Tundra Brakes
I have a 2000 Tundra Access Cab 4x4 with automatic
transmission. When I come to a stop it feels like
the brakes release slightly at the end and there is
a mild thump sound. I called the dealer and they
told me this was normal for Tundra and 4Runner with
automatic transmission. Anyone else had this
experience or have an idea on this. Thanks
transmission. When I come to a stop it feels like
the brakes release slightly at the end and there is
a mild thump sound. I called the dealer and they
told me this was normal for Tundra and 4Runner with
automatic transmission. Anyone else had this
experience or have an idea on this. Thanks
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You sound like you had some very unfortunate problems with your Toyotas. Based on the extremely high satisfaction rates, most obviously don't.
When I purchase a truck or car, I take at LEAST 3-4 months of research before buying. I look at every aspect of the mechanical design, interior layout, safety factors, etc. and I compare them to those of trucks and cars in the same class or category. The best one for the money wins. I personally have not found a better buy for my money than the GM trucks and cars I have owned. That does not say that Toyota or any other make is junk or is necessarily the best buy for the money for someone else. Again, my whole point is that people buy based on preference today. Your preference just happens to include a presumed reliability or quality advantage that disappeared about 10 years ago. That is MY opinion.
I was basically satisfied with my Toyota trucks. Basically good trucks for smaller hauling and towing needs with good gas mileage (at least at the time). The Camry, well no, I wasn't happy, but I too can realize that it was probably just a lemon, which can be found in ALL makes, no matter what the name tag is.
I also disagree with your statement that Toyota products are not of higher quality than domestics. The facts don't bear out your statement.
You sure seem to have an axe to grind Dude. Too bad you can't put that energy to better use.
True colors would shine then. But you know, all these statements about higher quality of Toyota's and this that the other thing, which supposedly is why you paid so much more for the Tundra with less options, most of you won't even keep that Tundra but 3 years when the lease is up and you will go lease another. Reliability and quality never tested. There are a LOT more domestic truck buyers that buy their trucks with the intention of keeping them 10 or more years. The story I get from Toyota owners is that they don't plan on keeping it longer than the 3 year lease anyway. Good thing that Tundra is so much more reliable.
"In all my GM owning days, over 16 years, I have NEVER been stranded by any of my GM vehicles, NEVER! Both Toyota Tacomas left me walking when the head gaskets failed, both before 40k miles!
and never been stranded, then you have to be the luckiest sob alive or the biggest liar! The surgeon general says that large amounts of bud light will kill many brain cells.
Or are you just like every other Toyota owner that buy's based on magazine survey's and reports like the all too biased 'Consumer "Import" Reports' and knows absolutely nothing about what you just bought?
Yeah, just what I thought. BTW: When is that 3 year lease up on your Tundra? I am sure you will be putting that leased car-truck to it's real test now won't ya..........?
Ford Lightning. Well designed, dependable truck.
I'm trying to study up on the tundra but it's hard
to do when i come across asinine posts like yours.
GM makes great LOOKING cars and trucks but have the fit and finish and durability of JUNK. I know
from experience. I'll say it again, if you have never been stranded in 16 years of GM bliss then don't bother with the lottery because you have already used up all your luck.
What is your point, that you have to be a mechanic to buy a car? Does that mean you have to be an electrical engineer to buy a desk lamp? So are you implying that only people with mechanical aptitude buys GM trucks? Considering the millions of GM trucks out there, I doubt if they were all bought buy people who considered it's mechanical advantages.
Yes, I used to be a working mechanic, and yes I can tell you why I bought my truck, but my truck is one small piece of my life, I drive it and I like it. If you want to know all the reasons (mechanical and otherwise) you can e-mail me. I've taken enough room on a dumb line of logic.
You Toyota owners are hilarious. You claim all this superiority and reliability advantage about a truck you have no clue, mechanically, if it is actually advantageous or not! You all read a few magazine articles and go off a Toyota reputation of reliability advantage that diminished 10 years ago as your only source of info. What idiocracy!
