Toyota Solara Audio Systems

ClairesClaires Member Posts: 1,222
edited May 2014 in Toyota
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  • a58a58 Member Posts: 15
    I have a 06 solara convertible with the JBL radio with XM. Lately, the sound fades out for a about 2 secs every now and then. This happens on either of the radios, am/fm/xm or the cd player. It happens more frequently when it is overcast or raining. Also happens when putting the top up or down. Anyone else ever have this problem?
  • meegwellmeegwell Member Posts: 67
    We have had that experience when putting the top up and down. Haven't had occasion to drive mine in the rain yet.

    I've never before had an antenna like the one on the Solara.

    Might that design be an issue?

  • rellik01rellik01 Member Posts: 7
    2007 SLE Vert with nav. When putting top up or down sound cuts out for second or two.
  • moms_maxmoms_max Member Posts: 62
    Have an '06, but with Nav, not XM. Cuts out when top goes up or down, but I haven't noticed any other times.
  • jnnyjen626jnnyjen626 Member Posts: 1
    Has anyone had a custom subwoofer box made for their solara? I live in Los Angles, CA looking to get the best sound for my car Toyota Solara 2001
  • pjw2pjw2 Member Posts: 5
    Yes, Yes! The radio/CD started out on my 05 Solara Convertible only occasionally until 2 weeks ago when it happened so frequently, there was no way to determine what song you were listening to. I took it to the dealer and they determined that the amplifier needed to be replaced. It is happening again - only a couple of times, but it isn't fixed.

    Is yours fixed yet?
  • pjw2pjw2 Member Posts: 5
    Same problem with me however it got to the point that it cut out so much that you couldn't listen to music either radio or CD. Dealer replaced amplifier; however, it has happened 3 times since then.

    Did your problem get fixed? How?
  • pjw2pjw2 Member Posts: 5
    radio/cd fades too -- dealer replaced amplifier, but problem still exists -- only intermittent. Only happens when I have had the top down and then put it back up. Has yours been fixed?
  • enctigerenctiger Member Posts: 3
    Hi. i was wondering if anyone knows how to replace the rear 6x9 speakers. the stock ones are okay but i have a better pair I like to replace them. I can't seem be able to get the grill off. I don't know where to start. does anyone out there have any help for me. thanks.

  • moms_maxmoms_max Member Posts: 62
    No - I haven't tried to get it fixed, since I thought it was one of those things that happens when you put the top down or back up. I'm a little leery of gettings things fixed - more stuff seems to go wrong after the 'fixes'!
  • pjw2pjw2 Member Posts: 5
    I did get it fixed - Toyota dealer had my car 7 days and they found it was a switch behind the rear seat on the passenger side that was shorting out. I don't know what kind of switch. They replaced it and it hasn't happened again. I have had the car back about 45 days now and it is great. You will want to get it fixed when it fades out so much that there is NO music at all
  • kellygirlkellygirl Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2001 Solara convertible and love it. Unfortunately the CD player has jammed up and I am told by several folks that it is better to replace the radio/cd vs the cost to have it fixed. I would like to replace it with a used radio/cd just like the one that came with the car. Does anyone have a source for where I can find one for a decent price? Thanks!
  • nc_scottnc_scott Member Posts: 13
    First of all, the stereo fades in and out when the top goes up or down as it engages or disengages the amp that kicks in when the top is down.

