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Toyota Tundra Owner Experiences

meredithmeredith Member Posts: 575
This topic is a continuation of Topic 1584....

Toyota Tundra OWNERS: Rate Your Truck!. Please
continue these discussions here. Thanks!

Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host


  • mrmilkytoumrmilkytou Member Posts: 27
    I must say that I have no desire to own a Tundra,
    I might have to test drive one so I am better informed
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    I had 5 passengers Saturday evening. I must say it was tight inside. But with a little planning, we were able to squeeze inside! ha!

    My friends said if its a day trip they would hop in a car. A quick jump to the local bar, my truck would do (of course it would because they can drink and not worry about driving! haha!)

    A day trip towing a boat, hauling our camping gear and a few kegs of beer, definitely my truck would be it. They can follow me in their cars.

    Have a great day!
  • cliffy1cliffy1 Member Posts: 3,581
    That's the right attitude for this truck!
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    Showed my Tundra to a friend of a friend. He's a gear head I suppose. He said that the gear ratio of the Tundra is built for speed. Maybe that's why Toyota claims better acceleration. Maybe that's why I feel like my truck is quick. But then again any brand new vehicle feels quick. I couldn't care less because I bought a truck, not a race car.

    Camping trip was a blast. Took the truck off road (basically rough asphalt haha!) Managed to not put any pinstripes on the side. A taller truck feels funnier though going down an ditch sideways. Gear head guy (he has a huge Blazer by the way) said I don't need 4x4 if I get the rear locked?! My other friend with the brand new F150 had a blast too.

    Have a great day!
  • z71billz71bill Member Posts: 1,986
    The gearing for the Tundra with 265 70 tires is almost the same as a Silverado with 4.1 gears and 265 75 tires. I am using the term gearing loosely, taking tire size and overdrive into account. The Tundra should be at about 1817 RPM at 60 MPH VS the Silverado at 1828 RPM. I would think this means the Tundra gearing is built for power not speed. I don't know the specs of Dodge and Ford, but I think they would be close to GM. I laugh to myself every time I see a post from Bammatundra about how low the gears need to be in the Chevy in order to tow 800 pounds more than the Tundra. He must not know his Tundra is almost the same overall gearing as the truck he is criticizing.
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    Geared for power or speed, or power and speed, I can't really tell. It's my daily driver. The weight my truck carries everyday is about 200 pounds, that's my heavy [non-permissible content removed]! haha!

    I still have to try the towing capabilities of my truck. My friends said I'm knuckle head because I'm thinking of renting a dolly from U-Haul, hook up my Tacoma on it and tow it hehe.

    I know 2 things for sure, if I wanted speed, I'd borrow John Force's and/or John Andretti's car, for power, any Mac truck would do!

    Have a great day!
  • horse_mamahorse_mama Member Posts: 1
    We have been looking into the Tundra, along
    with other trucks, and comparing this to the

    Is the Tundra a suitable towing vehicle? I am
    looking to get a truck to pull a horse trailer and have seen several of the Tundras doing this in the horse event I attend.
  • rubluetoo1rubluetoo1 Member Posts: 4
    For them that plans on workin them trucks get ya a "full size" one. Them big3 ones be the ones for haulin them horses about. If ya be haulin a pony, that tundra should do ya fine now. Good luck on this one now!
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    and so far so good. But then again I only use my truck to go to work. I have gone off road, or off the pavement really, when I went camping. It was enough to carry my stuff.

    I live in the horse ranch area. I have seen a couple of Tundras used to tow a 2 horse trailer set up. I think for hauling those horse semi trailers (5th wheel?), a bigger Ford or GM or Dodge should be the one used.

