Land Rover LR2 Prices Paid and Buying Experiences

kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 257,079
edited September 2014 in Land Rover
What did you pay for your new LR2?

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  • lovelandlr2lovelandlr2 Member Posts: 1
    2008 LR2
    Lighting, cold weather, tech packages. Narvik Black.

    List: $40,350
    Paid: $38,566

    X-Plan Price.

    Cliff at Land Rover Flatiron Broomfield, CO was an absolute pleasure to work with.
  • ericonlineericonline Member Posts: 21
    Do all Land Rover dealers charge a $500 Services fee, or is it optional?
  • vinnieg1vinnieg1 Member Posts: 53
    Just bought one.
    No service charge so don't think you have to pay one.
    Paind 1200 under sticker.
  • ericonlineericonline Member Posts: 21
    Was that for a well equiped model with the technology package?
  • threecharmsthreecharms Member Posts: 1
    Just left a PA Land Rover dealership with this price:
    Technology Package
    LTP Lighting Package
    Cold Climate Package
    Narvik Black Paint
    MSRP of $40,350
    X-Plan of $38,966.32 plus tax

    Salesman told me they are not discounting them at this time. The most you can hope for is a $500 loyalty discount if you don't have some type of a Ford Discount plan
  • nimbusdognimbusdog Member Posts: 5
    I picked up my new LR2 yesterday from Land Rover of Dallas. Stornoway gray with Alpaca interior. Tech package, lighting, and cold climate. Got X-Plan pricing.

    MSRP: $39,950.00
    Selling Price: $38,147.16
    Sales Tax: $2,384.20
    Inventory Tax: $88.54
    Documentary Fee: $50.00
    State Inspection: $21.75
    License: $70.80
    Title: $33.00

    Drive out price: $40,795.45

    I got them to throw in the mats too, which they wanted to charge me $250 for.

    If anyone is looking in Dallas, ask for Frank Munoz. He was a pleasure to work with. They have a pretty good inventory of LR2s as well.
  • verdugoverdugo Member Posts: 2,286

    "You may include the dealership name, city and state in your post. Please do not post names of salespeople, telephone numbers, email addresses, or other contact information."

    You should probably edit your post before it's deleted.
  • abuaishaabuaisha Member Posts: 15
    Was quoted $800 over invoice by an internet manager over at Hornburg West Hollywood.
  • lrguy44lrguy44 Member Posts: 2,197
    The fee is called delivery and handling and will vary from dealer to dealer - ours is $199. In our area they will go to about $499.
  • isabelalavalisabelalaval Member Posts: 51
    I've been shopping for a price on an LR2, Stornoway Grey with just the Cold Climate and Tech Package. No need for the Lighting Package. I asked for the best and fairest OTD price, destination fee, taxes, tags / license included. I told the dealers that the "processing fee" (which ranges from $379 to $399 here in the VA/DC area) was a total deal breaker. So far, the lowest OTD price I got was $37200. One dealer did say he thinks the price will go down some more. We'll see...

    For those who already bought one, did you get an extended warranty? Did you buy from the dealer, and at what price?

  • gbkirschgbkirsch Member Posts: 5
    MSRP, 39,950 includes all options except the black paint. Stornoway Grey/Ebony Black interior. Gave me $500 Customer Loyalty discount and paid me $1,000 more than anyone else on my trade. Bought it at Land Rover Cincinnati where I had previously bought a 2001 Discovery from and was totally satisfied with the dealership. I'm a happy camper!
  • lachkinazilachkinazi Member Posts: 13
    Can anyone recommend a good dealer in Southern California. Thanks.
  • eight74eight74 Member Posts: 6
    I bought mine at Encino Land Rover, Encino California

    Tambora Flame
    Tech and light package
    MSRP: $39,350
    Paid $38,850 + tax and fees
    I got $500 discount through the Costco membership program
  • drojtdrojt Member Posts: 10
    Purchase From Alexandria VA Land Rover
    Tech Pkg
    Floor Mats
    Invoice w/destination $36,300
    Paid $37,300
    This is one great dealership!
  • isabelalavalisabelalaval Member Posts: 51
    Yay! I'm so glad someone finally bought from the Northern VA area. I've been doing some emailing with the nearby dealerships, and from email and in-person experience, Alexandria Land Rover seems like the best place to go...