    But my stereo was fading in and out on a random basis so I took it in under warranty last month and guess what... they replaced the amp... and guess what, it didn't fix the problem. I'm taking it back in Saturday and I'm glad I found this forum so I can show them that someone successfully had theirs fixed with the switch behind the rear seat. I had tried telling them I thought it was the switch that kicks the amp in and out when the top goes up and down but they still replaced the amp. At least I have a new amp now that didn't cost me anything.
  • thestevo44thestevo44 Member Posts: 6
    Looks like I am the latest victim of this issue. The proper operation of the relay is to turn the amp on when you put the top down, and vice versa. This little switch is why your radio sounds so good with the volume around 35 to 45 with the top down, even at 75 mph. Anyway, right as the top goes to full down, it kicks on. Right as the top starts to come up, it shuts off. In both instances, the audio fades, so that you do not pop the speakers with a sudden spike in audio is a guess. Anyway, this morning, I put the top down to drive to work and put it up when I arrived. When I went to lunch, the audio fading started happening intermittently with the top up. Did it with Radio, CD, didn't matter. So, it is completely obvious to me, that it would be the switch, and really bothers me that those dealers would be so inept to put you all through the trouble of replacing the amp. I suppose it is "possible" to be the amp, but it makes more sense to be the switch, and wouldn't it be less expensive? Oh yeah, we are talking about dealers. They play swaptronics, starting with the most expensive part, not the least. Especially if it is warranty work.

    Anyway.... yes, it is the switch.

    Has anyone replaced the switch on their own? How much was it, and how difficult was it? I have an extended warranty with a $100 deductible, and if I can do it cheaper than that, I'll do it myself.
  • jntjnt Member Posts: 316
    Have you ever tried defeating the Speed Compensated Volume Control option in your radio. Most vehicles have this option now to free users from adjusting the radio volume control in Stop- and- Go traffic. Some vehicles, if not calibrated properly would overshoot or undershoot and causes obvious volume changing. If it is done right, you should not perceive the change. So the switch you are talking about may tell the radio to go full blown on this option since with the top goes down, you will hear more noises and the radio would try to compensate more for it.

    Typical radio allows you to minimize the effect or even defeat it. Check your user manual to make sure. It should be part of the Tone control of the radio. Toyota may call it by different name but the concept is still the same.

    Good Luck

  • thestevo44thestevo44 Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for the info, but the car does not have speed responsive audio. I have already fixed the issue with the switch. It is a plunger activated switch that the top depresses when down, turning on the amp, and muting audio temporarily. When I was having the issue, the sound was not changing volume, it was completely muting and then coming back. It's good now.
  • solaragreensolaragreen Member Posts: 2
    I was wondering where can i get the code for my OEM cd player,i don't have the manual.Call the dealer or what ?
    THANKS :(
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Could you please advise if switch can be accessed through trunk on passenger side or do you have to remove rear seat ? Please confirm location of switch ? Do you have part number of switch.

  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Volume on radio changing up and down and want to change amp switch.

    Could you please advise if switch can be accessed through trunk on passenger side or do you have to remove rear seat ? Please confirm location of switch ? Do you have part number of switch.
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Yes, easy fix. Do you know when you put down rag top. You hear hesitation in radio volume when top is almost in full down position. This rag top engages switch which provides more power to your radio amp to provide better sound to compensate for road noise. When switch is deffective, sound on radio will surge up and down.

    Sit in back seat passenger side. Remove panel which is on top which is below rear window, same panel where seat belt goes into panel at top. You will need to remove #2 phillips screws which hold panel in place. Screws are hiding behind seat belt front cover where belt goes down in panel, under cup holder which allows arm rest cover to lift off and one more right on left side of head rest in corner. Remove panel. You will see switch which is in verticle position. Remove switch with torx screw driver. (2-screws) You will need to purchase switch qty-1 p/n: 84231-06010 switch 2008 price approx. $22.00 and go ahead and purchase some new panel clips, qty-4 p/n: 75868-06020 $2.00 each. Note: remove two washers which are under old switch and place under new switch. Reverse assembly with everything.

    If for any reason you want to by-pass switch, just unplug switch. Radio will still work in standard mode. The amp sound will not increase in performance when top is down and sound will not be as sharp. This will allow you to save some money if budget for new switch is not available..

    Good luck.
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Yes, easy fix. Do you know when you put down rag top. You hear hesitation in radio volume when top is almost in full down position. This rag top engages switch which provides more power to your radio amp to provide better sound to compensate for road noise. When switch is deffective, sound on radio will surge up and down.

