2018 Aston Martin DB11 LEASE

abe26abe26 Member Posts: 20
edited October 2018 in Aston Martin
Hi, Does anyone have the residual and money factor for 2018 Aston Martin db11 v12 coupe for 3 years lease 5000 miles per year from Ally Bank? Thanks,

Best Answer


  • abe26abe26 Member Posts: 20

    so so the money factor would be .002496?
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,167
    abe26 said:


    so so the money factor would be .002496?

    Yes, approximately

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  • abe26abe26 Member Posts: 20
  • mbnj2123mbnj2123 Member Posts: 92
    Hi, Trying to help a friend with a lease on a 2018 Aston Martin DB11 V8. If possible, can you please provide the MF and Residual at 24 and 36 months with 5k and 2.5k miles per year. Thank you!
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,167
    mbnj2123 said:

    Hi, Trying to help a friend with a lease on a 2018 Aston Martin DB11 V8. If possible, can you please provide the MF and Residual at 24 and 36 months with 5k and 2.5k miles per year. Thank you!

    2018 or 2019?

    If 2019, coupe or convertible?

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  • mbnj2123mbnj2123 Member Posts: 92
    2018 DB11 V8 Coupe.Thanks!
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,167
    mbnj2123 said:

    Hi, Trying to help a friend with a lease on a 2018 Aston Martin DB11 V8. If possible, can you please provide the MF and Residual at 24 and 36 months with 5k and 2.5k miles per year. Thank you!

    mbnj2123 said:

    2018 DB11 V8 Coupe.Thanks!

    24 mo
    1.00% APR
    69%/71% residual

    36 mo
    1.00% APR
    61%/64% residual

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  • mbnj2123mbnj2123 Member Posts: 92
    Thank you! May I have the rates for the V12 model as well? 2018 DB11 V12 coupe at 24 and 36 months with 2.5k and 5k miles per year. Thanks!
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,167
    mbnj2123 said:

    Thank you! May I have the rates for the V12 model as well? 2018 DB11 V12 coupe at 24 and 36 months with 2.5k and 5k miles per year. Thanks!

    24 mo
    5.99% APR
    67%/65% residual

    36 mo
    5.99% APR
    60%/57% residual

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  • stevenshevstevenshev Member Posts: 5
    Do you mind refreshing the numbers for this month?

    36 months DB11 V12

    Trying to figure out what the step down is in residual from 2,500 to 5,000, 10,000, and 12,000

    Also - any way to discount the APR (one pay, MSDs, etc.)?

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,167

    Do you mind refreshing the numbers for this month?

    36 months DB11 V12

    Trying to figure out what the step down is in residual from 2,500 to 5,000, 10,000, and 12,000

    Also - any way to discount the APR (one pay, MSDs, etc.)?


    Sorry, but we don't have Aston Martin information, this month.

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  • autofan22autofan22 Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2019
    Hey, not sure if this is the right place to post this- since I could not find the 2019 DB11 forum and 2018 DB11's have ended lease support. If possible, can you please provide the numbers (MF and residual) for a 2019 DB11 V8 coupe and convertible at 24 and 36 months with 5k miles per year. Thank you.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,167
    autofan22 said:

    Hey, not sure if this is the right place to post this- since I could not find the 2019 DB11 forum and 2018 DB11's have ended lease support. If possible, can you please provide the numbers (MF and residual) for a 2019 DB11 V8 coupe and convertible at 24 and 36 months with 5k miles per year. Thank you.

    I'm sorry, but we don't have any current Aston Martin lease info

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  • DaverceeDavercee Member Posts: 101
    I see. I'll take note of this.
  • bvchirobvchiro Member Posts: 93
    New 2020 Aston Martin DB11
    lease MF and residual 24/7.5 and 36/7.5
    any incentives Zip code 70508
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,167
    bvchiro said:

    New 2020 Aston Martin DB11
    lease MF and residual 24/7.5 and 36/7.5
    any incentives Zip code 70508

    Please post in the current model year discussion, here:

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