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You should not be able to remove the key if the vehicle is not in park. Even if you could do it, removing the key while driving is both dangerous and illegal.
I came across an article about a Mitsubishi recall concerning the interlock system that you may find informative though it's not specifically about the Montero.
Recently had my timing belt and water pump replaced on my 2001 monterro sport. A couple days ago I was driving home from work and heard a horrible screaming noise from my engine! The power steering immediately went out so I knew it had to be a belt issue. Pulled over the car, called the boyfriend, and had him drive it home. The next day I saw one of the pulley's laying on the metal plate that covers the bottom front of the car. Contacted a few people and was told that it's a known issue with the vehicle. Is this true???? I've looked all over this site and haven't seen anything about issues with pulleys here. Help please?
Sounds like a pully locked up and broke your belt. There are many pullys including the new water pump. You didn't state which pully, possibly a tensioner pully. You need to have it checked out to find out what broke or came loose. Mechanics do sometimes leave things loose. Haven't heard of a problem with your vehicle on pullys. They do go bad when the bearings get old. If you have near 100k miles or more, you are definitely due.
My 1994 Montero 3.5L overheats quickly after about 1/2 mile driving but not at idle. After replacing the thermostat if the problem persists, how difficult is it to replace the water pump/timing belt? Or are there other easier to fix problems that might be going on? The radiator is clean and the coolant topped up.
How do you know if it really overheats? Does your gauge shows overheating? It could be a problem with a (1) gauge sensor, (2) gauge itself (less likely), (3) temp sensor. Incidentally, neither fixed my problem which now points to (4) circuit board located at the back of the instrument control cluster panel. It will be determined tomorrow at the cost of $95 by the dealer if its in fact faulty. If it is, it will be replaced at god-knows-how-much cost. But they promised the $95 check up fee will go toward the replacement. By the way, I still have a brand new gauge that I will sell to you if that's the problem. It costs $129 at the dealer and I will sell for $80 (inlcuding shipping). It fits 2000-2002 Montero Limited.
The gauge does show overheating and the motor is unusually hot so I don't think it is in the electronics. I'll have to replace the water pump and timing belt.
We just bought a 2001 Monetro Sport LS, and the Service Engine Soon light came on. A trip to Auto Zone said it was a "P1751 A/T Control Relay" code. I am assuming that is the A/T relay that controls the A/T feature to start the transmission in second gear for slippery road conditions.
My question, if anyone can help me, is where can I find this relay and is it possible to change out myself without a very costly trip to a dealer? The guy at Auto Zone had no idea what it was or meant and referred me to a transmission place that wants to charge $1600 to rebuild the entire transmission. Ummmm yea.... NO! Not if it is just a relay switch that can hopefully be replaced.
So if anyone has any knowledge in this area, any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Hi, I have 2001 Mitsubishi Montero with Infinity sound system. I would like to connect my iPod to the OEM CD-player. Can somebody help me with this issue? Thank you very much.
i recently had to change my alternator and battery when it was done the radio was not working....but instead of it saying enter code it says off.......none of the buttons will work to get it back to enter code....PLEASE help
Turn the key to ACC or On and then turn the radio on where it says "Off" again. Leave it for an hour untouched and it will shut off by itself. When you turn it back on, it will say CODE again.
We had some gentlemen try to fold up the middle seat so as to put in cargo, and now the levers are straight down and the seats are straight up, making it extremely unpleasant to sit in the seat. Apparently, our seats do not fold up, the levers are stuck straight down, it would seem this would be something we should be able to fix ourselves, anyone know how?
There is a lever on the back of each outboard rear seat. Pull up on that lever and that should release the seat backs. That lever should be used when folding the seats forward. The levers at the bottom/side of the second row seats is for adjusting the seatback angle only. Hope this helps.
Fixed the problem. I am posting this in case someone else has this trouble and needs help like I did.
I went to the local dealer and bought the A/T Control Relay for $25. They had to have it shipped, but it arrived in 3 days. The guy at the parts counter helped me locate the relay and gave me a computer printout of the general area where it was. The relay was located under the passengers side dash... behind the kickplate as they call it.