  • lachkinazilachkinazi Member Posts: 13
    Purchased from Jaguar Land Rover Cerritos (Southern California)

    -Stornoway Grey
    -Ebony Black Interior
    -Pixel Metallic Trim (switching it to the wood, because I don't care for the metallic)
    -Technology Package

    MSRP 38,300 ($100 California emissions fee)

    Invoice Base= 30,926
    Invoice Tech Package= 3,185
    Invoice Total= 34,111
    Invoice x 4% (X-Plan)= 35,475.44
    Destination= 715
    CA Emissions= 100
    Total= 36,290.44

    Tried to get them to give it to me for 38,000 out the door, but the dealer wouldn't budge any lower as taxes in LA county are 8.25% (2993.96). So I ended up paying ~40,000. He threw in the floor mats too.

    Cerritos was a very nice dealership and my salesman was polite, and not pushy at all. I will be seeing him a couple more times this week (to change out trim etc). Please feel free to ask any questions and I will respond as soon as I can.

    I really appreciate everyone posting on these forums. It was really helpful when I was purchasing my LR2!
  • lkirby1lkirby1 Member Posts: 4
    I am looking for a LR2 in Houston,Tx. I want turn the key price. Need all options except CC. Anybody listening.
  • briacampbriacamp Member Posts: 1
    I got a good deal on a LR2 demo that was loaded with accesories. Details include:
    - 2008 LR2 w/ approx 500 miles
    - color silver
    - cold weather package
    - ton of accesories inc. weather mats, guards, hitch, racks, podlights, covers, nets, etc
    - paid : $36K total + tax
  • ericonlineericonline Member Posts: 21
    Good luck negotiating with the 2 Houston dealers who are owned by the same company. They insist on charging about $700 in fees that are in addition to TTL. It makes the negotiating process that much more difficult. I think if you can get an LR2 for 1500 off MSRP (inclusive of their fees) that is pretty good.
  • abuaishaabuaisha Member Posts: 15
    I finally got it from Hornburg in West Hollywood.
    MSRP: $34800 + tax, license
    I got the car for $32600 + fees. Its like $500 over invoice. Better than X plan.
    See the internet manager. No hassle no haggle kinda guy. Very cool.
  • cookscooks Member Posts: 1
    Briacamp...what dealer.
    Any comments about the buying experience, what to ask for, how many dealers did you look at..will be much appreciated.
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    36560 delivered

    Cold, Tech, Light (the fab three) :shades:

    Deliver in month - Nazca Sand - Ebony Int

    i know my userID is LR3, but I'm getting LR2 - typo (ugg)
  • verdugoverdugo Member Posts: 2,286
    That's a great price. How much over invoice is it? Or is it right at invoice? (can't look it up right now).

    Where did you buy it?

    oh, and congrats :)
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    Lucky for me, the military plan (: :shades: Can't wait to drive her all over Europe this next 18 months.
  • ronmathmdronmathmd Member Posts: 1
    Paid $700 over invoice for a Black/Alpaca one with technology and lighting package at Land Rover Encino. Had a problem with it's ignition switch so we can't pick the car up for a week. Hornburg in West Hollywood is willing to do $350 over invoice for anything in stock. Seems like an honest unfront guy. Encino gave us a loaner to use while ignition switch is fixed. Encino threw in floor mats for free. Also got 4.9 % APR financing for 60 mos. With gap insurance and $3500 drive off, payment is around $700/mo.
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    Good news

    payments for me 400 - ekk 700 :surprise: no gap here due to DP.

    did they say what was up with the ignition switch? quality issues already - lets hope not.

    oh, and i got 4.4% from my credit union :shades:
  • kahyakahya Member Posts: 2
    Got mine SE Base model (here it includes lighting) for $38,695 + Tax = $44,500. With license and insurance comes to $47,100.
    Importing fees and taxes really hurt us here. :(

    But I'm loving my LR2! :P
  • kaefkaef Member Posts: 7
    Hi! I'm new at this.
    $36560 OTD is really a fantastic price. :surprise:
    Can you tell us where you get it?
    I'm buying no later the end of the month. Hope I can get a similar deal.
    Thanks a bunch.
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    Well, the only way to get it is to be deployed overseas, and purchase via the military plan. sorry..

    counting the days.. .. . .
  • abuaishaabuaisha Member Posts: 15
    See internet manager in Hornburg in west hollywood. he gave me a best deal.and i shopped it all over the town, but his deal was the best.
  • golr2golr2 Member Posts: 4
    Hello! I'm new to this thing..hoping to get some good insight.
    I'm very interested in the LR2. The sales rep at Miramar Land Rover in San Diego told me that if I were to purchase the LR2 at any other dealer and bring it into Miramar for servicing, etc, that I should expect "poor service" from the sales reps since I didn't purchase it from them. But, my question is, do you even deal with the sales rep when you want to service? Is anyone experiencing this? Thanks!
  • kaefkaef Member Posts: 7
    Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, I'm in Florida.
    The best so far is $2000 off MSRP.
  • abuaishaabuaisha Member Posts: 15
    THIS IS BS!!!

