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2014 and Earlier Hyundai Azera Lease Questions

patpat Member Posts: 10,421
edited May 2015 in Hyundai
To discuss the latest lease details for the current model, please join us in the 2015 Hyundai Azera Lease Questions forum.

You can also research local dealer inventory and pricing, reviews, features, and specifications on Edmunds 2015 Hyundai Azera page.


  • ricwhitericwhite Member Posts: 292
    (Reposted from the main Azera site)

    Car Sought: Hyundai Azera Limited w/Ultimate package

    Program: February 2006 Lease deal ($299 mo / 27 months + ultimate package). $2925 down / $595 acquisition fee / 53% residual / .00119 (2.86%) money factor.


    None of the dealers would agree to the $299 per month for 27 month lease deal on an Azera Limited (without Ultimate pkg) as advertised by Hyundai. The results of what they WOULD do on a lease for an Azera Limited with the addition of the ultimate package is described below.

    Dealer #1 - Westland Hyundai - Ogden, Utah -
    Negotiated Base Cap Cost to $27,900 (MSRP 30,075).
    But refused to implement the lease deal as advertised and tacked on thousands of dollars in extra fees. Result: best lease price: $474 per month + taxes. STRIKE ONE

    Dealer #2 - Riverton Hyundai - Riverton, Utah -
    Would not negotiate below $28,700 (MSRP 30,075) Implemented the lease deal. Result: Best lease price $400 per month + taxes. STRIKE TWO

    Dealer #3 - Ken Garff Hyundai - Salt Lake City, Utah -
    Refused to negotiate below $29,000 (MSRP 30075) Implemented the lease deal. Result: Best lease price $422 per month + taxes. STRIKE THREE


    * I knew more about the Azera than the Hyundai dealer sales people.

    * All refused to honor the advertised Hyundai lease deal on the Azera.

    * Most outright lied about invoice price and holdbacks and other financial information

    * Several added in "hidden" fees which they were very reluctant to disclose.

    * Many were rude, telling me to leave or to get a plane ticket and fly to a different city.

    * Many were completely incompetent and couldn't even work the lease software.

    Since the "lease deal" (that no dealer would fully do anyway) is over in a few days, it will make the Azera completely "unleasable" With it's very low residual, a lease on a unsubsidized Azera Ltd. Ult approaches $600/ month.

    Personally, I am very unimpressed with Hyundai on the corporate and dealer level – which is probably one of the reasons it has such a "trashy" image and is laughed at. My experiences have done NOTHING to change that image. Until Hyundai can pick themselves out of the garbage, buyers such as myself will be drawn to more "upper-class" brands such as Acura that at least know what they are doing.

    Maybe down the road Hyundai will get their act together. It might take a while, however, from what I have experienced.

    Congratulations to those that actually found a decent dealer that was honest and knew what they were doing. For the rest of you . . . good luck!
  • ricwhitericwhite Member Posts: 292
    Hyundai is now advertising a new lease incentive for March of 2006:



    Runs from March 1 to March 31
    $299 a month for 27 months on the Azera Limited. $2999 down / $595 acquisition fee / $1500 HMAC support (rebate) / 52% residual w/12000 miles / .00153 (3.67%) money factor

    If you want to add the premium or ultimate packages to this offer, it will increase monthly payments by $30-$80 per month depending on the price you're able to negotiate.
  • tomsawyer1tomsawyer1 Member Posts: 4
    Even if you could find a dealer who would honor this (good luck, as Hyundai dealers are slimey), it's still a horrible deal:

    $2,999 down = $111.07 over 27 months.

    $111.07 + lease payment of $299 = $410.07 per month for a base Azera, NOT including all the other crap fees they'll pile on.

    Wgo does Hundai think they are? Audi?
  • ricwhitericwhite Member Posts: 292
    Even if you could find a dealer who would honor this (good luck, as Hyundai dealers are slimey), it's still a horrible deal:

    You're right. The Azera, unfortunately, has a low resale/ residual rate, which makes leasing expensive -- even when subsidized.

    With the subsidized lease, the Azera has a 52% residual after 27 months. That means it loses 48% of its value in just over two years -- and that's subsidized!

    In contrast, the Acura TL has a lease deal where the residual is 61% after three years. That means it only loses 39% of its value after three years. Much, much better than the Azera.