    Have a great day!
  • nessmonsternessmonster Member Posts: 1
    Well, I've been reading in this forum for sometime now. (longtime listener, first time caller) Before I bought my Tundra, and now, after. So I thought that I'd actually say something about my truck.
    I'm extremely happy with my Tundra! (Thunder Gray, SR5, V8, 4X4, w/ convenience pkg.) That's not to say that I haven't had any problems with it though.
    I just came back from a fantastic week in Yosemite w/ my fiance', and my oldest friend (he has a TRD Tacoma). I had a completely filled bed: from a row of split madrone logs and a bag of kindling, to three full coolers, etc., etc. The Tundra took as much gear as I wanted to bring. I used to have a standard cab 4X4 Dodge Dakota, and it's so nice to also have the extra cab for stuff (& me too, I'm 6'2"/250+lbs, have enough room now). I don't know what the rolling weight was but I got about 17-18 on the way there.
    Offroad, the Tundra really shined! I spend a lot of time on unmaintained National Forest roads searching for creeks and waterfalls. Lots of very deep ruts, baseball to basketball sized rocks and boulders, parts were so steep all you could see was sky through the windshield! Had to stop and put it in four wheel low for that one, my friend said that I didn't even spin a wheel; very exciting! The only things that stopped me were, trees down, (forgot my chainsaw) or brush just too damn close to the center of the "trail". I can't justify destroying such a nice paint job 3 months new. (as it was, the paint took some mighty abuse with nary a mark that couldn't be easily rubbed out) Trail crawling, my mileage was something unbelievable. At half tank, driving the paved road back to our campsite, I was already at over 300 miles! I put a mark on the rear bumper, and lost the right front mudflap. (Oh yeah, if you accidently bend the exhaust pipe forward a bit, it will melt holes in your RR mudflap.)
    The engine is an engineering marvel! It never fails to make me happy when, after driving like a normal well adjusted citizen, I need to pass someone on the curvy, steep, 2400 elevation hill that I drive over, from/to my house/office and back, everyday. I load the bed with firewood, half yards of gravel, (1250 lbs) garbage cans, and never feel anything even approaching a strain.
    One pet peeve, is my inability to find a way to (semi) permanently turn off the bed light switch for when you open the door. Anybody? Just like being able to force most of the interior lights off if you wish.
    To make a short list of the bad things so far:
    Brand new, the truck was missing some not minor/not major suspension components from the factory. Items around the front sway bar like bushings, washers, and bumper(s). Pretty noisy, but didn't actually affect handling. Of course fixed under warranty, but still have to take time off work, etc. Now, the alignment is still a bit off, and has balded the edges of the front tires prematurely. I am going to try to have them replaced under warranty, wish me luck! I think that the brakes may be pulsing just slightly too. It's hard to tell because it's inconsistent, and I know from having previous heavy 4X4 trucks that you can feel even the most invisible road defects.
    It was nice to finally post!

  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    The Tundra is an excellent tow vehicle. Trailer Life magazine did an article a few months back where they were towing a 6500 lb. trailer through the Sierra Nevadas. They were very impressed with the Tundra towing capability.

    A stock Silverado 5.4L V8 will only tow 5000 lb. by comparison. Pretty wimpy.

    The Ford F150 is an excellent choice. I would drive both. I liked the way the Tundra drove much better.
  • ace654ace654 Member Posts: 7
    Hey dose anyone know anything about FTX except the basic stuff
  • pawlypawly Member Posts: 2
    I'm in the market for a new pickup, and am wondering if a Tundra will suit my needs. Specifically, I need to tow 2 tons of hay with a one ton trailer- that's 6,000+ lbs, up and down 6% grades over 10-15 miles at 4,200 to 7,500 ft elevations. Has anyone out there had any experience "maxing out" the towing capacity? Will this truck do what I need it to do? Any help from Tundra owners would be appreciated.

    I own a Chevy 3/4 ton that has been doing this job, and I also own a 4RNR, but the block just cracked, and since it's an '87 with rust and 190K mi., it's pretty much totaled, and needs replacing. I thought then, that I'd replace both.

