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Mitsubishi Montero Maintenance and Repair

mylimitedmylimited Member Posts: 2
I do not have the changer in my vehicle. Looking for the stock one, but not at dealer prices. Tried E-bay,no luck. Any help appeciated. CS


  • 45sam145sam1 Member Posts: 2
    I can'nt get my mirrors to work, checked fuses all are ok switch is ok , What else could it be?
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    I noticed we didn't have a Problems and Solutions board for the Montero so I changed the title above. We'll use this space to discuss Montero problems and solutions.

    tidester, host
  • lemersonlemerson Member Posts: 5
    I have a 2002 XLS - For some reason right before I come to a complete stop the transfer case or front diff is engaging and my dummy lights on the dash start blinking and will stay on for some time even though it’s only in 2 wheel drive (4x4 never selected). This happened 3 or 4 times (1st started a year ago). I took it to a jiffy lube and had the oil changed in all 3 gearbox’s - then took it to the dealer. The dealer could not get it to reproduce what I experienced and it has been fine since then – until this past week where it started again. I changed all diff oils again but it’s still there (may happen after driving the car 1 mile or 10). I have no idea why it’s doing this or what it is? Feels like it’s disengaging from 4 wheel drive (even though it’s in 2 wheel drive) and only happens in the last seconds before a coming to a complete stop. It’s going back to dealership on Monday. Does anyone have any insight to what may be happening?
  • lvmsls2wdlvmsls2wd Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2002 MS LS2wd. Just had the 60k service last Monday. I have read on most of the guys here posted that they paid at least $1000 for theirs. I guess we got a good deal c'uz we only paid less than $600 at United Mitsubishi here in Las Vegas, but, before we picked it up we received a call that the water pump needs to be changed c'uz it has gone bad already & has some corrosion involved. They said its gonna cost close to 1K to get it fixed. So, one of my homeboy that is a mechanic back in Chi town said that he could take care of our problem. The only thing he wants to know c'uz he read something online before I signed up here that on some models/ trims, the pulleys needs to be taken of which will require a lot of work. Is my LS2wd one of them or does anyone have at least a site for a downloadable service manual to replace the water pump for my 02 MS?
    I did a search & I think I am one of unfortunate ones to have a problem with the water pump.

