could exist! I guess the owners didn't use it much. What a bargain! ;rubno=4000&pa=9&pr=2&cregion=1011
  • subkidsubkid Member Posts: 94

    time to get "accessorized". What would be places to look for stuff like bug shields, mud flaps etc. in Canada, other than Subaru dealers?


  • joybelljoybell Member Posts: 275
    has a lot of stuff. Check it out first. Other than that I don't know. You asked on another board how long the 3.8% financing will last. Well, our dealer told us that we had to sign June 30th for our new Forester because the financing package was going to end in June. We did, and the 3.8% is still on. Of course neither Subaru or the dealers are going to tell you how long it will continue. They want to sell as many as fast as possible. Also, another dealer called me last week and offered a Forester 2.5x $400 lower, but we alreay had ours. So there must be some additional incentive there for July that didn't exist in June. Of course if you wait to long you may not have a choice, or there may be none left at all.
  • subkidsubkid Member Posts: 94
    Hi, anybody ever used Johnson Inc. for insurance in Canada? Got a good quote from them and seriously considering taking it, just doing my homework.

    Anybodu knows of a reliable window tinting shop in Alberta, that they would care to suggest?

    Joybell, thanks for the info, I'm close to finalizing my deal, will let you know how it went.

  • ironsides1ironsides1 Member Posts: 30
    Hi-Tech Tinting in Edmonton has done an excellent job tinting two of our Subarus.

  • subkidsubkid Member Posts: 94
    just for your info (and to get this thread going again)

    Besides roadside assistance, Subaru Care entitles you to other small goodies that your provincial branch of CAA offers to its members. In Alberta with AMA, that includes free maps and discounted hotel rates (those can be substantial in my experience).

  • joybelljoybell Member Posts: 275
    Is it like having a full CAA membership?
  • subkidsubkid Member Posts: 94
    looks like. One of these days I'm going to get my international driver's permit, so I'll be able to tell if I get a break; it used to be around 50% - free photos

  • ironsides1ironsides1 Member Posts: 30
    The only service that I found wasn't included with the Subaru Care vs regular CAA (AMA in Alberta) was free registration for license plate renewal or registration for a new vehicle. This service would be a charge if you only had Subaru Care.

    I've continued my AMA membership for the free registration as well as roadside assistance for our other two vehicles that are not covered by Subaru Care (unless I trade in our old subies and buy two new subies!!)
  • fryingbolognafryingbologna Member Posts: 85
    subkid, I know you are here in Kleinland... who did your 3M hood protection (I'm pretty sure you were posting about this before). SoC is quoting $300-ish for the job, but that seems high (unless they are doing mirrors/rear bumper as well).
  • subkidsubkid Member Posts: 94
    frying - I got both tint and clear shield from Supertint (so you get some kind of discount for both - around $320). I have X, so no bumpers and mirrors, just hud and the small mustaches on fenders.