    The Milkman need not reply...I'm originally from CT, and I don't care what you drive, you don't know what a hill is. I served my country with a 5 year stint in the military, so don't go there either. The folks in Kentucky appreciated the business I gave them when I purchased a Camry for my wife, and I haven't the slightest clue or care where the Tundra is built. If it will suit my needs, I think I'll buy one. If it doesn't suit my needs, I think I'll buy a Dodge!!!!!!
  • pawlypawly Member Posts: 2
    You answered my question before I could finish asking it...thanks!
  • ferris47ferris47 Member Posts: 131
    The Tundra is rated for 7100 lbs and I know for a fact it will do as you ask of it. The problem is that you are used to a 3/4 ton truck and I know the Tundra will not do as good a job as any 3/4 ton truck. If I were you I would save yourself any possible buyers remorse and look into a Ford Superduty. You can get a pretty good deal, they are probably the best built besides the Tundra and they will pretty much tow that little bit of weight without you knowing it is there.

    This is coming from a very satisfied Tundra owner who has traditionally been a Chevy guy so please don't feel my comments are biased towards one make or another. I just calls em like a sees em.
  • rs_pettyrs_petty Member Posts: 423
    I'd agree with ferris47. The Tundra would do it all day long, but the SD is better thought out when you come to wiring harnesses and brake controllers so something to consider.
  • cliffy1cliffy1 Member Posts: 3,581
    I'll echo the last two posts and add my two cents on towing. I don't tow as much as you are asking but I do tow a boat that weighs just over 4200 pounds on the trailer. I travel long distances with it and can cruise at 80 with the overdrive off. Hills and on ramps are no problem. Sway is nearly non-existent and braking is very good.

    One of the nice things about this truck is the throttle. The Tundra gas pedal is actually a "fly by wire" type which means you are not in direct contact with the throttle. If you mash the pedal to the floor, it does not let you open the throttle more than the engine can use. You will not find it bogging down while the engine gains RPMs to give you the requested power. It is a unique feeling and makes it surprisingly responsive when towing.

    Just remember that you are driving a half ton truck, not a 3/4 or one ton.
  • dogsterdogster Member Posts: 94
    For Memorial Day, I made the LA to Lake Meade (Las Vegas) run with my boat, 354 miles each way. I have a Limited 4x4 Access Cab, which weighs 4664 according to Toyota. I tow a 21 foot boat with a cuddy cabin, so it has a high profile. The boat & trailer weighs 4800 lbs. with gear and gas. In addition, I had about 1,000 lbs. of gear in the truck + a 250 lb. shell/cap. So total weight was about 10,700 lbs. The Limited has a 11,800 GCWR.

    I towed through the CA, NV and AZ desert (100-120 degree heat), up 6-7% interstate grades that go from about 500 to up to 4,500 even 6 or 7,000 feet. I lock out the overdrive. I never had any problem going whatever speed I wanted, and actually had to remember to watch the speedo to keep below 70 mph as the motor would just keep pulling. I didn't let the rpms drop below 2300 in third gear and downshifted to 2nd on the "hill" before Vegas and ran, as I recall, about 4,000 to 4200 rpm and 70 mph all the way up the mountain, no problem. As with my previous T100, even with the AC on, the temp never budged from the middle of the gauge in the 110 degree + heat. Gas mileage was 11.3 with the AC on at 60-65 mph (CA) and 10.2 at 65-73 mph (NV). (That's fast enough on bias-ply trailer tires!) On the return trip we hit 35 mph + headwinds with higher gusts so my gas mileage dropped to around 9.5 at 60-65 mph with the AC on. The truck was still stable in the winds.