    Buying the Azera will be no better. In fact, according to Edmunds, the Azera loses over 30% of its value within the first year alone! This is something that is improving, but will not change overnight.

    Most on the Azera forums are stating that they are buying the Azera outright or leasing with the intention to buy after the lease and keeping the vehicle for 8-10 years. This would be the only thing that really makes any "financial" sense.

    For short term buy or lease, you'd be much better off buying a vehicle that holds its value unless you really don't mind losing a lot of money in depreciation.
  • joe97joe97 Member Posts: 2,248
    This article stated the following:

    "For those not yet sold on Hyundai's resale value, the Automotive Lease Guide is forecasting a 42 per cent residual for three years, which is fairly strong for Hyundai."

    http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/magazines/Business/html/20060304T140000-0500_9988- - 7_OBS_AZERA_IS_A_HYUNDAI_MAKEOVER_WITH_TOUCH_OF_LUXURY_.asp
  • danf1danf1 Member Posts: 897
    Hyundai is not offering any special residual values. They come dire=ct from ALG. This is unlike what the domestics do when they want to offer a low lease payment. They inflate residuals to get there. HMFC is offering low money factors.
  • metalgatemetalgate Member Posts: 5
    THe reason most dealers hesitate to do the national lease is because it's based off net pricing. Meaning, to the dealer there's no profit margin. Not to mention, in more than 50% of the states the Limited is still bringing full MSRP. Then it becomes a business decision to lose money, or make money. I work for a Hyundai dealer. It's unfortunate some of you have had such unsavory experiences. I don't believe most dealers were preparred to deal with a premium sedan buyer. I also sell Cady's, so I knew before hand what is expected. My suggestion is to most definately get an Azera, but go to a multi point dealerhsip with at least one established luxury brand. BTW, I have seen more than my share of CTS and STS buyers switch themselves to the Azera and be thrilled to no end.
  • andreachaimandreachaim Member Posts: 3
  • andreachaimandreachaim Member Posts: 3
    how is the gas for this car??? hearing different things
    want the azera limited
  • azeraownerazeraowner Member Posts: 8
    After one week of ownership, i'm getting 22mpg. Not that great. But not horrible either.

    I'm so happy with my Azera that mpg isn't an issue for me.

    Look at the big picture.....mpg is only part of the big picture.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Welcome andrea. This particular discussion is more for consumers to ask questions about leasing the Hyundai Azera. You will have better luck finding information on things like its gas mileage in the following discussion: "Hyundai Azera 2006+".

    Prices Paid Forums
  • pmp96laupmp96lau Member Posts: 1
    Hey CarMan

    what's the latest with the lease specials? any out there?

    what would be the details for a 2006 azera limited, 24 months ?

    I have not seen one azera on the road in the NY metro area, there has to be a fire sale soon...dealers need space for the 2007 models.....
  • johnbaxter1johnbaxter1 Member Posts: 12
    I visited a local,large volume Hyundai today:aug 10 in the
    nassau county NY area_western Nassau bordering on the Queens
    New York city line.
    I walked around through the lot(i wasn,t spotted).I counted
    seven dust covered plastic shielded Azeras.
    If Hyundai intends to move their slow selling Azera they
    will have to do some "creative lease"deals.
    Potential buyers at this point don't want to buy into
    a situation which could lock them into 50%or more depreciation hit unless they can turn the car back to
    hyundai if the car does not measure up to the hype!
    hyundai the next move is up to you!
  • tictac3tictac3 Member Posts: 78

    Start: 08/01/2006 End: 08/31/2006 $258.71 Monthly Payment Calculate Other Monthly Payments
    36 Month Term
    $1999 Down Payment
    $0 Security Deposit
    12000 Annual Mileage
    Restrictions Lease is based on the 2006 Azera SE with $3000 Customer lease cash.
    Comments $2,257.71 is due at signing. Dealer participation may vary. Incentives and Rebates are provided subject to the terms of our Visitor Agreement. Tax, tags and insurance are extra.
  • alrossalross Member Posts: 2
    I leased an Azera Limted with Ultima package as of July 24th. List price at $30K, net at $25,200 after all dealer and factory discounts. Leaed for 36 months/12,000 miles per year. Lease rate at $425 per month plus sales tax. Down Payment was $1,200 which included the first month rental and plates and taxes. The dealer netted about $600 from this.

