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Chevrolet TrailBlazer Electrical Problems

robbyrrobbyr Member Posts: 3
edited September 2014 in Chevrolet
HI I have an 02 Trailblazer,..I am now having some weird problems and was hoping someone might have some insight to help me on this forum.
Truck was running fine,..I use my truck for work. So I take things out of the back of my Tailgate all day long. Well it started when I opened my tail,..and I looked at the dash and I had lights on and the radio went off? Well when I slammed the tail..the lights went off on the dash and the radio came back on.
So then a day came when it started raing...thats when the all the idiot lights came on in the dash.. The car continued to run and the speedomter worked, but the power windows did not, neither did the gas gauge,oil,battery,air conditoner,power locks and back wiper. or radio. Next day the rain stopped and everything worked fine. Now its only when it rains..I lose power to everything I just mentioned but the headlights and tailights still work.
I had someone put it on a computer to get the codes, the codes go to the tailgate control module. Not the one behind the driver seat..but was told its the one in the tailgate itself.
I then had someone who had access to a Tec 2 ( GM Tool) see if it would come up with anything. They said they found the errors...but the Tool could not communicate with the Tailgate Module??My question here is has anyone had this kind of problem,..and do you think it sounds like the tailgate module is the problem....or is there somewhere else I should check before I spend the money on a brand new tailgate module??The thing that is fishy is that i was told that the body control module ( behind the drivers seat) controls some of those idiot lights,..and the tailgate module controls the others? I had the Tec 2 communicate with the body control module and it couldnt communicate with the rear tailgate...which is why I am so pluzzled? One GM Mechanic told me to put in a new ignition switch as thay have that problem all the time at the dealership..so I did...still have the problem? Anyone??
thanks in advance


  • burdawgburdawg Member Posts: 1,524
    Since you use the tailgate a lot, and the problem first occurred when you were opening/closing it, have you checked the wiring harness between the body and the tailgate?
  • robbyrrobbyr Member Posts: 3
    I did check the harness. I opened the rubber seal and pulled out the wires harness to look for a split coating on any of the wires or a splitwire...everything looked fine?? The next day...is when it started happeneing more often. And now I am stuck with anytime there is any rain....or if I am out and it starts to rain...in a matter of minutes " Bam"...the lights come on the dash and I lose power to the windows and radio, airconditoner. When it first started happening it was once in a while but ever since I opened the harness up,.. it now happens like clock work.
  • burdawgburdawg Member Posts: 1,524
    If that's the case then it's possible the harness is still the problem, but in an area you can't see, like at a connection point. Since it happens during wet weather and became worse after checking the harness then I think I would try to find out where the connectors are for that rear harness and inspect them for corrosion or other contact problems.
  • cernst2cernst2 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2003 Trailblazer EXT that required a battery replacement today (Surprise, suprise, Gomer!) ... Now, the radio doesn't work, the interior lights won't come on and there are a couple other non-functioning electrical devices.

    Is there a reset button or something that I missed?
  • tblazedtblazed Member Posts: 945
    Sounds like either the BCM got glitched during the battery change since it controls the things you mentioned, or maybe the 125 Amp "Mega Fuse" on the underhood fuse block got blown somehow since it supplies power to the interior and most of the accessories, maybe frrom someone hooking up jumper cables wrong? (Been known to happen before). I would check that big 125 A fuse, and if it's good (12 Volts on each end of the fuse) then try disconnectiing the battery for 35 minutes to reset everything, reconnect the battery and try again.
  • blazerburn03blazerburn03 Member Posts: 1
    Hi there does anyone have legal advise on how to get the previous owners to reinstate the extended warranty... :lemon: I have a 2003 TB love it, but the engine light stays on, it went off but it keeps coming back on, and it has a vibration at 45 to about 60, I tried several things for the light but it keeps coming back on.. the previous owners told me that the light never came on while they drove it, and that they were not aware of the vibration while its so damm obvious.. I was doing the extended warr. transfer over to my name since it had almost 1 more year left on it, and I was going to take advantage of the extended warr to have the dealer find the problem... but the previous owner told me i could change the extended warr to my name w/out any problems... but to my dismay they canceled in Oct :surprise: . I got the truck from them on the 18th of oct.and at that time they told me it was active and I could have transfered over. :surprise: so does anyone know if I have any recourse againts the previous owners.. or am I out of luck... I called them, so now is just a waiting game to see if they will even call back, since I am financing the truck thrugh the credit union maybe they can do something about it?? since the light keeps coming on, or is it basically I am out of luck, I bought it as it was so I may be stuck with a lemon.....