    He is just trying to close the deal by using that!
    When you go to service you see a service advisor not a sales person. And service advisors make their money when you go there and not only that land rover sends you surveys after the service and if they mess up anywhere in the process and you give them a bad score, they loose thousands of dollars, I had a dealer give me a 2 full tanks of gas and 2 full details once on my Jaguar, because they did not fix the car when it was promissed! And i did not even a buy a car from them.

    Another thing is since the car is covered under free maintenance program for every 7500 miles and factory warranty any dealer will beg for your business to service it.

    So just buy the car where best deal is and go to your localdealer with other dealers paperplates on the car and piss that sales guy off.

    I have a LR delaer literally five blocks away from where i live. Same deal the sales guy was telling me you live close to us and blah,blah,blah. He only gave me $1000 off, then he called me and said $1500 off. But the internet manager from hornburg in west la gave me a much better deal, and I have been reading the forum, so far i think i got the best deal by far. He gave me mats and He even offerred to deliver the car to me in pasadena. But I wanted to go there myself.

    It sucks that some of the delaers take an advantage of being the only one in the neighborhood trying to rip peoples heads off. But guess what here I am with a much better deal, the guy from my neighborhood dealer did not get anything.

    Just get in touch with the internet guy, take a train down to west hollywood, buy a car and drive it back. And spend the savings on something else.

    And besides all that, I can service my car for free anywhere i want, and I called up my local dealer and the service advisor said he will give me a loaner car if i service my car there. And if they dont, guess what I will trash them on a survey and complain to Land Rover USA, that I am being treated bad. Lets see what they say then.

    Good luck with your purchase!
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
  • golr2golr2 Member Posts: 4
    Wow! That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks so much for your response. This is my first time purchasing a brand new car (can't you tell), and I'm still trying to distinguish what's truth and what's BS. Also, I'm definitely not a negotiator. Oh, we sent an email to the Newport Beach dealer and he told us the sticker price is $40k??!! Ridiculous! So, any tips on how you got your awesome deal would be MUCH appreciated!

    Thanks again!
  • verdugoverdugo Member Posts: 2,286
    I went to the closes LR dealer to my house (there are two in Sacramento). He told me that:

    * No LR dealer from outside of Sacramento would sell me a car because I was "out of area" and LR would deduct one car from their next allocation

    * He could not go lower than sticker price because that sticker and the price were there by Federal law and they could not deviate from it.

    After I stopped laughing, I walked out.
  • abuaishaabuaisha Member Posts: 15
    You are welcome, there is always a first time. Well I did my research and found out that there is no incentives on the LR2 other than 4.9% apr. The car is so new, they dont want to put out any incentives. So all you have is a difference between MSRP and invoice. SO i found a guy who would not mess around and gave me the price closest to the invoice, and I went with it. No hassle no haggle. I read other peoples posts as well, and indeed it was the best deal by far. I also picked up a phone and called another 2 dealers, just to make sure, but they told me that it is impossible to get a deal like that, and that the guy will trick me, but that was not the case, i went there in and out, and paid exactly what we agreed on without any surprises.

    Just e-mail the internet manager at hornburg in west hollywood and tell him to give you the deal he gave me or maybe better, I got like $400 over invoice. He should remember me, my name is Gary.

    Thats all.

    Good luck!
  • abuaishaabuaisha Member Posts: 15
    Biggest load of crap.

    I am glad you laughed about it and walked out,
    these guys are funny. How could somebody say no to a sale? I cant see anyone saying , oh no we cant sell it to you, you dont live here. That is soooo stupid.
  • kaefkaef Member Posts: 7
    May be this guy used to be selling cars in north Korea.
    But, I think this is a pretty good idea. We would actually save money since car buying would be much simpler. Pick out a car in the lot, test drive with an attendant, pay at the register, done.
  • golr2golr2 Member Posts: 4
    You're right, 4.9% is the only incentive right now because it's so new. Thanks again for the advice!! Truly appreciate it! Hopefully, Hornburg would work the same deal for me. I'll give it a shot!
    In the meantime, enjoy your ride! :shades:
  • abuaishaabuaisha Member Posts: 15
    I am sure he will take care of you, he is a cool guy. His name is hamad or ahmad. And thank you, I am enjoying the ride :-)Gonna take a ride to San Francisco with it.
  • golr2golr2 Member Posts: 4
    Drive safe this weekend! The cool thing about it is I have YET to see the LR2 on the road. But I have a feeling this LR is going to be a popular one. You're lucky you got one with such a good deal. Cruise well...
  • verdugoverdugo Member Posts: 2,286
    Yeah, I could smell the b/s from a mile away. When I was leaving he came out running to the parking lot to try to convince me.

