Are you thinking about changing to the V10 or the Dodge CC for any reason in particular? Your rig is set up like the one that I have been looking for and I was wondering if you have any concerns that I should be wary of.
This was my first Ford, and it was a big step. I'm very happy with the truck its self, but the buying ordeal & dealer workmanship has @%#*. I have only had minor problems with it, but the horror stories I have heard on here about the 4wd systems failing or the engines after the warranty. I have taken a look at the extended warranties, the future dodge cc or getting into another F250 from a differant dealer, if I traded trucks, I would only do it as swapping payments, I wouldn't go to a higher payment. If I don't trade I will buy the extended for the peace of mind. Took my truck to the dealer last week, he had it for 2 days, he replaced the cab mounts (2nd time) and fixed the front springs, also there was a clinking noise on hitting bumps. To find this noise, they basically stripped the back seat and all trim out of the truck. I told them I thought it was coming from inside the door. On the report I got when picking it up, it stated it was in the C-Pillar rear driver's side, unable to locate exact place, so they took expanding spray-in sealer and filled that space inside that pillar support, now they say that noise is gone. They also said they looked inside the door and found nothing. Here's the kicker, while putting the panel on the pillar, they broke a couple of the tabs thinking I wouldn't notice, plus they got sealer on the side of the back seat. Took it in last Saturday, told them of my findings, they ordered a new panel & back seat cover, looking at that seat, it seems it would be easier to replace the seat back then the seat cover. For that visit minus the stuff they screwed up, they charged Ford Warranty $741.00. Yes, it's bad that when a person has 38K + into a truck that you can't get good service. I have learned my lesson. I had thought I had researched enough, apparently I hadn't, plus I found this site after I had ordered my truck. I have learned alot from the people on all the forums. Dan the setup of the truck is find, research your dealer, nothing can leave a more bitter taste then dealing with a dealer that could care less after you drive it off the lot. Just thinking of dealing with these people if I have something major happen...........
This Ford dealer also has a dodge dealership right next door, when I bought a new Y2K01 durango, I stopped in to see what they could do on a new one since I had boughten my 98 D from them. The 98 D was mainly the reason I went to their Ford D. I had gotten good service from dodge (same family owned). Now they have moved their Dodge dealership next to their ford shop and aquired the ford attitude. I walked out of their dodge dealership vowing I would never buy another vehicle from their dealerships.
It's amazing how lousy dealerships can stay in business, but I guess it makes a difference when you have a monopoly . The Ford dealerships in Central Oregon are separated by at least 1/2 an hour of highway driving. I know way too many people and businesses that will drive an hour or more, bypassing one or two Ford dealerships, to buy and service their vehicles. It's a shame. I'm certain Ford Corporate has an on-line spot for dealership complaints. Whether or not they do anything about it is another story. I guess the good news is that great threads like this one will get that information out and it makes a huge difference to someone, like myself, who is contemplating his first purchase of a new truck off of the lot. Lots of my friends/clients have given me the scoop on the three dealerships nearest to home and it looks like I will be driving a bit to order my truck when I finally figure out what in the heck I want. Thanks for the info!
Thanks to this board and others I took possession on April 28 of new F-250 SOF 4x4 crew/short V10 Auto 3.73LS. Only disappointment so far is the small fuel tank. All the literature talks 38 gal and mine with the short box is 29 gal. First 500 miles are at 12.5mpg via the on board computer and my manual math @12.433mpg avg. Pretty much what all of you with similar rigs stated.
OK all you who have a few years more experience with this truck than I. Questions: 1. Do I have any fuel tank options (local ford service does not think so)? 2. If larger diameter tires are used is the speedo recalibrateable? By me? By Ford? 3. As this is a big tall truck already, I prefer NOT to lift it. Having said that, does anybody have experience with the largest (height + width) tire that will clear the front fender/bumper? 4. Unimpressed with chilton/peterson the Ford service manual worth getting? 5. I will be installing a very complex HAM radio system (75 amp draw on the 12v buss). The question is: Does anybody have experience with the computers in newer Ford trucks shutting down/dieing due to high wattage RF?(have been told not to go higher than 300w PEP)
Again Bess and all others great board, hope I can contribute more soon. Fred KD5NCO
Here's my story in a nutshell. Ordered on Feb 3 F-250 Lariat Crew LWB PSD. It left the factory March 9 with an ETA to the dealer of March 24. Found out 11 weeks later one of the chrome nerf bar steps was damaged. Shipping company sent it to a dealer 3 weeks prior to be fixed & never told anyone. Shipping company's arm had to be twisted to reveal status. My dealer tried unsuccessfully to get it from the repairing dealer. Shipping company refused to give ETA to my dealer. This Saturday it will be 13 weeks & not delivered. Is this the way to run a business? Ford Motor was not helpful to my dealer. They washed their hands once the truck leaves the factory. Something needs fixing here. Anyone out there with a similar horror story?