    The Hyundai lease shows their office operation sucks as they did not bill after the first month. Their excuse they out source to someone for the billing/collections. Did get the second month billing o-k.

    I am a former Infinit and Lexus user over many, many years. This vehcile, with all thr frills is really almostequal to a 2007 Lexus ES with a price differential of $37,000 to the $25,200 for the Azera. The residual at the end of 36 months is $12,500.

    Hyundai has missed the boat. They have great advertising, classy and superior to virtually any brand. Their dealer ship operations simply do not have the experience or ambience to sell this superior vehicle. I visted four different dealers and found only one sales person who even knew the car's features.

    I'm sure they wil learn but when you want to sell a class act you have to set the stage.

    I have only about 1,000 miles on the car. It rides great, peppy and smooth and quiet. There isn't a car on the road that can provide the combination of luxury at this astounding low price.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey pmp96lau. Hyundai is not currently providing support on 24 month leases of the Azera. Its shortest term for leases of this car is 36 months. Hyundai Finance's current buy rate lease lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2006 Azera Limited with 15,000 miles per year are .00097 and 40%, respectively. When negotiating your lease on this car, keep in mind that Hyundai is currently providing $3,000 lease cash on it. This money will help you to negotiate an attractive capitalized cost.

    Prices Paid Forum
  • jeffaljeffal Member Posts: 28
    Car man,

    Are you sure Hyundai is offering $3,000 lease cash on the car? I haven't been able to verify that on any of the websites.

    Also, let's say I negotiate a price down to $25,000 (MSRP $30,000). If I decide to lease, are you saying I could potentially get the price down to $22,000 (with the $3,000 lease cash)?
  • jeffaljeffal Member Posts: 28
    Nevermind. I contacted a dealer and they verified that there is $3000 lease cash available on the Azera, but it cannot be combined with the $1,500 rebate.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Yes, jeffal, I am absolutely positive that Hyundai is currently providing $3,000 lease cash on leases of the 2006 Azera through Hyundai Finance. If you are able to negotiate a selling price of $25,000 without the use of any incentives then yes you could potentially use a capitalized cost of $22,000 to calculate your car's lease payment.

    Prices Paid Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Oops, I should have read your next pose before responding to your first one. You are correct, jeffal, the $3,000 lease cash is not compatible with this car's normal customer cash allowance.

    Prices Paid Forum
  • imaricciimaricci Member Posts: 1
    Can someone point me to a place that will explain % residual, etc. that can help to decide whether to lease or not to lease? I’ve never given it consideration before. I’m planning on purchasing or leasing an Azera from Fritzgerald Automall. Any help is appreciated.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi imaricci. The following articles should answer any questions that you have about leasing: 10 Steps to Leasing a New Car and Calculate Your Own Lease Payment. Check them out and let me know if you have any specific questions that they don't answer. I will be happy to answer them for you.

    Prices Paid Forum
  • johnbaxter1johnbaxter1 Member Posts: 12
    I would appreciate help in how Iwould determine the money
    factor?In your example,a 9% annual interest rate translates
    into a .00375 monthly interest payment as far as I can
    determine from your Leasing Tips.
    Please explain the math by which this .00375 was calculated
    off of a 9%APR?
    How do I calculate the money factor given different APR
    numbers from differdnt Hyundai dealers?(as I begin
  • drdonrsdrdonrs Member Posts: 164
    You are absolutely right. I am a long time Acura TL user and leased for many years. I purchased a Sonata LX in Jan. and just recently purchased my Azera Limited. I have even offered to speak to potential Azera customers at my dealership, as a most satisfied customer. I too have offered my "opinion" that Hyundai dealerships are not setup to deal with the near luxury customer. I have actually have called their attention to some of the features that the car possesses. I have a friend that has a 2006 Lexus ES and this car has it beat by a mile. I have never enjoyed 2 cars more than my new Hyundais. You can't sell Elantras with the same sales methodology as an entry level luxury car such as the Azera. Look at the showrooms for Acura, Lexus, Infiniti to name a few. Different ambiance for a more upscale customer. I will say this, when I purchased my Azera I spent a short period of time answering questions which were apparently geared to finding out what the typical customer, who is buying an Azera, interests are. So they are probably aware of what it will take.
    Bottom line, I have 2 awesome cars. :)
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi johnbaxter1. It's not easy to back into what a vehicle's money factor is, unless one knows all of the details of a deal, like the MSRP, selling price, residual value, etc... The money factor that you calculated is too high. Hyundai Finance's current buy rate lease money factor for the 2007 Hyundai Azera Limited is only .00192. It is .00211 for the 2007 Azera SE. Let me know if you need any other information or have any other questions.

