Chevrolet Equinox Oil Changes
My husband wants to change the oil in our Equinox for the first time, but the owner's manual tells you if you want to do your own service you need to order another manual. Anyone change their own oil yet? Can you tell me where to find the filter and the plug and any other details that would be helpful. Thanks
Engine will run cooler with less engine wear, especially in colder climates.
You can run this oil between 5,000 and 10,000 miles.
Good stuff!
My wife drives the Nox so I change it at 5,000 miles.
Also seeing better fuel economy.
Please help!
Thank you
Page 5-16 of my manuual.
is it just so he can get me in there 4 times a year?
what ever happened to the 5k or 7.5k oil changes?
they act like I will void my warranty if I don't keep it up.
If you are driving under the best conditions your "change oil light" may not indicate that an oil change is necessary for over a year. However, your engine oil and filter must be changed at least once a year. Make sure that your "Engine Oil Life System" is reset after the oil change has been made.
My Equinox is a 2005 LT and that's the way I do it. And that's by following the "Owners Manual" booklet. So tell your dealer to take a Equinox Owners Manual and do some reading, your dealer is trying to make some easy money on you.
It's your responsibility to check your oil level at all time.
Mine is also a 2005 LT. and so far "trouble free". Lots off owners seems to have problems with their Nox's. I must be blessed or....
The dipstick for the five speed is located behind the front transaxle mount, you have to loosen a bolt to get the dipstick out from the tranny. The filter and gasket from Fram is $54.00 and the five speed will take Dexron T-IV fuild about 3.3 liters to 4.06 liters.
It's best to just drain the fluids from the tranny rather than flushing all the fine metals particles out. Alot of people have had the flush done and have had alot of problems after.
You can go to and purchase and have access to all the technical info about your year of Equinox
It also looks like that transmission mount might need to be removed, just to get the oil pan off.
I would like a recommendation of the best "BRAND" of oil to use in my 2010 Equinox 2.4 engine.
The owners manual does not specify any BRAND but tells what SAE viscosity to use.
I am thinking of using Mobile 1 or Amsoil but have concerns about engine oil seals leaking. All synthetic oil have a smaller molecule which might bleed through oil seals. Then my 5/50 warranty is worth nothing. Your input will be most appreciated.
Just my 2 cents.
I have used Mobil 1 synthetic oil for years and have had good results . Even Castrol synthetic is on the same quality level.
1. The drain plug is on the back side of what I think is the oil pan, apparently directly beneath the engine. True or false?
2. If so, what size is the bolt. A 13mm box end fits perfectly.
If I'm right, I tried using the box end but it's on pretty tight. Suggestions on getting it off for someone who has to crawl underneath, no ramps.
Rear bottom of oil pan, size 13mm fit. I tried a driver with socket and the socket flowered open without shaking the bolt loose.
Is it common for synthetic to burn off? There are no leaks including the oil pan bolt.
Anyone else experiencing this oil loss?
I'll check within the next couple of days and report back.
I just checked my level and it's clean and full, but I just changed my oil 600 miles ago, so my reading is not very telling.
I called my service rep and he said my Nox came from the factory with 5W-30 and that's what he recommends, so that's what they replaced my oil with.
He said a synthetic might be beneficial for a high horsepower engine such as the vette.
He also said they have not had a single complaint about oil burn. He said that anytime you change from one kind of oil to another, you will initially see some oil loss while the rings get sealed (not his exact words, my interpretation).
I see this as a non issue, but maybe I'll change my mind in 10,000 miles. I think there may be an explanation as to why the two owners here are seeing "burn" and I don't think it's a vehicle wide problem.
I've had my Nox for almost a year and have had zero problems, except for the shift "bump" that the tranny flash fixed last year.
I guess it's part of the "break-in" period.
I pretty much babied the engine until the 20 mile ride to get my first change. During that ride I floored it up to about 100, revving as high as I could for the first time, under ECO, then decelerated and repeated until I got to the dealer. For no other reason than I thought it would be a good time to get the revs up for the first time and maybe shake off any break in material.
Felt good ;-) This little motor has a nice sound when it revs higher; I like it.
I have seen a few complaints on other forums about excessive oil usage in the 4 cyl Equinox. Sometimes that just happens. For example, we've had 3 Chrysler minivans with nearly identical 3.8L engines. Two of them never burned a drop of oil. The third would burn a quart every 1500 mi, almost from the start - but Chrysler said that was not considered excessive. We got rid of that van with about 70,000 miles on it and never had any engine problems.
Once you have removed the filter cap the filter comes out with it. It merely snaps into the bottom of the cap.
After 1000 I'm at 90%. At 6000 miles into the oil change, the monitor is reading 40%.
"The GM Oil Life System is a computer based software algorithm that determines when to change oil based on engine operating conditions. There is no actual oil condition sensor. Rather, the computer continuously monitors engine-operating conditions to determine when to change oil. To learn more about the Oil Life Monitoring System, please visit the GM Environmental Commitment page. " - eep=faq
I'm planning on graduating from doing my own breaks/rotor replacements to changing my own oil. I have the 2.4L 2010 Equinox and have about 5000 miles on it, oil life shows around 30%. Since I bought it, I figured I may as well go Synthetic. 5W-30..