"IF" the owners posting here today have their Tundra's 10 years from now, and most will trade off when their 3 year lease is up, I think honest reports will show a much more dismal report than what is being posted today. I don't need to justify my purchase. I KNOW I made the right choice. Again, two Tacoma's in 3 years time left me walking home. In 16 years of GM truck AND car ownership, I have never been left walking. My GM's have been way more reliable. Lets see....16 GM years with no major breakdowns. 3 Toyota years and 2 major breakdowns. Yep, them Toyota's are much better buy's for my money????!
Glad you are so psychic on your 8 MONTH OLD TUNDRA! Gee, I bet your making money left and right seeing the future in the stock market, huh?
andyg: I am not going to knock the Fords. You still have not adressed the mechanical questions I asked. If GM trucks are junk, explain why in a factual statement of mechanical design comparison. If you can't, then you are making foolish and very stupid statements about GM products. Even if you have had bad experiences with GM, I can tell you of plenty with Ford too. I have had bad experiences with Toyota also. However, I am not going to bad mouth them because of it. Mechanically, there is very little difference between the makes of like design trucks.
BTW andyg, from 89 - 98, GM had far less reported problems in the form of recalls & service bulletins. Ford late model trucks have loads of problems with their engines and transmissions, and steering. None of those problems with GM.
Say what you want, GM may sell fewer trucks than the other domestics, but that just shows that GM owners hold on to their trucks longer. Must be that inferior reliability and quality that you speak of, huh?
I think we can both agree that our scales of quality are different, you may see quality in a vehicle in it's engineering, and someone else may see it in it's performance.
Reliability is the same thing. Anybody who thinks a vehicle line make 100% perfection is un-realistic. If Toyota makes 100K vehicles, and 1% (which would be incredibly low) are 'bad', then there will be at least 1000 pissed off Toyota owners. The amount that they are pissed off really depends on how much or less control they feel about the situation (how they are treated by the Toyota service). I build software for a living, and can tell you that you can release software that will break. But if the user feels like the problems are being addressed, and they see progress in answering their concerns, they will percieve the product as being reliable.
Maybe some of what you are seeing is two folds (given that everybody has owned a bad car in one time of their lives): #1 GM makes a TON of cars/trucks. By shear numbers, they will have a larger number of problems. #2 When Toyota owners have a problem, they have been treated better than the same problem with a GM vehicle. I don't know how long you've been using computers, but remember Windows 2.0 (or even Windows For Workgroups 3.11)?
I guess that means that the 2000 Siverado isn't a 'Full Sized' either, since the standard cab standard bed Silverado has a shorter shorter wheelbase than the standard cab standard bed Tundra.
I guess the GM factory is keeping this truth under it's hat.
Good luck with that one, the truth on that one is coming out.
I know what you are thinking. I just responded to a post in another topic where it was assumed I was one of those people. I am not. I don't know where anyone would think I am. I think that under the hostile circumstances that the Tundra owners have put us domestic owners in, I have been fairly civil. Remember, I did not start the arguments here or elsewhere. I only responded to all the bashing and very uninformed posts of the Tundra owners. First I was polite and asked that they respect me, then it turned to retaliation. I am no longer responding to the non adult behavior of Tundra owners and anyone else who joins in.
I know I have the best truck "for me" and that is all that matters. My only purpose for being here from now forward will be to weed through all the crap and stupidity of the Tundra owners posts and try to get some kind of true and possibly factual information somewhere about the Tundra and trucks in general (what we all should be here for)
Sorry to disappoint you as well, but I am not any of the mentioned members, i.e. zbad, etc.
I was in the Marines. I was a Voice Tech. What about this other guy? What branch and what did he or she do?