  • sortacrazysortacrazy Member Posts: 3

    I have a 1999 that just started doing the same thing with the idiot lights and the 4 whell attempting to engage when I come to a stop. Did the dealer happen to get your problem resolved? If so, what was the culprit?
  • milgirlmilgirl Member Posts: 2
    Same issue and the dealer said they were not getting any switch codes and were waiting to hear back from Tech line. Has anyone found out what the problem is?? Help!!!
  • lemersonlemerson Member Posts: 5
    Update - Dealer said it was my 4x4 detection switches. For my model year (mid-2002) there are 4 switches that needed to be replaced (parts = $182.00 + Labor = $250.00; sorry extended warranty does not cover these parts – go figure). Now, prior to replacing, the front Diff was engaging almost every time I drove the car…when the light was on (blinking) it would not engage again by itself. After I picked the car up from the dealer it ran fine for about 150 miles…Now the diff is still engaging & the light never comes on? One of the four sensors/switches replaced was on the front diff and I think this senses when the front Diff is engaged and controls the light on the dash (they will stop blinking and just stay on when you put the car into 4x4 mode & the diff is fully engaged). The dealer had a problem after they installed this sensor – the problem: the 4x4 light was just blinking so they shimmed it out (FYI this is leaking now!) and the light stopped blinking. Another issue I noticed today (probably due to being shimmed) I tried to put the car into 4 wheel drive high which did work however, the light never stopped blinking to let me know the diff had engaged???? It’s going back to the dealer on Monday – most likely still a sensor issue. I’ll let you know what happens.
  • mauto1mauto1 Member Posts: 3
    I have an 02 Montero Limited Full size and I am having the exact same problem with that you have stated. The dealer has been checking my car for 3 full days and cannot resolve issue. 1st day they said they cannot hear anything, so I drive around with mechanic and then walla it happens the winding then clunk sound occurs. They SCANNED the 4x4 sensors and they checkout fine. They drain barack fluid and then said they test drove it and no diff engaging. I picked up the car after the 3rd day and drive around the block and walla the diff engages 4 times. The dealer said they will call the tech line to see whats up with this issue. Have you or anyone heard anything on the Diff engaging yet ? The dealer has said they may tear the driver front hub apart and check for any worn parts. HELP!!!
  • lemersonlemerson Member Posts: 5
    My Dealer said (after they replaced all my sensors) that my FreeWheel Switch/solenoid (part # MR430381) was bad - this part controls the front diff engagement – when it’s bad, it allows the diff to slip into gear (my understanding). I’ve put about 300 miles on my XLS with no issues to date (since it was fixed last week). Ask your dealer to check this part – if it works – let me know.
  • mauto1mauto1 Member Posts: 3
    Well where should I begin, I called the dealer parts dept. and asked them about the FreeWheel Switch/solenoid part and they gave me a price of $109.00 however out of stock. I then spoke to the dealer shop and they informed me that they checked the solenoid and it check out fine along with the sensors/actuaters. The dealer shop felt it was a mechanical issue and they are waiting to hear back from the tech line. Meanwhile I continued my search for any resolution. I came across a site that spoke about the same issue with the Pajero ( European Mitsubishi Montero) and it suggested that one should clean and lubricate the auto hubs and this action is not complicated althoug the manual suggests otherwise. It actually solves most engaging/disengaging problems. I got down and dirty and completed the cleaning of the auto hubs and I have driven about 30 miles so far and no engaging/disengaging has occured. I will remain patient and continue driving to see what happens. So far I have paid the dealer $106.00. So mabye they have done me a favor by not replacing parts at this point we will see. I will keep you posted on the outcome. ( I used a mild degreaser and very warm soap water and then undercarraige lubricate. Thank you !
  • lemersonlemerson Member Posts: 5
    If possible - can you post the web site where you obtained this information? I too went around and around with my dealership - 1st no codes and all sensors were fine then once the 4x4 dummy lights stayed on a code did fire - it was replace all detection sensors - then, after the sensors were replaced it was the FreeWheel Switch/solenoid. Now when the sensor on the front diff was replaced, it need to be shimmed out to work properly (i.e. stop the lights on the dash from flashing) however shimming this sensor did not let it do the job it was designed for - letting you know the diff was engaged. When this sensor was put in, the diff was slightly engaged already which was setting off the sensor - not sure why the tech didn't check this, but since the FreeWheel Switch/solenoid was replaced, I have no problems as of yet. Keep us posted!
  • jokerwild60jokerwild60 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 mitsubishi montero sport. I have the compass and temperature reading on the rear view mirror. The compass is working correctly, but the outside temperature gauge is flashing OC. Does anyone know how to reset this to make it work correctly?.
  • mauto1mauto1 Member Posts: 3
    OK OK I have driven over 150 miles and still no problems with the engaging and disgaging issue on the Montero 02. I am unbale to post the website that gave useful info on what to try. However I will paste comments from the writer: Keep in mind that this was pertaining to ISUZU Troopers (So I said why not Monteros ?) > People have suggested that cleaning front autolocking hubs on my 98 Trooper
    > may solve intermittent 4wd engagement problem. Is this complicated, and
    > likely to solve 4wd issue?
    On the previous model cleaning and lubricating the auto hubs is not
    complicated althoug the manual suggests otherwise. It actually solves
    most engaging/disengaging problems.
    Don't know on the later model. Give it a try.
    Good luck,
    ===========My Story===================================
    I purchase a $1.98 of chassis lube/grease in can with straw applicator from the local Mart store and then sprayed under chassis with light pressure soap and water including the front hubs outer and inner. I then let dry and then from underneath with skateboard I lubed (sprayed) every possible moving part I could fine concentrating on the inner hubs, driveshaft U joint and axle gears close to wheels. So there you go after 150 miles still no problems and I am still waiting on the dealer to contact me with any answers or suggestions from the Mitsubishi tech line. The below website shows picture of driveshaft U joint and other moving parts I did not open or remove anything I only sprayed what I could see that was a moving part.
    http://www.procarcare.com/icarumba/resourcecenter/encyclopedia/icar_resourcecent- - er_encyclopedia_driveshaft1.asp
  • lhazeleylhazeley Member Posts: 1
    I am having a problem where I hear a loud clunking noise when driving my 2001 montero limited coming from the drivers side wheel well. The 2wd lights on the dashboard, is an indicator because the light that correspondes to the left wheel well is not on. Any suggestions? :sick:
  • scorpion007sscorpion007s Member Posts: 1
    For over two years now I've been trying to correct this problem and so far nothing seems to work. When the A/C is on and at idling the RPM, unlike any other car, drops down between 375 to 400 RPM and with the A/C off it runs at a constant 700 RPM.
    Would someone help me please 'cause I am running out of option.
    Thank you
  • rtscortsco Member Posts: 1
    My 2002 mit. montero limited just started with the square 4x4 differential lock light blinking. The truck runs fine. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this issue ? thanks
  • mujmanmujman Member Posts: 29
    I am quoting from another Monty Owner for the remedy -