Ford hires the shipping company and they have the control. I would think that Ford would be pressing the shipping company as its Ford's truck until it is unloaded at the dealer. It doesn't make sense that they wouldn't ship it complete and have it fixed by your dealer. If it ever shows up, I would inspect it with a microcope. There may have been more damage than they are saying.
Haven't been on the board in quite a while. My 01 SD 4X4 CC 4:30 AT SB gets around 10-11mpg city and 13-14 hwy. I'm not really a speed demon or anything so I drive her pretty easy. Of course there is the occational time when you want to stomp the gas and feel the power of the V-10. Got about 9 mpg pulling the 27 ft. TT. Used to get 5-6 mpg pulling a 25 footer with my 95 F-150 5.8.liter 3.73, so I'm in Hogs heaven with the SD. Anyway on the subject of bed covers. I bought a snug top fiberglass cover for the truck. Been pretty happy with it. Snug Top matched the color nicely (Harvest Gold). The lid is pretty easy to open and close. I went with a fiberglass mainly cause I carry some baseball equipment for my son's baseball team. Makes it convenient to lock the stuff up after a game. Made a dump run this last weekend and took the snug top off. Pretty easy, took about 5 minutes, and it's a two man job. Anyway I Better get back to work. Have a good one.
Not a happy camper,as my new 01 powerstroker crewcab is in the shop for the 2nd time for the same transmission problem.You pay big bucks for the convenince of automatic shifting and it turns out to be garbage.I thought ford solved their auto tranny problems.My truck stalls when you pull up to a stop light.They tell me the tranny is not downshifting to low gear,but staying in higher gear thus stalling.Anybody else having these problems? Any advice for a otherwise happy man with the rest of the truck,especially the diesel motor. Please help powerstroker2
What a beast! I traded in my 2000 tundra for a real truck. I pull a big boat and the tundra did ok but the back seat was for storage only. My family can now go boating with me and carry some luggage. The dealer is trying to sell me on a new chip to give better hp and shift performance. Has anyone done this yet - he says that unleaded 87 is still ok?
Stalling at a stop? Sounds like the torque converter is locked up and not releasing during the down shifts. Do you drive "two footed" ( some gas, some brake)? If so you are keeping positive torque on the drive train and fooling the transmission computer into thinking you are under greater load. Acatully the ford trans and drive train are over engineered as they basically use the same components up through the F450 series. Very capable, with better than average fault/repair history. However there will always be some one with a problem part, as there is no such thing as a perfect combination of parts. Your trans is fixable eaven if total unit swap is the eventual fix. I would recommend that you take the fixed truck on a long drive with 75% max load before warrenty expires. Ref: shift kits/chips, there are good products and there are garbage on the market. The most bang for the buck (IMHO) are the Gale Banks products. Beware, if you install any "kit/chip" that increases hp/torque and changes the internal transmission line preasures, and then trash your trans. Ford will go out of their way to prove that you caused the failure. Fortunatly you may controll this situation simply by not telling the service shop of the modification(after you have removed the 'kit'). I have never heard any opinions that the chip caused a failure. In fact, many I know, insist that the higher lind preasures insure more positive shifting and lock-up and helps keep trans oil temp down thus preserving and increasing the life of the trans. Heat is a tranny's enimey. Get a trans temp guage with real numbers and keep below 250F, around 280F the fluid will cease to lube/cool and break down and hurt your trans. Note: Free flow air cleaner (K&N) and less restrictive exhaust will yield slight increase in power and better milage. Changing the ignition and EFI fuel curves(via computer chip) will also increase power and milage. If you choose to go all the way with complete exhaust system change including headers, you will get greater power but lower RPM torque will suffer, and you will loose in the long run if you tow heavy loads. The reason you bought a Ford truck is the same reason you do not see many performance options in the after market for them. The owners are not asking for them. We are basically happy with the factory capabilities. Most chevy / dodge owners want/need more power, thus the after market makes more options for them. Chevy reconized this and responded with the new power train choices. As much to combat Ford but also their owner base is really not happy about $25-30K for new truck and then $1500-3000 to make it perform.
Your problem is most definitely torque converter related. It doesn't matter what gear your transmission is in when you stop as you would recognize the problem as sluggish acceleration and fewer shifts than normal, not stalling. The purpose of the converter is to decouple the transmission from the engine while stopped and idling. It sounds like your converter is not decoupling upon stopping thereby causing the engine to stall. This would be caused by either a siezed/locked converter or the lock-up signal provided by the engine electronics/computer becomes permanently engaged after initial engagement. If your converter is siezed, you should notice that the engine can be started and will idle when in park but will always stall when you put it in gear. If this isn't the case and the problem only appears after the truck has been above approx 40-45 mph, then it's most likely a problem with the lock-up signal. I would think the computer would be generating a malfunction code that the shop could look for if this is the case. I wish you luck in getting the problem fixed. Anyway, I also have the 4 speed auto and just turned 10K miles this week. So far so good. My only complaint is the mushy shifting. I've been looking into computer chips to improve the shifting but would like to keep using 87 octane fuel. Any suggestions would be gladly accepted.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has decided to proceed with an investigation of more than 800,000 Ford trucks after dozens of owners said they lost steering control. At least 50 owners of 1999 and 2000 Super Duty F-Series pickups have complained about a fracture in the steering gear sector shaft, which makes the front wheels turn when the driver moves the steering wheel. At least 41 crashes and 13 injuries have been reported to Ford and NHTSA.
