Zip: 33076
Looking for MF and RV for both the 23 and 24 Blazer
36 month term
12k miles
Dealer claims the payment is only $8 a month more because of price increase, and I'm in shock by this, he claims the discount doesn't matter and I'm like wtf ... Thank you!
The residuals might be the same, but not the money factors.
And, selling price always matters.
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Thank you!
.00231 MF and 60% residual
$500 customer incentive
.00265 MF and 59% residual
$500 customer incentive
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Are numbers available for the Blazer EV? I can't find anything here in the forum. Can a new topic be started? Thanks.
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2015 Subaru Outback 3.6R / 2024 Kia Sportage Hybrid SX Prestige