Is there a site to compare passenger side leg room of vehicles?
My son bought a new Pilot. I was going to get one too until I sat in the passengers seat. My knees cannot take the short leg room as I am in my 70's and my wife usually drives. My 2003 full size Montero is great. I would buy another if Mitsubishi would start bringing them into this country again.
Those stats supposedly follow conventions set out by the feds but I don't think they much take into account stuff like seat length (which can affect your thigh support big time). And since people are all built differently, it's hard to read a stat and know if the seat will really work for you or not. And sometimes it's the dash that sticks out and makes you feel crammed in (that was my wife's experience when we shopped Odyssey's way back in 1998 - maybe it's a Honda thing). And then there's that whole issue of people with long torsos who otherwise fit in a car except when it has a sunroof.
If you skim the consumer car reviews here, people will list their height and weight (sometimes) and sometimes they'll comment on the seat fit in their reviews. But that info isn't sortable, at least not currently. Until then, you can select some likely candidates and compare them side by side with our comparison tool (sort by Measurements).
Ideally, you'd measure "leg room" from the back of the seat to the dashboard. but I doubt any manufacturer presents it that way.