1999-2000 Ford Super Duty F-Series sold 500,000 per year, reaching 1,000,000 sold by September 2000.
50 owners complained. making that 0.005 percent of the 1999-2000 trucks. (that's 5 thousands of one percent of vehicles sold)
41 crashes REPORTED(No evidence this steering wheel fracture was the cause found) and that is 4.1 thousandths of one percent of vehicles sold)
So don't get alarmed by this scare tactic post. I'm not discounting any possible issues with the steering gear shaft, just stating the actual percent of vehicles.
But here's a possiblity, a front end collision could provide enough stress to front end parts. And I we all know the steering wheel, and any shafts and gears in between is connected to the front wheels. So maybe this is an effect, not the cause?
For everyone-I'm trying to decide between a Dodge 1500 quad cab 4X4 with the big V-8 and the Ford F-250 supercab 4X4 with a v-10. I think the F-150 would be too small. I drove the supercrew and didn't like the way it handled. I don't do any significant towing or long distance driving. I live in the NC mountains so there is snow and lots of hills. I have a Toyota Tundra and with the wife and two kids in it it feels like a sardine can. So I'm getting rid of it. I want a bigger truck for safety and the power and size if I need it one day. I can get a loaded Dodge at invoice and I can buy any Ford product at invoice minus holdback on the "A" plan. I've never had a Dodge but I'm afraid of their reputation in Consumer Reports, etc. But I've had several Fords and they were all junk. I'm open to all opinions from Ford and Dodge lovers.
I've owned two Ford pickups and my Dad had one, as well, and we've never had a minute's trouble out of any of them. We have only owned three because they lasted a long time the way we care for and drive them. Dad had a '74 F-150 and I had a '71 F-250 for years. It was still a great truck when I sold it to a friend for his Father, who needed wheels. He got inebriated one day and tried to drive it up a big pine tree beside the road. If he had been in a lesser truck it would have killed him. The only reason I got rid of it is that I bought an '82 F-150 4x4 with four speed manual transmission and inline six to use on the farm and didn't drive the F-250 that much. I'm looking at buying a new F-250 4x4 now to replace the F-150, and wish I could get one with the old inline 300 c.i. six cylinder in it again.
As I say, I have owned two Ford trucks and my Father one, and we have loved them. No junk in those trucks.
You have a couple of good choices. I have a '98 4X4 5.9 quadcab. No real problems with it. The interior is the best layed out of the big three. Gas mileage is poor. The ford is also an excellent choice (possibly my next truck). In the 250/350 series Ford is tops.
Quality wise, I've always had good luck with Ford. I have around 25k miles on my 00' F250 SC and everyday I drive it I know that I chose the right truck.. Like you, I also prefered the SuperDuty over the F150 for the extra interior room. I've had the wife and 2 kids on long trips several times now and there's plenty of room for everyone..
When I was looking at trucks, I drove them all, F150's, F250's, Dodge 1500's and 2500's and Chevy 1500. At that time (late 99): Dodge1500: I didn't like the ride. It felt like it wondered on the road and I didn't like the steering feedback. Dodge2500: same as the 1500, only alot stiffer.
Chevy: Even the SuperCab chevy had a pretty decent back seat, and it did ride nice.. BUT, it didn't have 4 doors at that time, and the local chevy dealership's customer service was considered very poor by several of my co-workers.
F150: a little smaller interior than I wanted. F250: everything that I wanted in a truck. good size, nice ride, and a good price (400 under invoice). 00' F250 SC 4x2 5.4L 5sp 4.10LS
My neighbor (who owns a bricklaying company) has SuperDuty and a new Chevy (both crew cabs). He says the Ford is a better work truck, but prefers the smoother ride of the Chevy when out with the family.
I have had two Dodge pickups and have been pleased with both. No problems whatsoever. But, if you are going to tow or haul unusually heavy loads, go for the F-250. If you just need a truck for light duty and it has to be either a Dodge 1500 or a Ford F-250, the Dodge will work great and cost less.
re #405 In answer to question #1, I have a friend who has a F350 Super Duty with a 3rd party, 65 gal SS tank mounted in the bed of his truck. You can't mess with the fuel pump so he has a small electric motor that pumps gas from that tank into his vehicle's regular tank. He can refill on the fly while he's driving. He's says it's been good because he can fill up when/where gas is cheap and he can get a longer range before having to stop, and he wasn't touched the fuel supply system, which would void his warranty.
