Chevrolet Cobalt - Door Issues



  • slims_85slims_85 Member Posts: 1
    I have an 05 cobalt and worse gm car I have ever had, and my family bleeds gm blood, they have been working there since the 40's. This car has had problems after problems. Most recent is the rear drivers door won't shut or stay closed. This is a major safety issue and on a 7 year old car should not have it. Any ideas on what it could be or am I S.O.L. , I think it is the hole locking mechanism . Any info on this would be amazing, or if you have the.same problem let me know how you fixed it.

    I will tell you, it makes me cry but I will never buy gm again, if competitors will match the gm pricing
  • jan11pajan11pa Member Posts: 1
    my Cobalt drivers door is stuck closed. the power locks go up and down but the door latch does not feel like its releasing the door. you try the handle and it does nothing. what a hassle! I never had a door issue like this with any car...they can't make the door latch so it works for the life of the car?
    any suggestions on how to get the door opened so I can look at the latch would help.
    so disappointed in Chevy engineering and manufacturing.
    Looks like they want about $500 or more to fix this that right?
  • rosa11rosa11 Member Posts: 3
  • tere_stere_s Member Posts: 2
    I bought a 2006 chevy cobalt in November from a local dealership and they said everything was fine with the car but that the drivers side panel wouldn't lock the doors, but the passenger side did. I was fine with that. A little over a month after i bought it i noticed that my car doors were always unlocked, even though i know i locked them. Now about 2 months ago, my car doors unlock as i am driving!! I'm terrified that some one is going to break into my car. Suggestions???? :cry:
  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,500
    Sounds like a control module is telling the doors to unlock when it shouldn't.

    I would take out the fuse for the power doors locks if there is a separate one. It may be a shared circuit with something else, but that way you know your doors won't unlock in the middle of the night.

    And ask in the forums like this for help. Someone will know what to tell you.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • dosperrosdosperros Member Posts: 1
    I just purchased a 2006 Copbalt, and the passenger door can't be opened. I looked on the internet and found that NHTSA issued a bulletin #10038344. My car is going in tomorrow for a recall on the "power steering motor" so when I set up the appointment. I told him about the door. They have to "diagnose" it. I told him that it has manual locks and the lock is stuck in the locked position. wha la Diagnosis done!! I asked him how to fix it. I have to let them "take a look" From reading this thread on the forum, I think I'm in for a battle. At what point does an NHTSA bulletin prompt a recall?
  • snoy0502snoy0502 Member Posts: 2
    GM doesn't care about this issue. They would do some kind of temporary fix while i was still on warranty, and after they told me its 1500 to fix each door. My ac also leaks in the front under the passenger side floor, which they could never find out why (every cobalt owner I know it does it too so watch out for that problem it's crappy) as for the door problem, since GM and Chevy is refusing to recall or at least offer some kind of discount repair, I'll help u all out since I've had the issue since it started. Often when I try to open my door, the doors don't work. It feels like the handles aren't attached to anything. Keep something hard in the car at allll times (like a cup) otherwise if you get in an accident and can't get out ur screwed and Chevy doesn't care. Lock the doors, then unlock.DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING until you take the cup in your hand, and slam it on the lock stick thing near the window. Then unlock and Wah-lah! The people in your car will laugh, and you can get out. I have broken both tips off of my lock sticks, but it's the only way. I've reported it numerous times so as for the fact GM says no reports on it, they're full of [non-permissible content removed]. They just know its an expensive issue to fix all the doors in every cobalt. Apparently they realllllly don't care about our safety. My family too used to bleed GM and Chevy but not anymore. My dad went Nissan and my mom is about to. Grandparents are going Toyota. There's a reason people don't buy American anymore and it's because their vehicles are built solely to make the company money. Oh, and my door handle has fallen out on the outside because of this issue too (the door handles stick on the outside after this problem has been there a while) so I have a one door coupe I like to say. Gna fix it Chevy? Nope. Don't worry tho, like I told u people every time I've called, I will make sure myself and everyone I know will not ever buy a GM, and you doubted me? Well I did, and it's working.
  • cmm10cmm10 Member Posts: 2
    I'm having the EXACT same problem as is listed in this thread. Has anyone solved this issue? Did GM ever recall the model?

