Oldsmobile Alero Maintenance and Repair

in Oldsmobile
I keep finding a small puddle of coolant sitting on a lip about 1/3 of the way down the engine. About 4 months ago it kept overheating so I changed the thermostat, fixed. But it still leaked coolant slowly. Now the car is overheating again and the heat doesn't work most of the time. It also is going through a crazy amount of anti-freeze, and it is blowing out the overflow hose on the reservoir. About to take it to a dealer or mechanic, I don't have a garage and it is -4 outside. Can anyone help??
Having a failing fuel pump shouldn't in itself cause the check engine light to come on.
someone else suggested that if fuel pump failed the engine yellow light would likely NOT come on. The price of a fuel pump assembly is unreal for this car!! So far the car has been OK with only the ignition key on her keychain but the stalling tended to happen when it was cold outside even after engine was at running temp.
Thanks for your interest in trying to solve this wierd problem. If a dealer started playing with the car it would soon be over a $1000 and still maybe not fixed.
I like to get at least 150K out of a car, so I would consider doing the repairs, but I do as much myself as I could to keep the cost down. You may get by without the plugs and fuel filter, the rest you should do.
Also, sometimes the car won't start, it acts as if the battery is dead (the battery was just recently replaced). After several tries if then will start.
Any idea of what can be wrong?
About 10 days ago, we filled it up with gas from our usual gas station, and inserted a well known make of fuel-injector cleaner, which we use about every 3 months. Therefore, we thought it may be some dodgy gasoline. So, when it dropped to about 1/4 full, we filled up again, but it has made no difference. Now the 'Service Engine Soon' light is on, but is not flashing. I've checked the fuel cap, and that seems to be fine.
Can anyone advise before I take it to my shop for yet more remedial work!
Sorry to state the obvious, but get it towed to a repair shop ASAP, don't drive it there, even if you can get it started. By driving it to the shop, you may do more damage than good.
I'll keep my fingers crossed it not too expensive for you.
Thank you,
I'm driving a 2000 Alero and my current problem is, that my dash light shuts of, when my headlight go’s on. I tried the wheel where you can dim it, but it's still dark. Even the display on the radio gets dark.
Did has somebody the same issue.
Good Luck
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Heat: could be related to only running on 2/4 cylinders (less combustion so less heat, right?) or maybe the blower motor resistor is shot. The latter would give you consistently no air speed for a given fan speed setting, regardless of whether the car's moving or not, though.
When you replaced the O2 sensor, it doesn't seem that was properly diagnosed as it didn't solve the problem you were having.