I am trying to decide, as I am sure many other are doing, between the F-250 SD or the Chevy 2500 HD. Advantages and disadvantages on both. My primary purpose is for a slide in camper that will weigh around 2800 lbs. Anybody out there using either of these trucks for this purpose? Also I have heard that diesel engines should not be used with slide in campers. Anybody know why?
The deisel engine weighs about 800# more than the gasser and that reduces your useable payload for the camper. The diesel shines in mileage and durability.
We have ordered a F250 Platinum Series Super Duty with a 7.3 powerstroke.
Two questions, A) Would like to know of any other platinum owners/locations. What can we expect in fuel economy highway driving and travel trailer towing.
We have the Platinum V10 auto 4X4 in central Texas. The dealer I got it from sold a Powerstroke version to a co-worker of mine. He is getting 16+mpg around town to my 12+mpg. When I haul my 5800lb air dam travel trailer @60-65 I drop to 10.5mpg. When he trailers his horses @7400lb he drops to 14.8mpg @65-70mph. Both of us plan to add trans shift recalibrator (probably Gale Banks method) as we both feel the auto tranny has mushy shifts. BTW we both turn off the overdrive in the hills as the 7.33 gears seem to require a whole lot of extra gas pedal foot. The powerstroke hauled a 2300lb load of wet sand this weekend, about 15 miles of mixed driving and told me this morning that he didn't even know it was there.
Bucharoo3 - Thanks. I found a company that makes gas tanks. I will post the URL later as I don't have it close right now. Basicaly the have two products for the 2000 and up F250's. The have a 30 gal that goes where the spare hangs and is fed through the left rear wheel well. And they have a replacement tank, exact duplicate of the factory setup but 55 gallon. Uses all the same plumbing and wires. Both are fairly pricy though.
Scanned the other boards and didn't see what I wanted so here is my question for big heavy Ford Truck owners. What brand/type of electronic brake controllers do you use and why. I have used JC Whitney and Auto Zone ones and would really like to put a better one in my new truck. Thanks all
In regards to elec brake controllers, I've been pretty happy with my Drawtite Activator PN 5100. Bought it at the local RV shop, ( Ford makes it real easy to install. Took about a half hour to install it on my 01 F250 SD CC 4X4.The hardest part was deciding where to put the darn thing. Your SD probably came with the 30 Amp fuse and Relay 'Kit' that just plug right in under the hood. The wiring harness just plugs in under the dash. That's it.Why pay eighty bucks to have it installed when, like I said before, Ford did all their homework on this one. I pull 27 foot Prowler TT so I like the slide adjustment feature, the 'brake on" LED, and the sync control features. Had a Drawtite 5100 on my 95 F150 and it never gave me any problems. Allows you better Truck/Trailer synchronous braking. Anyway, better get back to work. How do you like your Platinum SD?
Thanks for the controller info. I agree that Ford did a good job with the pre-wiring of this truck, in fact when looking around, I found several places where the wire terminations for various options were taped up and out of the way.
We plan on several additions: transfer my ham radio, GPS system, voice controlled cell phone, Larger fuel tank, bed liner (sprayed in), and I am have convinced myself that the Banks' trans command controller is a good idea. We love this truck and went the opposite way from our normal truck buying. We usually bought trucks to be "rural home owner" work horses with minimal frills and extras. This rig has it all in the power and creature comfort departments, plus definitely the toughest 4X4 method. Great bang for the $. Of course the Platinum trim is unique enough that we won't be prone to expend any $/energy "customizing. Big Grins :>) every time we use it.
As a V8 motor head most of my life I was a little leery of the relatively small displacement V10. However, here in central Texas there were plenty of cattle ranchers and construction companies with the diesel and V10's for me to pester with reliability questions. Nobody had anything bad to say other than their personal bias on the gas/diesel debate. As I am anal on preventative maintenance, we expect this truck to last a very long time, given my bent to abuse/use our vehicles.
As a long time nissan owner, I spent a lot of time on the research for this $30K expense. GM and Dodge couldn't convince me. I also payed great attention to the fact that there is a rural Ford dealer in a small town near me that always has 75-80 big trucks and maybe 30-40 cars. When I asked, the general manager told me they sell twenty to thirty F-250 Super duty to every lesser truck or car. Most of his sales are to construction crews and ranchers. Pretty good testimonial in my book. BTW, I am retired Army and a Disabled American Veteran (DAV) member. I was eligible for X-plan pricing, and pretty sure I got a "deal". ;>)
I own a 2001 F250 XLT crew cab 4X4. It has a 29 gallon tank. I have filled it several times and the pump shuts off at 24 gallons each time. To go farther I have to clck the handle every 2 seconds or so, this is a pain. Once I tried to top it off to see what would happen, 5-6 more gallons fit in the tank before I could see gass down the nozzle. Does anyone else have this problem? Is this the way they are supposed to work. I spoke to a dealer or two and they tried to say that it was the reserve tank. I calculated that if I get approx 10-11 miles to the gallon (29 gallon tank) at about 300 miles I should be pretty dry, at least a lot lower than 24 gallons. I have also dirven a 250 long bed that was a 99 and it didn't have this problem. It filled to what the capacity in the owners manual said. Anyone heard of this?
