Ordering a New Truck
Hi All. Ok, looking at 2000 GMC Sierra SLE 4WD
Ext. Cab 4 door.
My problem right now - most of 2000 are whatever
is left on lot unless you order a 2001. I have
NEVER ever ordered a vehicle in my life. There are
some specifics on a truck inwhich I want and some
I dont.
I talked with a dealer who gives my company
supposedly good discounts ($50 over factory
invoice). But, he checked and couldn't find the
truck I wanted in a 2000 so he suggested getting a
quote on a 2001 order. What is all involved in
this? If I order the truck, am I locked into this
truck? My hesitation is that I haven't seen the
2001 model and don't know all the specifics with
Ext. Cab 4 door.
My problem right now - most of 2000 are whatever
is left on lot unless you order a 2001. I have
NEVER ever ordered a vehicle in my life. There are
some specifics on a truck inwhich I want and some
I dont.
I talked with a dealer who gives my company
supposedly good discounts ($50 over factory
invoice). But, he checked and couldn't find the
truck I wanted in a 2000 so he suggested getting a
quote on a 2001 order. What is all involved in
this? If I order the truck, am I locked into this
truck? My hesitation is that I haven't seen the
2001 model and don't know all the specifics with
This discussion has been closed.
He didn't have a 2000 in the specifics I wanted and he was supposed to have 3 coming in (a white, storm grey, and pewy pewter. (sorry for anyone who has a pewter one). I may see what the white and storm grey is equipped with - then I could decide if I order or not.
Look out, if I decide to order, I'll need MORE advise........giving you fair warning now.
ORDER IT !!! Get exactly what you want (i know you want blue too dont get white)
is a onetime high that only you can enjoy. go
through the ordering process and have a truck
that was built for you and only you. there's
something about getting into it for the first
time and knowing it's only on the dealers lot
because you had it built. no one else has abused
good luck,
- Tim
being my "good friend".....of course I just babied the heck out of it......(uh huh)
- Tim
I'd have to see how much the new ones are and what options the 2000's in his stock are.
Time will tell. That darn salesman hasn't called me back yet! Ugh! I hate salesmen!!!!
Ok, I'm done ranting.
the 98 I had was one that just happened to be on the lot. This time I wanted the truck with everything I wanted on it. I wouldnt do it any other way now. Its an awsome experience knowing that noone else drove it cept the guy who loaded and unloaded it off the truck and the salesman who hid it in the back so it wouldnt be bothered.
No profanity - actual or redactive(characters instead of letters).
Stay on topic!
Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
Just cause you ordered the truck doesn't mean that it wouldn't be used as a demo...for a couple of spins around the block. A lot of damage could be done in only .5 miles. In fact a lot of damage can me done in a .25 mile...ask anyone associated with NHRA
Lose the format talking and talk to us normal...
- Tim
Obyone my truck wasnt even close to being considered used. It had so many miles because i had accessories added.
Sorry Meredith. Didn't mean to offend.
As I said before, order your truck. There's nothing worse than looking at it 6 months down the line and thinking "I wish I'd got it with the...". OK, there are worse things, but you get my point.
Any ideas. My other idea: I'm not planning on towing anything with the truck. Don't have anything to tow. So, I thought I could aways add a tow package later.....would this be a terrible thing to do? Help me out. I don't want to spend the extra $300-400 for a tow package I wont use.
Truckchic (who's learning more about trucks every second)
Any ideas. My other idea: I'm not planning on towing anything with the truck. Don't have anything to tow. So, I thought I could aways add a tow package later.....would this be a terrible thing to do? Help me out. I don't want to spend the extra $300-400 for a tow package I wont use.
Truckchic (who's learning more about trucks every second)
Good Luck on the order
Ordering trucks-
Ordering...depends on how long you are keeping the truck and how PARTICULAR you are in your needs. Since I lease one of my vehicles, as long as 80% of needs met, I'll take it. eg. color, xcab, engine size. To me it doesn't matter if it has aluminum or chrome rims as long as it isn't carmine red...and since the lease is for only 3 years it is really not a big deal.