    Prices Paid Forum
  • dmalliadmallia Member Posts: 7
    I haven't seen a post in a while about 07, and 06 leasing prices. What is a reasonable price in the Midwest. How and when would increased residual values be reflected in lower lease payments. Any help from posters is greatly appreciated.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi dmallia. The monthly payment for an Azera will depend upon what its MSRP and selling price are, as well as how long you lease it for and what mileage allowance you opt to go with. If you provide me with these variables I would be happy to use Hyundai's current lease program to estimate what your monthly payment would be. As far as this car's selling price goes, shoot for as close to dealer invoice as possible and then have the dealer subtract the $1,350 lease cash that Hyundai is providing on the '07 Azera right now. You may be able to get a good idea of how much you will have to pay for this car right now by visiting the following discussion: "Hyundai Azera: Prices Paid & Buying Experience".

    Prices Paid Forum
  • setampsetamp Member Posts: 16
    Does anyone know Hyundai's current residual % for 36months and interest rate / money factor?
  • dborthdborth Member Posts: 474
    An odd question for an "almost luxury" sedan. I think you will find too the factory sponsored lease incentive is 30 months / 12,000, not 36 months. "Residual" is stated in dollars, not %...(in my case 56% of cap. cost) "Money factor" is not disclosed, at least on my lease contract.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi setamp. According to the latest information that I have seen, Hyundai's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2007 Azera with 15,000 miles per year are .00139 and 44%, respectively. When negotiating your lease on this car, make sure to take advantage of the $2,250 that Hyundai is providing on it. This cash will help you to negotiate an attractive capitalized cost.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • dborthdborth Member Posts: 474
    My 30-month HMFC '07 Azera lease terminates the middle of April. I recently received a cover letter and documents to complete pertaining to either the purchase of, or returning the vehicle.

    While I love the car, the last 29 months has proven than I really don't need a 4-door large sedan now, let alone a slightly larger 4-door like the Genesis. I am however interested in the just now starting to arrive Genesis Coupe.

    Here is the telephone exchange with a "customer service" rep. at HMFC Fountain Valley, CA:

    1. If I purchase, can I finance with HMFC? "No, we want cashiers check in full"
    2. I am interested in the new Hyundai Coupe but a reasonable selection won't be available locally by middle of April. Can I extend the current lease in anticipation of leasing or buying the new Coupe? "No, purchase or turn it in by the date specified on the lease contract"
    3. Are you sure about that? "Yes"

    One would think if a consumer is dropping off a lease return to the dealer, the manufacturer, and certainly the dealer would want that consumer to leave the dealer in a new vehicle of the same brand. I believe it's referred to as "loyalty".
  • romil01romil01 Member Posts: 75

    Please provide the MF / Residual for a 36 month lease / 15K miles per year on a 2013 Azera with Tech Package in Nevada. Thanks!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Greetings romil01. Hyundai Finance's February buy rate lease money factor and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2013 Azera with 15,000 miles per year are .00136 and 55% for consumers who qualify for its top credit tier.

    When negotiating your deal on this car, make sure to take advantage of the $1,000 cash incentive that is currently available on leases of it.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • romil01romil01 Member Posts: 75
    The following is a lease I signed on a 2013 Azera with Tech Package (all accessories, paint protectant, leather protectant, and window tint included):

    36 months / 15,000 miles per year
    MF = 0.00136
    Residual = 55%
    MSRP = $37,565 (asking price $39,040 with dealer options added to include protectants and tint)
    Invoice = $34,969
    Price Paid = $34,479
    Adjusted Cap Cost = $33,962 with $2250 worth of rebates
    Out of Pocket = $0 + Free iPad Mini

    Total monthly payment including NV sales tax = $480.
  • azeraninjaazeraninja Member Posts: 6
    I am looking at two Azeras - One in New Mexico and one in Las Vegas, Nv. The New Mexico deal is a 2012, the vegas one on a 2013.

    Here is how I calculated the NM Deal. - Their monthly payment was $467 - please tell me what I am missing!?!?