You gotta watch the slope of the ground at the pumps, need the front end down a bit or level (from experience) if it's up, you will be pinching in gas. I don't mind as long as it's not 30 degrees below 0 and a strong North wind. I have learned to live with this least at shut off, you can still top off, even though it is 5 or 6 gallons.
Average with mixed city/highway 15.5mpg. This is what I get 99% of the time..
Average with highway only 17.6 (on 2 different occasions), at only 60 to 65mph or so.
Your mileage will be a little less if: - you get auto instead of manual tranny - you get 4x4 instead of 4x2 - you drive over 65mph alot..
I really like the 4.10 rear end with the 5.4L, the truck is about as lively as those with the V10. However, if you do alot of highway driving at 70mph or higher (like folks out west do alot), then the 3.73 would work fine..
But I have a Y2K CC 5.4 V8 4x4 with the 4.10LS , mileage on the hiway under 70 is right around 15-16, at 55, even in the hills I get 16, in town I get 13.5 . But then again you don't buy these trucks for gas mileage. I seen over on the ch%$#y board a guy was getting around 6.5 towing with there 6.0 engine. I stay around 11 or 12 towing my boat.
jcave1 I have basicaly same interest, do a search here at Edmonds as I think there are some old discussions on Borla vs Banks but don't remember where. Between Nov 2000 and now I think. Also check out, there is a gasser section with good info on all things big and heavy (FORD) ;>) Seems most folks with deep pockets prefer the Banks system and the eternal "best deal" guys generaly suport Borla and others. Lots of knuckle knashing about warrenty concerns. Some dealers claim no coverage to the powertrain if aftermarket added, others agree that EPA/CARB approved aftermarket mods will not "automatically Void" the warrenty. I personaly hope my dealer/service dept has enough common sense to know that a header and air filter should not cause an engine to fail or break. Though I can see where Ford might be on pretty good ground to void warrenty if engine / tranny computers are altered to boost power or increase trans shift points/pressures.
Ordered my "02" F-250 Super Duty Crew Cab last week. 4x4, Lariat, Short Bed, Black over Silver, Medium Flint Interior, V-10, Auto, 4:30 LS, Camper Package, ORP, Heated Seats, Clearance Lights, ESOF, Power TT Mirrors, Reverse Sensor, Ford Tough Hitch, 6 Disc CD, Captains Chairs, All Terrain tires. Got it at Invoice. F-250 SD "Job 1" is 16 July. The waiting has begun!!
Good luck bobh12, I ordered my SD.. March 24, received the VIN # May 3rd. I have checked everyday since. (called them also) they have no record of it. I've checked with Ford customer service and they have no record of the VIN # either. The only thing the dealership can tell me is that it left the factory May 18 and should arrive (in Colorado) 2 to 3 weeks after that. BUT, they have no idea where it is. I have been jacked around and given several different stories,,this is just the latest. Hope you have better luck. 3putt2
Sounds like you have been having all kinds of problems getting your truck. Hope you get it soon, and that I have better luck than you have had. Where in Colorado are you? I live in Buena Vista and work in Denver 4 days a week.
After hearing all the horror stories about your guys purchases I am getting squeamish about even looking!! I am around 1 year out from purchasing/leasing a Super Duty. Can anyone give me a lead for a good dealer in these parts??-Keith
rollinsfanatic...i live in bothell and just took delivery of a new 2001 F250 CC PSD Lariat. i talked to several of the seattle area ford dealers and did not like any of them, as you may know every ford dealer in the city of seattle is owned by the same company. i ended up buying mine from the ford dealer in pullman,wa. it is a four hour drive from seattle but the sales tax is 1.2% less then king county which will save you $400-500 plus they will give you a good deal, i got mine for $100 over invoice. i ordered mine in the first week of april and it arrived 6/4/01. good luck.
Hello everyone, I have been a silent observer for the last few months while I chose my pickup and waited for it to arrive. I have learned alot from these message boards. Well it is here now and as a first time Ford and first time diesel owner I am hoping to get some tips/advice from those of you experienced with these pickups. I have a 2001 F250 CC PSD Lariat 4x4, true blue, loaded. I love it. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
You sound like me I ordered my F350 on 28 March. Got a VIN a couple weeks later and was told that my SD would be delivered on 5 May...Well, I'm still waiting. I keep getting told by customer service/dealer that my pickup is sitting in Louisville waiting to go to the railhead in Shelbyville so that it can be shipped to Atlanta and finally to the dealership here in AL. I've offered to go get it but they won't let me.