    any ideas or comments....... :lemon:
  • matunermatuner Member Posts: 1
    2002 TrailBlazer. I had left my 4 ways on for about 20 minutes. Upon shutting them off my truck went dead. I had to boost it. it ran. The next day I had to boost it as well. It ran for 30 minutes then I went to drive away and I had 2 lights on, a engine light with an arrow pointing down and the transmission light. My truck idled at 1100rpm but when I gave it gas it would not accelerate. It goes into gear but does not move. No fuses have blown and all gauges read accordingly. What is wrong? Can I fix it by unpluging my battery for 35 minutes?
  • meg8meg8 Member Posts: 1
    My keyless entry and rear wiper stopped working. I stopped at the dealer and after hooking up to their computer they said my tailgate module was bad. Is this common to the trailblazers? I only have 38,000 miles, and this is only one of the MANY problems I have had with this vehicle. Any advice on the difficulty of repairing/replacing this item myself? Also, I haven't been able to find this part online. Anyone have a part # ? Thanks
  • sabrefansabrefan Member Posts: 2
    I had a problem with the battery on x-mas night. I replaced the battery the next day and now notice something I haven't noticed before. When the truck is on and in park, with eth lights on and the heater running, it will loose RPMs and then rev itself up to avoid stalling. I understand why it's doing this, but never noticed it before. Is this common, or should the engine maintain itself better? Is my alternator defective?

  • matt14matt14 Member Posts: 6
    The lights on about a quarter of my radio controls went out a while ago and now another quarter have joined them. Is this a fuse, bulb, wiring or what that causes this? Is there a simple way to get at the problem and correct this myself? The radio, cd, etc still functions fine, it's just a problem changing things at night. Any suggestions?
  • cptbill911cptbill911 Member Posts: 1
    The seat belt light no longer illuminates when starting the vehicle and the chime no longer functions with the seat belt off. The chime still works with the key in the lock but not for the seat belt. Fuses seem okay and the maintenance manual is quite vague on what to do. Any suggestions?
  • gisele1gisele1 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2006 chevy trailblazer and I just picked it up from the garage, as they had to change the fuel sending unit in it because my gas gauge was not working, so on my way home from there all my gauges dropped down to zero and do not work anymore, I pulled over to stop and restart the vehicle thinking the computer didn't think properly upon starting and all was fine till I reached 50km/h and then my gauges dropped back down to zero, so again I pulled over to restart the vehicle and all is good till I reach 50km/h and everything stops working, I have no speedometer, gas, rpm, oil, temperature gauges at all. I went online and did a self diagnosis and it told me it could be the fuse is blown, but I wouldn't think the gauges would be okay for a bit then stop working if the fuse was blown, or it said it could be the Instrument Panel Voltage regulator is bad. Now they did also replace 2 fuel line retainers because as they took the tank off the lines broke. Hope you can help. Gisele
  • jntjnt Member Posts: 316
    The problem you described is limited to the radio itself, not the vehicle system. There are two likely causes:

    1. Light bubs under radio switches went out.
    2. Electrical circuit that hooks up to the light bulbs is bad

    Changing fuses will not help

  • erikheikererikheiker Member Posts: 230
    I'm having the same problem with my wife's 04 Envoy. Some of the radio lights are out. Dealer says the fix is a new radio. Not at close to a grand it isn't! The lights came back on briefly after hitting some bumps, but are off again. That tells me it's a connectivity problem. But where? Can the radio be opened up? I imagine it's a pain to pull out of the dash.
  • erikheikererikheiker Member Posts: 230
    Wish I had that problem! But that's because I hate wearing seatbelts!
  • gman828gman828 Member Posts: 1
    My wife has a 2002 TB.About a month ago it wouldn,t start when she was leaving for work, battery was completely dead. Had the battery checked and checked out good.Charged battery and put back in and the same thing happened within two days! Took my good battery out of my truck which i knew was good and it drained down in three days. Had alternator checked and was also o.k. Something is staying hot and draining battery, but i can't seem to find it. There is 4.5 amps draining from the battery when we checked it last night. We pulled every fuse front and back while the tester was hooked up and nothing! Just wanted to know if anyone else has expierenced anything like this before? Thanks.
  • burdawgburdawg Member Posts: 1,524
    Yes, I have. Not in my TB but it has happened to me before. This is where you need a good electrical schematic to find out what if anything has inline fuses that may be hidden or out of the way. Add to that once you find the spot in the circuit where the load disappears when it's disconnected it helps to find any branch circuits from that point on.
  • bigmarvbigmarv Member Posts: 1
    I am having the same problem...Looking for a answer before i go spend $$$$$ at the dealership
  • mikelolivermikeloliver Member Posts: 1
    I also have a 2003 Trailblazer that the speedometer is malfunctioning at random times. The needle will reed incorect speeds on some trips and work fine on the next. A dealer quoted us $400 - $600 to replace the speedometer to see if that would fix the problem. This is rediculious that they have recalled the speedometers on the sister vehicles with the same issue but refuse to take care of this issue.

    I have been a long time GM customer but I am now considering replacing my Chevy with a foreign fullsize (they seem to stand behind their product better).

