Toyota Land Cruiser Navigation System

jslate1jslate1 Member Posts: 2
have a 2004 landcruiser bought new. the navigation system just went down, which also controls the heat. we do a lot of travelling. have 40,000 miles on it; warranty cut off at 36,000. dealership say's it will cost $ 5,000 to replace navigation system. any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • jduffyjduffy Member Posts: 2
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Welcome aboard!

    I suggest turning off your CAPS LOCK. People tend to ignore messages with ALL CAPS.

    tidester, host
  • jduffyjduffy Member Posts: 2
    No problem
  • jundjund Member Posts: 1
    A noobie here,just bought 03 tlc a week ago and have noticed how outdated the nav. system(new roads/maps). I went to a toyota dealer and asked how much it takes to get an updated disc for the nav. and was shocked when the guy told me it is $400, but he also told me that I could find one from microsoft called Randall's nav. disc for $80. I have searched Microsoft's site and even googled the said disc but to no avail.
    I am wonderring if anybody in this forum have any information regarding this disc or how to update 03 tlc nav. system.
    Thanks in advance for your info.
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61
    The map disc is under the passenger seat and can be ejected by sliding the tab to the right and then pressing the EJECT button.

    The DVD map disc should cost around $250 - $300. Shop around at another Toyota dealer for 00125-DVD05-CY. The part number on the DVD map disc is 86271-33034.

    Lastly, no other software will work with the Toyota navigation system.
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61
    One solution... check with salvage yards in your area. An inexpensive part may be available from a wrecked vehicle.

    Alternative solution... wait for Toyota to come out with an out-of-warranty program in early November or December of 2005. The part number should be 86111-60180-OW. Again, the program will not be available until November or December.
  • fangsf15fangsf15 Member Posts: 4
    The 2005.1 is the most recent disk according to my dealer (We currently have a 2004.2 in our 2005 Land Cruiser).

    Does anyone know whent the next version is due to be released? It seems that halfway through 2006 we should be close...

  • rashid1rashid1 Member Posts: 1
    i have a land cruiser 2002 last months manufacturing with 2003 dashboard.can anybody tell me where i can get software cd for my navigation system.i changed my battery and after that the screen is blank.the ac system also works through the screen so no and imported jeep from doesnt have software cd under the seat.can somebody help me?
  • spotbearsdspotbearsd Member Posts: 33
    Go see if you can buy an extended warranty from another dealership.. then show up at another dealership a couple of weeks later and show them the navi issue!
  • molawrencemolawrence Member Posts: 2
    I am having a very difficult time getting information from my dealer on how to update my navigation system for a 2001 Lancdruiser which is running 2000 ver 1 software. I finally figured out how to locate the navigation DVD player and found out that there is no DVD in the player so I am at a loss to find a part number. I've seen a number of update DVDs on ebay, but all caution to be sure to know the correct part number and generation of your nav system. Can anyone help me with information?
  • steelcruisersteelcruiser Member Posts: 402
    Go to your dealer and get the info you need.
  • egusmanegusman Member Posts: 15
    first of all how could you possibly nknow what version of software you are running if there is no dvd in the player. the dvd is the software so you wouldnt be able top bring up on the screen what your version is if no dvd. i thinkl the proble is you have to slide the dvd player button over to open the dvd player door and then press the eject button. then the dvd will eject.
    then the number you need is 86271-33034. that is map update version 5.1 for 2nd and 3rd genration computers. do not buy the 5.1 map for 4th or 5th genrartion computers.
  • molawrencemolawrence Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for your reply. The contents of the DVD are loaded into the navigation computer so the DVD does not have to be in the player (this is true for the original software according to the dealer, but they are not sure on upgrades if you have to leave the DVD in the slot). On the navigation screen there is a System Setup opion and if you touch this it tells you exactly what version of software you are running.
  • weprintweprint Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 Landcruiser that had Nav DVD ver 3.2 in it. I just bought ver 5.1 (# 86271-33034) and it is not working. It either get the message "DVD Check in Process" or if I shut the car off and turn it on again, "Can not read Map DVD, be sure proper DVD is inserted" Any ideas why this might be happening?
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61
    The next DVD map disc update, version 6.1, will be released between the fall of 2006 or early 2007. ;)
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61
    Either the DVD map disc is dirty or scratched, or the navigation computer is failing. Only a Toyota technician can enter diagnostics to see if a code has been registered. ;)
  • radicasterradicaster Member Posts: 3
    I have the exact same problem. Please let me know if you solve it. Thanks, Wes
  • kidakida Member Posts: 2
    I have the same problem described in #15....another question based upon what is said in #13....does anyone know how to determine what generation computer you have installed?
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61

