

  • xj220xj220 Member Posts: 78
    Folding mirrors

    It's about time. I thought the 07s would have them considering the 07 Elantras do.
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    Note also the side marker lights. So these could be Sonatas made in the ROK, and may have features such as folding mirrors that Sonatas made in the U.S. do not have.
  • joe97joe97 Member Posts: 2,248
    Backy, I thought the Sonata in the home market has the folding mirrors and side market lights features already. I've been told these features should make their way to the NA market.


    Sources close to Hyundai has the facelift to include changes such as a six-speed, new dash, and others. I am sure more will pop up as we get close to the 08 Sonata, should appear in most markets by late 2007
  • mike91326mike91326 Member Posts: 251
    With Honda bring out their diesel Accord next year I hope Hyundai drops their turbodiesel in the Sonata.

    I have a feeling that the diesel Accord is going to sell very well.
  • fushigifushigi Member Posts: 1,459
    6-speed is great news. Hopefully highway mileage will trickle up a couple of MPG.

    If they add NAV for the US then I'll likely buy. My 99 Galant has 124K and counting and while it's trouble-free, I am beginning to tire of it and would like something a little nicer and with a larger interior.
    2017 Infiniti QX60 (me), 2012 Hyundai Elantra (wife)
  • mossman11mossman11 Member Posts: 10
    Here is another picture from Hyundai Exchange, of an interior Hyundai is probably considering for the 08. The center stack is much smoother, and dark trim creates a contrast. Also, the seats are a similar color to the dash topper. Note the doors have been reworked to too. Hopefully, they won't mess up the exterior like they did on the '97 Sonata restyle.

  • cableguy06cableguy06 Member Posts: 299
    I like that they moved the center vents to the top of the dash versus below the radio. The center console looks much cleaner...I hope this is what we have in store.
  • ray_h1ray_h1 Member Posts: 1,134
    Yep - all you 2006-2007 Sonata owners just lost an extra grand in resale value over what it otherwise would've been when the new interior hits the dealer lots next December. Just kidding. (no I'm not...)
  • cableguy06cableguy06 Member Posts: 299
    That's ok...in 2.5 more years, I'll have over 100K miles on this 07 and will be looking for a new set of wheels. I am really interested in the new V8 RWD model coming out next year and will be interested to see what they do to the 2008 Azera.

    I also just read in my recent version of Truck Trend that next fall Hyundai will be introducing a Chevy Tahoe sized SUV...that will be interesting to see and it's supposed to have a V8 option to compete with the Nissan Armada too!

    Times are changing and it's getting exciting for Hyundai :D
  • pekelopdpekelopd Member Posts: 139
    Well, so be it, but I've also read that starting with the 2008 MY, they will be adding a governor (speed limiter). According to the article I read, the 06 & 07 doesn't have one which is why they have been clocked at 150+ MPH. That's some serious speed! If you do a search on youtube, you can find some video of the NF Sonata just hitting approx 150 on the speedo.
  • cableguy06cableguy06 Member Posts: 299
    Why would any one be concerned with Hyundai adding a speed limiter :confuse:

    When was the last time any sane person did over 100 mph in the states? I have hit 90-95 on the highway in very fast moving traffic but that appears to be my limit. If you are driving over 100 mph...and it's not in the desert...you're a crazy person :P

    As long as that limiter allows me to drive up to 100 mph, I don't have any problems with Hyundai's decision for 2008 :)
  • joe97joe97 Member Posts: 2,248
    I hate to ruin the fun for your guys, but this interior isn't it. The ACTUAL interior, from what I've been told, will be better :)

    Stay tuned...
  • cableguy06cableguy06 Member Posts: 299
    And who is your secret source that's "in-the-know"???
  • joe97joe97 Member Posts: 2,248
    Someone who works closely with the product planning department in Cali.
  • ray_h1ray_h1 Member Posts: 1,134
    Well, now there's a solid source... (Think I'll just wait 'til the 2008s hit the showrooms, myself.)
  • pekelopdpekelopd Member Posts: 139
    "2006/2007 models of this sedan did not receive a speed limiter, but U.S. officials are planning to put a limiter because of the powerful transmission when combined with the V6 version. Recently Goodyear, Arizona resident Lawrence Pargo was accused of doing 147 mph in a rental Sonata."