Maybe our pickups are sitting next to each other? What color is yours? Mine is True Blue.
I have been given so many promises/stories, I don't know where to start. I too, was told to expect my truck the middle of May. About May 20th I was told it was shipped to the wrong place but all was well now and I would receive it the next week. Well, next week came and went and I was told that it surely would be here soon... In fact Ford Customer service told me it had shipped May 18 and I could expect it in 2 to 3 weeks. Today,,a new story! It seems there are 300 plus Super Duty trucks sitting in Kentucky waiting for some changes to be made so Ford can avoid a recall. Mine is one of these. So they have to go through 300 trucks and do the repair,,then ship them to the dealer. They won't tell us what the problem is... but the result is I am looking at 4 months between order and delivery. What bothers me more than the time is the deception and the run-around they give us.. especially when you call Ford Customer Service and give them your Vin # and they have no record of it and you've already waited 6 weeks after order! How does that make you feel?
3putt2, that's the first explanation that I've gotten that makes any sense. I've sent an email to Ford asking if my truck is also one of the 300. It's no wonder that Ford's PU sales were down in May...
What I've found with Ford Customer Service is that it depends on the Agent that you get whether they have a clue or not. I've talked to a couple there that were first rate and could tell me all about my truck and others that were clueless. I sat on hold one time with an Agent while he was "doing some research" and found out that he was on hold with a call to the dealer to find out where my truck was!! He was a bit of an idiot.
I had seen a TSB out at nhtsa about the steering wheel not returning to center maybe that could be the problem? Of course, now it has disappeared from the site.
Called my dealer around noon today...he said that they had just gotten off the phone with Ford Customer Service and were promised that my F350 would be leaving KY in the next day or so. An hour later, the dealer called me back and said that my pickup had just pulled into the lot!!!
I find it really hard to believe that a company like Ford would have little or no clue as to the whereabouts of a 21' truck but obviously they don't.
Anyway, I am now happy and can stop whining about not having my truck. Now I just need to know all the things that are wrong with it so I can go get the dealer to fix 'em.
My fingers are crossed that your truck will too be showing up soon. Frank
Can anyone tell me what kind of mileage their getting with a F 250 Diesal? Towing and not towing, please list how much you're towing also. I've got a 5500 lb trailer I tow at least half the time, and a boat maybe once a month with my F 150, it hadles it well but mileage goes down below 10 MPG. I'd like a CrewCab so I'm thinking about Diesal.
Glad to hear you got your truck. Yes it is amazing that they (ford) seem to have no idea what is going on. Yesterday was 12 weeks for me and they still can't tell me when it will be here. After reading your last message I'm not sure they know where it is!! So tell us about your truck,,how do you like it? first mileage? any defects?
This Ford dealer also has a dodge dealership right next door, when I bought a new Y2K01 durango, I stopped in to see what they could do on a new one since I had boughten my 98 D from them. The 98 D was mainly the reason I went to their Ford D. I had gotten good service from dodge (same family owned). Now they have moved their Dodge dealership next to their ford shop and aquired the ford attitude. I walked out of their dodge dealership vowing I would never buy another vehicle from their dealerships.
I'm certain Ford Corporate has an on-line spot for dealership complaints. Whether or not they do anything about it is another story. I guess the good news is that great threads like this one will get that information out and it makes a huge difference to someone, like myself, who is contemplating his first purchase of a new truck off of the lot. Lots of my friends/clients have given me the scoop on the three dealerships nearest to home and it looks like I will be driving a bit to order my truck when I finally figure out what in the heck I want.
Thanks for the info!
OK all you who have a few years more experience with this truck than I. Questions:
1. Do I have any fuel tank options (local ford service does not think so)?
2. If larger diameter tires are used is the speedo recalibrateable? By me? By Ford?
3. As this is a big tall truck already, I prefer NOT to lift it. Having said that, does anybody have experience with the largest (height + width) tire that will clear the front fender/bumper?
4. Unimpressed with chilton/peterson the Ford service manual worth getting?
5. I will be installing a very complex HAM radio system (75 amp draw on the 12v buss).
The question is: Does anybody have experience with the computers in newer Ford trucks shutting down/dieing due to high wattage RF?(have been told not to go higher than 300w PEP)
Again Bess and all others great board, hope I can contribute more soon. Fred KD5NCO
Ref: shift kits/chips, there are good products and there are garbage on the market. The most bang for the buck (IMHO) are the Gale Banks products. Beware, if you install any "kit/chip" that increases hp/torque and changes the internal transmission line preasures, and then trash your trans. Ford will go out of their way to prove that you caused the failure. Fortunatly you may controll this situation simply by not telling the service shop of the modification(after you have removed the 'kit').