    What year is your Toyota Landcruiser?
  • kidakida Member Posts: 2
    Answer: 2004...any help would be appreciated
  • boorugboorug Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2001 Toy Landcruiser and the touch screen on the navigation unit does not work anymore, I got a quote from a local dealership and they quoted me around $7000 for a replacement unit. Any suggestions out there would help to find a replacement or can the screen be replaced? The unit still works but I can't get rid of the caution screen when you first start the car.
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61
    The navigation ECU under the passengers seat has probably failed... can you remove the DVD map disc? Or is it the display? What did they tell you was defective?
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61
    You need an 86271-3304x. The '4' indicates that it is for GEN 4. If the disc is 86271-3303x then it is for a GEN 3. I hope this helps.
  • nanomannanoman Member Posts: 3
    Anyone know where I can pick up a copy of the GPS Nav dvd? Have a 03 LC w/Gen3 system. Is ver 6 out yet? Thanks.
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61
    V6.1 can be acquired from a Lexus dealer; Toyota dealers do not have the map disc yet. The Lexus part number is PT219-GEN23. Call around for best pricing as the dealers are free to establish their own retail price.
  • nanomannanoman Member Posts: 3
    Thanks. Do you or anyone else know if there is a low-cost alternative to going through the dealer? Possible to buy the map disc directly from OEM or on ebay, private seller, etc? Thanks in advance.
  • apetro1apetro1 Member Posts: 1
    I bought a new Landcruiser in November 2003; its navigation has the European maps but not Greece where I live and use the car. Toyota told me that until today there is no solution from Toyota to have a map for Greece. Can anybody propose a solution? Any DVD or software that may work with map of Greece?
  • egusmanegusman Member Posts: 15
    if you can get map data from another gps map of cgreece you could possible use the firmware at the beginning of the european disc and then add the map greece map data where the european data was. the lexus 2007 is350 club members are doing it as the 6.1 5th generation update dosnt allow the overide button to be accessed anymore by tapping the screen. so they are burning the 5.1 firmare and then adding the 2006 data so they have the latest. of course both copies are obtained from lexus . copies can only be of legally obtained originals and for your own use keeping the originals.
  • egusmanegusman Member Posts: 15
    q#15 and #20 both bought gen 2/3 update but the 2004 landcruiser went 4th generation computer. the only way to tell without having the dealer run your vin number is to actually get the toyota part number off the unit. the genration 2 unit for 2001 was 86841-50010. genration 3 installed in 2002 2003 and is 86841-33060. the 2 and 3 gen updates work on both generations. generation 4 installed in 2004 2005 2006 and is 86841-50090. generation 5 started in 2007 and part number not determed yet.
  • boorugboorug Member Posts: 3
    There is no dvd disc in the ECU could that be the problem? The dealer said the unit needed to be replaced. Thanks for your help on this!
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61
    If there is no disc... yes that is an issue. The part number on the disc is 86271-33034; GEN 2/3 V5.1. No matter what just be sure the disc you get has 86271-3303#... the three is the key identifier.
  • efpalinosefpalinos Member Posts: 1
    I just bought the Landcruiser (January 2007) and they still do not give any map for Greece. I see that your messages is older. Did you find any solution?
  • peteaz8peteaz8 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2004 Prius that started giving me error messages and system not connected in Oct., 2006. Went to dealer and they want $4000 to put in a replacement. Bought a Polaroid that has the same size screen and also plays DVD for $400 and is more accurate in Yuma, AZ. The only problem is I cannot control my defrosters or Ac. The defrosrers are a safety problem and I am working on legally getting Toyota to fix it as they claim in their TSB Multi-display Functions inoperative Bulletin - EL002-5 that this problem is in the Highlander, Land Cruiser and Prius and cant be repaired but need a fix they came up with that will resolve the problem but you need to pay $4000 if the car has more than 30,000 miles. this electronic gadget is not mileage related and I feel the Dealer shold fix it no charge or a minimal charge. I dont want to pay $4000 to be able to turn on my defrosters or radio. Peteaz8
  • peteaz8peteaz8 Member Posts: 3
    I got a 2004 Prius and started having problems in Oct.2006. Had 60,000 miles and they wanted $4000 to replace it. Went to Sam's Club and bought a better display for $400. Its a Polaroid and plays DVD's also. Problem is i can't control the defrosters, AC or Radio or Tape or CD. Don't figure on paying $4000 to turn my defrosters or AC on. Am going to fight this under Lemon Law and or other legal means. Too bad as we love our Piuis but the dealers are something else. Peteaz8
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Hi Pete, welcome. You probably should head over to the Prius group and find a similar discussion there; perhaps the Toyota Prius Dash & Instrumentation Questions one.
  • boorugboorug Member Posts: 3
    Where would be the best place to purchase the disc? Thanks again for your help.
  • fashfash Member Posts: 1