    Sit in back seat passenger side. Remove panel which is on top which is below rear window, same panel where seat belt goes into panel at top. You will need to remove #2 phillips screws which hold panel in place. Screws are hiding behind seat belt front cover where belt goes down in panel, under cup holder which allows arm rest cover to lift off and one more right on left side of head rest in corner. Remove panel. You will see switch which is in verticle position. Remove switch with torx screw driver. (2-screws) You will need to purchase switch qty-1 p/n: 84231-06010 switch 2008 price approx. $22.00 and go ahead and purchase some new panel clips, qty-4 p/n: 75868-06020 $2.00 each. Note: remove two washers which are under old switch and place under new switch. Reverse assembly with everything.

    If for any reason you want to by-pass switch, just unplug switch. Radio will still work in standard mode. The amp sound will not increase in performance when top is down and sound will not be as sharp. This will allow you to save some money if budget for new switch is not available..

    Good luck.
  • gus26gus26 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2008 Solara w/6 CD changer & the radio just cuts off while I'm driving. I can't seem to make any connection with these incidents. It comes right back on when I push the on knob & may go for days or just hours before the next time it cuts off. Sometimes a CD will just pop out when it cuts off. Has anyone else experienced this? What is it?
  • thestevo44thestevo44 Member Posts: 6
    Never had that issue. Try joining and posting your question there. Tell 'em thestevo44 sent ya..
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    When you say cut off. ? Is the power or display going away ? When you press power button or knob, radio comes back on ? What is part number on your radio ? Is your radio model # 86120-AA120 ?
  • gus26gus26 Member Posts: 3
    Not sure of radio model #. The radio just cuts off & display goes blank. Yes it comes right back on when I push the knob.
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Please provide all small numbers off from of radio or send me digital picture.
  • gus26gus26 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks everybody, but they just replaced the radio, so no more problem.
  • tomtedbeartomtedbear Member Posts: 2
    I'd like to add an iPod connection to my JBL stock system--but not the AUX type, but the one that will let me control the iPod from the steering wheel controls. I've found harnesses online that will let me just plug it in to the CD Changer connector (usually in the trunk, it says) or the XM connector. Is there such a connector in the trunk or other easily-reached location. I'd love to be able to hook this up myself quickly as I have a long drive coming up. :shades:
  • rebels8286rebels8286 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2005 Solara SLE with the same problem. I took the passenger side panel off as you described, but I do not see the switch. Is it in a different place in the 2005 model year? What does it look like? I see the seat belt tensioner, the back seat light (right above drink cup), and the mechanism for the roof (there is a black metal piece over this mechanism) inside the wall. Please help...

  • bobbob Member Posts: 2
    New 08 Solara. MP3 player whines . Pitch changes with acceleration. Not too loud but annoying.

    Any advice or experience?
  • solaraman2003solaraman2003 Member Posts: 92
    I have a 2008 SLEv6 coupe without NAV.

    My 2003 had the JBL "premium" sound system, which I don't believe this new model has.

    I believe that this sound system is inferior to what I had in my '03, and I'd like to try to remedy that.

    What have others done to improve their sound? I was thinking of first simply trying replacing the rear 6x9 coaxial spears. I'd like to take this one step at a time as this is a brand new vehicle and I'm a tad hesitant about making any major changes.

    Any suggestions?
  • flying_tigerflying_tiger Member Posts: 1
    Hi, My 2006 Solara does the same thing. Do you happen to have the invoice with the part number on it. I feel I can replace it myself instead of going to dealer.
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Part number of switch. 84231-06010 description of switch courtesy lamp switch.

    I left detailed procedure how to install and parts needed Switch was approx. $20.00
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Yes, easy fix. Do you know when you put down rag top. You hear hesitation in radio volume when top is almost in full down position. This rag top engages switch which provides more power to your radio amp to provide better sound to compensate for road noise. When switch is deffective, sound on radio will surge up and down.