As for the Toyota's, I have owned "two" Tacomas and a Camry. I had some problems, but I am not going to whine about them to everyone and claim Toyota is a bad product. Owned many many Chevy truck. Never been left stranded. Never owned Ford or Dodges, but have driven many. In Kansas, most pickup truck owners are either wheat and corn Farmers or work some sort of construction. I am an exception, but drive about an hour 1 way to work in the city. In any case, living in the area I do, I have had opportunity to drive and be around all trucks imaginable, except the Tundra. I only see a one every so often in the predominately city areas.
As for my job, I am not an engineer. I am a Cisco Network "Technician" and I just started doing that recently. I worked on a large volume "Computer Help Desk" before that. I have 1 class to complete my BS Degree in Telecommunications. I don't think I could make the grades to be an Engineer, wouldn't enjoy the work if I could. I do my own consulting work for networking and some computer os and hdwr repairs, installs,etc. I also cut and sell firewood, mow lawns and other odd jobs as I can during the summer too. Anything related to ZBAD or whoever??
What else do you want to know about me without getting too open here???
These other guy's still seem to think I an not legit. I guess it may be good that they continue wondering in a way.
Why should I continue arguing the reliability points with you when "Toyota Owners" don't even know about the design advantages or disadvantages of your trucks anyway?
Keep reading your consumer reports magazine. I am sure if nothing else, the warm fuzzies you get from all the bs will keep that reliable truck the best on the road, even if only in the Toyota owner's eyes.
Hope you "don't" ever have to repair your Toyota. CR doesn't speak of the more than 30-50% higher cost of imports parts and the fact that many times, those costly parts for the imports are made at the same facilities as the domestic parts, like starters for instance! 30-50% more, depending on the part, just because it goes on an import.....same manuf......same quality and reliability.....same warranty. Yeah, I can't wait to pay more money for the same part again. Only a fool would see that as an advantage.
"Good luck on this one now".
Keep reading the CR. I am sure you will have another "fact" to state that will give all the Toyota owners even more "warm fuzzies". I guess you need all the warm fuzzies you can get to make you feel better about the lack of "green monies" in your wallet because you overpaid for your truck.
Good luck on this one now.
Arkie6 - Cost of Tundra VS Silverado. I am sure you can find Silverado's with higher MSPR's than some Tundra's but you need to recognize many of the Chevys have options on them that Toyota does not even offer. Autotrac, locking differential, sportside bed. If you compare like trucks they are about the same MSRP. You are full of it if you see $2,000 difference. Please post the example for me. Chevy dealers are more willing to reduce the price - close to invoice most of the time, and in my experience are willing to pay much more for your trade. The net amount you pay to buy a Silverado (F-150 or Ram) will be less that what you paid for your Tundra.. and IMO get much more truck for a smaller price.
(And I know reading isn't high on the USMC's recruitment requirement. Just following your officers orders!)
Here are the details and the numbers were obtained from both Edmunds and Kelly Blue Book. All numbers are MSRP. I had to estimate the price for the Chevy 4th door option since I could not find it listed, I used $300 MSRP, which I think is conservative based on estimates of $300-$500 here on Edmunds. The Toyota does not have standard ABS, which I did not want and did not want to pay for, the Chevy has it standard, but you are paying for it anyway. The Chevy LS with the 4.8L V8 does not have comparable performance to the Tundra with the 4.7L (I drove them both, no comparison). The Chevy with the 5.3L is comparable (Tundra is still quicker than the Chevy w/5.3, but probably due to lower weight) , so this option was added to the Chevy. Here are the features selected for both vehicles (some are standard on one make and an option on the other and some are included in various packages. Some features listed also require you to get additional options, like P265 tires on the Chevy requiring an optional suspension package): Automatic transmission, Power windows and door locks, Cruise Control, Power mirrors, Trailering/Towing package, Fog Lights, Skid Plates, Aluminum Wheels with P265/16 tires and black wheel mouldings. The numbers I came up with were $28,554 for the Tundra or $29,189 if you include the ABS. For the Chevy 3 door, it was $30,881, or $31,181 if you use $300 for the 4th door option. This translates to a difference of $1992.