    I personally will probably never even drive my car faster than 80mph as I live in NYC and most drives are short. So I'm not exactly crazy, but I'm just not fond of the idea of 'big brother' placing a limiter on the car. Check out these links...



  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    147 mph!.....that is wild. Makes me wonder how fast my 4 will go. I have wondered about the 150 mph speedometer. Mmmmmmmm I live in Montana mmmmmmm..just might have to go for a drive. Wish me luck. I'll post the results if I live. :shades:

    My Lumina limited at 108 and the Mustang V6 at 112. In 1995 we did not have a speed limit here, wonderful time...and we had drinks to go. What a state!
  • pekelopdpekelopd Member Posts: 139
    Not that I'm like to go anywhere near 100+ MPH, but I also have the '06 GLS 4 cyclinder. I'm curious to how fast it can go before topping out, so if you do, please do post the results!
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    I was just told where I can give it a try. I'm going to check on tire ratings B4 I do it. 100 MPH is nothing unusual here on the Interstate. It's a long way between places here and we like to get where we're going right away.

    From the Michelin website
    V-Speed Rated Sizes:
    Maximum Speed (mph) 100 106 112 118 124 130 136 143 149
    Inflation Increase (psi) 0 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5
    Load Capacity (% of max) 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 94 91

    94V tires on the Sonata....YeeeeHaaaawwww
  • pekelopdpekelopd Member Posts: 139
    Good luck and be safe! BTW, what year is your sonata and trim level?
  • ray_h1ray_h1 Member Posts: 1,134
    )) "147 mph!.....that is wild. Makes me wonder how fast my 4 will go. I have wondered about the 150 mph speedometer." ((

    Uhhh-yeah - my '03 2.7L V6 Sonata is limited to 80 mph by the driver - who happens to be a life-long charter member of the "rather-be-a-live-chicken-than-a-dead-duck-club"... ;)
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    2006 GLS Hertz rental return. Bought it with 13897 miles for $14K. Click on my handle and it will take you to "MyCarSpace". Oops that won't work. If you want you can do a search of members in Montana, I'm there. Pictures there.

    I'll only do top speed once, I hope. For as liberal as I've been accused of being :shades: I can still be a little conservative. :cry:

    I wanted to do it yesterday but the wind was blowing about 30 MPH and we still have some ice on the roads. I will set up a spotter for the the other end of the "track"...speeding tickets and I don't get along well. I will say though I've met some very nice Montana State Troopers in the last 12 years. :P
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Click on my handle and it will take you to "MyCarSpace". Oops that won't work.

    Clicking on someone's name gives you a link to that person's CarSpace page in the upper left corner. ;)
  • ray_h1ray_h1 Member Posts: 1,134
    )) "I will say though I've met some very nice Montana State Troopers in the last 12 years." ((

    I expect they would be congenial considering all the coffee and donuts you've "bought" 'em over those 12 years... ;)
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    It's odd here in Montana. If you are speeding and no other vehicles are around you they don't have to give you a ticket. That's why they are so nice. Now Wyoming is another story. No offense to those in Wyoming. They've had steak dinners on me there. :D
  • enkaenka Member Posts: 35
    HEy i heard that you guys are talking about spped so my question is i have a 2001 sonata v6 170 horsepower? Do you think its preety good at going fast is it better than a 106hp civic 98 cuz thats my friends car thanks
  • cableguy06cableguy06 Member Posts: 299
    Are you asking if a 170 hp car is faster than a 106 HP car :confuse:
  • hotrod54hotrod54 Member Posts: 82
    uh......okay :sick:
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    I'd bet on the Civic :shades:
  • hotrod54hotrod54 Member Posts: 82
    uh...oka :sick: y
  • ontopontop Member Posts: 279
    Came to see what the deal is with the 08 Sonata. Apparently not much going on here. I thought maybe the 08 would be the answer to the falling sales numbers for the Sonata.
  • joe97joe97 Member Posts: 2,248
    Thumbs up!!!
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    Just to let you guys know I haven't forgotten about the speed test. Weather has been bad here. I'm waiting for a clear day with no wind. May be a long wait. :cry:
  • uwishu1uwishu1 Member Posts: 4
    I raced my V6 3.3 06 Sonata against my brothers 06 3.0 V6 Ford Fusion on a nice open deserted stretch of road. While his car stopped pulling (rev lim.) at about 110mph my Sonota pulled ahead til I got out of it at 140mph :)
  • aalsherriaalsherri Member Posts: 68
    The wind force is extremely powerful at 140 mph and only cars (not sport bikes) with strong transmissions, structural integrity, and aerodynamic shape can reach such a speed. It is like driving into a hurricane of gategory 4 at near zero speed. You may not feel such force from inside but I can tell you it is close to category 4 hurricane wind speed. All of you know the destruction force of strong hurricanes.

