Same thing is happening with my 2009 aveo.... Took it to a real auto shop and told me the crank shaft and drive shaft are in bad shape... warrenty...3 yrs or 36000 miles.....5 yr drive shaft....I will let you know how much they will charge me..I tried to return the know they had the 3 day no questions asked...would not take the car back and showed me I sighed a paper to gett 500 off my car instead....Im getting rid of this car
I bought a 2005 Chevy Aveo sedan new from the dealership. I now have 130,000 miles on it. Through the years this car has all but tried to shut down everything. The clock stopped working (actually it works in the winter, if the temperature outside is over 60 degrees or so the clock goes on and off randomly throughout the day, then resets itself to 1:00 about every 5 or 6 hours, which basically renders it useless), the a/c does not kick on anymore even after checking the switch and the relay, the rear window defogger has quit (again not the fuse), the daytime running lamps do not come on anymore (not the fuse), I burn out at least 2 sets of headlights per year, the radio shorted out, and I had to have the entire head replaced ($2800) at 105,000 miles due to a bent valve and a crack in the head. Not the best car GM has ever offered, glad to see it go away.
Addressing the thermostat issue, I have a 2006 aveo hatchback and the thermostat had a catastrophic failure. The PLASTIC (yes, i said plastic) thermostat housing sheared completely off dumping all the coolant. Fortunately it did this in my driveway. I went to Autozone and bought one a new one for about $45. It was made of cast aluminum and when I tightened the flanges they snapped at about 10 ft lbs torque. I returned it and used the cash going to 0'reilly's were I purchased a steel thermostat for about $35. Works perfectly. But really, plastic???