99 Jeep Grand Cherokee is a LEMON !!!
Leased a 99 Grand Laredo in Feb. of this year,
1999. At 500 miles had steering problems, never
resolved. Currently at 7,600 miles (5 months) and
won't start - bad fuel pump on nat. back order.
Tran. slips 2nd to 3rd gear shift. When fueling gas
spills and pump shuts off with tank empty. Loud
clunk when shifting into reverse. Door seal fell
off. Now brake pulsation and failure over bumps and
rear end noise. HELP! joe@mi-net.com
1999. At 500 miles had steering problems, never
resolved. Currently at 7,600 miles (5 months) and
won't start - bad fuel pump on nat. back order.
Tran. slips 2nd to 3rd gear shift. When fueling gas
spills and pump shuts off with tank empty. Loud
clunk when shifting into reverse. Door seal fell
off. Now brake pulsation and failure over bumps and
rear end noise. HELP! joe@mi-net.com
This discussion has been closed.
Yes, those problems are terrible for a new vehicle, but no harm would be done in the long run if you found somebody competent enough to fix them, and make you happy.
Community Leader/Vans Conference
rattling noise when stopped at intersection with the trans in drive. It seems to come from the cargo area. Has anyone had similar problem?
Other than these two problems the car's just fine.
gc owner from CA
are considering buying a Jeep, you might take note
of this. At 31,000, my motor mounts failed. These
were covered under warranty and replaced at no
charge. At 77,000 I had severe oil leaks,
including the main seal, valve covers, speed
sensor, and pan. Fortunately, I had the extended
warranty, or this would have been a $1200+ expense.
However, at the same time, the motor mounts FAILED
AGAIN. The warranty did not cover them, and Jeep
refused to help. In 30 years of driving I have
NEVER replaced a motor mount. Yet, the Jeep goes
through them every 35,000 miles. Also, the "check
engine" light has been a continual problem, but the
dealer can never figure out why it illuminates.
So I just ignore it. I love the vehicle, but if
you get one, plan to get rid of it while still in
the factory warranty period. I have always been a
GM man, decided to try a Jeep. I am going back to
GM. I will never buy another Jeep product.
Edmunds might be advised to check the motor mounts
on their test vehicles too.
By 67k, It had odd rattles, a transmission which refused to shift from 2-3 without 'flaring' (you had to let completely off the gas to let it shift, or it would redline, kinda like hitting neutral in between gears), a binding transfer case viscous coupling, and a multitude of minor problems. I really liked it, but couldn't throw a couple of grand, no pun intended, at a transmission and transfer case. A shift kit 'fixed' the transmission, and a trip to the local Suzuki dealer for a new Grand Vitara, with a 5 speed (!), made it all better. We have a '95 Dodge Intrepid ES, which also has transmission problems. Sigh. Love the cars, can't handle the repairs early in their usable life. My wife loves the Intrepid, so it's a keeper regardless of problems. I should bone up on electronic transmission repair...
I've always loved buying a couple of year old used car, because they're a much better value. Might have to rethink that strategy.
Very poor steering. The car has a very pronounced pull to the right that cannot be fixed.
Air conditioning is weak, specially in S. Florida.
Transmission is noisy and jerky at times.
Big problem with the power windows (they corrected the problem after 4 dealer visits)
The car offers very poor visibility
Back seat is very cramped
Radiator had to be replaced within 2,000 miles
Driver seatbelt was mounted wrong...
Etc... I could go on forever about the problems with this car. It was one big lemon. That car must have spent more time at the dealer than it did on the road. The car is only partially to blame. You also have to deal with the Jeep dealers for warranty problems. The dealer I used to take my car to was incompetent to say the least. They lost my car keys twice, would return the car with obvious problems still not corrected (like a major radiator leak), would call me to come pick-up my car and the car would not be ready. The problems just kept piling-up until the ultimate happened -- they stole my car from the dealer while it was being serviced!!! As I write this letter I am driving a rental car, waiting for the insurance to either recover the car, or pay off the balance owed to the bank. The dealer shall remain nameless until the whole problem is resolved to my satisfaction. But beware... if you're thinking about buying a Jeep Grande Cherokee, DON'T. It'll just be one big headache.
