Lexus RX Tires and Wheels

shooter4shooter4 Member Posts: 4
We recently bought a used RX350 from the dealer sold with a brand new set of Goodyear 18" Eagles. The car has been aligned and the alignment has been re-checked. The car does not track particularly well...mostly to the right but sometimes to the left on grooved pavement. Any body know how to determine if a tire has a bad belt? Any body have opinions on this tire? What is expected tire mileage (life) for this RX350? Anybody have experience with the 18" Yokohamas?


  • desertrat5desertrat5 Member Posts: 85
    I just replaced the Michelins on my 350 at about 38,500 miles with 18" Toyo Cross Country HTs. The Toyos are quieter and offer improved steering precision. They also seem much less prone to following ruts, grooves, etc. Can't comment on the Eagles and the 350 but my experience with Goodyears on other vehicles hasn't been stellar except for the Triple Tread Assurances. They were awsome on my wife's former vehicle and I would have considered them for the Lexus but they are not available in 18"
  • jpsherfyjpsherfy Member Posts: 2
    It looks like my 330 needs new tires. It has michelins and they seem to give a decent ride, but when I review their offerings the tires I have range in price from $150 to $250. All of these are Michelins and have the same kind of numbering MXM4. Does anyone really understand what the key difference might be? I mean why would I want the $250 one instead of the $150 ones?
  • desertrat5desertrat5 Member Posts: 85
    Have you checked out the Tire Rack on-line store? Lots of good information about lots of different tires. You can enter your vehicle type, year, and wheel size and it will give you a large selection to chose from as well as test data and user reviews of each. You will see several Michelins offered. After doing all the research I could I was ready to buy Bridgestone Alenzas as they seem to be well liked by the using community. Then I went to a highly recommended local tire dealer and he recommended either the Alenza or the Toyo HT that I ultimately purchased for about $180 a pop.
    If your RX has 17 inch wheels your selection will be even greater. 18 inchers reduce the selection and seem to increase the price too.
  • traylortraylor Member Posts: 8
    I own a 2000 RX 4wd. Currently have 115k on the car. Replaced the factory Goodyear's with Michelin Cross Terrains about four years ago. After a completely satisfactory run of 68,000 trouble free miles, I had another set installed last year.

    Unless you do a lot of off-road work, these babies are hard to beat.
  • blackberry1blackberry1 Member Posts: 1
    will they fit on my 2001 Rx 300
  • carlovernjcarlovernj Member Posts: 77
    I am buying an RX 350 and have a question regarding Lexus Tire and Wheel protection. The dealer said the list price for this coverage is $795, but will sell to me for $599. It covers the wheels and rims for 5 years, no deductible. I called another Lexus dealer, and this protection was roughly the same amount. I have read on the forums about people paying $29 / tire for road hazard protection. Can that just cover the tires and not the rims? I can't imagine it would be the same coverage offered for $599. I am not inclined to take this coverage at that price.
    For $29 / tire, I would definitely take it.

    Any advice, on the pricing would be greatly appreciated.
  • ortmann1ortmann1 Member Posts: 2
    I have a Lexus RX300 and the tracking is horriable to the right. 100,000 miles and 2 sets of tires but 4 extra on passenger side front?? with my experience it's the auto. The best way to fing out is to buy a pair of Michelin's..... Buyer BEWARE I found out my recent set of Michelin's were not Michelin's at all, rather genrics built by Brigstone I believe? best of luck

