Am I getting royally screwed?

joeblonjjoeblonj Member Posts: 15
edited March 2020 in Lexus
5 different dealers, multiple offers, all numbers are screwy.
Bottom line, a RX450 h with avg. 5-6% off MSRP with 7 MSD's and MSRP's between $52k to $59k get 5 different dealers with sets on numbers that are nowhere near each other. Who in the world can deal with the snakes and liars if the level of patience is stretched so thin because of the thievery?

NO MSD's ($58,000 MSRP for $54,000)

7 MSD's ($58,000 MSRP for $54,000)

$52,000 MSRP for $48,000 with 7 MSD's


  • joeblonjjoeblonj Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2020
    Also, being told that MF of .00060 cannot be any lower that .0004 (w/7 MSD's) yet most all "calculators" show it to be .0001, lie or truth? (when using MSD's to lower costs)
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 256,220
    joeblonj said:

    Also, being told that MF of .00060 cannot be any lower that .0004 (w/7 MSD's) yet most all "calculators" show it to be .0001, lie or truth? (when using MSD's to lower costs)

    On the last document, the selling price is not $48000, it is $49762. It's only $48000, after subtracting the rebate. unlike the other docs, where they are giving a $4000 discount, then deducting the rebate. This last doc is a bad deal, period.

    You are missing a zero in your MF. It's 00004, not .0004.
    Which is correct.

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  • joeblonjjoeblonj Member Posts: 15
    OK, so here is the deal given. I’d like some possible help to clearly understand how all the numbers are being put together.
    We wound up finding a 2020 RX450h (we want the hybrid, we like the hybrid, we’ve had 5 hybrids)
    Supposed to pick up the car on Tuesday.
    The only numbers I have are the following (which seem OK, but are they?)
    MSRP $56,200
    7 Multiple Security Deposits (MSD’s)
    $7,573.50 drive off (inclusive of the 7 MSD’s)
    55% residual
    0.0006 MF (goes to .0004 w/ 7 MSD’s)
    36mo/15k mi year lease
    $524 mo. payment for 36 mo.
    Turning in 2017 RX450h w/46k mi with new tires, with up to 4 lease payments waived (lease is up in April 17th with waived March and April payments and disposition fee waived so we got 2 waived
    Give those numbers to digest, not clear (yet) as to how much the car was discounted from MSRP and other factors. I’m trying to figure out how the $524 is reached as I use the Leasehackr calc and the Edmunds, and it’s a little confusing without all the correct numbers. I can however make assumptions of the 6.625 NJ Sales Tax, Registration fees ($384) Acquisition Fee of $700, Doc fee of $499
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 256,220
    joeblonj said:

    OK, so here is the deal given. I’d like some possible help to clearly understand how all the numbers are being put together.
    We wound up finding a 2020 RX450h (we want the hybrid, we like the hybrid, we’ve had 5 hybrids)
    Supposed to pick up the car on Tuesday.
    The only numbers I have are the following (which seem OK, but are they?)
    MSRP $56,200
    7 Multiple Security Deposits (MSD’s)
    $7,573.50 drive off (inclusive of the 7 MSD’s)
    55% residual
    0.0006 MF (goes to .0004 w/ 7 MSD’s)
    36mo/15k mi year lease
    $524 mo. payment for 36 mo.
    Turning in 2017 RX450h w/46k mi with new tires, with up to 4 lease payments waived (lease is up in April 17th with waived March and April payments and disposition fee waived so we got 2 waived
    Give those numbers to digest, not clear (yet) as to how much the car was discounted from MSRP and other factors. I’m trying to figure out how the $524 is reached as I use the Leasehackr calc and the Edmunds, and it’s a little confusing without all the correct numbers. I can however make assumptions of the 6.625 NJ Sales Tax, Registration fees ($384) Acquisition Fee of $700, Doc fee of $499

    The acquisition fee is $795, not $700.

    The money factor after MSDs is .00004, not .0004 (four zeroes)

    Is the MSD amount $3850?