  • cmm10cmm10 Member Posts: 2
    Hi again,

    I was also wondering if anyone has tried to make this problem more public? Its obviously illegal for GM/ Chevy to neglect this issue with their car model, and its alarming that they will put the lives of their customers at risk before spending money on the issue. Has anyone thought of a lawsuit?...
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    edited December 2012

    If we can check into this further with you and your dealership, please contact us via email at (include your name and contact information, a brief summary of the situation, the last 8 of your VIN, and the name of your preferred dealership).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • superchargedsssuperchargedss Member Posts: 4
    My cobalt does the same thing,esspecialy when its raining or cold out side,i hate it and think it should be recalled,i only like chevrolet but this is not a good thing for them,it really doesent make chevy look very good,its a major saftey issue,when it does happen the only way i can get the doors open is by jerking the outside handle hard and fast but what if something happend and i couldnt get the windows down,and sometimes my doors wont shut,they just keep bouncing back open until i lock and unlock the doors,i hate it! Thanks,
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    I just sent an email to the address provided from - look forward to a response!

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • wings_ptwings_pt Member Posts: 1
    You should try buying lubricant spray, not WD-40 and spray it into the lock and door latch areas. This will make sure it doesn't freeze, unfreeze what is frozen, and help with locks and shutting the door.
  • baylee07baylee07 Member Posts: 1
    i have a 06 ss cobalt an ive been having this door problem for a couple mnths an then just last wk the inside handle quit working all togather an i dont understand why gm want put out a recall on this cause this is a major safty problem.also i been having a eletric shortage making the check engine an secruity light come on. an had checked out an there machine didnt show anything wrong with it.they told me that when it rained alot the cobalts had this problem
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    It looks like you visited a shop to get this checked out - was it one of our GM dealerships? If so, we're available to follow up on this with them! Let me know.