    Dan Ortmann
    :sick: :)
  • mephrossmephross Member Posts: 1
    I just paid $450 for the road Hazard insurance at Sterling Mcall Lexus in Houston this past weekend. The 5 year negotiation on the price...yes wheels are covered.
  • catdaddylongcatdaddylong Member Posts: 53
    Just curious but how many wheels and tires have you had to replace due to running into something since you have been driving? I have been driving for 45 years and can only recall two incidents where I had to replace the tire and never have had damage to the wheels. Not saying that taking out road side wheel/tire hazard insurance is not worth it ...............yea, I guess I am. Also I took out the road side hazard warranty on my new RX 350 in February against my better judgment at $29 a tire x 5 = $145 but my guardian angel must have been looking out for me. The finance guy screwed up his math so I ended up getting the warranty at no cost but I look at it this way. They made plenty off of me so I came out a little bit better. I found out when I got home and did some calling around and did some internet surfing I could have got the same tire warranty at $19 a tire. You can take out the warranty at other tire stores that carry your brand so you don't have to take it from Lexus. The way I look at it I can replace a tire for the cost of the roadside hazard insurance. The chances of having to replace two or more tires or slim and none from my driving experience. The chances of damaging a wheel is remote to put it mildly. Just my $0.02.
  • carlovernjcarlovernj Member Posts: 77
    I recently purchased the RX 350 and I ended up turning down the road hazard warranty from the dealer. They wanted $599, sounds like you got a better deal. I ended up buying a tire road hazard warranty from a local tire shop. I paid $19/ tire which covers the tires only. Best of luck on your new wheels.
  • ceeceeredceeceered Member Posts: 1
    I have priced replacement tires at two local tire dealers. One recommends a Bridgestone Alenza tire over the Michelin replacement for this model, the other a Sumitomo touring LSU tire. I cannot find any reviews for the Sumitomo tire. I would like something to ride quieter than the Goodyear Eagles I currently have that are worn out at 25,000 miles. It would be nice if they lasted longer as well. The Sumitoma has a 70,000 mile tread wear warranty. I have read that others like both the Bridgestone and the Michelin, but no one mentions the Sumitomo. Any suggestions?
  • lisapizzalisapizza Member Posts: 1
    Is it really important to service my RX350 at the dealer for regularly scheduled maintenance, like oil changes and tire rotations? They are very costly at the dealer and I'd like to save $$. Should I go to a Toyota dealer instead or a reputable local independent, or a chain?
  • jebelljebell Member Posts: 54
    If you really like to spend lots of money for unnecessary work, want to pay for the nice ambiance, and be hounded afterward with follow up calls asking you to rate the service, go ahead.
    To answer your question, no. Go anywhere you want.
  • dandgdandg Member Posts: 91
    we are just about to replace our third set of tires on our RX330 (70k),no more Michleins for us this set got a bit over 26k.We have been buying tires at Sams for our cars as its convenient for rotation but they don't have mnay choices.
    Any thought on another brand for the RX330 that rides as quiet and has more wear then 30k miles?
  • dandgdandg Member Posts: 91
    well I can see this forum is not very lively.We ended up going with the Bridgestones the 235/55R19 ALEN Dueler HL Alenza .Will let you know how they ride if anyone is interested.
  • wwestwwest Member Posts: 10,706
    For quietness and comfortable riding I run on summer only Bridgestone Turanzas all year around and rely on tire chains, REAR tire chains FIRST, if the "going" requires additional traction.
  • dandgdandg Member Posts: 91
    We have them on,nice and smooth no extra road noise that we can notice.Much better,deeper tread (13/32 vs 9/32) then the Michelins.
    Not sure I would chance chains on it thou.Its AWD and the transfer unit would not apprecaite it but this RX does not deal with heavy snow,wife takes a jeep when we get snow and she has to go out.
  • dandamandandaman Member Posts: 1
    hi, everyone can you guys help me find a set of tire where can i find best deal here?
  • cbjorncbjorn Member Posts: 1
    Hello, I am new to this site and am looking for new tires for my RX330....I read in Consumer Guide that General Grabber HTS was an excellent tire~but it is not made (yet) for this car. Do you like the Bridgestone Dueler? Please let me know.....Thanks for you help.
  • cwaynecwayne Member Posts: 81
    I replaced the goodyear tires on my 2006 rx after 18000 mi. with bridgestone
    alenza's. much better tire, less noise, better cornering, 65000 tire.
    Tire rack on the internet rates all tires and the bridgestones are rated highest.
  • shooter4shooter4 Member Posts: 4
    Funny you bring this up....I am probably 10-15K miles from needing new but these Goodyears are pulls hard when on the front. What size Alenzas did you get...I am thinking one wider and taller...did you talk to the dealer about over-sizing? Would like to improve cornering and stability on this car....Thx for the tip! B
  • cwaynecwayne Member Posts: 81
    I purchased tires from bridgestone/firestone dealer. 235/18/55, the same as
    tire that came on new RX. I mayby could have had another 2-3 thousand miles on
    goodyear but new bridgestone are 65M tires and I do not plan on keeping RX that long. I payed $825.00 out the door and could have saved a few $ if I had purchased
    from tirerack and had local installer. The tire is quieter and corners much better.
  • maximafanmaximafan Member Posts: 592
    Shooter, just wanted to let you know that I saw an RX330 a few years ago that had 255/55/18 tires on it and I thought it looked pretty good. Not too drastic, but definitely better looking than the 235/55's. I may check out this size tire soon as I have almost 35,000 miles on my '07 RX350 and probably will need to change them out in another 3,000 to 5,000 miles. Good Luck!
  • hawk314ahawk314a Member Posts: 6
    I have a 2001 RX300 with over 100k miles and just bought 4 new Yokohamas. I had I think the original Bridgestones (30k) on there and well over the useful life. I read on a different forum that people were recommending the Yokohamas, Bridgestones and Michelins. When I went to NTB they recommended the Yokohamas...supposedly softer tire, well I don't like them, they are noisy and not as soft and about to return them. My car also feels like it has a drag to it and no get up and go like the Bridgestones. I'm taking the Yokos back and going with new Bridgestones, the ride is smoother and quieter.
  • joewvujoewvu Member Posts: 2
    hi all, I'm getting ready to replace my p235/55r18 'v' rated tires on my rx350 and saw these tires as a viable replacement to the original michelins that got me 38,000 miles. Has anybody tried the toyo's (versado)? They seem to be after the lexus,bmw,etc market and on paper they look pretty good. Any insight greatly appreciated as I'm getting ready to buy very soon. thx
  • jsomeillanjsomeillan Member Posts: 9
    JUst got some Bridgestone Alenza tires with 65k mile warranty and road side for $700+ in CA. It inc. rotation and flat repairs.
    at a Firestone/bridgestone tire dealer.
    would not buy Michelins again, they do not give any mile warranty and only lasted 27k on the '07 RX.
  • hsrxhsrx Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2010
    I have Yoko's on my 06 RX330. I am about 7,000 miles short of 50K on them and they are like slicks (remind me of the M50's we had the on drag car). I was wondering if anyone know what the yokos are rated for? 50K, 35K, ?? I'd like to get pirelli's next, but I'm reading somegood stuff about the Bridgestones. I do more off road driving than most, definitely not all paved city roads. Definitely some pastures and many many dirt roads. I liked the agressive treads (in the beginning) on the yoko's but now theres nothing left.
  • manmanmanman Member Posts: 3
    I need some advice. I am in the market to buy new set of tires for my 2006 RX330. It has a full spare with matching rim and has never been used. Should I put that into service when I buy new tires? I was thinking of installing the spare as one of the 4 wheels and keep one of the worn tires with most tread as spare. That saves about $300 and gets use out of a perfectly good tire.
    Is this a good idea?
  • jsomeillanjsomeillan Member Posts: 9
    reply to man man:

    You may find it difficult to match the spare tire in the RX. I would get 4 new tires that match and are the same age and keep the spare as a spare for emergency type usage. Tires over 6 years old are a risk according to the latest tire safety messages.
    I got Bridgestones with a 60K mile warranty and am really happy with them. Check your local Costco and Firestone dealers for pricing levels.
  • wwestwwest Member Posts: 10,706
    " road driving...agressive treads....43K miles...."

    What's to complain about...??

    Unless those are often slick/wet sometimes inclined dirt roads I would go with a nice and quiet and comfortably riding SUMMER ONLY tire.
  • wwestwwest Member Posts: 10,706
    "...6 years old are a risk..."

    Not if shielded from sunlight UV rays for all of that 6 years.

    I ALWAYS rotate the spare into use at the first tire purchase.
  • fawltytowers44fawltytowers44 Member Posts: 58
    Don't use the spare as an everyday tire - for a spare if you must, but only for a very limited time. At six years old it is a real danger and risking your safety is not worth the savings. The tire is a risk for the same reason that no one should buy new tires that have been on the rack for a couple of years - they have deteriorated internally. There is a great deal of information out there on the risks of buying "old" tires sold as new that have a high failure rate. The tires have a date code so you can check their age. Disregard the poster who says your spare tire is safe because it was shielded from UV rays - most of his postings are erroneous or outright dangerous.
  • mhickeymhickey Member Posts: 3
    I'm ready to replace my original Michelin ( 18" MX4 with 49k miles), and my tire shop is suggesting Toyo Versato at $179 ( vs $225 for the OE Michelins).
    Any thoughts ???
  • jsomeillanjsomeillan Member Posts: 9
    Hi, I replaced our Michelins with Bridgestone "Duelers". Michelin does not offer a road hazard feature at all - Bridgestone also warranties the tires for 65K miles, unlike Michelins.
    They are worth taking a look at their tires. I am very satisfied with them- had them for 1 year- maybe 10K miles.
    Costco also has some great deals on tires for the Lexus RX-350

    cheers, Joe
  • davismtdavismt Member Posts: 1
    Joe - I am leaning towards the Bridgestones after getting only 25K from the MIchelin S8 (OEM and then I bought a 2nd set). Can you tell me if the ride is as good and did you get the V rated version?
  • shooter4shooter4 Member Posts: 4
    Hi, Got the Dueler Alenza HL (Low rolling resistance). 5 yr/65,000 mi. About 1050 with alignment here. Quiet, handles well. Got 23.5 mpg doing 80-83 to LA,,,sure I would do better if Route 5 were not so boring....
  • jsomeillanjsomeillan Member Posts: 9
    I also got the Bridgestone Alenzas and the ride is as good as the Michelins with a 65k mile warranty...I found out that the mileage warranty is given by the dealers and not the manufacturers. Michelin does not have factory tire dealers just authorized sellers, therefore no warranty is given by the mfr.
    I also got the road hazard package, and I just used when a tire was punctured on the side wall. It was replaced for only $29. with 5k miles on it.