  • manstettmanstett Member Posts: 1
    I put the 4wheel drive to the AWD position,it switched over to AWD but then the lights started flickering on the dash and the 4wheel drive kept engaging and disengaging even though the tires were not spinning. I put the truck in 4Hi and all trouble went away. The next day my wife put the truck in AWD and the service 4wheel drive light came on, she parked the car at a store and when she went to leave she started the truck and it would not come out park,the dash lights wouldn't work, the blower didn't work,only the radio and headlights would come on(and we had troulbe getting the key to turn off). I put the 4wheel drive switch back into 2Hi and it would not switch over, I tried the same with 4Hi with no luck. After about 1hr of starting the truck and turning it off, diconnecting the battery and pulling many fuses the truck finally went back to 2Hi and all the trouble went away. I've been experimenting putting the truck through all the 4wheel drive modes and everything thing seem to be alright, then yesterday when I put it in AWD the dash lights went out again and the AWD system was engaging and disengaging(pulsating)even though I was on dry pavement. I tried to put it back in 2Hi and it wouldn't switch over, then I put it in 4hi and it switched over and everthing worked fine again. When I switch from 2Hi to 4Hi I don't have any trouble it's only in the AWD mode. No codes are stored on the computer. Any help would be grateful.
  • blondiebaby23blondiebaby23 Member Posts: 2
    Hello, first of all anything would help. I purchased a 2005 Chevy Trailblazer from a "reputable" used vehicle dealership. It has been one problem after another in the 21 days that I've had this vehicle. Most recently was after I had the tranny flushed and the front and rear diff done. While driving home if I have my foot on the accelerator all is well, however if I take my foot off the gas pedal at a minimum of 30 miles an hour my headlights dim as well as my dash lights and almost completely go out. Dim (almost completely off) then come back on when I step on the gas pedal again. My battery registers that it's at 14 (right in the middle). What's the deal? Any help would be great since I've already put over $800 into this new "used" POS. :cry:
  • burdawgburdawg Member Posts: 1,524
    When you start it does it turn over slow? The problem you describe COULD be caused by a weak battery, but I would suspect starting problems if it was that weak.
  • blondiebaby23blondiebaby23 Member Posts: 2
    No, unfortunately it does not. It starts and "runs" fine....I think. I drove it all day today, to work, home, storage unit, and not once did the headlights or dash lights dim or go out. Wish I could say the same about the heat. It works great most of the time, but for some reason, the drivers side only will blow cold - I have to turn the gauges to cold then to hot to get heat again. Chevy dealership has looked at it and the sensors are not putting out any codes so they don't know what's wrong with it.
  • jessixamarie22jessixamarie22 Member Posts: 1
    hello. i am going through the same thing with my trailblazer right now. i need help figuring it out and was wanting to know if you ever figured it out?> please respond back
  • seneciosenecio Member Posts: 3
    I bought an 06 Trailblazer and had my one year anniversary Dec 6th of 2008. It has been a NIGHTMARE since I bought it and the dealership won't buy it back. I was hoping there were similar issues that someone could suggest that I have them look at at the dealership, they are ready to total it so they don't have to look at it anymore, I didn't think that was a good solution. Here are a few of the issues:
    -Sounds and feels like driving on rumble strips at 45-70mph LOUDLY.
    -Tranny intermitant shifting problems
    -Mild intermitant vibration at 35-70 mph in gas pedal
    -Diminished Eng Capacity Light comes on and off
    - Intermitant 12mph max speed
    -Speed/Power cuts out randomly (no more acceleration regardless of gas pedal pressure)
    -Trac light intermitantly on
    -Check engine light intermitatly on
    -Clock auto resets itself occasionally
    -CD randomly pops out on startup or shut down or while driving
    -Vehicle shakes and chugs worse than a disel pickup on start up occasionally
    -Cruise control sometimes quits on its own
    -Replaced transmission pump/ignition switch
    -Torque converter locking up (tech told me potential problem)
    -Starter sometimes has issues, turn key and nothing...no click, hard turnover, nothing then wait 10-15 seconds and without touching the ignition switch the truck starts.
    -Continually warping rotors
    -Clunk on occasion when shifting from "P" to "R" or "R" to "D"
    -After startup while idling sometimes there is a loud clunk from the passenger side sounds like someone is kicking the side of the truck
    -Windows intermitantly work powering up
    -Transmission "whistles" when rpm's going up to shift occasionally
    -Radio/CD sometimes just shuts off
    That's about all I can think of off the top of my head I have had it in the shop at least 50 times in the past year and they keep telling me their computer doesn't say anything.....last week it lit up like the 4th of July but they still couldn't figure out why all the problems. If anyone can help with ideas that would be great, I don't know what else to do. It is all still under warrenty thank goodness!!!
    They now found coroded wires, replaced the starter, replaced throttle body, new stereo is on order, replaced the weather stripping, two speakers, and the vibrations, whistling, revving and other shimmying is still an issue. I did some digging and found out that my vehicle HAD been in an accident (the dealership told me it had never been) only 27 days before I bought it in 06! It hit a deer at 60mph, could this be part of the problems with it????
    Does anyone know if I can pull up all the parts ordered for my vehicle by the vin?
  • malibukpmalibukp Member Posts: 7
    I am having a similar problem right now.I have a 2003 TB ext. Battery died several times , so I took it to Goodyear where I purchased the battery. It was only 1 1/2 years old, and has a warranty for 7 years. They replaced it. A day later the new battery was dead, had to be jump started. Went through this back and forth for a week or 2, took it back. They found a "bulletin" by GMC stating over 17 models of their cars needed new ignition switches. Got that replaced, my keychains immediately didn't work. They worked the next day, then off and on. Got those reprogrammed, but battery keeps dying. Car is now at a dealership where they have had it for 4 days. They ran complete electrical diagnosis, found nothing. Kept it overnight, hooked up to a machine for a reading, and the next day it didn't work. Jumped it, works okay again. Tonight they are going to have it hooked up to a machine that will take a "snapshot" in case it doesn't work in the am, then will hopefully be able to see what is wrong.
  • malibukpmalibukp Member Posts: 7
    Have you found out anything? Is your car in the shop? Please keep me posted.
  • malibukpmalibukp Member Posts: 7
    My car ended up being in the shop for 5 days but did not have the problem of starting in the morning again, so they couldn't do that "snapshot" we were hoping for. Brought it home and it worked well for about 5 days, then started having problems turning on again. Last night my computer monitor said "RFA 8 battery low, RFA 6 battery low, RFA 5 battery low, RFA 1 battery low." This is the 2nd time this has happened. I mentioned it to the dealership when I brought it in last but they didn't know what it meant or make anything of it. I think my car is obviously trying to tell me something here and don't understand why the mechanics or makers of the car don't know what that means on the computerized strip. Can't they call Chevrolet to see what it means??
  • robbyrrobbyr Member Posts: 3
    :mad: OK well I started to join this thread in Nov. of 07...it has taken me this long to find out what it was. All the symptoms of my problems have now been fixed and my truck is running like new again. I am going to tell you what the fix was but I can't guarentee this will be the answer to everyone electrical problem. OK....Here we go !!
    After I had a GM Mechanic look at the truck. They put it on the Tech 2 ( GM Computer Tool)he found out that the trucks back computer the BCM was communication with the other computers in the car so they could not get any error codes from the memory so that they could properily diagnosis the problems. His suggestion...change the ignition switch. Why I asked? Because all the electrical problmes coming were fixed once that was changed. OK so I did that. Nothing fixed. Changed the BCM ( back computer...still not communicating with the other computers in the car nor is letting us getting the error codes from the computer.Changed the leadlight switch,..changed the windshield, pulled all the seats out of the trcuk ripped the carpet out and followed every wire in the whole truck to look for breaks or splits in the wiring. Checked the harness behind the firewall....still nothing.
    Getting ready to sell the truck...I opened the hatch..looked into the truck and said let me get a screw driver and popped down the headliner.Looked in with a flashlight,saw a bunch of wires that I guess had something to do with my moonroof.put my hand in and then all of sudden " Booom"...I heard my power door locks go up & down. Which was one of my big problems. I pulled the wires out found the wire that was connected to the door locks...shortened the wire and reconnected it and then ...all my problems were gone. Another reason why I am so unhappy with my Truck this will most likely be the lastGM product I ever buy, becaus eof the lack of knowledge of the GM mechanics,..the GM Schmatics...and just the attitude of the mechanics. I was told by the mechnic that if I left it in the dealer shop...that I better have more money then time to get it fixed. Not what I wanted to hear.
    I hope this helps anyone else.
    All the Best