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • nelsen111809nelsen111809 Member Posts: 1
    I too am experiencing problems with the doors and locks on my 06 cobalt. 2 days ago when it first started i was "held hostage" by my car because neither doors wanted to open from the inside. i ended up climbing out the window and tried unlocking it from the out side. a few dozen key turns later it finally let me in. Now i am at work and got a call saying my door was open so i went out to close it and the door dosnt want to latch. i tried for an hour, checked fuses and did every trick ive found online and nada. now my car door is being held shut by a bungi cord and a fish an hour i have a 45 minute drive home on the interstate which i am SOOOOOO looking forward to.....does anyone know what the solution is? all i can find online are complaints no fixes....
  • superchargedsssuperchargedss Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2013
    Try locking and unlocking the door,that usually helps mine but it keeps happening,ive call a dealer close to me and they were no help,it should be recalled but appently gm or anybody else is not worried about it
  • nfsusannfsusan Member Posts: 3
    started Feb1 /13 all 4 door locks can pop up and down in unison - started as I was driving along - but also happens when the car is parked. Help. I contacted - A safety issue and invites thieves. With so many posts on this issue, I'd like GM to do something to fix this.
  • nfsusannfsusan Member Posts: 3
    The locks pop up and down even when the original fob is miles and miles away. When I open the car door, there are 3 dings - also when I take out the key & open the door - 3 dings. The lock and unlock buttons on the console on the drivers door have not worked for at least 1 1/2 yrs - maybe longer.
  • nfsusannfsusan Member Posts: 3
    Dealer perfdormed electrical diagned open in lf and rf door lock switches - installed 2 switches 1 15777136 $ 31.09 + 1 15777129 $ 23.84 + 1 1/2 hrs labour @ $ 149.50 for a total of ~ $ 300.
  • rikkirakellrikkirakell Member Posts: 1
    Wow! This completely blows my mind! Everyone is having the same issues but nothing is being done about it?! What is wrong with Chevrolet/GM?! About a year ago my locks were locking and unlocking all by themselves then my car wouldn't start AT ALL so my dad changed the battery and it hasn't done that since but now my drivers side door is stuck shut! I thought it was the cable, maybe it had broken or stretched out but as my dad was looking at it tonight he pulled the cable and it still won't open! This is more then just a safety concern! This is completely unfair! Why should I have to pay for there faulty product?! On they say they care but that's false advertisement how come the consumer no longer has a voice? At least 71people on this forum alone have had problems and nothing is being done?! I've went to at least 6 other forums and all of them had 50+ people complaining about the Cobalt! Is it too much to ask Chevy/GM to make this right?
  • wfrielerwfrieler Member Posts: 1
    @GMCUSTSVC - 2005 Cobalt LS - intermittent problems (like many others) with driver side door that will not open. Have had success with the "pounding on door" fix in the past but this time - no luck. In searching other forums, this appears to be a widespread problem and is a serious safety issue. Any chance that Gm will recognize this as a design flaw and do something about it before someone gets trapped inside a cobalt and suffers injury or death as a result?
  • superchargedsssuperchargedss Member Posts: 4
    My 05 ss cobalt has done this off and on since i bought it almost two years ago,i dont think gm cares or they would have done a recall already,there just asking for problems i think if they dont fix this soon,they must think its a big joke,and a gm rep said she sent me an email from this post about a month ago but i never received one. Maybe one day somebody from gm will see this thread and do something!
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    We've documented this thread for further review by our department heads, and would be happy to check into this further with you if you wanted to get this looked at by a dealership. Please contact us at with more details (including your name and contact information, the last 8 digits of your VIN and mileage, and a summary of the situation).
    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • lynne22lynne22 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2013
    Started my search on google and have ended up here. I can not believe that there are so many unhappy customers due to the door latch issue. Yep, I have a 2006 Cobalt with a drivers door that will not open. I was not as lucky as some GM customers with a for warning door issue. Mine just shut one day last week and has not budged since regardless to all the little tricks I try. I don't have the $1200 to get it fixed. Wonder if GM will engage in a recall if some unlucky customer get locked inside and expires.

    GM are you really listening to your customers and hearing their words...they will not be returning to GM products...and neither will I.

    Change my mind please...
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hi lynne22,

    I completely understand the frustration you are having with your vehicle and I apologize that you feel this way. I'd like to see what we can do for you regarding this issue with your door. I'll just need you to send me your full name, VIN, address, and your preferred GM dealer. From there we can begin discussing what options are available for you. I can be reached at ATTN: Amber. I look forward to your response.

    Amber N.
    GM Customer Care
  • algnqngrlalgnqngrl Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2013
    I am also having a door problem with me 2010 cobalt. I bought it brand new off the lot. The first summer and every summer since as soon as the car warms up in the sun I can't open my doors. and if i do happen to pull quick and hard enough to get it open, it usually won't shut after unless i slam it endlessly. i frequently have children in my car including a small baby. now not only do i worry for my own safety but fear for theirs. my car is only 2 and half years old and has 74 thousand kms on it. I am not even going to bother taking it to the dealership as I cannot afford an expensive repair that may not fix it. I do not have power locks or anything power on this car, this is a manual issue for me. this was my first chev purchase, probably my last since gm won't admit a HUGE safety issue that spans across a lifetime of a certain car model.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hi algnqngrl,

    I am sorry to hear about the issues with your door locks. Your safety is very important to us. I would certainly like to look into this for you. Can you private message me your full name, address, phone number, Vehicle Identification number, and approximate mileage on your vehicle please? My email address is "attn Crystal" in the subject line. Look forward to hearing from you:-)!

