Ford F-Series Transmission Problems
Whether you shift for yourself or not, this will be the place to diwscuss tranny questions.
kcram - Pickups Host
kcram - Pickups Host
kcram - Pickups Host
The E4OD did have an OD switch on the shifter tip. The AOD selections went P-R-N-OD-D-1, the E4OD was P-R-N-D-2-1 and the tip switch controlled OD off/on.
kcram - Pickups Host
Just had my 2002, F150 with 60000 miles lose the "Sun Gear" (weld broke) this in turn destroyed the clutches, Torque converter, and Overdrive. All total a bill for $2,100 for a new Transmission. Not sure if this is a common problem with this Trans, Just trying to get some feed back before I write a letter to Ford about it. Any help would be grateful
Now I find that the transmission is very rough and it hesitates for upto 5 seconds from 1st to 2nd, which makes the truck loose power dramatically. I'm afraid to take it in to hear that the transmission needs to be replaced. Everything else seems to be fine. There is no 'funny' noise or feel when the car is idle or is in high gear.
Does anyone have any ideas of what I might expect to hear and what my options are if I need to replace the transmission? I don't want to take it to a dealer as the labor rate is high, but it's too big to trust it to my local mechanic. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
My preference would be to ask friends,co-worker, etc for a recommendation for a independent shop that specializes in transmissions. It sounds as if your transmission is on its last legs.
transmission does not engage right away when engine cold.everything find when warmed up.fluid ok.any ideas
Thanks for the information timbertim please let me know how you make out.My truck is presently in the body shop;so I have to wait before repairing the tranmission.
thanks again
Thank you very much for the information Tim,this will be helpful for me now and in the future.
I have a 2001 f-150 xlt 5.4 auto standcab l/b 4x4.Im the 2nd owner and got it with 39,000 mi.It has clunked when shifting from 3 to 2 and does it mostly when there is some let up on the accel like turning and then accel causing the tran to dwn shft.clunk.Its not noticeable from a stop but have had it happen with atv trlr on the back in stop n go traf. I have ext. warrt and so far dealer has tried lubric. of drivshaft yoke and this week pulled tranny, replaced clutchpack, torqconvtr,any items possible suspt. It seems worse and am going back 12-28 to diagnos further. It does this in 4wdr as well.Any ideas? On my 2nd dealership.
kcram - Pickups Host
If you're gonna keep the truck for a long time, you might wanna put in a supplemental tranny cooler/fan too.
Tony Prater
Tony, If you contact me outta here I can help you more, tony5833 at yahoo.
Some of the mass "Oil Change Shops" like quick lube and etc. advertise they check all these vital fluids each time you have the oil changed.....No they don't always. Best to be there when the vehicle is serviced, and make sure they actually check it and know which fluid is right for your tranny. Dealer is more expensive, but does know how to do it right.