2004 Liberty has burning candle smell

stang6626stang6626 Member Posts: 3
edited September 2016 in Jeep
My 04 liberty just started having a burning candle smell especially when stopped at a light. Smells like when you put out the candle ? help?


  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Hard to say as my nose is clogged up today but I'm going to take a guess here and say either a) oil dripping on a hot exhaust manifold or pipe or b) an over-worked catalytic converter maybe due to an engine misfire.

    Any check engine light?

    Notice any wisps of smoke if you were to open the hood with the engine running at idle?
  • stang6626stang6626 Member Posts: 3
    not that i see any smoke. no check engine light however it does SOMETIMES idle a bit rough when stopped but not all the time. It seems to come on stopped at a light then it disappears. Only thing was i put in a new battery 800CC but it reads 1124....?
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    Well you might check your fuse box, alternator wiring, or fusible link wiring (extra wire coming off the positive battery post) for any insulation damage. If an oil leak is involved, you might have to go on a lift to see that.
  • stang6626stang6626 Member Posts: 3
    ok thank you sir.
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