    Sorry to see what the problems were,.. I am the first post on Page 1 of this thread.
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Thanks for that report, Robby! Some problems are just plain exasperating!

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • wocwoc Member Posts: 3
    I also had electrical problems with my 03 EXT. I had the dash lights flicker, gage cluster package go on and off, all lights and indicators.
    My delaership replaced the ignition switch for $550. On the final test drive the issues appeared again, however the tech had my back seat folded up for access to the rear floor panel. He noticed that when he hit bumps the electrical issues started again. The seat was bouncing on the wire harness under the rear mat. This caused lose connections and intermittent issues. They rewired the harness on the rear floor, moved it to the side and put some extra padding on the floor to cover the worn harness. Repaid me on the labor part of the ignition switch. This was 6 months ago and everything seems OK.
    However my speed o meter motor just went out, not related, and I had to replace my cluster....this is a fault of the poor quality servo motors.

    Now only issue is my driver seat is not working on the forward and reverse mode, making it tough for my wifr to drive. Any ideas on seat issue?
  • malibukpmalibukp Member Posts: 7
    Wow, you got reamed by the dealership!! I had my ignition switch replaced by Goodyear for 80.00, including parts and labor! AND, I found a bulletin from GM stating that they were having problems with ignition switches in 17 different models of their cars, so I called GM headquarters to complain that there was not a recall. They repaid me for the part, 43.00, so I just had to pay 50 for labor. They stated that had I taken it to a dealership they would have repaid me for the labor as well.
  • jeffhasjeffhas Member Posts: 1
    Thanks Robby! I had a crazy issue happen yesterday. I was sitting in my car using the cigarette lighter for power for my computer. Didn't have the car running and when I went to start up heard nothing but a clicking noise. I thought that maybe I had drained the battery. Attemted to get a jump and nothing happened. However, now the battery went totally dead. The key became stuck in the ignition (still in there) and power locks and remotes wouldn't work. So I thought the battery is totally dead now. Car was making funny noises and it would slightly power up(electrical system driver memory dash lights etc). But now nothing works.

