Honda Accord Modifications



  • elroy5elroy5 Member Posts: 3,735
    Short of using nitros, or installing a turbo, there is not much to be gained performance-wise. Of course fixing the dragging brakes, and a tune-up, could be a big help.
  • lilengineerboylilengineerboy Member Posts: 4,116
    A car needs to be maintained before doing any performance upgrades. Plugs, wires, cap, rotor, fuel filter, timing belt and valve adjustments should be done first to make sure the engine is performing as well as it can be in stock form.
    Also, addressing concerns that leach engine power like dragging brakes, under-inflated tires, poor wheel alignment, and worn suspension components is critical.
    Once you know you fixed everything BROKEN on the car, intake and exhaust (which arguably make more noise than power) are about all that there is in that motor. Be nice to it and let it save you gas money while you save up for something faster.
  • cybercoolcybercool Member Posts: 117
    Hi again,

    One mechanic told me I have several oil leaks from these areas that need to be replaced, distributor 0-ring, valve cover gasket and oil pan gasket. Also, after running for a while my engine light goes on. Can this be making my Honda shake a lot?

    Will a nice tune up fix the problem?

    I already coughed up $700 over 2 years since I had it. I really don't want to spend more. Thanks
  • elroy5elroy5 Member Posts: 3,735
    The shake is a good sign that you have a broken motor mount (or two, or three). I think the chances of a tune-up solving the problem are slim. I advise you to shop around, and get prices from other shops. $700 may be wishful thinking, if you want to fix every thing. If you could do all this yourself, it would probably cost less than $300, but I don't know if that's a good idea. :(
  • lilengineerboylilengineerboy Member Posts: 4,116
    One mechanic told me I have several oil leaks from these areas that need to be replaced, distributor 0-ring, valve cover gasket and oil pan gasket

    These can also be DIY items. Valve cover and spark plug holes is pretty easy. I haven't done an oil pan, but I have done distributors and don't remember them being terrible. You should look into a factory shop manual or a Haynes/Chiltons at the very least. Your local library should have those as well.

    Also, after running for a while my engine light goes on.

    You can pull the code for the check engine light and it will help you debug the problem. There are instructions on how to pull codes in the repair manuals.

    Can this be making my Honda shake a lot?

    No, that sounds like a motor mount issue. If a timing belt was installed with the balance shafts out of phase, that could do it too but I would be more inclined to think motor mounts.

    I already coughed up $700 over 2 years since I had it.

    I wouldn't cry about spending $350/year to keep a 15+ year old car on the road. If you are worried about spending that amount, you aren't in a place to be looking at performance modifications.
  • cybercoolcybercool Member Posts: 117
    Thanks so much, I'll check out the motor mounts and take it from there.

  • rhubertyrhuberty Member Posts: 18
    I am a real novice and have a code indicating a bad cat converter on a 98 4 cylinder Accord. It has 135,000 miles on it. The code has been on for about 2 months now and I get an occasional hestation while driving. The car is too good to pitch and too old to invest $1,100.00 for a new converter. I know there is an o2 sensor in front of the converter and another in the converter. What additional problems might I be creating by replacing the converter with a straight pipe? Will the car still operate properly with the single o2 sensor? I want to make sure I don't make a bad situation worse. Any help or step by step instructions on how to deal with the issue would be much appreciated.
  • cybercoolcybercool Member Posts: 117
    Hi all,

    When starting up my 93' Accord, gas already in tank, engine cranks after long startup. After adding more gas (regular) I noticed hesitation when depressing gas pedal. I had a friend install a new fuel pump back in Dec 2007. Can this be a fuel gauge pressure problem? Where should I start to look for problems? I don't want to spend too much $$$

  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    You may want to post in the maintenance and repairs area. This area is actually for modifications to cars.

  • cybercoolcybercool Member Posts: 117
    Hi all,

    I'd like to know if adding a cold air intake part and flowmaster rear exhaust will add more HP to my accord and maintain a nice oxygen flow system?

  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    It'll give you a louder car and better throttle response. HP though isn't going to likely increase.

  • cybercoolcybercool Member Posts: 117
    Hey Mike

    I read online somewhere it said the cold air intake part and flowmaster will allow more oxygen flow and will control better fuel consumption. Is this somewhat true?

    I don't want more loudness, I've seen flowmasters that dont make too much noise, it has that nice varoom sound.

    Thanks, Jim
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    Not sure about the Accord specifically, but at best it's a marginal (less than 1mpg) gain.

  • finzzfinzz Member Posts: 40

    One thing I've heard about with those air intakes is that the air filtration isn't so great - which makes sense given the claim increased air flow.

    The problem I see with these is that with the modest gains you might get in performance, you're also allowing impurities to enter which would otherwise be filtered.