    I liked both the F150 and the F250SD. The reason I didn't buy one was because unladen, my friends V10 F250SD only gets a combined city/hwy of 9.6 mpg; and Ford had F150 5.4 short block failures in '99. Plus the size of the F250SD is too big for some off road trails I travel. In 3 years with my '96 T100 4x4, towing the same boat over the same route, it never once as much as hiccupped - and the temp gauge never moved either, even with the AC on up the mountains when it was 135 degrees. The reliability I experienced was the final reason I chose the Tundra over a Ford. Let me know if you have any questions!
  • john217john217 Member Posts: 10
    I am interested in purchasing a 2wd V6 manual reg cab tundra, total stripper model. Everyone seems to talk about the V8, I don,t hear talking about buying a base tundra. Invoice is $14,500ish, doesn't sound too bad. same engine as a 30,000 forerunner, for an everyday handyman truck looks like a pretty decent truck. I was thinking about buying a tacoma, but you can get an 8 foot bed and the V6 cheaper than you can buy a V6 tacoma. I would really appreciate any and all serious information on this particular model, enginewise, workmanship ...
    Thanks in advance, John
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    I've seen alot of the regular cab V-6 Tundras, but still not near as many as the access cab V-8. I think it would be a great truck with better gas mileage to boot. Plus you can always add the supercharger for 265 HP
  • john217john217 Member Posts: 10
    Guys, I really appreciate the information. The one I'm looking at goes for Msrp of $16,115.

    Base truck= 15,345
    ca $0
    cb $150
    ck $70
    do $ -90
    fw $100
    mg $60
    delivery $480

    Total $16,115 (invoice $14,385)

    TundraDude, I guess I'm out to lunch because I am not familiar with the vibration problems. Do you think this is still a current problem or has toyota rectified it ? Again, thank you for your time and help, John.
  • tundradudetundradude Member Posts: 588
    The vibration problem should no longer be a problem. It just affected the first 10000 estimated) 2wd models. I have #6000.
  • tundradudetundradude Member Posts: 588
    Even that # was random on the 10000 or so. Only a few were actually affected.
  • newfbwnewfbw Member Posts: 1
    Looking to replace my 1993 Ford Aerostar (4.0L) with a Tundra. Was on the lot Sunday and know what features I want, etc.

    I tow a Coleman Pop-up camper; loaded, it grosses out around 4,200 pounds.

    It appears from other posts that the V-8 Tundra is more than adequate -- how about the V-6 with the 5-speed?? It will save me about $2,000 if I go with the V-6.

  • cliffy1cliffy1 Member Posts: 3,581
    A 5 speed will be fine on level ground but I would avoid it for pulling boats from the water. the V6 will do the 4200 # you are looking at but it will be pushing it. If it were me, I'd pay the extra $2K and get the V8. In the long run, I think you would be happier with the performance of the V8 and in 5 or 6 years, you will have forgotten about the $2K.
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    I towed a pop up camper and a boat with my V6 Tacoma. I must say it felt like I was pushing it going up hill. It was adequate because it wasn't a daily thing. But having a V8 option on the Tundra was nice.
  • dogsterdogster Member Posts: 94
    After owning a T100 4x4 V6 5 speed and owning a Tundra 4x4 automatic I would definitely buy the V8 and automatic for $2000 more. Ther's only about 3 mpg difference (towing 4800 lbs.) Most people tow with an automatic because the torque converter multiplies the engine torque 'till it locks up, which will give you more pulling power and flexibility than with a 5 speed. I had to shift the T100's 5 speed a lot on the interstate to keep it in the powerband. Plus you will make up the $2000 on resale, since 6 cylinder full size trucks are harder to sell - everyone wants a V8.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Go for the V8. I own an access cab V8 4WD and I can attest that the V8 is sweet! The engine is derived from a Lexus (bulletproof reliability) and with the 32 valve DOHC powerplant it hauls [non-permissible content removed]! The truck I have is probably at least 4600 lb. and the truck jumps when I press on the accelerator.

    It is extremely torquey down low and yet it loves to rev. $2000 is an amazing bargain for this engine and it is one of the main reasons I bought a Tundra.

    You will pay a 1-2 mpg penalty over the V6, but it is worth it!
  • tundradudetundradude Member Posts: 588
    If you are comparing a V6 SR5 with a V8 SR5, you will get more for your money if you get the V8 regardless of the towing.

    I tow with my V6, and it does great and I did save thousands of dollars.