    "this is usually sorted out if you dis engage the 4x4 to 2x4 and then reverse your vehicle back for approx 10 meters. "

    Try this and see if it helps. Thanks
  • daniel19daniel19 Member Posts: 1
  • mrperezmrperez Member Posts: 2
    I read the suggested remedy:
    #22 of 22 Re: 4x4 dummy lights blinking [rtsco] by mujman Oct 04, 2006 (7:13 am)

    Did that work? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I also have not had any problems... is there something to fix? Should I expect a problem?">
  • wheelinwheelin Member Posts: 2
    my sister has a 95 montero,the timing belt broke and shreded every thing,i replaced the timing belt,the sensors,and put it back together,also replaced idle air control valve,when i was done it would not start ,it turns over med fast, the chilton manual is not to exspliced on the 3.0 motor,i am wondering if there is some thing i did wrong,or was not in the book,moter is 3.0 24valve fuel injected,and distbutorless ing.some one help please, :confuse:
  • aurelios_carsaurelios_cars Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 Montero Sportwith 75k miles and am noticing a smell of burnt motor oil caused by oil leaking from the rear of engine valve cover gastkets ...

    Is this symptomatic of these truck ... Am told that it will require 5 hours of labor to replace these gaskets ...

  • mrperezmrperez Member Posts: 2
    I had a sport and now i have a full size... Yes, this is common getting into the 7 to 10 year and over range.

    The good news is: It's just the gaskets and you could just do it yourself (it might take you double the time[ouch]& you'll save some money.

    The bad news is: It's really not such bad news...5 hours labor is approx. $60.00/hour plus parts. If you ask me it's worth the money, time, and if you don't have the experience/tools a simple gasket could become a nightmare!
  • deejay1deejay1 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1998 montero sport the battery doesn't stay charge long at all and then my radio want come on. It says that i need a code but I do not know the code. How can I get the code without having to purchase it?
  • dmuttdmutt Member Posts: 48
    On the back of the engine, Mitsu has a plug with o-rings where they slide the cam into. The o-ring is more than likely the cause of the leaking oil. I have 93,000 on my 2000 sport and have had this just done and at 35,000 miles.
  • bamacountrybamacountry Member Posts: 3
    All I can tell you is what the guy at the dealership told me. The code is on the back of the radio. I have yet to do this, however I will be removing the plates that secure it this evening. The dealership charges $80 to re-set it.

    BTW, if you try and randomly punch in the codes, you have three tries, after the third time with the wrong code the radio will lock up, you will then have to leave the key in the on position for 1 hour.

    I do not know if any of this is true or not, however, I did try 2 random codes and the screen indicated that it was the 2nd error, so I will wait until I get the radio out before I try it again.

    I also found a site where a person had a 2000 model, and they said that if you are real careful you may be able to pull the cup holders half way out and gently pry the top plate off of the radio, they stated that the code was on the front top of it, I tried this but no code, although I did locate the serial numbers.

    Good Luck.
  • bamacountrybamacountry Member Posts: 3
    I recently purchased a 1999 montero sport limited, took it to the local tech shop to run some tests and wound up having the plugs changed to a tune of $500 plus..

    A few days later, the belts started squealing real loud, we then took it to my mechanic to have them replaced, which I could have done them myself, however, I am glad I did, with 130k miles on this vehicle, none of the belts looked like they were the right ones, so I had him go ahead and change all the drive belts, fan belts etc as well as the timing belt, and while we were that close to it, the water pump. It is a good rule of thumb to change the pump any time you are replacing the timimg belt or vice versa.

    This trip cost me $684.72, parts and labor, the one good thing is that it was all mitsubishi parts, where before, who knows. You will definitely pay for the named brands, but what the heck, use what's called for, when you try and just get by, your only asking for trouble.

    My only regret is that I did not let my mechanic do ALL the work, I may have even saved some cash by doing so.

    This vehicle looked as if it hadn't had any servicing on it at all, other than the original owner taking extremely good care of the exterior and interior, it seems they forgot about the motor.

    Something to remember about the timing belt, if you do not service it or any other major functioning part for that matter, you just may wind up with a real nice boat anchor.