    However, the one thing that I didn't notice is that I opened my hatch yesterday to get something out of it. Interestingly enough this could be the cause. Because the second time I opened the hatch to get the jumper cables out (problems got worse). I didn't make the connection. I am going to have the car towed to the dealer(provided no one has stolen it since I had to leave the key in the freaking ignition overnight at my office) and I will have them start with this problem first. Will post again if this in fact was the problem. Thanks again as I was totally confused as to where to start. Battery, ignition, starter(had that replaced last year) etc...
  • gabby1729gabby1729 Member Posts: 1
    :sick: Hello everyone. I am having similar yet different problems with my '06 Trailblazer and I'm curious if anyone else has had them too? My truck is currently in the shop for 4th time in 6months for problems. This is the 3rd time the ignition switch has gone out. So the truck has power but wont start. It has been in the shop for a short in the gas gauge, so the analog gauge would not register and the digital gauge was not accurate. That problem caused me to run out of gas, luckily I was close to the gas station! Yesterday the "service stabilitrak" light came on, then it went off. One hour later the truck died and would not start, it had power but would not start. It definately has electric gremlins. The dealership does not think these 2 problems are interlinked, I disagree but the are the "experts". My back hatch latch (say that 3 times fast) is malfunctioning too. When I open the hatch it stays locked, so when I go to close the hatch it hits the locking bar. I have to hold up the handle and manually push the locking bar open so it can then latch around the T-bar at closure. I think it is a BIG lemon!!?? I am just waiting for it to blow up in my garage.
    Help! It is scary that these problems keep happening. We travel a lot and I am the mom of the family, so I always have kids...it is getting really inconvenient to have this thing towed to the shop every 2 months! Thanks for your time! :lemon:
  • postrailblazerpostrailblazer Member Posts: 2
    OK I have a 06 trailblazer I have had it over a year bought it with 19,000 miles I am fed up with it i have had tranny sensor problems where it would not change gears right it has had ac problems it has had fuel pump prob's and most of all ELECTRICAL problems I am on my 3rd altenator and its going out its making a wining noise the lights dim and the volt's drop every time you slow down and the lights even pulse sometime!!! It has always done this and they said its suppose to! Im tired of it im tradding it off as soon as I fix it AGAIN!!! :lemon:
  • postrailblazerpostrailblazer Member Posts: 2
    I have counted all the times my truck has been in the shop ::not including oil changes:: It has been in the shop 14 times within a year! :lemon: :lemon: :lemon: :lemon:
  • baddbonebaddbone Member Posts: 1
    Your problem is the battery in your remote on the key. It happened on my wife's Envoy. No one at GM knew what it meant. My brother in law, a former GM mechanic mentioned the possinbility of being the bettery in the key's remote. That's the battery they are talking about. It worked after she changed the battery. Message cleared up.
  • ticadooticadoo Member Posts: 40
    My trailblazer only has 63,000 miles on it, but I've had tons of problems! The latest problem is that all of a sudden my left turn signal started "clicking/flashing" really fast. Now, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Also, when I put truck into park, all doors unlock except driver's door. It sounds like some type of electrical problem???? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  • graymc21graymc21 Member Posts: 2
    My 2005 Trailblazer head lights flicker at night for some odd reason, I have no clue why and the dealership can not seem to reenact it. I have complained to Chevy and it is currently in the shop for a "certified" report to give to GM. The battery dial also moves when the lights flicker. An suggestion on where to go from here?
  • graymc21graymc21 Member Posts: 2
    My head lights have been flickering at night along with the battery dial in the dash board. I took it under warranty to have it looked at and they could not repeat it. I currently have a complaint into GM and I am taking it back in for them to do a "certified" test. I am not to sure where to go from here. Any suggestions/thoughts?
  • tamesatamesa Member Posts: 5
    My Christine has 91k for mileage and other than a few small issues, no complaints until last Friday after an oil change. The service engine light was on but I thought it was because I did not tighten the gas cap enough.

    Then I had to get gas, that is when all the fun started. All the dash lights came on, the only gauges that were working is the speedometer and the tachometer. The gas, oil, temp and battery gauges are dead, the blower works, the a/c doesn't, the locks do not work, the cigarrette lighter does work, the front windows do not work, the power seat does work. The radio does not work.