Amazon has 6 quarts of Pennzoil Platinum 5W30 Full Synthetic for $20 shipped, not in stock now, but may come back. Is this better or the same as Mobil1 Synthetic? I'll get a funnel and a oil filter socket for 2.2L GM (guessing same as 2.4L) or 32mm socket. Do I get a cartridge based filter or something like: K&N HP-7000 Oil Filter - Amazon doesn't list any cartridge based filters that work. Or do you take the "cartridge" off and replace it with something like the HP-7000?
Also, I can probably get to the bolt (I can see it) without ramping the vehicle, is it worth it to get some ramps though? Do I need to get replacement washers/gaskets?
1. Place something down to catch the oil, undo the bolt (you said it's the one facing back, not straight down), afterwards tighten the bolt back up. Do you turn this clockwise or counter?
2. Undo the oil filter, pour out any oil inside of it if any. Place the new filter in with 2/3 oil in it, place some oil on the rim of it? and tighten the bolt down.
3. Pour in how much oil at first? 4 quarts, 4.5?
4. Pull out dip stick, clean, put it in and makes sure enough is in.
5. Start the car and hope it doesn't start smoking!!??
Does that cover it? What oil and filter do you recommend? If I buy extra oil and a filter for next time, are they ok to sit 6 months? Next, I go, dang that was easy, why did I pay someone to do this all these years! Just like when I did my breaks for the first time.
Thanks much, Nick
I just bought Mobil 1 5/30 for $22 and the oem filter at Walmart. I use it because it is also offered at my local Chevy dealer for times when I have them change it. I do not know what filter the new engine uses but Walmart has a number of AC Delco oil filters. From what I have read Wix and Purolator are also really good oil filters.
I also recommend the blue surgical gloves. Then your hands do not smell like oil for 2 days.
Messy messy boy. Your mother must have loved you at dinner.
I have a 2010 2.4L Nox. Haven't changed the oil yet myself in it (have free oil changes through GM for another 13k miles), but change oil regularly in our other vehicle and in previous ones.
I can't comment on the location of the oil filter, or what bolt is the oil drain plug because I haven't looked yet (sounds like you have that figured out, though). But, your process is about right. I'd recommend ramps, but if you are small enough to crawl under there then more power to you. In my truck (traded in for the Nox) I was also able to get under it, but in our Vibe I have to jack it up. If you jack it up always use jack stands. If you use ramps, make sure you put the emergency brake on and put stops behind the rear wheels so the car has no chance of rolling.
A few notes:
Change the oil when the engine is warm, it flows better and you'll get more out. I usually drive it until at full operating temperature (a simple 5 min. drive), then let it cool off a bit while I change into old clothes, and gather all the supplies I'll need for the process. So it sits for probably 10 minutes after driving before I drain the oil.
Usually to loosen oil bolts you'll turn counterclockwise. Clockwise to tighen.
For the filter, take some new oil and put it on your finger. Rub it on the gasket when putting on the new oil filter. The gasket on the Nox filter is separate from the "regular" part of the filter because it is a cartridge style filter and not a typical canister style. The gasket should come in the box when you buy a new filter.
The manual says the 2.4L engine takes 5 quarts. I'd put in 4.5, let the engine run for about five minutes to get the new oil nice and hot, then check it. Add more as necessary. Make sure to wait 2-3 minutes after you turn the engine off before checking the oil each time because it takes a bit of time to drain into the pan after the engine is shut off.
Right now Oreilly's (and its affiliates like Checker, etc.) has Valvoline Synpower for $20 for 4 quarts (1 gallon), buy one get one free after rebate. You can do up to 2 free. That is 16 quarts, enough for 3 oil changes, for $40 in oil. You can go the full oil life monitor, even in a DI engine, with a good synthetic. That's pretty cheap, $2.50 per quart for a quality synthetic. Otherwise, the Pennzoil Platinum you mentioned is a good oil, better than Mobil 1 currently, IMO. Without going into details about why (post is already long enough), it is definitely advisable to use a synthetic in any DI engine.
For oil filters, just avoid orange can Frams and you'll be fine (not sure if they make orange can equivilents in cartridge style filters). Recently (maybe still) Advance Auto Parts online had Purplator Pure 1 filters (great filters) for $5.00 each. Get 5 online and you can use coupon code "BIG10" and get $10 off $25, so 5 filters for $3 each. Use pick up in store and you don't have to pay shipping. If you don't want to hunt for sales, has good prices usually even after shipping.
Hope this info. helps.
I think I'll go with the Valvoline BOGO, they also have rebate for two gallons making two gallons 15 bucks! and put in enrollment code: ORLY2141 25 off 2 gallons.
I purchased the 2.2L Oil filter socket, wondering if I need some kind of swivel extension though, we'll see.
I don't like doing things that seem unnecessary. Why would wheel chocks be necessary? For if my parking break and regular "park" break both fail and then run me over!!?? what!!!? hah I have some ramps that go about 6.5 inches high. Paid about $27 for the Rhino Ramp 12000's.