I have never heard any opinions that the chip caused a failure. In fact, many I know, insist that the higher lind preasures insure more positive shifting and lock-up and helps keep trans oil temp down thus preserving and increasing the life of the trans. Heat is a tranny's enimey. Get a trans temp guage with real numbers and keep below 250F, around 280F the fluid will cease to lube/cool and break down and hurt your trans.
Note: Free flow air cleaner (K&N) and less restrictive exhaust will yield slight increase in power and better milage. Changing the ignition and EFI fuel curves(via computer chip) will also increase power and milage. If you choose to go all the way with complete exhaust system change including headers, you will get greater power but lower RPM torque will suffer, and you will loose in the long run if you tow heavy loads.
The reason you bought a Ford truck is the same reason you do not see many performance options in the after market for them. The owners are not asking for them. We are basically happy with the factory capabilities. Most chevy / dodge owners want/need more power, thus the after market makes more options for them. Chevy reconized this and responded with the new power train choices. As much to combat Ford but also their owner base is really not happy about $25-30K for new truck and then $1500-3000 to make it perform.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has decided to proceed with an investigation of more than 800,000 Ford trucks after dozens of owners said they lost steering control. At least 50 owners of 1999 and 2000 Super Duty F-Series pickups have complained about a fracture in the steering gear sector shaft, which makes the front wheels turn when the driver moves the steering wheel. At least 41 crashes and 13 injuries have been reported to Ford and NHTSA.
50 owners complained. making that 0.005 percent of the 1999-2000 trucks. (that's 5 thousands of one percent of vehicles sold)
41 crashes REPORTED(No evidence this steering wheel fracture was the cause found) and that is 4.1 thousandths of one percent of vehicles sold)
So don't get alarmed by this scare tactic post. I'm not discounting any possible issues with the steering gear shaft, just stating the actual percent of vehicles.
But here's a possiblity, a front end collision could provide enough stress to front end parts. And I we all know the steering wheel, and any shafts and gears in between is connected to the front wheels. So maybe this is an effect, not the cause?
As I say, I have owned two Ford trucks and my Father one, and we have loved them. No junk in those trucks.
Like you, I also prefered the SuperDuty over the F150 for the extra interior room. I've had the wife and 2 kids on long trips several times now and there's plenty of room for everyone..
When I was looking at trucks, I drove them all, F150's, F250's, Dodge 1500's and 2500's and Chevy 1500. At that time (late 99):
Dodge1500: I didn't like the ride. It felt like it wondered on the road and I didn't like the steering feedback.
Dodge2500: same as the 1500, only alot stiffer.
Chevy: Even the SuperCab chevy had a pretty decent back seat, and it did ride nice.. BUT, it didn't have 4 doors at that time, and the local chevy dealership's customer service was considered very poor by several of my co-workers.
F150: a little smaller interior than I wanted.
F250: everything that I wanted in a truck. good size, nice ride, and a good price (400 under invoice).
00' F250 SC 4x2 5.4L 5sp 4.10LS
My neighbor (who owns a bricklaying company) has SuperDuty and a new Chevy (both crew cabs). He says the Ford is a better work truck, but prefers the smoother ride of the Chevy when out with the family.
Thank You,
Dan Watters
Tucson, AZ.
Two questions,
A) Would like to know of any other platinum owners/locations.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
When I haul my 5800lb air dam travel trailer @60-65 I drop to 10.5mpg. When he trailers his horses @7400lb he drops to 14.8mpg @65-70mph. Both of us plan to add trans shift recalibrator (probably Gale Banks method) as we both feel the auto tranny has mushy shifts.
BTW we both turn off the overdrive in the hills as the 7.33 gears seem to require a whole lot of extra gas pedal foot. The powerstroke hauled a 2300lb load of wet sand this weekend, about 15 miles of mixed driving and told me this morning that he didn't even know it was there.
Bucharoo3 - Thanks. I found a company that makes gas tanks. I will post the URL later as I don't have it close right now. Basicaly the have two products for the 2000 and up F250's. The have a 30 gal that goes where the spare hangs and is fed through the left rear wheel well. And they have a replacement tank, exact duplicate of the factory setup but 55 gallon. Uses all the same plumbing and wires. Both are fairly pricy though.
I have used JC Whitney and Auto Zone ones and would really like to put a better one in my new truck. Thanks all
Bought it at the local RV shop, ( Ford makes it real easy to install. Took about a half hour to install it on my 01 F250 SD CC 4X4.The hardest part was deciding where to put the darn thing. Your SD probably came with the 30 Amp fuse and Relay 'Kit' that just plug right in under the hood. The wiring harness just plugs in under the dash. That's it.Why pay eighty bucks to have it installed when, like I said before, Ford did all their homework on this one. I pull 27 foot Prowler TT so I like the slide adjustment feature, the 'brake on" LED, and the sync control features. Had a Drawtite 5100 on my 95 F150 and it never gave me any problems. Allows you better Truck/Trailer synchronous braking. Anyway, better get back to work. How do you like your Platinum SD?
