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Here is a good review of the Insight, Prius and Escape for anyone interested:
http://www.automedia.com/autoReviews/rts20031101hi/rts20031101hi.- asp?affid=
http://www.automedia.com/autoReviews/rts20031101tp/rts20031101tp.- asp?affid=
http://www.automedia.com/autoReviews/2005/ford/escape/rts20041101- eh.asp?affid=
___Actually only (5) - 04 CVT’s sold in November of last year. I know a few guys searching for brand new 5-speeds and they are nowhere to be found. Expect the 05 ordering cutoff to occur in about another month or two and then the Insight’s run is over. A friend of mine in Washington State has had an 05 5-speed on order for over 3 months now and it is supposedly being built tomorrow or the next day. He is hoping for a delivery date of late February/early March.
___You might find the following link on Honda/Acura sales by model, Monthly comparison, and total YTD interesting
___Good Luck
___Wayne R. Gerdes
I think Honda is losing touch with what the public wants in a car. The Insight is designed for ultimate mileage and gets it with a manual transmission. Sounds like they are trying to unload those CVTs. They are not doing too good with the Accord either. People realize for a few bucks more you get the Acura name and a little more plushness. I see the cheapo Acura RSX is losing ground also. People are wanting room and comfort and are going for the Odyssey and Pilot. The gas scare is over. Bigger safer vehicles are back on the upswing.
YUZO YAMAGUCHI | Automotive News
Posted Date: 1/4/05
TOKYO -- Honda Motor Co. has no plans to remodel the poor-selling Insight hybrid.
But it has no plans to kill the two-seater, either, says President Takeo Fukui, because it is the most fuel-efficient car sold in the United States. "That's an image car with the top fuel economy," he says.
The Insight's U.S. November sales numbered only 5, down from 39 a year earlier. For the 11 months of last year, Honda sold only 575 Insights, a plunge from 1,124 in the year-ago period.
The car was launched in 1999 to demonstrate Honda's fuel-saving technology. It is powered by an electric motor and a three-cylinder gasoline-powered engine. With a five-speed manual transmission, the Insight achieves 61 mpg in the city and 66 mpg on the highway. That tops the Toyota Prius' 60 mpg in the city and 51 on the highway.
The Prius, which was launched in 2000, has been embraced by environmentally conscious Americans. In the first 11 months of this year, Toyota sold 47,704 Prius units in the United States, more than double the number sold in the same period of the previous year.
Hybrid SUV not in 3-year planUnlike Toyota Motor Corp., Honda Motor Co. has no plans to build hybrid SUVs in the next three years.
"For now, we are not thinking about it" for the three-year plan starting in April, says Honda President Takeo Fukui.
SUV owners care little about fuel economy, Fukui says. "If they look for fuel efficiency," he says, "they could shift to a car."
Fuel-efficient hybrids use gasoline- or diesel-powered engines teamed with an electric motor. Honda sells the Insight, the company's first hybrid, and hybrid versions of the Accord and Civic.
View entire article here:
SMOG exhaust emission is controlled by the SULEV/ULEV rating. Although SULEV is lower at the exhaust, you also must consider emissions from the gasoline delivery truck, oil refineries, the supertankers, and the desert drilling wells. The less gasoline you burn, the lower the pollution along the *entire chain* from desert oil well to refinery.
And that's why I chose the ULEV 5-speed Insight - because I'm getting 90 miles per gallon - and thereby reducing pollution along the whole chain from well-to-wheel.
http://www.greenercars.org can offer you some more advice.
P.S. If you buy a Civic Hybrid, try to get the PZEV version from California. It's warranteed to be SULEV for 150,000 miles...a great benefit for the consumer.
that - snip - American automakers are accelerating their efforts in hybrid technology, with one notable success, but the Japanese lead over Detroit was in clear evidence as the North American International Auto Show got underway on Sunday.
In August they'll tool up again & start making 2006 models.
Price is only up slightly; apparently same as 2004 model as far as features:
Manual $19,330
Manual w/AC $20,530
CVT (includes AC) $21,530
Dest Charge $ 515
P.S. - Test drove a used 2001 5-speed w/AC. Had 49K, engine clatter when it started up valvel lifter Oil problem. Would only charge up traction battery half-way ( drove it 30 miles various in town and highway)., shifter was balky for a Honda (not typical Honda). Acceration was okay, would have liked to try with a fully charged battery pack. The wanted $9,900 but I think that was high becuase I think the car needed work and possibly something was wrong with traction battery.
Just doing some research...