  • capriracercapriracer Member Posts: 907
    ".....I found out that the mileage warranty is given by the dealers and not the manufacturers. ......... therefore no warranty is given by the mfr....... Joe"


    I don't think that is right. Michelin lists mileage warranties on their web site!
  • tx97tx97 Member Posts: 2
    We are looking at a 2011 RX 350 FWD. It comes with 19" Aluminum Alloy Wheels with All-Season Tires - for addititonal cost of 660$.
    To lower cost, I am thinking about removing this option and get the standard 18" Aluminum Alloy Wheels.

    Is this a good idea?
    Are the 19" wheels worth the money?
    Do they make the ride significantly better?

  • jsomeillanjsomeillan Member Posts: 9
    I would suggest looking at the replacement cost for the 19" tires b4 getting them. I recently rented a Ford Flex w/19" tires on a long term rental and one tire needed replacement...It was difficult and expensive to replace the tire. Is not a size that is commonly used and not readily available.
    I don't think the 1" tire difference would be noticeable in the over all ride, they may look bigger and better on the RX but not a significant improvement on the ride, specially if the replacement cost is prohibitive.
    Hope this helps,
  • tx97tx97 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks Isomeillan.

    The salesman said in the Dallas area all RX 350 (without NAV) come with 19" tires and changing that is not optional.
  • gladiator99gladiator99 Member Posts: 104
    Tire Rack lists 10 different 19" tires for the 2010 RX. The Yokahama Parada lists for $165.00 each and is rated as a good buy. I have the 19" tires and the ride is very aceptable. The look is great. The stock tires are Michelin latitude which are ok but I have not had good results with Michelins as far as mileage wear. The last 2 vehicles with Michelins had to have tires replaced at 30k miles. As more vehicles offer 19" wheels, more tire choices will be available.
  • maximafanmaximafan Member Posts: 592
    I had visited the Tire Rack website on February 18 to help my sister-in-law look for new tires for her 2007 RX. I also looked up the 19 inch tires for my 2010 RX and they had the Dunlops on sale for $155 per tire and the 19 inch
    Michelins were on sale too. I was surprised that the 19 inch tires were so reasonably priced. I know when I was driving the '07 RX and had to replace the 18 inch Goodyear Eagles on it, I replaced them with the Michelin MX4's, and I believe I paid like $188 per tire through Tire Rack.
  • wme2wme2 Member Posts: 5
    I replaced my Allenza Duellers HL which had 55K on them, with the Cooper CS4 Touring tires which
    my shop recommended. I read reviews on the net about the Coopers and they're rated 80K mi.
    and people seemed please with the performance. Paid $ 600. installed. I never buy ins. on tires,
    doesn't make sense. My car is a 2001 Rx300
  • kwbuggykwbuggy Member Posts: 11
    Has anyone out there been able to find an 18" steel wheel to fit the '10/'11 RX350? I just got a new '11 and always buy four extra wheels and snow tires. Tire Rack does not sell an 18" steel wheel and my dealer suggests a 17" steel wheel from some Toyota model will work. I won't waste the money to buy an alloy wheel for winter use in Ontario, it would be a corroded mess after one winter. :)
  • rahivrahiv Member Posts: 1
    I need to replace the tires on my RX 330 (235/55/18) and have found some great priced Kumo and Toyo tires. Of course, the Lexus dealer is advising against them. Has anyone bought Kumo or Toyo tires and what has been your experience with them?

    The prices I'm finding for this size of tire range from $146/tire all the way to $255/tire. Is there really that much difference in them?

  • jsomeillanjsomeillan Member Posts: 9
    Hello rahiv,

    I got Bridgestone tires about a year ago with excellent results so far. They have a 60k mile warranty and I took the road hazard package as well.
    Take a look at them b4 you get the other [non-permissible content removed] tires, you'll be glad you did!!

  • dakota33dakota33 Member Posts: 1
    What is the oem 19" tire brand on a new (2011) RX350? I have a 2010 and the Goodyear Tires wore out at 35,000 miles.

  • gladiator99gladiator99 Member Posts: 104
    I know our 2010 RX came with Michelin tires.....19 ". I am not a big fan of Michelin as my last 2 vehicles that came with the Michelins needed replacement berore 30 k miles. I think I would go with the Yokahama Parada spec x. The reviews have been good and the price is not too bad.
    JIm :)
  • fjdtechfjdtech Member Posts: 1
    I have Toyo tires on my '07 RX400h and the dealer just informed me that they were in need of replacement within the next 5,000 miles. That would be after only 35,000 miles. I won't replace them with Toyo's after such short mileage.
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