    Crystal L-GM Customer Service
  • tere_stere_s Member Posts: 2
    My doors would lock and unlock at random times. I would even be driving and they would come unlocked or I would find my doors had unlocked over night. I had to finally just disconnect the fuse that controlled the doors. This is very inconvenient since now I have to reach over and unlock any doors when people ride in the car with me. Is there a way to fix this with out taking out the fuse?
  • ndeemsndeems Member Posts: 1
    My Cobalt has begun to have a similar problem -

    The locks will lock and unlock themselves, I have come out from work or in the morning to find my car completely unlocked...

  • tlanningtlanning Member Posts: 1
    My locks keep locking and unlocking themselves constantly as I'm driving. I only have about 45,000 miles on my car. Took it to a shop and they said I probably needed a new battery. So I'm already $150 down, and the problem continues. Can anyone tell me what it is that needs to be fixed so the shop doesn't nickel and dime me to death trying different things before they figure it out! Or GM, is there a recall on this problem to where you can help me?? This is very frustrating!
  • charlesgreencharlesgreen Member Posts: 1

    I have a** 2005 Chevy Cobalt** with major door issues, The doors will not open... It first started with the drivers side door that would not open so I got in threw the passenger side door for a week because I didn't have the money to get it fix. Then the passenger door did the same thing within that same week while my entire family of 5 was in the car.

    We all had to climb threw the windows to get out of the car.


    I did some research and I'm not the only one with the same problem.

  • meschmesch Member Posts: 1

    I have had an ongoing issue with my driver side door. I would push and pull to try to muscle the door open and no luck. I called the dealer and wanted to charge $85 to "look" at it. I found a forum on and found a group of people that found a way to open the door. Give the door a hit with open palm under the door handle. It opened easily right away. Might need to try a couple time if you don't hit the right spot right away. I don't know why it works and I didn't hear anything fall into place but it worked.
    Chevy service center = useless

  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,500

    @mesch said: Give the door a hit with open palm under the door handle.

     Is that hit on the inside of the door?

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • araignearaigne Member Posts: 1

    My driver’s side car door on my 06 Chevy Cobalt won't open. I see a lot of other similar complaints about the handles not opening the doors. The lock mechanism works but the door won’t open. I took it to the Chevrolet service center and paid $113.35 just for them to look at it for an hour and for them to tell me it will cost $700-$800 more because of a faulty part in the door. This is disgusting and such a safety issue. I want to know why this hasn’t been issued in a recall and not just a TSB. I will not be recommending a company with such disregard to safety to anyone I care about.

  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252

    Hi araigne,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with your Cobalt's door. I understand that you have taken your vehicle to the dealership for this concern and I would like to take a further look into this for you. Please send us an email to if our assistance is needed. Thank you.

    Kristen A.
    GM Customer Care

  • lifedreamerlifedreamer Member Posts: 2

    I too have just begun to have this same issue. I have an '06 Chevy Cobalt LS Coupe and it i now getting to the point that I am AFRAID of my car which I have loved for 5 years now. The door locks lock and unlock by themselves. I was actually LOCKED INSIDE my car yesterday UNTIL after about 25 times I finally got the door to open from the inside. I want something done about this issue. IT IS A SAFETY HAZARD, what is it going to take for them to fix it???? Someone, maybe even me get killed? Is there anything that we can do to fix the issue? I have been googling this problem for 3 hours now and have found NO Solution. I am afraid with this issue among the safety issues that my car COULD ACTUALLY be stolen while at work IF the door locks decide to UNLOCK themself. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,500

    @lifedreamer said: I have an '06 Chevy Cobalt LS Coupe and it i now getting to the point that I am AFRAID of my car which I have loved for 5 years now. The door locks lock and unlock by themselves. I was actually LOCKED INSIDE my car yesterday UNTIL after

    The fuse for the power doorlocks should be in the fuse panel on the passenger side of the console, below where the shifter lever is there is a panel to take out. On my 2008 the door locks fuse is #26. There should be a list of the fuses and the position and a diagram on the cover that you take off. Or it may be in the owner manual in the glovebox if you have that booklet.