So... I plugged in the new one and all seems well. My Montero shift like it is supposed to and is not stuck in safety gear anymore. Hopefully it will stay that way, but for now I fixed it for a mere 25 bucks. So anyone that gets a P1751 error code... all you probably need is an electronic relay.... not a new transmission. lol
Oh yea... once I pulled teh old relay off... I could see corrosion on the wire pins and what looked to be rust as well. Wonder how that happened and if any more relays are damaged too.
Anyway... good luck to anyone else that has the problem I did.
Just picked up a 1996 Montero with a 3.5L V6, and am looking for a decent manual for minor repairs. Local Mitsy dealer wants $180, so that is out of the question. Checked both Chilton and Haines, who list manuals up to 1995, but not 1996. Is there an aftermarket manual that covers the '96 models available? I understand that this generation of Montero/Pajero was made from 1992-2000 (model years) and my version was offered from 1994-1996. Are there any significant differences that would allow me to get by with a manual covering 1995?
One additional question regarding code readers: standard ODB II for this year?
As a complete non-mechanic I need help to figure out what line is leaking in my 2000 Montero Sport XLS. Through the grille you can see two metal lines - one of them (closer to driver side) is cut and is leaking a red fluid. I also lost power steering and was not about to try figuring out if i lost brakes at the moment too. I'm assuming its the power steering line but dont know which one so I dont even know what to buy. Do i need a mechanic to fix it or can diy?
I have a 2005 Mits Montero Limited. When decelerating and below 25 MPH a "clunk" is heard from the transfer case or differential, like if whatever was trying to engage, just disengaged. I believe it is the 4x4 system trying to engage by itself while the vehicle is in 2H. After highway driving for in 2H mode 30+ minutes the warning light for the center locking transfer case will start to flash. When you turn the vehicle off it will reset, but after awhile everything will start over. Any ideas and/or solutions to this problem?
I have a 2001 Mitsubishi Montero. I had an over heating problem and found that my auxiliary fan was rusted and not working. I replaced it, but the fan is still not coming on. I am thinking it is the auxiliary fan thermostat/switch. Can anybody tell me where this is located on the engine? I don't have a manual.
I have a 1998 Montero Sport. We have replaced wires coming off the starter, checked the battery and alternator, and replaced the starter. Sometimes it goes a couple days, or weeks without any problems but out of no where sometimes it just will not start. It will eventually start back up, but it is usually hours or a day later. Any ideas on what the problem might be?
Mike, I have the exact same problem on my 2001 montero limited. The temp. gauge problem (replaced thermostat, bleeded air from system, replaced sensor for gauge) where it goes to high intermittently even though the engine is normal. After removing the speedometer cluster to see that board you were talking about, now the speedometer is doing EXACTLY what yours is doing (irratic behaviour).
Hi, I have a 2002 Montero Sport XLS. It does great on the highway but when im in the city or idleing during times when the outside temp is above 70 degrees the temp starts to creep up. I have not let it overheat becasue i will either turn the car off or turn on the heater. I have changed the thermostat, the fans are working properly and flushed the radiator. What im wondering is if it could be the water pump. I havent changed the timing belt or water pump and i have almost 140000 miles on it. Does this sound like the pump? Does anyone know what the cost for that and a timing belt is?? Any info will be helpful and greatly apreciated!! Thank you.
Yes, replacing the electronic board did solve the problem with gauges showing overheating. It costs an insane $600 and they kept the truck in the shop for week and a half.
I had the same problem in my way from Miami to Orange City but the car was running ok. I just did it (running the car in reverse) and apparently worked. The light didn't turn on again. Let's see what happen in my way back to Miami, let you know.
I have a 1997 montero sport I just replaced the alternator on it , went bad due to an oil leak the car was dying out at stop lights every time it came to idle, I replaced it all the dash lights went off the battery light, brake and AT light, took it for a drive and it is still dying out when the car idles. I ve heard other montero owners with the same problem , just havent heard any fixes any one have any ideas. Thanks
It is just stalling when you come to a stop? Like when in idle?
I had that problem after I disconnected the battery for about half an hour when getting a new one. Put the new one in and it was stalling half the time I was at a light or stop sign. After a few days of prowling the internet, I found out that it has a computer to control the idle speed and with no power for a while, it will reset back to the default speed. The good thing is, it is very easy to set it back where it needs to be and you don't even need to pop the hood open. Just keep one foot on the brake and give it some gas to idle it up a bit when you come to a stop. After a few times of doing this it learned (automatically adjusted I presume) what speed it should idle at. Weird I know... but it worked. Give that a try and see what happens.
