hydroplaned on February 17th, 2017, during big storm, ins co. wants to find me at fault?

stellamarisstellamaris Member Posts: 1
edited March 2017 in General
hydroplaned on February 17th, 2017, during big storm, ins co. wants to find me at fault? Police told me that was an act of nature accident. What do I do?


  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,133
    Unless the police cited "Nature" for causing the accident, I'd guess you are out of luck.

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  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    Agree, no matter what they said, it's hard to imagine anything other than the phrase "driving too fast for conditions" being written down somewhere.
  • texasestexases Member Posts: 10,987
    If $$ are big enough it'd be worth consulting a lawyer.
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    The problem with single-car accidents is that there's no one else to blame. I suppose a case could be made for the tires not doing their job but in the case of hydroplaning, even the best rain tires in the world will, at some point, hydroplane. If the tire cannot get rid of the wall of water in front of it, it's going to skate over it.

    I guess that poor road maintenance could also be brought up. But like Texases said, unless some horrific injuries or big buck damages are involved here, hiring a lawyer and an automotive forensics expert seems not to be worth it.

    Don't you have comp/collision on the vehicle, to cover the damages?
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