    The locks are probably controlled by a body control module, which may be the problem.

    But I would try wiggling the fuse with the ignition key ON and the doors closed to see if there's a looseness there at the fuse or in the block of fuses itself causing a make and break condition.

    But this should stop getting you locked in. But you'll have to manually open or close the other doors as needed and the remote control will not work for the door locks/unlock on the car.

    Is there any chance the remote keyfob is causing the lock and unlock?

    And it's possible it might be related to the ignition switch having a bad connection on the contacts. But I would have to trace the circuit in my service manual and it's for a 2008, a different year which might have a different setup.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • imidazol97imidazol97 Member Posts: 27,500

    @lifedreamer said:
    '06 Chevy Cobalt LS Coupe and it i now getting to the point that I am AFRAID of my car which I have loved for 5 years now. The door locks lock and unlock by themselves. I was actually LOCKED INSIDE my car yesterday UNTIL after about 25 times I finally got the door to open from the inside. I want something done about this issue.

    I looked for others who have had this. I found some and will link this one: Someone said theirs was fixed by replacing the body control module, BCM.

    The module looks like it is also the location for the fuses that are inside the panel in the console on the passenger side. It's about $135 before shipping on It's listed under electrical for 2006, Chevrolet, Cobalt, then electrical.

    In the sketch showing location in the console, it's part #7. The console probably comes off fairly easily. I do not know what all is involved in taking off other plugin pieces that are shown connected to the BCM and all. It would have to be done with the battery negative cable disconnected in the trunk if you or someone you know has a good deal of expertise in gently taking apart plastic pieces to get to it.

    I suggest doing some reading of other posts on internet. People describe this as the door locks going crazy which I remembered from reading Cobalt forums in the past.

    Good luck.

    2014 Malibu 2LT, 2015 Cruze 2LT,

  • lifedreamerlifedreamer Member Posts: 2

    Thank you so much for your ideas....will let you know if I find a solution!! :)

  • kjack9kjack9 Member Posts: 1
    My 2010 Cobalt is having the same problem, driver's side. Why is GM not issuing a recall, and why is their moderator saying, "I'm sorry you're having the problem" when they know of the problem? All I can say is if I end up getting stuck in my car during an emergency, I will be the first one running to a lawyer. I stopped at a dealership today and they wanted $100 just to look at it. Yeah, um, no thanks. I just had to replace the throttle body, and both wheel bearings. I tried the slamming my fist into the outside near the seam. I tried using my body to knock it, nothing. What a hunk of junk this car has turned out to be. I bought it brand new and have done everything I'm supposed to, but am really tired of putting money into it. I also had to go to 4 different dealerships to be diagnosed correctly with the throttle body (which is a huge safety issue when you're on the highway and your car stops). I wrote GM about the problem, but they didn't give a crap. Shocker. I worked for them in quality (of all places) and actually was told to quit calling out the issues because I was stopping the line. Anybody that has an Acadia or equivalent with window issues, they know about it, and they knew about it when it was built. I know this because I did final quality and when the cars came outside in the extreme cold, the window motor stopped working. They told us to pass them anyway. Yep, that's GM for you. All about the almighty dollar. Disgusting!
  • thespiikethespiike Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2018
    My car also has had the doors unlock and lock repeatedly. This is easily fixed by taking the door panel off, removing the lock switch and placing it in a bag with rice, and then put them back after 24 hours, do both driver and passenger, if the problem persists which it shouldn't, you can buy them on Amazon very cheap. My door recently locked it self and the mechanic had to break the inside latch to open and replace the outer latch. Seems ok now. But much of a pain it was. This should of been fixed with a recall seems like. Not everybody is going to spend money on rediculous dealership rates. So not every problem is documented or reported to the dealership.