    Does the drive-off amount = the amount Due at Signing?
    (sometimes they add the $1750 rebate into that amount)

    Before you go get this car, get all of the numbers.
    Selling price
    Adjusted CAP cost
    Amount Due at Signing
    MSD amount

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  • joeblonjjoeblonj Member Posts: 15
    Thanks for the correction re: MF zeros. Also the Acq. fee. I've not seen the paperwork yet.
    I was told $7573.50 which includes the $3850 MSD is the amount due at signing/drive off number. So the only thing I've not got yet from him is the selling price. MOST Lexus dealers are doing 4-6% off of MSRP.
  • paulntxpaulntx Member Posts: 61
    Could you please comment on this? This is the dealer's response to me questioning their stated RV and MF on a 2020 RX 450H F-Sport in zip code 76092 with 36/10k. You had previously provided an RV of 60% and a MF of .00020. They quoted a 58% RV and .00103 MF which drastically increased the monthly payment.
    Dealer's response: "Edmunds is not the most accurate guide comparisons on vehicle pricing, money factors, residuals from a manufacture. Edmunds is a website like many others, that is provided as a guide, reference, or research tool, much like Trucar, KBB, and many other sites. Due to the fact Edmunds is a national site, I do not think they are able to provide Money Factors, Pricing, and Residual statistics correctly. Money Factors can vary between, state to state, sometimes city to city, or dealership to dealership. Money Factor is provided in combination with Lexus Financial and the Dealership. It appears the Money Factor that Edmunds is providing is virtually a 0, it is as close to no money factor as possible."

  • MichaellMichaell Moderator Posts: 254,394
    paulntx said:

    Could you please comment on this? This is the dealer's response to me questioning their stated RV and MF on a 2020 RX 450H F-Sport in zip code 76092 with 36/10k. You had previously provided an RV of 60% and a MF of .00020. They quoted a 58% RV and .00103 MF which drastically increased the monthly payment.
    Dealer's response: "Edmunds is not the most accurate guide comparisons on vehicle pricing, money factors, residuals from a manufacture. Edmunds is a website like many others, that is provided as a guide, reference, or research tool, much like Trucar, KBB, and many other sites. Due to the fact Edmunds is a national site, I do not think they are able to provide Money Factors, Pricing, and Residual statistics correctly. Money Factors can vary between, state to state, sometimes city to city, or dealership to dealership. Money Factor is provided in combination with Lexus Financial and the Dealership. It appears the Money Factor that Edmunds is providing is virtually a 0, it is as close to no money factor as possible."


    What would you like us to say? What is our incentive to provide false information?

    Plus, the bank sets the residual, and the dealer cannot alter it. Could be a different trim (base trim vs. F-Sport), or a different term and/or mileage.

    He's not wrong that the MF can vary between dealership - depends on how greedy they are, and whether they believe they can get away with it.

    The MF we provide is the base MF for top tier credit.

    Rather than argue, it might be best to shop elsewhere.

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  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 256,220
    paulntx said:

    Could you please comment on this? This is the dealer's response to me questioning their stated RV and MF on a 2020 RX 450H F-Sport in zip code 76092 with 36/10k. You had previously provided an RV of 60% and a MF of .00020. They quoted a 58% RV and .00103 MF which drastically increased the monthly payment.
    Dealer's response: "Edmunds is not the most accurate guide comparisons on vehicle pricing, money factors, residuals from a manufacture. Edmunds is a website like many others, that is provided as a guide, reference, or research tool, much like Trucar, KBB, and many other sites. Due to the fact Edmunds is a national site, I do not think they are able to provide Money Factors, Pricing, and Residual statistics correctly. Money Factors can vary between, state to state, sometimes city to city, or dealership to dealership. Money Factor is provided in combination with Lexus Financial and the Dealership. It appears the Money Factor that Edmunds is providing is virtually a 0, it is as close to no money factor as possible."


    The FSport Performance edition residual is 2% lower than the FSport.

    Also, even though these Forums are on Edmunds, we don't get our information from Edmunds. It's important to delineate between the two. Much of what your dealer says about websites is accurate.

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