Here in Chicago, I pay $560 a year w/ $1,000 deductible and 500K limits. The Corolla was ~ 20% more, the MDX is less by $100, and the Ranger is the same. Given the aluminum body and underpinnings, I am not complaining in the least ;-)
Good Luck
Wayne R. Gerdes
That confirms one of my suspicions on the IntelliChoice Cost of Ownership charts. They have a sneaky way of making the cars they want to look good come out looking good. They use the depreciation, maintenance & Insurance figures to tilt the total costs. For example the number one rated Prius they claim will have an insurance bill for 5 years of $6063. The Insight which they rated rather poorly for Cost of Ownership show the insurance costs for 5 years would be $9650. That is $717 more per year than the Prius. They do the same with depreciation. They claim the Insight will depreciate $2700 more in 5 years than the Prius. If they were honest in their Cost to own analysis the Insight and the HCH would have come out as good or better than the Prius. They also show the Prius totally stripped price where the Honda hybrids are all pretty well equipped at the start. That makes a big difference on the overall Cost to Own. One reason I can see for this kind of deception. Toyota has paid advertising on IntelliChoice on almost every web page. I did not see any advertising from Honda. So guess who gets the shaft this year. You pay or we skew the figures to make your car less desirable. How can we trust any of these publications?
Although the Insight and HCH might deprecate faster then a Prius II on a % basis, their initial purchase is lower and I believe the Insurance figures should be lower as well? With all of that, a used Insight is a consideration vs. new given you are looking at south of $20K for initial purchase no matter which one you are looking at. Well sort of I have seen HCH’s go out in the low $18K range recently. At these prices, you will get hit hard on the resale no matter which hybrid you would consider. A $27,000 Prius II or $32,000 Accord Hybrid? Those guys are going to hurt bad when its time to move on to something else :-( Unless of course gasoline does hit and stays above $3.00/gallon which might be the case from recent Gasoline - Futures pricing activity on the NYMEX this early on in the year before the 05 summer driving season actually arrives.
If someone were purchasing a used Insight for example, they could expect to pay $7.5K for a beat up - high mileage 00 to $12.5K for a well kept - low mileage 02. This type of pricing keeps the TCO reasonable given the much lower initial purchase price and depreciation from those numbers. The same can be said of any vehicle actually. I won’t have final figures until my own 00 Insight sells but here are the prelims if I receive maybe $9,250 - $9,500 for it?
Year 1
Depreciation: $750 - Purchase price - Sale price
Financing: $275 - I actually own mine but someone purchasing a used one might pay this?
Insurance: $560 - This is what I pay in IL.
Taxes and Fees: $770 - State taxes on purchase + TL fees in IL.
Fuel: $709 - 36,200 miles with actual fuel cost, not just 15,000 miles as Edmunds proposes.
Maintenance: $110 - 5 x $22.00 Mobil1 0W-20 and Supertech filter changes.
Repairs: $440 - Cracked windscreen replaced, new RE92 for one w/ a screw in it.
Yearly Totals: $ 3,614 over 36,200 miles.
The TCO works out to be almost $0.10/mile vs. Edmunds $0.37/mile for a new one when doing the TCO calculations on an 05 Honda Insight. Again, I ran her for 36,200 miles in a year with the above totals vs. Edmunds 15,000 miles/year basis. They (Edmunds) seems to be high on the MDX, Corolla, and the Ranger’s TCO’s as well. I do not pay MSRP on anything, I receive far in excess of their FE numbers for the fuel cost calculation, and my maintenance and insurance costs are always lower also. Hopefully everyone will find this to be the case with their own automobiles.
Good Luck
Wayne R. Gerdes
You can really go off the deep end sometimes, you know that? You aren't related to the Gary who produced the X-Files, are you? You like conspiracy theories so much I wouldn't be surprised. 8-)
If you want to see the "bias" Intellichoice has against Honda, take a look at their Best Deals for Subcompacts, Compacts, Midsize, Near Luxury, Sport, Minivan, Small Utility, and Intermedidate Utility categories. They are full of Hondas and Acuras.
No, Insight didn't make their Best Deals list for subcompacts. But honestly, do you think it should--as a new car? Compared to cars like the Civic Coupe and Beetle TDi?
No I don't. How do you explain their insurance pricing between the Prius and Insight. $6063 for five years on the Prius and $9655 on the Insight. Maybe that does not seem odd to you. It can make the difference between a cost effective vehicle and one that is not. That is why I asked an Insight owner about Insurance. It seemed rather high. And yes I noticed that the VW TDIs all rated highly. I also noticed a lot of advertising by VW/Audi. I like to see honesty in these publications not bias. Most people do not research their cars as you and I do. They could be mislead by those kind of Headline reports. Just skew one aspect and the car goes from excellent to average. Do you know anyone that has bought a Prius II for $20,875? I watch this board from time to time and have not seen any. It is more like $23k to $30k. If you paid $30k for the Prius you would be in a "don't buy this car" category. That would add $10k to the Total Cost to Own.
For someone who has sung the praises of diesels, it seems odd to me that you would disagree with Intellichoice's choice of the Beetle TDi as a Best Pick.