I also had a problem w/ my driver side window. One day I was trying to put the window down and the window paused briefly as I was holding the button down. I flipped it a couple of times and then if finally completed putting the window down. Two weeks later it did it again, but did not come back to life. The dealer replace the window motor and the switch as well as the clamps on the entire door panel. Remember to tell them to order the door panel clips or you will be back.
I thought maybe I had an isolated event when I spoke w/ two co-workers that purchase JGC Limited that did the same thing during the same week.
I also have a problem when I take off from stop and I don't get on the gas. When the transmission shifts into second the jeep seems to lurch forward...not a very smooth gear transition. It works fine if you give it a little gas.
Also have had the window problem - although it was the front passenger window - dealer 'replaced motor' and now seems to work fine (keeping fingers crossed).
Anyone had fluid leaks from TRANSFER CASE? I have one at the 'output drive gasket'. (after another dealer already tried replacing the main gasket) Why can't dealers stock these gaskets? Don't they cost like 3 cents?
My breaks also 'squeel'. Dealer says 80% of all cars do too. I think its baloney, when I pull up to an intersection, I'm the only one 'squeeling'.
ANYWAY - I love the V-8, and the extra 2nd gear. Anyone caught passing someone on a country road needing a 'turbo boost' can now get it from this combination.
check it out,
This is a good sign though... it wasn't the motor! anyway-- I had a friend who had his rear motor replaced-- I wonder if the dealership knew...
shift problem is due to drive shaft hanginging up,due to vehicle torque and softness of suspension, dealer fix is nickle plated slip yoke and drive shaft, or proper lubrication by competent tech
squeal when taking tight turns fixed by mobil providing proper viscosity fluid dealers should have replaced as part of any service in past 6 months
try 5 star dealers, their better and the best will prove it, dealers with great service our worth a little more than the smuck with the "gauranteed lowest price" quality comes with a price
Here is a link to the most recent conference. Jeep Grand Cherokee - Topic Consolidation II (Topic #2096) You should find lots of recent buyers there who may be experiencing the same problem.
Community Leader/Maintenance & Repair Conference
You have the driveshaft problem. It can be fixed or at least muffled by the replacement of the yoke. Mine is much better but the clunk is still there. Biggest problem is the constant gear whine at highway speeds and an erratic shifting transmission. Hope to get rid of mine in about 2 weeks. I'll either settle with DC or trade it on a Lexus. Good luck!
1. Very rough up-shift around 20-30 mph. Usually happens while driving in a parking lot or around the neighborhood.
2. Stalls at the stop light.
These problems occur only once or twice a week. Thus, the dealer can't reproduce the problems to fix them. Has anyone had these problems and had them fixed?
P.S., had the clunking at the stop sign fixed. The dealer replaced the drive line yoke with a nickel plated one. Also, have not experienced the whining noise at freeway miles.
1) "Wait for the Bulletin that is expected soon, on how to fix the problem."
2) "Call a service tech. from Chrysler headquaters to come and look at my car."
This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard!
I have to wait and drive a disfunctional vehicle while they learn how to fix the problem? Not to mention the 538.00 a month payment for a car I hate driving on the highway!!
I would definitely be interested in a class action law suit, I thought I was the only one! The dealer, of course, states that it is a "characteristic of jeep" and that the Quadra trac II is "the most advanced 4WD system in the world." I will be filing a lemon law complaint in the next two days....I just wish I stopped here 23 days ago. Does anyone have any advice on arbitration?
99/00 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Class Action Suit (Topic #2153)
Community Leader/Maintenance & Repair Conference
Jim Scatena
1999 GJC Ltd. Transfer case (7 times)
banging, clunking and all the other stuff.
You can use the Topic Search or the Conferences features at left to find them.
Hope everything works out for you.
Community Leader/Maintenance & Repair Conference
beautiful on the road. The beauty is superficial.
I'm now on 13k of 99 JGC fully loaded. Yes I've heard the clasic drive train whine and it was kind of rough on some of the shifts but the shifts are getting smother and I don't even notice the whine anymore. The dealer changed the transfer case oil and that cured the chatter from drive train hard turns at low speed. I am very satisfied with this vehicle especially when I have had it some very messy stuff or when towing 5000# boat to marina.
My friend has a Jeep GC that he has problems with and they are helping him.
These guys know what they are doing....