How to remove gear shift knob on '10 Fusion w/ 3 pedals?
Just bought a car in West Central IL and want to tweak with a ski pole handle.
Best Answer
Mr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481I think you just crank it off, twisting to the left (presuming you have examined it and don't see any set screws).
(And I even switched to the dark side back when I was in snow country).
Your knob may have splines instead of threads, meaning you would get something like a balljoint fork, stick it under the knob, and whack it. Be a bummer to whack it though and discover threads under there. Some heat may help get the old one off too.
Please take a photo and post a pic of the new shift handle.
Maybe you need to kludge the other one to replace the e-brake handle. Just don't grab the wrong one downshifting on a double black ess turn.
full moon caps.
Hey, no slush build-up in the rims with that set-up. My old Outback would pick up 40 pounds of ice in the rims.