I know of many people just in my own city who have paid under $23k for a Prius, plus T&L. Just because some people pay $30k for a Prius doesn't mean everyone does.
Before you accuse a publication of bias, you need to have something more to back it up than "Company A advertises on their web site, therefore they are biased." Especially when there is so much evidence to the contrary. How do you explain all of the Hondas and Acuras recommended by Intellichoice if they are so biased against Honda and in favor of Toyota?
Can we get off the Intellichoice attacks and back to the Insight? My local paper's car section is running a special story on the 2005 Insight tomorrow. I thought that was a curious choice, given the low sales volume for the car. What was it, seven sold in the U.S. in January? Anyway, I'll let you know if they say anything interesting.
I find it strange also. I think the Insight is the most value for the money of the hybrids. If you have a long commute.
Of course that is why. Pretty smart advertising move on Honda’s part given a $10,000 + a pop loss (corporate loss) and maybe 100 sold a year from this time forward. A car manufacturer would be foolish to let the highest FE capable automobile by far in NA and the ability to use its capabilities against competitors disappear for that small of a cost imho.
Good Luck
Wayne R. Gerdes
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4533098042&rd=1&sspagename=S- TRK%3AMEWA%3AIT
I believe that the CVT Insight is plentiful. The manual transmission is harder to find. Most people that buy the Insight want a manual transmission to squeeze every last mile out of a gallon of gas. I think it is the best commuter car available in America.
The Insight posted on eBay from an earlier post, sold for $11,100 from the Lexus Dealer in Jacksonville. It was like new red, MT with 8000 miles. Good buy.
That is terrible resale!
I looked at the Insight and it had some pretty neat features, but it was a little spartan and a little slow for my tastes. I drove a used 5-speed and it had quite a valvel lifter clatter when it started up, maybe just poor maintenance. The new 5-speed are MSRP and a 3-4 month special order.
YMMV, 6-speed an luv'n it!
Here are 10 Insights with various mileage all going for $9500 a piece. I would think that would be a good price even if they needed a few repairs.
They have a lot of 2004 Civic hybrids for well under wholesale blue book. All around 12k miles on them. I think people are not trusting the hybrid technology.
Granted, the weight would be a bit heavier to reinforce the vehicle and maybe a slight drop in mileage but to take the top off, stow it in the back would be great. The neat thing about this over a "rag-top" convertible is when the top is on, it's not only more secure but a lot quieter too.
Nobody yet produces an "open air" hybrid vehicle.
I think the Honda Insight would be a good candidate.
Honda will be bringing a new smaller car next year (2006) named the Fit/Jazz to complete with the Scion and CE Corolla. There will also be a SI perfomance hatchback. Additionally there will also probably be a high fuel version, probably not a hybrid.
As soon as the clean sulpher is in effect in USA, Honda should start importing their diesel models. There will be several versions, including a probably 90 mpg Hybrid diesel manual shift car.
The Insight for all practical purposes is DEAD.
Good Luck,
1) I owned a VW convertible and had the top slashed and radio stolen. The Del Sol top would have acted like a hard top and probably prevented that from ever happening.
2) The Del Sol is quieter than a "Rag Top" convertible when the top is on.
3) You can roll down the glass rear window. A nice feature with the top on or off.
4) With the top off, you don't get the wind blowing directly on you. You feel it, but it's not blasting on you.
5) The storage section for the top (when off), is in the trunk. It holds it in place and you still have a lot of room for luggage. Not many two-seater convertibles can brag about that.
I'm merely pointing out that Honda could offer two available models of the Insight. A current "Hatchback" model and one like the Del Sol for a "Targa Style" model.
The Honda dealer in my area informed me that the Insight will be continued with a new redesigned body for 2006. Possibly the IMAS.
Paul, Insightless in Texas
Railroadjames(enjoy the ride)
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Also of note: I bought the car used and wanted to replace the cabin air filter. The dealer had to order the filter and it took a week to arrive. I was expecting the skirt and bolts take at least as long. Oddly, the wheel skirt and the bolts ($15 each) were in stock in the local warehouse. That's seems peculiar for a car with such a limited production run.
I'd like to get some feedback from Honda Insight owners who have had the same experience, to see how extensive this problem may be.
thanksin advance!
However, I really don't think you can order a 2005; production has stopped. Probably could order a 2006, but the wait migth be 3-6 months.
P.S.- I drove a used 5-speed, but apparently it wasn't very well maintiained. When it started up the was a lot of valve clatter; either the oil was now low or it had become low in the past. I passed on buying.
P.S.S. - I think the insight is awesome in mileage, features and styling. My wife said I would not be happy with the performance though; she is usually right!
Two things can cause this: 1) turning too sharp and running over a curb will loosen the structure. 2) Service techs do not care about the cars they work on and when rotating tires fail to tighted bolts.
Will it sell with the 2nd gen Civic Hybrid boasting 50 MPG and costing the same amount of money.