    I have a 1999 LC 100 series imported from Japan and the navigation system is in Japanese, is there any language selection option?
    Aside from learnin Japanese , what can i do??
  • navguynavguy Member Posts: 61
    You can either purchase one new from a Toyota dealership or pick one up on ebay. The Toyota part number is 00110-DVD06-CY. Shop around for the best price!
  • egusmanegusman Member Posts: 15
    is it a 2 piece system with a seperate gps computer? if so you may be able to switch whole computer and map data to usa version. usa land cruisers didnt have nav until 2001 and it was first year of dvd based maps. 98 to 2000 lexus had hard drive based computer. so it depends on whewther the 99 lc has actual factory jdm unit or just one iof those adzest aftermarket units common in japan. so if the nav has toyota 10 digit part number comnputer it can be updated with like plug in and play model. the 2 pice computer is mounted under the passenger seat on 2001 models.
  • egusmanegusman Member Posts: 15
    i dont think replacing a 15000.00 list price system with a 400.00 one was not the best choice. the best choice would have been to get a 2005 screen from a salvage yard. none of the 2005 have that problem. a used screen would be around 500.00 to 750.00 and would get you the use of your 15,000.00 system back again. the extrea 2 to 400.00 more it would have cost for a used 2005 replacement screen will be more than made up at sale time . you will take a big loss if you try to sell it with the 400.00 nav system. future 2nd hand buyers will want the original equipment working if you want top dollar at resale time.
  • egusmanegusman Member Posts: 15
    here is the non dealer response to your question. the latest disk for your 2001 land cruiser with computer 86841 -50010 is a 2007 genration 2 ,3 disc . this disc is not available aT THE TOYOTA DEALER YET ONLY A LEXUS DEALER. TOYOTA HAS NO PLANS TO RELEASE IT YET . THE 2007 MODEL YEAR 6.1 MAP DISC.(ITS ALWAYS A YEAR BEHIND THE MODEL YEAR)has the toyota part number is 86271-22045 . the dealer accesory PT number which only is printed on the bubble wrap package is not even on the actual disc and is not the toyota part number.
  • russ007russ007 Member Posts: 1
    Toyota does not have Greece as a priority and even that their sales reps make promises, they simply care only for the sale and do not intend to keep their promises. I have bought a Landcruiser in 2004 and have a history of emails that date back to 2004 with Toyota. Their excuse is that it is beyond their control and they do not give any date for inclusion of Greece to navigation maps. Very dissapointing given that all other companies now include Greek maps in their products... :mad:
  • rapsraps Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2000 LC 100VX witha built in Japanese EMV navigation system. Is there any way of converting it to english?
  • rapsraps Member Posts: 2
    Hi Fash, Did you have any luck converting your nav system to english? I have the same problem.
    Thx, Raps
  • syl1syl1 Member Posts: 6
    I have a 2001 LC. To upgrade to a more recent version of the map DVD disc, is it just a matter of popping the old disc out and inserting the new disc OR additional steps are needed to reset the system/update the programs to work with the new disc? Thanks.
  • navguy1navguy1 Member Posts: 181
    Just insert the new disc after eject the old map disc. The part number on the disc should be 86271-3303X - the higher the last digit the more recent the disc. Version 6.1 (86271-33036) was released in January of this year.
  • pjc1pjc1 Member Posts: 72
    Does anyone know how to eliminate all the icons from the nav? I traveled to Chicago a week ago and there were so many icons for restaurants and places of interest that I could not read the street names. I am having a hard time using this system....
  • chomp1chomp1 Member Posts: 1
    HI, can anyone assist in getting some technical information (mechanical alignment/repair info) for a Fujitsu Ten. Toyota 08662-00900. Thanks
  • steelcruisersteelcruiser Member Posts: 402
    Press POI and that shoud turn the icons off.
  • mdsdmdsd Member Posts: 26
    Does anyone know how to bypass the security system so that i can punch in addresses /new locations while driving, but still leaving the watching of DVD functional only in park ???


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