    Sit in back seat passenger side. Remove panel which is on top which is below rear window, same panel where seat belt goes into panel at top. You will need to remove #2 phillips screws which hold panel in place. Screws are hiding behind seat belt front cover where belt goes down in panel, under cup holder which allows arm rest cover to lift off and one more right on left side of head rest in corner. Remove panel. You will see switch which is in verticle position. Remove switch with torx screw driver. (2-screws) You will need to purchase switch qty-1 p/n: 84231-06010 switch 2008 price approx. $22.00 and go ahead and purchase some new panel clips, qty-4 p/n: 75868-06020 $2.00 each. Note: remove two washers which are under old switch and place under new switch. Reverse assembly with everything.

    If for any reason you want to by-pass switch, just unplug switch. Radio will still work in standard mode. The amp sound will not increase in performance when top is down and sound will not be as sharp. This will allow you to save some money if budget for new switch is not available..

    Good luck.
  • towneyktowneyk Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 Solara SLE, and the radio has been fading in and out for almost two years. The dealership has replaced the radio 3 times, and the AMP twice, but each time, it starts again. We changed to a different dealership, and they are now going down the path of replacing this switch. They've had the car for 5 days. They have been nice enough to give us a loaner vehicle.
  • jtybergheinjtyberghein Member Posts: 5
    Before I replace my amp on a 2005 Solara SLE conv. Has anyone had the problem with fade out of stations, CD, cassette etc.? All stays lit up but the channel fades and volume increases. Never did it for the dealer. Any ideas?
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Read my article I wrote. Amp switch is bad. Rear seat, passenger side, behind panel by armrest.
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Yes, easy fix. Do you know when you put down rag top. You hear hesitation in radio volume when top is almost in full down position. This rag top engages switch which provides more power to your radio amp to provide better sound to compensate for road noise. When switch is deffective, sound on radio will surge up and down.

    Sit in back seat passenger side. Remove panel which is on top which is below rear window, same panel where seat belt goes into panel at top. You will need to remove #2 phillips screws which hold panel in place. Screws are hiding behind seat belt front cover where belt goes down in panel, under cup holder which allows arm rest cover to lift off and one more right on left side of head rest in corner. Remove panel. You will see switch which is in verticle position. Remove switch with torx screw driver. (2-screws) You will need to purchase switch qty-1 p/n: 84231-06010 switch 2008 price approx. $22.00 and go ahead and purchase some new panel clips, qty-4 p/n: 75868-06020 $2.00 each. Note: remove two washers which are under old switch and place under new switch. Reverse assembly with everything.

    If for any reason you want to by-pass switch, just unplug switch. Radio will still work in standard mode. The amp sound will not increase in performance when top is down and sound will not be as sharp. This will allow you to save some money if budget for new switch is not available..

    Good luck.
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Yes, easy fix. Do you know when you put down rag top. You hear hesitation in radio volume when top is almost in full down position. This rag top engages switch which provides more power to your radio amp to provide better sound to compensate for road noise. When switch is deffective, sound on radio will surge up and down.

    Sit in back seat passenger side. Remove panel which is on top which is below rear window, same panel where seat belt goes into panel at top. You will need to remove #2 phillips screws which hold panel in place. Screws are hiding behind seat belt front cover where belt goes down in panel, under cup holder which allows arm rest cover to lift off and one more right on left side of head rest in corner. Remove panel. You will see switch which is in verticle position. Remove switch with torx screw driver. (2-screws) You will need to purchase switch qty-1 p/n: 84231-06010 switch 2008 price approx. $22.00 and go ahead and purchase some new panel clips, qty-4 p/n: 75868-06020 $2.00 each. Note: remove two washers which are under old switch and place under new switch. Reverse assembly with everything.

    If for any reason you want to by-pass switch, just unplug switch. Radio will still work in standard mode. The amp sound will not increase in performance when top is down and sound will not be as sharp. This will allow you to save some money if budget for new switch is not available..

