Liability Insurance for rental cars
I'll be using a rental car for about three months in Atlanta, GA and have already found a cheap Collision Damage Waiver policy from a company. However, I'm having trouble finding a liability insurance policy as most companies don't insure liability for rental cars. And the rental company charges $14 per day for over three months.
Does anyone know where I could buy such a liability insurance policy for my rental car? I wouldn't want to drive the car without liability insurance
Does anyone know where I could buy such a liability insurance policy for my rental car? I wouldn't want to drive the car without liability insurance

And it's a real problem in your situation, @sp_1994. Guess I'd call around to some local (Atlanta) agents and see if anyone can do a short term policy. But you may be stuck with the $14 a day.
Just use public transport is my advise. Lots of students do that on a campus. If you want to enjoy driving wait till you get a job