  • fryingbolognafryingbologna Member Posts: 85
    Although I know they send it out. $450 for everything; tinting + 3M on hood, lights, mirrors and fenders. Decided against the security upgrade. I'll try "The Club" for awhile and see how much it annoys me. Only other option (the XS is pretty well loaded anyway) was the extended armrest. I pick 'er up on Tuesday night. Went with white exterior because I thought the tinting would look better with it, and there was no silver easily available for comparison.
  • pathstar1pathstar1 Member Posts: 1,015
    Surfer Joe in Edmonton has done 3 of my vehicles so far. He does a good job. His main income is from putting "decoration" on cars for dealers (stripes, fancy swirles etc.). He has his own material cutter driven from a computer, so he can replicate your own design or come up with his own, as well as designs he gets from specialists.
  • ozman62ozman62 Member Posts: 229
    Hi guys. N00b here. Check out my inaugural post over in Meet The Members. We just took delivery of a '04 Impreza TS wagon, and need some accessories; Cargo tray, cargo cover, splash guards, etc. I would prefer not to have to pay the stealer's prices, have any of you had any luck finding Canadian online accessory retailers, or used any of the ones from South of the 49th?
      I am also thinking about the Clear guard stuff, any comments on the various types, that is, is 3M the best? Any comments on Calgary installers would be appreciated, too. Has anyone tried to do this themselves? Also, what is the consensus on the hood deflector for the Impreza, is it worth it?
      I'm dreading the winter months and the,'ahem', sand that the City uses on the streets is more like pea gravel. Anything that could help protect our new car's paint would be considered.
    Regards, Owen
  • rblelandrbleland Member Posts: 312
    Call me slow but I just found this Cdn. Subie site. I have been a lurker/occasional poster on Edmunds Subie and Toyota Solara sites for about 18 months now. I have an '02 Impreza 2.5 TS wagon, midnight black met. (really is a very dark blue) with standard shift. Got it in March 02 as a replacement for '00 Toyota 4Runner that was too expensive to drive and no fun on ice/snow (SUVs totally over-rated as winter vehicles). Live in Kelowna, B.C. and run 4 winter snows on extra steel wheels. Combo. of AWD, standard shift and 4 snows make it the best winter car ever. Added cargo cover, cargo net, rear bumper rubber strip (for dog scratches) and front deflector (which someone asked about above and I think actually does work to deflect stones, etc). Also ran a silver pin-stripe down both sides of TS which really sharpens up the appearance (cost me only $35). My wife owns a '99 Toyota Solara SLE V6 which we just bot out of the lease. Car is suberb with only 47,000 on it. It's an auto. and we run 4 snows on it in winter too. Glad to see this sub-site for Cdn. Subie owners. :>))
  • ozman62ozman62 Member Posts: 229
    Frying Bologna on his new Forester!! We also recently dealt with Sub of Calgary, they seemed really easy to work with, and low pressure. Tell us more about the 3M protection. Is it very noticeable? Does it seem to form around tight curves well? Did you find out where the dealer has it done?
      You mentioned some noise on another discussion, maybe from the crossbars (if you have them)? If you don't use them regularly, may as well take them off. They go off and on pretty easily when required. Also, if you choose to keep them on, maybe check the orientation of them, I think they're direction specific. Can someone with a newer 'F' verify that?
      Anyway, enjoy your car, my '98 L is still running fine at 120K km, and I'm sure the clever gentlemen at FHI have made many improvements since then (even if you ignore the powerplant in the XT!).
    Cheers, Owen
  • hondafriekhondafriek Member Posts: 2,984
    Fit like an aircraft wing, round edge toward the front of vehicle, sharp edge facing rear.

      Cheers Pat.
  • hypovhypov Member Posts: 3,068
    the 3M protection, aka ClearBra, aka StonGard,...
    it will form around tight curves, dependent on the finese and experience of installer.
    Noticeable? Applied on White and Silver, it is virtually invisible. On darker colours, its presence is detectable.

  • fryingbolognafryingbologna Member Posts: 85
    We have the 3M on our dark grey Accord and on my white Forester. Both look great, but it is a bit more noticeable on the Accord. After a year and 30K KM, I was looking at the Accord tonight and looking at the deep gouges in the 3M along the hood. Money well spent!

    The Forester was farmed out to Shadow Tinting in Calgary, who also did the (so far) flawless tint on the windows.

    I really like the Forester after a week, and my wife might even like it more than me - and she drives a new Accord EX!! Road trip up to Edmonton this weekend, so it will face its first real test. Cross bars came off as soon as I got in the garage; I think those Geolanders might be responsible for the howl. I am going to get the factory security system installed next week. The Club is back at Canadian Tire.
  • subkidsubkid Member Posts: 94

    I'm back after a vacation. Had a chance to test drive a couple of European vehicles, some significantly cheaper than Forester, and "wishful thinking" forum will have to hear from me :)

    frying, how do you like it so far? I was wondering why you switched from club to the security upgrade - I was thinking of going other direction :)

  • fryingbolognafryingbologna Member Posts: 85
    Great drive! Very good highway gas mileage, average in the city (but great considering AWD). The snow we got blasted with, along with the icy streets, have been a dream! I have never driven a better ice-vehicle than this. Especially at glazed intersections, it cannot be beat.

    I think the club would drive me nuts, in that (a) it is a pain to install, and (b) I would be doubting myself all the time when I should and should not throw it on. While the Subaru security system is not the greatest, I know I can arm it every time, and my insurance company will be happier because of it!

    I also had the armrest extension installed - oh, man, what a joke! Waste of cash there - it is so cheap, flimsy and useless, but I needed more storage somewhere. Can you let me know if your drivers-side door handle (where I rest my left arm as I drive) feels/sounds "cheap" when you lean on it? It gives a bit when I lean, and when I shift my weight on or off of it, or "groans" like a cheap piece of particle board would.
  • joybelljoybell Member Posts: 275
    I have a 2003 2.5x Forester. Yesterday it was extremely cold. I started my Forester and then went back to the house while it warmed up. When I came back out 3-5 minutes later, there was a coolant smell and the temperature gauge was way up past the halfway point. I drove it anyway (had no choice), and the gauge dropped back down to normal again after 5 minutes of driving. Today it is even colder and I don't dare start it. With all the posts on 2.5L engine head gasket failures all over the internet (even on later model engines), I'm biting my nails. After almost 20 years of Subaru ownership, this is the first time I have had to worry about anything like this. I thought the problem was finally fixed on the 2003/04 models. I fell stupid calling the dealer if it is only a minor thing (not the head gasket).
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Just watch the gauge the next couple of times you start it up. You really don't want to let it overheat.