I agree that Ford did a good job with the pre-wiring of this truck, in fact when looking around, I found several places where the wire terminations for various options were taped up and out of the way.
We plan on several additions: transfer my ham radio, GPS system, voice controlled cell phone, Larger fuel tank, bed liner (sprayed in), and I am have convinced myself that the Banks' trans command controller is a good idea. We love this truck and went the opposite way from our normal truck buying. We usually bought trucks to be "rural home owner" work horses with minimal frills and extras. This rig has it all in the power and creature comfort departments, plus definitely the toughest 4X4 method. Great bang for the $. Of course the Platinum trim is unique enough that we won't be prone to expend any $/energy "customizing. Big Grins :>) every time we use it.
As a V8 motor head most of my life I was a little leery of the relatively small displacement V10. However, here in central Texas there were plenty of cattle ranchers and construction companies with the diesel and V10's for me to pester with reliability questions. Nobody had anything bad to say other than their personal bias on the gas/diesel debate. As I am anal on preventative maintenance, we expect this truck to last a very long time, given my bent to abuse/use our vehicles.
As a long time nissan owner, I spent a lot of time on the research for this $30K expense. GM and Dodge couldn't convince me. I also payed great attention to the fact that there is a rural Ford dealer in a small town near me that always has 75-80 big trucks and maybe 30-40 cars. When I asked, the general manager told me they sell twenty to thirty F-250 Super duty to every lesser truck or car. Most of his sales are to construction crews and ranchers. Pretty good testimonial in my book. BTW, I am retired Army and a Disabled American Veteran (DAV) member. I was eligible for X-plan pricing, and pretty sure I got a "deal". ;>)
Average with mixed city/highway 15.5mpg. This is what I get 99% of the time..
Average with highway only 17.6 (on 2 different occasions), at only 60 to 65mph or so.
Your mileage will be a little less if:
- you get auto instead of manual tranny
- you get 4x4 instead of 4x2
- you drive over 65mph alot..
I really like the 4.10 rear end with the 5.4L, the truck is about as lively as those with the V10. However, if you do alot of highway driving at 70mph or higher (like folks out west do alot), then the 3.73 would work fine..
I have basicaly same interest, do a search here at Edmonds as I think there are some old discussions on Borla vs Banks but don't remember where. Between Nov 2000 and now I think.
Also check out, there is a gasser section with good info on all things big and heavy (FORD) ;>)
Seems most folks with deep pockets prefer the Banks system and the eternal "best deal" guys generaly suport Borla and others.
Lots of knuckle knashing about warrenty concerns. Some dealers claim no coverage to the powertrain if aftermarket added, others agree that EPA/CARB approved aftermarket mods will not "automatically Void" the warrenty.
I personaly hope my dealer/service dept has enough common sense to know that a header and air filter should not cause an engine to fail or break. Though I can see where Ford might be on pretty good ground to void warrenty if engine / tranny computers are altered to boost power or increase trans shift points/pressures.
You sound like me
Maybe our pickups are sitting next to each other? What color is yours? Mine is True Blue.
What bothers me more than the time is the deception and the run-around they give us.. especially when you call Ford Customer Service and give them your Vin # and they have no record of it and you've already waited 6 weeks after order! How does that make you feel?
Good Luck!!
What I've found with Ford Customer Service is that it depends on the Agent that you get whether they have a clue or not. I've talked to a couple there that were first rate and could tell me all about my truck and others that were clueless. I sat on hold one time with an Agent while he was "doing some research" and found out that he was on hold with a call to the dealer to find out where my truck was!! He was a bit of an idiot.
I had seen a TSB out at nhtsa about the steering wheel not returning to center maybe that could be the problem? Of course, now it has disappeared from the site.
Called my dealer around noon today...he said that they had just gotten off the phone with Ford Customer Service and were promised that my F350 would be leaving KY in the next day or so. An hour later, the dealer called me back and said that my pickup had just pulled into the lot!!!
I find it really hard to believe that a company like Ford would have little or no clue as to the whereabouts of a 21' truck but obviously they don't.
Anyway, I am now happy and can stop whining about not having my truck. Now I just need to know all the things that are wrong with it so I can go get the dealer to fix 'em.
My fingers are crossed that your truck will too be showing up soon. Frank
I've got a 5500 lb trailer I tow at least half the time, and a boat maybe once a month with my F 150, it hadles it well but mileage goes down below 10 MPG. I'd like a CrewCab so I'm thinking about Diesal.
Yesterday was 12 weeks for me and they still can't tell me when it will be here. After reading your last message I'm not sure they know where it is!!
So tell us about your truck,,how do you like it? first mileage? any defects?