    My Grand Caravan reached a 100 mph and I felt the car is telling me enough is enough. I have 2007 I4 but I will never try such a test for sure. ;)
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    For instance, is it for sure that the interior will get a makeover? I wonder also if Hyundai will do anything to strengthen the side structure so the Sonata can get a Good score on the IIHS side impact test and be the only under-$20k car to earn the IIHS Top Safety Pick designation (although Kia may beat Hyundai to the punch with the Optima).
  • joe97joe97 Member Posts: 2,248
    There is word a facelift is expected for the upcoming model year (2008), however, the home market generally gets the first dib so markets such as North American may see it next year (2008) but as a 2009MY.

    What is interesting, a ward article earlier in the year has indicated the 4 cylinder option would be available for all trims shortly in the US, possibly within the next few months as Hyundai USA rolls out the 2008 model. This move makes sense for at least two reasons: 1) More selection for the Sonata line 2) Azera GLS

    Good call on the safety part backy, though Hyundai USA will soon be displaying (5/5/5/5 - 5 stars all around) gov't safety ratings on its Sonatas, as required starting in September of this year. :)
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    Hopefully Hyundai knows that some people (like me) put a lot more stock in the IIHS tests than the NHTSA tests. Also I hope they know what a marketing coup it would be for them to have the Sonata join the Entourage in the IIHS Top Safety category, standing alone in the under $20k family sedan class.

    It makes sense that the refreshed Sonata would appear here in the 2009 MY. That fits Hyundai's typical pattern of a refresh after 3 years. But that also means that if I consider a car in this class when I buy my next car next year, it would probably be the Optima and not the Sonata. :(
  • craigbrookscraigbrooks Member Posts: 420
    Why the Optima over the Sonata Backy?
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    If the Optima gets a "Good" on the IIHS side impact test (and the 2008 Sonata doesn't), it's a no-brainer for me. But the Optima also offers a nicer interior IMO, a 5-speed automatic with the I4, a more comfortable driving position for me with the non-power seat (including a telescopic wheel), and a little crisper handling than on the Sonata.
  • bhmr59bhmr59 Member Posts: 1,602
    Good question Craig.

    Without a close up look at both cars side-by-side, the Optima & Sonata look very much a like except for different style head lights & tail lights. I don't think the Optima is scheduled for a face lift in MY 2008.

    My Sonata is an '05 and I like the styling. Didn't like the '06 generation at first, but it grows on ya. Just got (our small business) an '07 Sonata for my brother 5 weeks ago. He's just ecstatic about the car.

    I noticed also that the Optima V6 is the 2.7L, like the '05 Sonata, although a couple more HP in the '07 Optima & slightly better MPG ratings. (Heck, I do better than the '05 MPG rating on the highway and almost as well as EPA city rating with average trips of 4 or less miles.)
  • bhmr59bhmr59 Member Posts: 1,602
    Those are good reasons. Guess you'll have to see what each offers in the '08 models. As you know, face lifts often include other tweaking.

    You probably know Hyundai offered a "special value" version of the GLS "only" in the '05 Sonata. Had just about everything as the LX except leather seats & power driver seat.

    My brother said the '07 GLS probably had enough juice, but we felt the SE, basic, offered enough extras to justify the price differential vs the GLS with premium pkg.

    Good Luck.
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    Except what I'm hearing is that it's unlikely the '08 Sonata will get a facelift, that it will be the '09 MY Sonata with the facelift. And that makes sense given Hyundai's history of doing refreshes after 3 model years. If that is the case, and there is no change to the Sonata's crash protection or interior for '08, I won't be considering one. I won't be considering the Optima either unless it gets "Good" on the IIHS side crash test.
  • ausboyausboy Member Posts: 15
    :D Does anyone have the time to photochop the Genesis, Elantra and current Sonata? I think that hybrid they would be close to a '09 Sonata.