Even on the company truck which is assigned to me for the next 5 years, as long as it had a/c, power windows, V8, and auto trans...it was ok, cause I added another $7K in mods anyway. PLUS I don't like to wait for anything...e.g you can drive a truck almost exactly what you want TODAY, but choose to order a truck that takes 2-3 months to get here. That's 2-3 months of wasted opportunity and emotion. Opportunity cause you could be driving a great truck now but decide not too causing more wasted time checking on order status and when it does get here, you may change your mind about it anyway. Emotional cause of "I wonder when it's going to get here syndrome which will drive you and the salesman crazy. Especially after waiting 3 months to find your order deleted due to constraints. After the deletion the next emotion will be pure anger...so buy a truck today...
Of the 93 miles placed on your truck "getting options added" I'm positive that WOT was achieved more than once. And would that WOT be considered abuse? Think about it..the salesman that you said was your friend who would never do that...you never met prior to going to that dealership...not to say that he is...but are all car salespersons trust worthy? more so one that is your age? LOL
Sorry for the long post, I hope I've covered everything and in the correct language so as to insure that this post makes it past the twelve hour time stamp...
Cryin' Ryan. what do you think? remember how he
could never make up his mind. to tow or not to
tow! Hmmm maybe trying to get our opinions for
his real truck. we never have seen the pictures
we were all promised now did we.
oh, BTW it's easier to talk to a wall...most of the time...
not sure I agree about the emotion and lost opportunity?....if you sit back and live life..what's the problem?....now if you sit and drool on the keyboard for 8 months before you order and 28 days after you order like Cryin'.......
Chill Cryin'......you are too easy.....we are sure you have a Tund..err..Silverado....(pretty sure)
I do notice that Ryan sparks up quite a bit when Truckchic pops in...
- Tim
Why dont you believe me? Why cause im 20 yrs old and bought a 30K+ Truck? Its called hard work
that's true about the ordering and emotional, but i keep thinking of Ryan when people tell me they are ordering one. Life becomes difficult for those close to that type of individual especially the last couple weeks prior to arrival...
Its amazing what you can do when you want something so bad.
You would be toooo easy to raz in real life..as you are here....
we believe you have a truck..(somewhere)....and that you payed for it....(mostly)
- Tim
Why does Mom and Dad have to pay $5k a year for education, while Junior goes out and buys a $30K truck? OK, so what's wrong with this picture?
HINT: it has something to do with priorities...
Junior wasnt the only one who bought a 30K truck they did too.
Also their reasoning butter me up now so when they retire they can move in or close to me so i can take care of them AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! like that will happen haha.
Anyway.....I could be mean, but I won't (cause that's not me). I really appreciate all the help all of your have given me! Besides, I haven't bought a BRAND new truck before...bought a car but that's totally different than the options available on a truck. So....I needed advise (which is what this thing is here for) so I don't get screwed (oh shoot, can I say that?) by those salesmen who see a female walk in and think - easy sale. NOT WITH THIS CHICK.
Besides, Ryan doesn't have a motorcycle and I prefer guys who ride. Sorry Ryan........
I am glad to be of any help to anyone. I went through all this stuff and it was alot of fun (makes you wanna buy a new one every yr) i just want to make everyone purchase easy as mine.
better get some chains for them tires for the lava flow.
I was on The big island (Hilton was awesome), Kaui? (don't ask me how to spell it), Maui, and main island..(aloha?) back in 95..it was nice there...flying over the volcanos was cool too. Big Island was too wierd..like the moon on one side from lava...and garden on the other side..
All in all...I commend Ryan for buying a 30K truck almost all cash at his age....I didn't do that at 20...(course 14K then was about 30K now??)
However...I would have put it towards a house...could have been a nice down payment...you gotta get your prioritys straight man!
- Tim
Like I said earlier...why order when you can drive a new one today...unless of course you need a 2500 or 3500.
Buying a $30k truck at 20 years of age mostly cash is pretty good...waste in my opinion...cause you can sleep in a house...a little more comfortable than in a truck....and the chicks will be more impressed with the house than with the truck...especially if they are thinking of marrying the sucker...LOL
Would you like to go out on a date with a guy (if you were a girl of course) that drove a junky car? Then go back to his place and be alone?
Or would you like to go out and have people look at you in a NICE NEW truck and go back to his parents place and be alone still? Kinda wierd i know but there are ways to get around it.
Girls dont really care where you live (well at least around here they dont) i have never been asked do you have your own place or do you still live at home.
The hilton was great...we would go back in an instant...My wife got to swim with the dolphins...of course it comes at a price..
we decided to spend a night at Hilo as well.....ickkk!....never...never will we go back there..(except for the copter ride)
- Tim