Some of the Mits Montero have a problem on the relearn. When it dies, turn key off then restart. Sometimes just restarting it from the run position interfers with the relearn of idle speed. It has to go through a drive cycle that has a number of key on, run and key off situations. Vary the type of driving also between Highway and city.
Problem solved I had to replace the battery, the battery terminals and i also cleaned the throttle body out after doing this the car runs great I stopped short of cleaning the IAC module idle air control, but I will be doing this as well,
hello all. i recently acquired a pre owned 02 XLS 2wd. i must say it's a solidly built vehicle. it has 68000 miles and from what i can tell, the timing belt has not been replaced. i live in the tujunga/sunland area near los angeles, california and wonder if anyone would like to share their experiences in this regard: -price for replacement, -where it was done, -what mileage the car was when it was done, -and any other repairs/replacements that make sense to be done during this service. the local mitsu dealer is charges 700 dollars. thanks in advance.
My wife's 2001 Montero is making a moaning noise when she's driving between 60 and 70 mph. Prior to that and afterward there's no noise, and if she turns the wheel slightly in that range, the noise goes away.
All the fluid levels are good, the tires were recently rotated (and are relatively new), and I had it realigned two months ago (though it seems out of alignment again). My wife swears she hasn't hit anything to knock it out of alignment or bend the frame.
Anyone have a similar experience or any ideas about what may be wrong?
any luck with your charging system problems? I'm having the same issue's with my 94 montero, Alt. bench tested good but will not charge the battery when driving, also cranks over slow ... at my wits end
If your are having issue's with your alternator or charging system or your temp gauge spiking try to put a seperate ground cable from the alternator bracket to the battery I did this and it solved my problems I even put my original alternator back on. If this works for you let me know Good luck from
this is excately what it says in the book select the hold mode when starting your vehicle on a road surface slippery from snow or the like, and the vehicle will start smoothly. if you start your vehicle with the selector level in other than the "L" position, the vehicle starts in second gear.
if you want to take it off the button is on the right side for the stering wheel by the rear defrost button
i have a 98 montero my truck was doing the same noise when i started it when it was cold then when it warmed up it quit for me it was the power stering pump u might want to get that checked out
We have been driving the mont. for 4 years now with no problem at all. Then yesterday it started stuttering when kicking into passing gear or a lower gear. I took to my mechanic he suggested changing the plugs and wires and timing belt well he did all of that today and the problem is still there. I think its in the transmission. It only does it when under alot of load or fast excelleration. Can anyone help give me some direction Im already in $569 and nothing is fixed. Also the ABS and 4wd light is on and flashing could this have anything to do with it. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
i have a 2003 montero ltd, the battery, a/t, and parking brake lights are permanently lit on the dash and the outside temp indicator on the compass panel keeps getting wiped out. Any ideas and/or solutions to this problem? This has gone on for the past year and the dealer has no idea what the problem is.
I had to replace both the battery and alternator before the problem would go away and clean and adjust the throttle body sensor so the idle wouldnt go to low hope this helps
2000 Mitsibishi Montero Sport recently replaced the altenator, now half of the electric in the car doesn't work, radio, electric door locks, and interior lights. It starts fine but has extremely low idle after about 3-5 minutes of running..it doesn't quite stall but literally has zero power. even trying to rev the engine is useless, it just putts along at less than 1 mile an hour. What could be causing such engine failure? When I hook up the hand held code check device it reads ERPR and won't give a code. (The device works on other vehicles)
on my 94 montero when I was having charging system issues,low charging voltage at the battery,temp gauge going higher and higher,accessories acting up, I added a extra ground cable from the bolt the alternator mounts on to the negative battery post using a 2 gauge wire i purchased at the local parts store. I removed the bolt and slid the cable on before I put the bolt through the alt. bracket and alt. so when I tightened the nut on the back of the bracket it held the cable tight. From there I routed it to the negative terminal on the battery and attached it to the side terminal ( I have a dual post battery) Good luck
I came across an article about a Mitsubishi recall concerning the interlock system that you may find informative though it's not specifically about the Montero.