    Depends upon what you're after but, for my money, I wouldn't bother - you're just setting yourself up for problems down the road.

    Just my 2 cents...
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    I've had great luck with the K&N, saved me when offroading a few times by preventing mud and water from getting the the intake of my 00 Trooper.

    Also helps the environment cause it is re-used rather than thrown away!

  • honda_machonda_mac Member Posts: 2
    so i have a 90 honda acorrd geting ready to build an h 22 for it and i was wondering about any mods i have to do or any parts you guys wanna get rid of or tricks for the f series motor or something
  • honda_machonda_mac Member Posts: 2
    i so i have a 90 honda acorrd geting ready to build an h 22 for it and i was wondering about any mods i have to do or any parts you guys wanna get rid of or tricks for the f series motor or something
  • lilengineerboylilengineerboy Member Posts: 4,116
    So it seems the Accord and I are going to be together a while. In an effort to make the vehicle less, eh, dull, I am looking to add the Acura TL 17 mm rear sway bar. My vehicle is a 2007 Accord EX 4 cyl 5 speed stick. Apparently, the 17 mm rear sway bar from the Acura TL is a drop in with a little "pro-bending" on the exhaust system mounting bracket. It was also suggested that the front tie bar or stress bar or whatever you want to call it (the thing that ties the shock towers together) be added to the front at the same time.
    I am curious if anyone has done this yet and if they were happy with it. There is a HUGE front sway bar available as well, but the 2+ hours of removing and re-installing the front cradle doesn't appeal to me (gotta love Honda, like how on the '93 you have to take the entire suspension apart to replace the front brake rotors...).
    So, 4 cylinder Accord, 17mm rear bar, front strut tower brace...looks like its south of $200. Anyone done it?
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    It should give you less push in the turns. A larger front sway would probably negate the positive effects of the larger rear sway, however larger sways all around would yield less lean in the turns.

    Let us know how it works out!

    Motorsports and Modifications Host
  • lilengineerboylilengineerboy Member Posts: 4,116
    Yeah, stiffer rear bar = less understeer, but there are reports that going with the 20 mm can give you snap oversteer. The front strut tower brace seems to balance out the 17mm rear bar and the stock front bar by helping the front bar work a little better.
    I am scrounging for parts right now and we will see how it goes. I am not expecting miracles with stock 205/60R16s either. Maybe a lottery win will get me to 215/50R17s.
    I think these suspension "tweaks" will be the first mods and maybe next year look at soft-sports or the H&R "OE" series springs and Konis or Bilstiens. A little lower, a little tighter would be nice.
  • stevehechtstevehecht Member Posts: 96
    My Honda mechanic says it's not, that unless you've got enough g's being generated you'll never feel the difference. I've got a '07 V6 AT with a 17mm TL rear sway bar added. To my mind even a small improvement in handling is worth the $127 investment for a Neuspeed strut bar. Opinions?
  • mjm19mjm19 Member Posts: 6
    Does anyone know about GForce Performance chips and if they work or not? I'm thinking of buying one and putting in the car. It says 60 more HP and better gas milage 4-7 miles per gallon with better air and gas mixture. Let me know what anybody thinks.
  • qbrozenqbrozen Member Posts: 33,424
    edited April 2011
    not a chance in hell any chip is getting those improvements. That kind of HP bump would only happen in a turbo car, and those mileage improvements would never happen in ANY car.

    I don't now who this manufacturer is, but an N/A car might see 10 hp from a good reprogram, often at the cost of torque in the case of a modern engine, but no mileage improvement. What a reprogram often does is set the timing permanently to a higher octane fuel. So, in order to get those extra 10 ponies, you'll be required to use premium in your Accord.

    '11 GMC Sierra 1500; '98 Alfa 156 2.0TS; '08 Maser QP; '67 Coronet R/T; '13 Fiat 500c; '20 S90 T6; '22 MB Sprinter 2500 4x4 diesel; '97 Suzuki R Wagon; '96 Opel Astra; '11 Mini Cooper S

  • crkyolfrtcrkyolfrt Member Posts: 2,345
    probably spam in post 337

    Steve, is there a forum on Edmunds (that I could maybe direct cski to), talking about car stereo?
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    mmm, Spam.

    We don't really have a generic, all encompassing stereo discussion. Most of the make/model discussions have a stereo discussion.
  • crkyolfrtcrkyolfrt Member Posts: 2,345
    Oh..ok. As luck would have it, we were talking stereo in Midsized Sedans 2.0, and I know it's only a matter of time till someone tells us to get back to Midsize Sedans or shut up..

    That's how I found myself here, thinking 'modifications' might have audio chat.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    There is this:

    ateixeira, "DVD/Entertainment Systems" #407, 4 Jan 2013 9:05 am

    Or just go there and go up a level to Maintenance and Repair and start a new discussion.
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