    Good luck.
  • jtybergheinjtyberghein Member Posts: 5
    Thank you I will try the fix.
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    You can also just unplug switch. Only thing here is amp will not boost when top is lowered.
  • jtybergheinjtyberghein Member Posts: 5
    Finally got a few minutes to replace the switch. Thanks for the great advice. This fixed the problem. Everything was just as you stated. THANKS
  • rocky0101rocky0101 Member Posts: 1
    Same problem with my 2006 Solara. Thanks for the great advice. This fixed the problem. Everything was just as you stated.

    The switch is on the passenger side. I took both sides thinking it might be on the drivers side. It's on the passenger side behind the roof motor - sort of hard to find. It is a switch which is black with a black rubber covering on the switch itself.
  • melissa88melissa88 Member Posts: 2
    Can you please explain in more detail where to find this switch so I can disconnect it? I have a 2005 Solara convertible and I'm unable to locate the screws that you are describing. I've found one where the rear passenger seatbelt goes into the top panel, but no other ones. Also will I be removing the side panel along the door or something in the back behind the headrest?
    Thank you!
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Yes, easy fix. Do you know when you put down rag top. You hear hesitation in radio volume when top is almost in full down position. This rag top engages switch which provides more power to your radio amp to provide better sound to compensate for road noise. When switch is deffective, sound on radio will surge up and down.

    Sit in back seat passenger side. Remove panel which is on top which is below rear window, same panel where seat belt goes into panel at top. You will need to remove #2 phillips screws which hold panel in place. Screws are hiding behind seat belt front cover where belt goes down in panel, under cup holder which allows arm rest cover to lift off and one more right on left side of head rest in corner. Remove panel. You will see switch which is in verticle position. Remove switch with torx screw driver. (2-screws) You will need to purchase switch qty-1 p/n: 84231-06010 switch 2008 price approx. $22.00 and go ahead and purchase some new panel clips, qty-4 p/n: 75868-06020 $2.00 each. Note: remove two washers which are under old switch and place under new switch. Reverse assembly with everything.

    If for any reason you want to by-pass switch, just unplug switch. Radio will still work in standard mode. The amp sound will not increase in performance when top is down and sound will not be as sharp. This will allow you to save some money if budget for new switch is not available..

    Good luck.
  • melissa88melissa88 Member Posts: 2
    Can you please explain in more detail where to find this switch so I can disconnect it? I have a 2005 Solara convertible and I'm unable to locate the screws that the last ugy was describing. I've found one where the rear passenger seatbelt goes into the top panel, but no other ones. Also will I be removing the side panel along the door or something in the back behind the headrest? I'm confused as there is no armrest in the backseat like some are describing.
  • blozanoblozano Member Posts: 23
    Arm rest is on your right. Once you remove screws, the panel will have to be pulled as you have speed clips that have to be unsnapped. Arm rest is really side panel but has place to rest your arm.
  • capeflyercapeflyer Member Posts: 7
    I have this problem with my 2005.

    I've managed to remove the panel but can't see any vertical switch. An earlier post says it's covered with a black rubber jacket? How big is it?
    Is it UNDER the arm rest? I didn't remove that panel - yet.
    What wiring is running from/to it?
  • capeflyercapeflyer Member Posts: 7
    More Mystery

    I just went to the Toyota dealer. He says part number 84231-06010 is a courtesy lamp switch - cost=$20.50. He gave me a print out/diagram and that part number goes to a courtesy lamp in the passenger door. Then I gave him the clip number 75868-06020 and, while this number matched up to clips, they were $5 each. Kinda pricy for a small piece of plastic. Now if I can't get the right parts I'd like to just bypass the switch if only I could find it?
  • jtybergheinjtyberghein Member Posts: 5
    you must remove the entire panel. Look where the top bracket folds down. That is where the switch is located. It is actuated by the top bracket. It is toward the back of the opening. Took me a couple of minutes to see it. The top must be closed to replace the switch.
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