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
Is this true???? I've looked all over this site and haven't seen anything about issues with pulleys here.
We just bought a 2001 Monetro Sport LS, and the Service Engine Soon light came on. A trip to Auto Zone said it was a "P1751 A/T Control Relay" code. I am assuming that is the A/T relay that controls the A/T feature to start the transmission in second gear for slippery road conditions.
My question, if anyone can help me, is where can I find this relay and is it possible to change out myself without a very costly trip to a dealer? The guy at Auto Zone had no idea what it was or meant and referred me to a transmission place that wants to charge $1600 to rebuild the entire transmission. Ummmm yea.... NO! Not if it is just a relay switch that can hopefully be replaced.
So if anyone has any knowledge in this area, any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
I went to the local dealer and bought the A/T Control Relay for $25. They had to have it shipped, but it arrived in 3 days. The guy at the parts counter helped me locate the relay and gave me a computer printout of the general area where it was. The relay was located under the passengers side dash... behind the kickplate as they call it.
So... I plugged in the new one and all seems well. My Montero shift like it is supposed to and is not stuck in safety gear anymore. Hopefully it will stay that way, but for now I fixed it for a mere 25 bucks. So anyone that gets a P1751 error code... all you probably need is an electronic relay.... not a new transmission. lol
Oh yea... once I pulled teh old relay off... I could see corrosion on the wire pins and what looked to be rust as well. Wonder how that happened and if any more relays are damaged too.
Anyway... good luck to anyone else that has the problem I did.
One additional question regarding code readers: standard ODB II for this year?
Thanks in advance!
As a complete non-mechanic I need help to figure out what line is leaking in my 2000 Montero Sport XLS. Through the grille you can see two metal lines - one of them (closer to driver side) is cut and is leaking a red fluid. I also lost power steering and was not about to try figuring out if i lost brakes at the moment too. I'm assuming its the power steering line but dont know which one so I dont even know what to buy. Do i need a mechanic to fix it or can diy?
I have the exact same problem on my 2001 montero limited. The temp. gauge problem (replaced thermostat, bleeded air from system, replaced sensor for gauge) where it goes to high intermittently even though the engine is normal. After removing the speedometer cluster to see that board you were talking about, now the speedometer is doing EXACTLY what yours is doing (irratic behaviour).
What solved your speedometer irractic issue?
Thank you for your reply.
I also have an irratic speedometer problem. Any ideas?
I had that problem after I disconnected the battery for about half an hour when getting a new one. Put the new one in and it was stalling half the time I was at a light or stop sign. After a few days of prowling the internet, I found out that it has a computer to control the idle speed and with no power for a while, it will reset back to the default speed. The good thing is, it is very easy to set it back where it needs to be and you don't even need to pop the hood open. Just keep one foot on the brake and give it some gas to idle it up a bit when you come to a stop. After a few times of doing this it learned (automatically adjusted I presume) what speed it should idle at. Weird I know... but it worked. Give that a try and see what happens.
i recently acquired a pre owned 02 XLS 2wd.
i must say it's a solidly built vehicle.
it has 68000 miles and from what i can tell, the timing belt has not been replaced.
i live in the tujunga/sunland area near los angeles, california
and wonder if anyone would like to share their experiences in this regard:
-price for replacement,
-where it was done,
-what mileage the car was when it was done,
-and any other repairs/replacements that make sense to be done during this service.
the local mitsu dealer is charges 700 dollars.
thanks in advance.
All the fluid levels are good, the tires were recently rotated (and are relatively new), and I had it realigned two months ago (though it seems out of alignment again). My wife swears she hasn't hit anything to knock it out of alignment or bend the frame.
Anyone have a similar experience or any ideas about what may be wrong?
Patrick from Minnesota
select the hold mode when starting your vehicle on a road surface slippery from snow or the like, and the vehicle will start smoothly.
if you start your vehicle with the selector level in other than the "L" position, the vehicle starts in second gear.
if you want to take it off the button is on the right side for the stering wheel by the rear defrost button
my truck was doing the same noise when i started it when it was cold then when it warmed up it quit for me it was the power stering pump u might want to get that checked out
the battery did you connect? also what guage wire is acceptable?