    I'm betting the tail lights from the Elantra, the front end of the Genesis without the finicky chrome and more aggressively flared wheel arches.The overall stance will also be more raked.

    I reckon that will be close to the mark...
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    Well, you can dream. :)

    Most likely the roofline will be unchanged--too expensive to change that. The changes to the front and rear could be minor tweaks, but they could be extensive too--consider the mid-generation makeover the Sonata got for MY 2002. I expect the dash will be reworked also--it is a sore point with some people, and isn't as nice as even the Elantra's dash IMO. Maybe some power tweaks to the engines--we'll have to see about that. Personally I think the Sonata has plenty of power, but some competitors have moved ahead of the Sonata so Hyundai may feel they have to "keep up with the Joneses."
  • bobadbobad Member Posts: 1,587
    If that is the case, and there is no change to the Sonata's crash protection or interior for '08, I won't be considering one.

    Even though there is not a body refresh, I wouldn't rule out improved crash protection. A brace here, a gusset there, thicker or thinner existing metal, and crash protection can be greatly improved. Crash protection need not affect the outward appearance of the car whatsoever.
  • ausboyausboy Member Posts: 15
    Backy, you're right. I'm not expecting anyone to actually photochop. I thought that the Sonata was due for a major re-skin in '09.

    It sounds like you are talking minor alterations. I agree about the Elantra. The dash is more contemporary.

    Have you seen any spy pics at all? They should be testing now. I've even trawled Korean sites to come up blank...
  • backybacky Member Posts: 18,949
    I agree. Look what they did for example with the '04 Elantra--improved the IIHS frontal offset test results from Poor to Good, and without major design changes. Maybe just stronger steel in the B pillar would be enough for the Sonata, or even a change to the armrests (that was something Ford did to get the Fulan's side crash score up to Good). Hyundai can do something about it, if they want to. Question is, do they want to?
  • wylldsharkwylldshark Member Posts: 34
    Hey guys,

    The brochures for '08's came in yesterday and there are a few changes being made to the trims.

    The 2.4L 4 cylinder will now only be offered with a manual tranny while the 3.3L will be mated to the automatic.
    V6 GLS will have chrome-tipped dual exhaust, solar control glass, leather wrapped shift knob and steering wheel

    215/55R17 Performace rated tires
    8-way Power driver seat
    Adjustable lumbar support for driver
    Tilt/telescopic steering wheel
    Rear Spoiler
    Solar Control Glass
    Chrome window belt moldings
    Multi-function trip computer
    Auto. lights
    Fog lights
    Steering wheel mounted audio controls
    Metalgrain/woodgrain accents

    Leather trimmed interior
    Heated front seats
    360-Watt Infinity AM/FM/XM/MP3/In-dash 6 CD changer, external amplifier and subwoofer
    Automatic temp. control w/ outside temp. display
    Sliding armrest
    Electochromic auto-dimming mirro
    Chrome accented grille, door handles, body molding
    Deletes rear spoiler and Performance rated tires.

    Powder Pearl White
    Dark Cherry Red
    Deepwater Blue
    Ebony Black
    Natural Khaki
    Golden Beige
    Bright Silver
    Silver Blue
    Steel Gray

    Interior Colors
    Cloth - Black, Beige, Gray
    Leather - Black, Beige, Gray

    Popular Equipment Pkg. for GLS - Addspower driver seat w/ lumbar support, auto. lights, steering wheel audio controls, multi-function trip computer, woodgrain/metalgrain trim, chrome belt moldings

    So that basically makes a GLS into an SE. If your gonna get a five-speed I could justify it, but not if your getting a V6 GLS. If you want that stuff and a V6, get the SE!

    Premium Pkg. for SE - Adds sunroof, 240 watt in-dash 6 disc changer, electrodimming mirro w/ Homelink, Compass

    I'm just glad they finally made a power seat standard on the SE!
  • grutzagrutza Member Posts: 52
    Any changes on pricing you can share? Thanks for the info.
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