    *edit*The problem with the door lock switch is it gets wet from the Windows being down and doesn't dry properly. If you keep them dry, they work no problem.
  • Ann_66Ann_66 Member Posts: 1
    My 18 year old son has Tourettes. His father and I got him a 2005 Cobalt as a graduation present for making it through school. It has not been easy for him. WELL TODAY his car not only LOCKED HIM IN but when he finally got out it locked him out of his car with the keys in it. He called me at home hysterical and not knowing what to do. I raced to where he was and had to call the police to get his car unlocked. Now the locks are locking and unlocking WHILE HE IS DRIVING! VERY DISTRACTING! Not to mention that I don't know if he is going to get stuck in his car again. I'm so upset. My sons tics are so bad right now because of the stress of today that he won't be able to go to his job tomorrow. I fear what could happen if he gets into an accident and can't get out of the car. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE CAR MAKER THAT WOULD LET THIS GO ON AS MUCH AS I HAVE SEEN ON THE INTERNET! Are they going to wait for someone to die? Or a lawsuit? I don't understand.
  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,823
    It might be that one of the door lock switches is failing. If the module "sees" a command, even if it is a false one it's going to do what it is being told to do. Testing can be done with a professional level scan tool and monitor the switch data while the problem is occurring. An alternative would be to disconnect the switches and see if the problem goes away. At the bottom of the "door pull" (the handle that you pull the door closed with) there is a plastic insert. You will see a little tab at the rear end of it that has to be pushed forward to release that cover. There are two phillips head screws below that cover. Remove them, then the plastic insert that also has the switch in it can be pried (gently, walk it up from the rear) from the door. Once it is loose from the door panel the switch is easy to unplug. Watch for moisture in the handle area. That can cause corrosion of the switch and result in the false signals.
  • Charles10000Charles10000 Member Posts: 1
    I've dealt with this issue off and on for a couple years now. At first, the door wouldn't latch; it would just sort of bounce open when I tried to close it. Jiggling one or the other handles a few times eventually would get it to close properly. Twice recently, though, I've had the door stuck closed and neither handle would open it and I'd be reduced to crawling over to the passenger's side to get out. I'd get home and try the car again for a couple of days and eventually it would magically start working again.

    My solution was to replace the door latch mechanism (or door latch assembly maybe they call it). It consists of the little "gearbox" containing the latch pawl and some springs, and on the outside of it are a couple little levers. Attached to the levers are three rods, which go to the manual lock button, the power lock solenoid, and the outside door handle. Also attached to the lever is a cable for the interior door handle. A small piece of wiring harness also plugs into this item which I think is there for the Door Ajar sensor. Replacing this part isn't difficult and you'll have to remove the interior door panel first. Unbolt the mechanism from the door sill with a T-30 Torx bit. The hardest part is reaching in and disconnecting the cable and all three of those metal rods.... I was able to disconnect the largest one (for the exterior door handle) while still inside the door but the other two had to come out while still attached to the latch mechanism.

    Re-connect everything from your old latch mechanism onto the new one and re-install everything back into the door and your locks will be as good as new. I found when I examined the old latch mechanism, there was one lever which would stick in place when it was pulled... Years of weather and dust had dried out the grease in it. While trying to fix this problem, I had tried spraying some grease into the mechanism, but that never really helped. Now I know why. The lever was outside of the mechanism and out of range of my grease applicator.
  • carbideangelcarbideangel Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2008 Chevy Cobalt Coupe. Manual doors. Both doors do not latch anymore. August 26th. the drivers side door latch went and 16 days later the passenger side went. I dont know if it is the actual latch, cable or rod in either door. But after reading all these posts, it makes me really regret buying the car in the first place. ive had ignition issues, electrical issues and now blower motor for the heater. That isnt even all the issues. I have even run the vin number looking for recalls. im starting to wonder if the vin number was messed with on paper at the used car dealership. Cant even find the parts for BOTH doors.
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