I agree that Chevy does offer more do-dads than the Toyota, but Toyota offered what I needed/wanted.
I was able to get my Tundra for $500 over invoice. I suspect the Chevy with the 4th door (is it even available yet?) will be in high demand and most people would be lucky to get it for much less than $500 over invoice.
Plus, if you get the Chevy, you probably ought to look at getting that extended warranty to bring up to par with the Toyota standard warranty.
There you go z71bill, fire away.
Even if the USMC can't read, which if you actually knew better, you would know that their requirements are the same in all areas of discipline, they still are owed more respect than you deserve, you slob!
Even if the Silverado was 2k MORE than the Tundra, which it factually IS NOT, the cost of total ownership is much higher on the Toyota's. Regardless of this false sense of reliability advantage you Toyota owners "think" you have, your Tundra WILL break, just as any truck will. "WHEN", NOT IF, you have to replace parts, your Tundra will suck you dry of the green stuff as everything that goes on an import is 30-50% higher in cost, just because it is an import. Don't try and deny it, because I know from experience. A starter for a 93 camry, made in the exact same plant as one for a comparible 93 GrandAm, the same parts are used, and the one for the camry is $120.00 "REBUILT", while a "brand new one" for the GrandAm is $40. Both carry the exact same warranty, etc. Initial cost is not the only consideration here.
Good luck on this one now.
Hoo Yah!
I would rather come to these topics and just talk trucks...all trucks. Problem is, every time I turn around, someone is making a dumbass remark about either someones truck choice that happens to be the same as mine, or something like the remark you made. You can't expect me to take it as normal "ribbing" when I have had all the swings taken at me here.
There were many times I was very thankful to have airwing suport to come and get my tired butt. I have no problem with the other branches of the military, nor anyone here on these sites if everyone would just show a little bit of respect.
It all has to start somewhere. Who wants to start the civil trend? I am very used to fighting, but peace is much more preferred.
The problem I would have is how to account for the fact that the Tundra has the tranny, differential and transfer case from the compact Toyota. The Silverado does not offer the S-10 tranny option rebate so we will have to guess on what this is worth. Since you feel it is required to add the value of the 4th door on the Sivlerado maybe you could also estimate the value of a larger cab, usable back seat, larger /deeper bed & more towing capacity and better fuel mileage for me.
I look forward to your post -
Regarding the tires, I selected the largest tire option available, 265s vs. the smaller 245s. There ain't much difference between P265/70 and P265/75.
Regarding HP, you can believe Chevy's published HP ratings if you want, but the standard 4.8L in the Chevy extended 4x4 is not nearly as quick as the Tundra extended cab 4x4 with the 4.7L. The 4.7L beats the Chevy 4.8L in torque and it had the same torque as the 99 5.3L (315 lbs, 2000 5.3L now 325 lbs torque). By the way, the Tundra 4.7L is 245 HP in all states but CA.
Regarding the statement that the Tundra uses the Tacoma transmission, transfer case, and differential; I don't believe that to be the case, but I haven't had time to prove otherwise. The only other place that I have seen that mentioned is by rubluetoo, and we know what little credibility he has.
To BLD, in my earlier post, I never knocked the Silverado's reliability. All that I said was that it's warranty doesn't match the Tundra (Tundra drivetrain warranty: 5 years/60,000 miles. Chevy drivetrain warranty: 3 years/36,000 miles.)
Boy, we have really strayed from this topic, Tundra Brakes. This discussion needs to be moved over to Tundra vs. Big 3.
And while you are correct about the Chevy drivetrain warranty not matching the Tundra, you should note that the Body Rust Through warranty on Chevy is much longer than Toyota.
Back to Big 3 now?
Even so, the circumstances are different, in that the 4L60E was a downward descendant from a V8 application, to the 4.3L V6, which is just a 350 with two cylinders chopped off.
Toyota went the other direction, from the V6 to the V8, so it is fair to ask; for which application did Toyota design for?