    Ask yourself this question: Am I purchasing a trailer someday in the near future that may weigh in around 6000 lbs? Then go with the V8, otherwise its a feature call between the two different SR5 models. This is assuming that the base model is out of your analysis.

    I am hoping by the time I upgrade into a bigger trailer (more weight), they will have a Toyota heavy duty version. Even the T100 had a one ton model. I have never seen one though. I know that this model had no extra towing capabilities but Toyota did make it.
  • tundra_guytundra_guy Member Posts: 49
    Hay anyone have a problem changing the overhead console from the garage door opener to the eyeglass holder? I have a Tundra V8 Access Cab Limited 4X4 this one problem made me so mad!
  • ferris47ferris47 Member Posts: 131
    I swear they welded that console in there and just told people it could be removed as some kind of mean joke. It will come out but you have to use the Brute Force and Pray method. Just squeeze the little tabs like the book tells you and pull for all your worth. I believe I yanked one side out and then the other. It is a Beach, but it will come out. It is not nearly as hard to put the GDO console door in. Good luck.
  • cliffy1cliffy1 Member Posts: 3,581
    These things drive me nuts but once you figure out the trick, it is easy. First, open it up all the way. Then, place your index finger behind the hinge and pull straight back while using your thumb as leverage.

    Once the garage door holder is out, you will notice a small piece of felt covering a piece of plastic. Push it back behind the plastic clip. Now, with the sunglass door in the open position, push back firmly until it snaps into place. Close the door and enjoy.

    About 20% of the time, the door will not spay in the plastic clip. If this happens, remove the door and take a ball point pen and push back on the plastic clip that use to be covered by the felt. Don't bend it too much but it does need to move a little. Now, reinstall the door and you should be fine.

    I do this 10 to 15 times a month. I wish Toyota would default the sunglass holder instead of the garage door opener. Nobody seems to own garage doors any more.
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    My truck had the Sunglasses holder instead of the Garage Door Opener holder.

    Found a problem with the back door swinging the other way. Loading groceries inside, while parked between other vehicles can be a hassle. There aren't enough room to maneuver because the front door has to be opened first. The grocery cart gets in the way of the other door because you have to pull it forward otherwise the cart will be behind the opened rear door.

    I'd toss the groceries in the back if I had some kind of cargo net. But then again under the blazing sun here in Arizona, my groceries will be ruined!

    Any other stuff I toss in the back, reluctantly. The dealer has yet to honor the 'I owe you' note for the bedliner. I've had the truck for over a month now.
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    finally got the bed liner this weekend.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    The dealer should give you the door opener holder. I got both with my truck.
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    They gave me both but the suglasses holder was the one installed when I got it. I think there was a post regarding how much of a pain in the [non-permissible content removed] it was to remove! ha!
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    It might hurt your fingers a little, but...."pain in the keester". I hope not! ;)
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    thing the truck did twice already. Sitting on a stop while I had my foot on the brake pedal (it's an automatic) I felt a little nudge. It seem like the truck settled into a sweet spot. I dunno why/what it is. I'm gonna go see the dealer what this is about.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    You may be feeling the transmission shift. When I come to a stop after being in a higher gear the tranny downshifts in preparation for the next accelaration.
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    Shouldn't it be in the lowest gear already by the time I came to a hault?!

    I was in a complete stop already when I felt the nudge. I barely felt it my girlfriend didn't feel it.

    I'm thinking does the truck starts off at 2nd gear? Sometimes?
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    Sounds like what my silverado has periodically done.

    Does it feel like a kick in the butt (so to speak only way i can describe it or as a jolt) after you come to a complete stop (not everytime but once in a great while)and then hit the gas?

  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    Yeah something like that. It's a weird feeling. Always driven/owned manual transmission vehicles. Only time I drive an automatic is when I rent. I guess this is normal?!
  • arkie6arkie6 Member Posts: 198
    ratboy3? Where did you get a name like that?