    Good Luck.
  • amalstonamalston Member Posts: 1
    In 2001/2002 there was a recall on the oil cap for the Mitsubishi Montero 2001. Does anyone have any of the documentation or the recall #? PLEASE HELP!!! EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    The Edmunds Maintenance Guide has recall info. Sometimes the NHTSA numbers don't match the dealers, but there should be enough info there to go on.
  • ramit2500ramit2500 Member Posts: 1
    I must be a moron....I cant seem to replace the bulb on the drivers side front running lights. I have removed two 10mm bolts (one of which broke) and one phillips screw...all fasteners that are visible, but the light assy does not come out. Maybe I just have to pry out of plastic fasteners but, not sure and I don't want to create more damage....any suggestions?

    Also, where can I find a basic repair manual for the same vehicle?
  • 622626622626 Member Posts: 2
    Did you ever get an answer to this question to question on why mirrors aren't working? I have the same problem with my 2000 Montero Sport and can't find the cause?
  • 622626622626 Member Posts: 2
    I replaced the battery on my 2000 Montero Sport. When I put the new battery in, nothing works, no lights, no radio, and when I turn the ignition key nothing happens.

    I checked the alternator fuse (100 amp)and it is good. The cables check ok, and the battery is putting out 12.9 volts. The only other thing I can think of is the battery relay. Any others have a similar problem?
  • wise3famwise3fam Member Posts: 1
    I replaced my battery everytime i opened the door the alarm would go off. When I finally got the alarm to stop it would not start at all. what should I try next.
  • fodbusterfodbuster Member Posts: 2
    Ladies and Gents:

    I am new to this forum, as I just picked up a 2001 XLS 4WD. I drove it off the lot at 12:00 this afternoon. I took a 10 mile drive to the local hospital for an appointment for one of my kids, and when I backed out of the parking stall two hours later , I am now having the same problem that everyone here is describing. Sidenote: the four wheel drive was not even touched today. It had only been tried out during the test drive, with no problems, of course. In fact, the car was flawless during the test drive :confuse:
    I am presuming that I am having the same problem as everyone else. I did notice, though, that I am only getting noise from the right front side, so I'm guessing that maybe that is hub that is hanging up? And, can you clean out those hubs by taking it to one of those self - service car washes and spraying the living crap out of the hubs and associated parts? I am really concerned about making the problem worse, to the point that I am afraid to drive the vehicle to a Mitsubishi dealer. (I wish I'd bought the car from a Mitsu. dealership now) I am not very mechanically inclined at all, so I am forced to deal with mechanics and/or dealerships on all of my car issues. If anybody is in the Salt Lake area, and can recommend a good Montero mechanic, I could sure use one. Thank you all in advance for replies.
  • prs4prs4 Member Posts: 1
    I ran into the same problem on my '01. I removed the same bolts/screws and the assembly wouldn't budge. I started to pry the black trim from around the headlight assembly but didn't want to break anything. I had 2 mechanics look at it and they couldn't figure it out either. I'll be damned if I have to take it to a dealer to change a friggin bulb.
  • usairfousairfo Member Posts: 5
    I too am having the same problem with my mirrors. What did you find out?
  • cranberrycranberry Member Posts: 2
    I am sorry to tell you that there is no way to get that code without taking to the dealership. they say that they need to get the serial number from the radio. I had to pay 50.00 from the dealer to get it and they did say that they had to take the dash apart to get to the serial number and they did not. you only get 3 times before it errors out and switches to off. I find it hard to believe that there is no way to get tht for free even BMW gives it for free.. you can try the code that I was given maybe by some chance goes by the year of the car my code is 4647 them press tape and see if that works.. good luck to you..
  • cranberrycranberry Member Posts: 2
    okay so it is my fault was running late to work and the gas was low thought I had enough to make it there and then have to get gas right after, light had not come on.. I got on the freeway and started to sputter no were to pull over and or get off for like 3 miles.. kept in the far right with flashers on and kept the peddle down when got to an exit I had to stop at the light and the car died with battery too.. got gas in it and charged it drove about 5 miles and battery seemed to be charged. I left the lights on at the dr's office for about 2 hours needed to get a jump again and did not seem to want to stay running had to keep the gas and the break down at the same time at a stop finally 5-8 miles later it was fine. again I left the lights on all day while at work and had to get a jump only this time the car will not stay on when at a stop had to keep the foot on the gas and the break to stay stopped and this time the check engine late stays on when the battery died the first time the chime to alert me the lights are on or door open does not work and fuses seem fine too :cry: .. any clues??????
  • usairfousairfo Member Posts: 5
    I took my radio out myself. It wasn't that hard only a couple of screws on front and some minor otherones and I slid the radio out far enough to read the code
  • bd123bd123 Member Posts: 1
    I just recently started having problems with my 2001 montero sport. It acts like the alternator, but it checks good as does the battery. It will start fine and run good until all the sudden the radio cuts out the lights go out and then the engine dies. As soon as you boost it off it will start, and it is good for another little while until it acts up again. It is very unpredictable. Anybody got any ideas? Is there a sensor or something that could be going bad?
  • fodbusterfodbuster Member Posts: 2
    I think you are going to love this update. I drove the vehicle down to my local dealer to have them take a look. Three weeks later, I came out with a rebuilt transfer case. Apparently the previous owner was not very nice to it. DO NOT IGNORE THIS PROBLEM WITH YOUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE!!!! It may not be your xfer case, but if it is, you're hosed. So, now it's back again at the dealership with transmission problems. I'm about ready to drive it off a cliff! :lemon: :lemon: :lemon:
  • drustinkydrustinky Member Posts: 1
    im having the same problem with my 01 Montero Sport. I was taking out the front panel to get the the back of the AC Adapter and while unscrewing the Radio i lost power, and now need the security code to start it up again.