    I think I would call the dealer, only to have the incident registered. Or call 800-SUBARU3 to simply open a case file on it.

    They're covering them under the powertrain warranty, so you're OK for a long time, plus we have Patti to ensure that.

  • rshollandrsholland Member Posts: 19,788
    but joybell is in Canada. She would need to contact SOC people, not SOA people.

  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    In that case definitely do not call that number! ;-)

    It should be in your owner's manual.

  • pon1pon1 Member Posts: 196
    Anyone know if Subaru Canada is providing any kind of warranty extension to cover head gaskets, as is being offered in the US?

    My 2000 L blew a head gasket at 75,000 km, both gaskets were replaced under the powertrain warranty. Now with 95,000 km on the car, I am wondering if it is time to trade her for a new XT or an OBT. The DOHC engine is a different version of the 2.5L boxer, and maybe the gaskets will be fine. Plus will have another 100,000kms/5 yrs of warranty.

    The L has been a bit of a dog, and I briefly ahd a GT wagon before that with clutch shudder - would not work propoerly, even after 5 trips to the shop. Though I love the brtand, the next Sube better be reliable, or will be the last.
  • joybelljoybell Member Posts: 275
    No, SOC is not offering an extended warranty, unless of course you buy one. The one you are refering to is the SOA extended warranty ONLY IF you let your dealer add stop leak to your coolant. I asked the service manager at my dealer about this coolant product and he hadn't even heard of it. I think it is a SOA product not a FUJI product. It might come here though, because SOC sources a lot of Subaru stuff through SOA rather than direct from FUJI. It is cheaper for them and the Canadian market is not really separate and distinct (except for Quebec of course). I have read somewhere that the 2003 and up models shouldn't have HG problems because they have a different gasket liner. I had a bit of HG paranoia, and it turned out to be a leaking hose (see above post)!
  • pon1pon1 Member Posts: 196
    Anyone take a guess for me on Canadian dealer invoice on an XT 5 speed with cloth and no options? MSRP is 35900. Somewhere in the range $32-$33K?? Assume there are no incentives.

    Will pay for a proper quote when the time comes....

  • pon1pon1 Member Posts: 196
    It was a good guess, canadian invoice is in that range...just.
  • volkovvolkov Member Posts: 1,306
    I just shook hands today on a new WRX wagon. Live in Northern BC, and was just blown away by it's handling on winding and dirt roads. Still has the safety features to carry my 3 young sons on occasion. Got the silver because of its tolerance for paint dings. We use gravel up here during the winter, and have lots of dirt roads so driving around is like being in a shooting gallery for the paint and windshield. Still, I had started out with very strict, functional guidelines for my car, and in the end, didn't believe there was a vehicle that met my family needs and could be such a rush to drive. Even more surpised that it turned out to be a Subie. Can still remember the instant BLAH! reaction from both my wife and myself when we checked out the Loyale wagon 12 years ago. Still, the WRX with the AWD, good ground clearance and great low centre of gravity has to be the best Canadian choice. Excellent winter performance and come Summer, it can blow away cars that had to spend the cooler months hibernating.
  • hypovhypov Member Posts: 3,068
    May I suggest that you definitely get clearbra put on, front and lower door panels.

  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Congrats and welcome to the club, join the Subaru Crew threads and introduce yourself.

  • volkovvolkov Member Posts: 1,306
    Despite the fact it's warm during the days, it's still getting down to -10 here overnight, and the windows are frozen over every morning. I am really impressed with how well the heaters come on and defrost the car. That's the nicest heating system in any car I've driven. :-)
    BTW, what snow tires are people running?? I understand that they are a difficult size to get. Any opinions appreciated.

  • hondafriekhondafriek Member Posts: 2,984
    I have 2001 Legacy GT Wagon and I am running 205x55x16 BF Goodrich winter slaloms and I am really impressed. They handle well on dry pavement they are not noisy and when the going gets tough they do the job.

     But then again like everything else there are many opinions on what is the best tire, I am sure others will way in.