    Anyway, in reply to your post #38, what you may be experiencing is binding in the rear driveshaft slip yoke. If the splines are binding or inadequately lubricated then the driveshaft may compress abruptly instead of gradually after the truck comes to a stop (when you come to a stop, the front end dips slightly and the rear raises up slightly causing the driveshaft to extend, then once the truck comes to a complete stop everything settles back out and the driveshaft compresses as bed/frame comes back down. Also, the transmission may shift down during this time which will take the torque load off the splines allowing them to freely compress). Anyway, my Tundra had similar symptoms when I first got it (sometimes it could be described as a "thunk" from the rear). Here is what I did and it seems to have cured it (7000+ miles and counting): I greased the rear driveshaft slip yoke until I could not force any more grease in there (about 20-30 strokes if I remember correctly). The slip yoke splines are tight and I could not force any grease out around the shaft. I then gently stepped on the rear bumper several times (compresses the slip yoke) to help force the grease into the splines. I then removed the grease fitting from the slip yoke and then really jumped up and down on the rear bumper to force out the excess grease (you need room for the slip yoke to compress over bumps without binding the driveline). I then cleaned up the grease that was expelled and put the grease fitting back in and have never had another instance of the "thunk". Some have mentioned just putting a couple of shots of grease in the slip yoke to fix it, but all this does is put the grease in the void near the end of the splines and not where the friction is taking place. An alternative would be to disassemble the slip yoke and liberally lubricate it, but my method is easier and seems to have fixed the problem.
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    Thanks for the input. I must say I have to pass this on to a friend of mine. I have no idea where those things are.

    I guess the old posts in here was right on target, them tindras are fer them yuppies! ha!
  • austlar123austlar123 Member Posts: 3
    Bought my Tundra LTD 2 months ago. Already have 11,000 miles of pleasurable driving. I think it is a very refined vehicle that is especially pleasing out on the interstate with great handling and plenty of power to get away from the pack. My main gripe is about the inability to turn off both the rear deck lamp (the switch must be activated each time you wish to shut it off) and also the inability to idle without the daytime running lights being turned on. I solved the deck lamp problem by removing the bulb. The other problem is beyond me. My work requires me to park and wait in my truck at night for extended periods in a pretty unsavory neighborhood where I do not want to attract attention. Also, it is hot outside, and I want to keep the AC running. It seems the daytime running light is part of the headlamp bulb, kind of like a 2 or 3 way light bulb. There seems to be no way to turn the damn thing off. Can anybody help? Is there another headlamp bulb that would work in the Tundra that perhaps does not have the low level daytime feature? Is there anyway to defeat this feature. I love my Tundra, but I might actually have to get another kind of truck, if I can't get this changed. I think the Toyota engineers kind of dropped the ball when they planned the lighting features for this truck.
  • tundra_guytundra_guy Member Posts: 49
    Most Tundras don't have daytime running lights it's a safety feature they put in with your ABS brakes!Don't know why.The big 3 also have daytime running lights. Good luck!
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    the lights when so desired. Well the Chevy/GMC can anyway. Doesn't it kind of tell you what the toyota engineers think of the toyota drivers? Not even letting them turn off a light if they so desired. Wars have been started for less than this...
  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    Damn Toyota engineers weren't thinking of me! It would have been a nice option to turn the Daytime Running Lights off when on idle.

    I wonder when did GM added on that feature? My friend's '98 Blazer's Daytime Running Lights are stuck on ON position as well.

    Praise to Ford engineers for the adjustable foot pedals.
  • ryanbabryanbab Member Posts: 7,240
    Lights for some vehicles you push the parking break or something (dads 2000 blazer) and on mine you hit the dome over ride 3 times (2000 silverado) also when you put the truck in park the DRL turn off.

    foot pedals- if your to short buy a smaller car or drink more milk hahaha (sorry had to say something to be a smart ^&#%#)

  • ratboy3ratboy3 Member Posts: 324
    haha! that's cool.. funny anway!
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