    This offer eliminates the doc fees. I forgot to include License fee and Title fee but that should only adjust the payment a buck or two.

    MSRP = 37,135
    Sale price = $32,695
    Acquisition fee of $595
    = Gross Cap Cost of 33,280
    - Cap reductions of $3,352.41 ($2,000 down, $1000 rebate, 352.41 1st payment)
    =Net Cap Cost of $29,927.59

    Monthly Depreciation = 29,927.59-19,310 / 36 = $294.93

    Monthly Finance = 29,927.59+19,310 * .0007 = $34.39

    Monthly Payment = 294.93+34.39 = 329.39 * .081(Nv tax rate) = $352.41

    Did I do something wrong? Why are our monthly payments almost $100 different!?
  • kd1007kd1007 Member Posts: 23
    MSRP $38,000 2013 AZERA

    15,000 MI
    36 MO.




  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi kd1007. In order to work up a lease payment on this car we need to determine what selling price you should pay. The 2013 Azera that you're interested in probably has a spread of around $2,500 between its full MSRP and its dealer invoice price. Let's say that you are able to negotiate a $2,000 discount on this car.

    According to my calculations, if you were to lease a '13 Azera that has an MSRP of $38,000 and a selling price o$36,000 through Hyundai Finance right now for 36 months with 15,000 miles per year, your zero down, pre-tax monthly payment would be around $464.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • romil01romil01 Member Posts: 75
    Seems about right. I am paying $480/month with tax on an Azera with Tech, zero down, 15K miles/year. It was fully loaded with all the accessories, window tinting and leather protectant for about $39K.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Thanks for the confirmation, romil01. How do you like your Azera?

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • romil01romil01 Member Posts: 75

    I like it quite a bit. It is a good looking car, has a beautiful, high-quality interior, has plenty of power and gets good mileage. The warranty isn't too shabby either. It isn't perfect, but it is quite a step up from my 2011 Sonata GLS.
  • ajpbf7ajpbf7 Member Posts: 95
    Hi Car Man,

    Could you post the MF and residual for a 36 month lease on the 2013 Azrea with 10k per yr. Also any lease support on this vehicle? Thanks very much.
  • penzfan1penzfan1 Member Posts: 28
    Too bad Ford didn't take a page from Hyundai's book. They're paying my wife FOR AS LONG AS SHE OWNS her 2012 Elantra for over reporting MPG. She's received $150 already.
  • rocketman18rocketman18 Member Posts: 43

    Carmen help
    Azera latest money factor residual and lease cash would be appreciated

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @rocketman18 said:
    Carmen help
    Azera latest money factor residual and lease cash would be appreciated

    2014 Azera: .00199 MF and 61% residual for 36mo, 12K/yr lease.

    I don't see any lease cash on this model.

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  • krk43062krk43062 Member Posts: 10

    Hi. Do you have the current MF and RV for a 2014 Azera Limited with Premium package for 36mo, 12K/yr lease?

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745

    @krk43062 said:
    Hi. Do you have the current MF and RV for a 2014 Azera Limited with Premium package for 36mo, 12K/yr lease?

    .00083 MF and 58% residual

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  • pohrapohra Member Posts: 6
    I hope somebody is still watching this thread. :) Looking for numbers on a 2014 Azera Limited, including the current "Hyundai Holidays" promo.

    24 months/10K
    36 months/10K
  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082
    edited November 2014
    pohra said:

    I hope somebody is still watching this thread. :) Looking for numbers on a 2014 Azera Limited, including the current "Hyundai Holidays" promo.

    24 months/10K
    36 months/10K

    No 24 month programs from Hyundai. No 10K miles per year numbers are offered, either.

    36/12 is the shortest and lowest mile lease term offered. .00018 and 53%. $500 lease cash.

    You can use the "Car Research" tab at the top of the page to link to all other available Hyundai incentives.

    Edmunds Price Checker
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    Did you get a good deal? Be sure to come back and let us know! Post a pic of your new purchase or lease!


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  • rmcrierrmcrier Member Posts: 35
    Do you have MF and Residual for a 2014 Azera Limited 36/12 lease in Northern Virginia? Thanks!
  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 257,082
    rmcrier said:

    Do you have MF and Residual for a 2014 Azera Limited 36/12 lease in Northern Virginia? Thanks!

    .00016 and 54%. $2250 lease cash.

    Edmunds Price Checker
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