    I read that it could be a relay and i changed several of them and that is not the issue..I am guessing ignition switch again? :mad:
  • amywilsonamywilson Member Posts: 1
    This is the same thing happening to my 04 right now. I've only had it for a few months and about a month back I went out to start it up and it was dead. It was fairly new so I figured the kids had been playing in it and just left some lights on or something. Got it jumped and had the battery tested at AutoZone and it was all good. Haven't had any problems until just today. The car hasn't moved since Friday afternoon and my son was just in it one time and I doublechecked to make sure all the lights were off..etc. I try and go to the store and the battery is dead and now my key is stuck in the ignition. Once again, nothing was left on and the doors were all shut. I also have some lights come on like the service 4WD and service engine. I go to have them checked out and they go off. What is going on with this car?
  • ticadooticadoo Member Posts: 40
    OK. I need some advice. I was waiting in a turning lane...my 03 Chevrolet Trailblazer running...went to take off and the engine had cut off on me. Could this be electrical problems? It has done it once before...a couple of months ago and mechanic could not find a problem....it just turned 67,000 miles!!!
  • tamesatamesa Member Posts: 5
    The mechanic bless his heart, had a late night at the shop last night just to diagnose what I thought was either an ignition switch or alternator. As it turns out it was a Power Train Control Module that was not allowing the computers to communicate with each other.

    So he was able to find a used one and will install it, but it needs to go to a dealer and have it programmed.
  • cliff15cliff15 Member Posts: 1
    Changed the battery today in my 2004 Trailblazer and now the front seat is all the way forward and does not work. Move any lever on side of seat and hear clicking noise from dash. Any suggestions?
  • jerry94jerry94 Member Posts: 3
    Bought a 2002 trailblazer in Feb of this year.High freeway miles but ran fine.Wife called me about a month ago from our bank saying the battery was dead. I went a jumped the battery,but start up was a little hard for the next few days. I figured the battery was about gone, so I bought a new one and installed it.Started fine for the next couple of days. Was going out of town on a business trip,and when I was checking out fluids ,tires ,etc, noticed a nail in one tire.Took it down to the tire shop, and when the kid got in to take it in the bay,it wouldnt start,no clicking,no nothing.He jumped it and it started. After the tire was fixed,the same thing,and a jump again. Got it home turned it off and nothing again.I took our other vechile on my trip. When I got back I tried to jump it again,and the key jamed in the ignition. We had it towed to a shop of one of my employees husbands place and he replaced the lock,started it and stoped it for a few days,and only found a battery cable under the motor a little loose. We took it on a trip to Ca. {we live in Utah} to visit a friend. Th 2nd day there, I went to start it and dead again. My friend jumped it and we had no trouble for the next few days,and on our trip back no problems. Got back to Utah, drove around a couple of days. Went to get in to go to work after our little vacation, and dead again. It wont even jump now. Battery shows a charge,.I thinking a loose cable again as I cant even get any noise when I try to start it. The fellow that replaced the switch said the alternator/starter checked good, but he has limited testing equiptment.I have limited funds for repair, so the blazer has sit in the driveway for 2 weeks. HELP
  • mark1974mark1974 Member Posts: 1
    I have an 03 Trailblazer Ext that decided to die. As we were driving the vehicle just quit running. Battery voltage is good, clean connections, no blown fuses, nothing odd looking. Now when I try to start it the dash cluster goes haywire the gauges jump up and down the idiot lights go on and off and occasionally the vehicle will not even try to crank. Of course to make things worse sometimes it wont shift out of park (not really easy to move it out from the middle of an intersection) and of course the key wont shut off or come out. Did anybody ever have this type of problem and what is the fix other than trading it in on another piece of Detroit trash.
  • tamesatamesa Member Posts: 5
    After changing the alternator, computer, changing several modules and doing some wiring repair, my beloved Trailblazer continued to have it's "OH MY GAWD I AM A FREAK OF NATURE" fits in which the dash went haywire...lights on, gauges possessed, no ac, windows in front not working, passenger seat not working, no power locks working..I brought it back to the shop for the 6th time. That was the day that the mechanic found the issue. It was the connections to the computer being corroded. The top connection was fine, but the connection of the bottom of the computer had corroded and melted wires. In addition, the "o" ring around the bottom connection of the computer was starting to corrode leaving a gaping hole for water to get in and short everything.

    There is light at the end of the tunnel. ;)
  • gonzofuldagonzofulda Member Posts: 2
    im having the same problem.should i call GM head quarters first? be 4 i take the car in. i hope to here from u soom.
  • tamesatamesa Member Posts: 5

    For me it turned out to be a corrosion issue with the connection from the wiring harness to the computer. The connector to the computer was not only corroded but melted as well. my mechanic says that it is poor design with having the computer so low to the ground and so close to the engine. Good luck.
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