     Cheers Pat.
  • sibbaldsibbald Member Posts: 106
    I just finished cutting the damn lawn for the second time!

    Cheers, Tom

    p.s. Just found the Canadian Townhall site,(we are a little slow out on the Island) great idea everyone, please keep it going!!!
  • volkovvolkov Member Posts: 1,306
    Up here, we think of the island as the place people move to wait for death....well if they don't like Summerland that is. ;-)
    Thanks for dropping in. I'm a Subie newbie myself. Week old today and love it every time I drive it.
  • subaru_teamsubaru_team Member Posts: 1,676
    Not only am I sure you are going to love the car, you'll also love this crew. Congratulations!

  • sibbaldsibbald Member Posts: 106
    you on this site...... :-)

    "George" I think they call our Island the land of the newly wed and nearly dead. I am going to try to stay somewhere in between! As Patti says you will love your Subie the more you get to know it. I am heading up to the "Loops" tomorrow and really glad to have a Subie under my butt as that drive can sometimes get a little ugly.

    Cheers, Tom
  • ironsides1ironsides1 Member Posts: 30
    Although our snow is gone here in Alberta, I'd recommend Toyo Observe snow tires. We drive four Subarus and I have 16 extra rims mounted with snow tires. Three sets are Toyos and one set is Blizzak. The Toyos run well on dry pavement and are great in snow and ice. I find the Blizzak is a little squirmy on dry pavement and the winter compound is only 50% of the tread depth whereas the Toyo compound runs the entire depth of the tire.

  • joybelljoybell Member Posts: 275
    Did you get wheels/rims for the winter tires? If so, are they alloy and where did you get them? I'm thinking of replacing the rims on my Forester with alloy ones since the original ones are already rusting, and I'm thinking of getting them and leaving them on the winter tires. That way I can use the summer (steel) rims in the summer when there is no salt on the roads, and the alloys with the winter tires. It will save money too if I can just change the wheels instead of having the tires changed.
  • hondafriekhondafriek Member Posts: 2,984
    You have it [non-permissible content removed] backwards, typically you would run alloys in the summer and steel in the winter.

     After a couple of years of winter use the salt on the road really attacks the alloys causing the clearcoat to flake off and then the alloys pit very badly.

     The rust on the steel wheels is a cosmetic problem it would be many years before the wheel would be rusted to the point of being dangerous.

      And it is a good idea in any case to have winter tires permanently mounted on separate rims. Constant mounting and dismounting tires causes damage to the bead on the tire were it seals on the rim.

     Plus you have the added expense of constantly paying for installing and balancing twice every year when you change tires.

      Cheers Pat.
  • ironsides1ironsides1 Member Posts: 30
    Three of our Subarus have alloys and these have the summer tires mounted on them. Our other Subaru came with steel rims, however as Pat has suggested, I have a set of separate steel rims for the winter tires for this vehicle. It saves the rims from the seasonal changeover and is more convenient, particularly if you wish to do the summer/winter wheel replacement yourself.

    If your steel rims are already damaged from the winter salt, etc., then you may wish to buy new steel rims and cover the rusted rims with full size wheel covers or you can get chrome wheel inserts that cover most of the rust. Subaru Canada offers a 4 rim package at a discount price every Sept. The 16 inch steel rim is grey coloured, similar to your original steel rims. I bought my steel wheels from the dealer in the fall. An acquaintenance of mine bought steel wheels last year for his Legacy at Canadian Tire (black colour). By buying at the dealer, I didn't have to worry about getting the correct offset for the rims. I used plastic wheel covers from Canadian Tire although Walmart and other places carry the wheel covers.

    My garage looks like a tire shop with 16 rims and tires on shelves. As well, I still have 3 compact spares stacked up since I changed to a full size spare in the 3 Legacy wagons we have. Unfortunately, the wheel well in our Outback won't fit the 225/60R16 rim and tire unless I deflate the tire and then carry a tire pump. Consequently our OB still has the compact spare.

    Joybell, with your Forester, you already have a full size spare on a steel rim so you could just purchase 3 steel rims and use a rusted rim for the spare during the off season. If you purchase alloys, use them in the summer as Pat has suggested.

  • volkovvolkov Member Posts: 1,306
    If you want the looks, just get wheel covers. Lots of styles to choose from, and sufficiently cheap that you can replace them every few years as your tastes/style drifts.
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181


    These are the hub-caps we have on our race trailer, $30 @ Walmart to give you that bling look! :)

This discussion has been closed.