    So the code should be on the back of the radio?

    I hope cause the dealership will charge me 77.00$
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Sometimes the code is on the top front of the radio and you only have to slide the radio out a little. And sometimes just removing the bezel around the radio will expose the code (not sure about the Mitsus).
  • usairfousairfo Member Posts: 5
    The Dealer just replaced a fuse. Although I do not know which one they replaced.
  • troybeartroybear Member Posts: 1
    Hello, I am new to this forum and have a few questions about some problems I am having with my 2000 Montero Sport XLS truck. I remembered that sometime in the last couple of weeks, I had a problem with my cruise control. I would set the speed and a short time later it would cut-off, and then not work at all. Almost at the exact moment, I noticed that my speedometer started to fluctuate all over the dial and then it would die. I'd have no idea what MPH I am traveling. (I also notice the the odometer stopped working too). The next day, everything seemed to be working fine. These exact symptoms happen each time I tried to use my cruise control. Any ideas what could be the problem? Yesterday, while driving, I stopped at a store and when I tried to re-start my car all I got was a clicking sound. I've had no problems with it starting before, and after looking at some acid built-up on the terminals I thought it was my battery, I got a jump from someone and it started right up. Later when I got home, I turned off the motor and tried to start it again, it did not start. This morning, the battery was so dead, I couldn't get the keyless entry to unlock the doors. I also tried getting a jump start and that didn't work. Now I am wondering if all these little troubles might have a big common problem? :sick: I'd appreciate your thoughts on this matter. Thanks, Troybear
  • autobuyer1autobuyer1 Member Posts: 1

    About a week ago, my trucks battery was disconnected when we wanted to put a new battery. As a result, the radio locked up. Not knowing that we had the code, my brother randomly punched in codes. After about 3 tries, the radio started displaying "OFF".

    My question is, how do I get the radio back to a state where its ready to accept the 4 digit code?

    Thanks for helping.

  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    You can try the Honda method if you want something to keep you occupied until a Mitsu owner or tech lets everyone in on the secret:

    How to restart a Honda stereo that has lost its code

    Anyone know the Mitsu way?
  • hickz07hickz07 Member Posts: 1
    I own a 1990 mitsubushi montero v6 4wd automatic. When im going 55 im running like 3 grand when i should be running 2 or a little above. I'm wasting lots of gas this way so if anyone has any solutions please fill me in.
  • kimberlylkimberlyl Member Posts: 1
    I have been having issues with a rough idle on my '95 Montero. I had my entire fuel injection system cleaned out & replaced the fuel filter several days ago. This fixed the sitting idle. However, it is still jerking when I'm accelerating and trying to get past 200rpm (it smooths out once I get past it). I failed my smog emissions test last week too b/c of this. The tech said that it was testing too "rich". Could this be my timing? spark plugs? I'm a starving student & appreciate any help/info! Thanks, Kimberly

    1995 Mitsubishi Montero
    142K miles
    3.0L engine, 6cyl
  • jfedorjfedor Member Posts: 1
    Hi, I have the same vehical, same problems, did, you ever get your fixed, if so what did it turn out to be?


    Joe/San Jose
  • jasonb1jasonb1 Member Posts: 3
    my 1989 mitsubishi montero will not start after i replace the head gaskets.

    spark plugs are good and wires to
    i also have spark but it seem like its not fireing..

    can anyone help??
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