    He offered me to let me have the LR2 overnight. I kept it overnight and returned it the next day -- still no sale.
  • stephie1stephie1 Member Posts: 15
    Hi everyone, I have been following this post for a little while, I have been researching many different vehicles, and think I like the LR2 best for what I am seeking in a new ride.
    Here's my question...I would like to maybe work with this West Hollywood internet dealer, even though I am on the East Coast right now, it seems like his deals are worth it. I had a local quote here for a base model for $34.5...doesn't seem like much of a deal to me.

    I am seeing that from reading posts that you can get a "base" model for about 32.5 from the West Hollywood dealership, right? So, I am wondering if I can get the extras such as technology package and lighting package (I want the fancy headlights...although they are mostly bought for show, right? Not really necessary for most drivers?) Anyway, I am thinking I should keep things simple and just get a simple deal at the lowest price, and then come back and have the options such as the different packages put in after I purchase the this dumb? Is it best to just get it added onto your initial negotiation and take home the vehicle as you would want it ideally? I would like to keep initial costs down as low as possible but want to eventually get the extra features...what do you think it the best way to save money...get the extras now or get them put on later in my own time and as I budget it out? Also, do you haggle on a price that includes the dealer fee and tax?

  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    it depends, you can't add the tech pack or cold pack after you take delivery. it hard to install, even if they did, the install cost would not be worth it.

    buy what you budget will allow, if not happy with that level, or trim level and options, then this may not be the vehicle for you.

    I was set in just getting the lr2 with cold pack. But I really loved the nav etc on the demo. All previous cars, I've always held back - oh, I'll get that opion next time, or I'll give that up or that up. this time, I said NO. I'm getting what I want and be happy, and not have to live with, I wish I had this or that. ;)

    Plus, I had them in stall running boards, ipod adapter, and the side door protectors. Not regrets - very a happy. Or I will be in about a week when I get it.

    If you taking the time to research what you want for a car, ensure you do that with they options as well, you won't regret it.
  • ericonlineericonline Member Posts: 21
    Unfortunately, I think there may be Some truth to what these dealers are telling you. Obviously there is no law mandating dealers sell there cars at MSRP.

    But I believe there is truth to all the "out of area" talk. I live in Houston, and when I couldn't get a deal I thought was good from the 2 dealers here (owned by the same corporation) I started contacting dealers further away. A friendly sales guy in San Antonio told me that Land Rover discourages selling out of area by penalizing dealers on some of their marketing incentives. He also indicated that I might get "poor" service from my local dealer when I took it in for maintenance. He advised me to keep working out a deal with my local dealers and as a last resort start looking out of area.

    I thought this all sounded strange, but why would he advise me to go to another dealer? Then I started to negotiate with a dealer near New Orleans. When he found out I live in Houston, he told me he was unable to sell me a car.

    I got so discouraged with the Land Rover experience I wound up buying another car. Anyone can get a good deal on a Chevy or a Mazda if they shop around, but with Land Rover you're at the mercy of your local dealer.
  • 08lr308lr3 Member Posts: 76
    Chevy or Mazda - not even in the same ball park, much less of any interest to purchase one of them or any big 3 for that matter. ;)
  • ericonlineericonline Member Posts: 21
    I wasn't trying to imply that those particular cars are in the same class as Land Rover, only that the purchasing process of a Land Rover is vastly different than most other cars, including many luxury brands.

    But since you bring it up, there are NO other makes in the same class as Land Rover... as far as build quality and reliability are concerned. Good luck.
  • stephie1stephie1 Member Posts: 15
    Maybe a way to get around the dealers telling you that they won't sell because you live out of area is to tell them you plan on moving to THEIR area, which for me is true. I live in NY currently, but I am getting out of here before another winter blast, so I don't think I should be regulated to buying a vehicle around here because I will never have it serviced in NY again I'm sure.

    I made a few inquiries to dealerships, 1 of the 3 said they could not work with me because I am not in their area. I still am leaning towards the CA dealership if a more local one won't come close to the lowest price I can find elsewhere.

    I agree, I should just get what I want in terms of options I suppose. I really want to cold package. The nav system seems like an unnecessary luxury although I do want it.
  • british_roverbritish_rover Member Posts: 8,502
    * No LR dealer from outside of Sacramento would sell me a car because I was "out of area" and LR would deduct one car from their next allocation

    Well their is business builder to think about and it is allocated by zip code. Land Rover dealers that sell outside their zip code risk losing allocation and business builder bonus money.

    But yeah the other thing was crap.
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