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GMC Envoy Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
After driving my 04 Envoy (any distance) say to the store when I return and start it up the outside temp. gauge will show a lower than actual temp. Today it was at -12 degrees and giving me Ice warnings. The only problem is I live in FL and the temp was in the 90s today. This has been going on for a while now and causes the AC to blow hot air? After driving for a while it will return to the actual temp and the AC will work but sometimes it takes 20 min. or more to happen. Thanks, Bob
this is my problem my ac blower is not working discovered the problem when my boyfriend used my truck go figure lol he did a concerte job was really hot turned on ac an nothing!!! so went out turned it on nothing if i turn it up all the way truck idle goes up an down then dies. its way to hot to not have ac!!!!!!!! so he told me to try a site like this he said someone could prolly help. anyone else having this problem??? please help!!!!!!!
Have you found out how to fix your air conditioner problem? I have an 02 Envoy that just started to do the same thing right when a 90 degree and higher heat wave hits lol
My problem was that the blower motor would run even though the vehicle was off. My battery would go dead because the thing would run all night. It turned out that i needed to replace the blower motor resistor ($100.00) behind the glove box. If this is your problem then unscrew and remove the glove box lay upside down and look up. There are two screws and a plug to remove. Plug in the new unit and replace screws and glove box. good luck
Any update on this problem? I have a 2004 XL and have similar issues. Sitting at idle and engine stumbles/sputters and stalls. Will restart but odd. And doesnt happen on regular basis. I will note next time of AC is on or not.
OK...I am baffled. I live in Houston. 95+ degrees everyday. I work nights. Get in Envoy when it's 88 degrees outside at 930pm. A/C usually works. Leave work at 0800 when it's 86 degrees outside. A/C usually works. When it's 95+ degrees at 1230pm in middle of day, A/C does NOT work. Any ideas????? PLEASE!!!!!!
Not sure of the symptoms that you are having. My digital external temp indicator reflected a much lower temp that than it was outside (indicator showed 50 degrees, actually was 90+ outside) if this is your symptom, this is how I fixed it for my 2003 envoy back in 2008. Hope this helps
Not sure if this is related or not but...My A/C was intermittent in my 2003 Envoy. The external temp gauge was reading 50 on 90+ June days. It appears that the 'The ambient air temperature sensor' needed replacing. It mounts near the radiator. I replaced it in 10 mins and the part cost $21. The dealer was going to charge $200.
If you replace it, you need to update the ambient air temperature display on the HVAC control module, perform the following procedure:
1- Turn ON the ignition. 2.-Simultaneously press the MODE, FRONT DEFROST and REAR DEFROST switches.
This process worked a couple of times before I was able to replace the sensor. Hope this helps!!!
My 2002 envoy is having a/c problems. it stops working after 30 min or so mostly when it,s hot out side. the temp on the inside reads normal temp for out side and also when adjusting the inside temp it appears to read to the temp selected. Any ideas? When it stops it blows outside air,which is the hot air from outside.
im having the same problem when i turn on the a/c the engine starts to strumble like a yo/yo and then it goes dead it those start back up but as soon has i turn on the a/c again it starts to do the same please let me now if you now the problem for this
there is a drain tube probably on the firewall where the blower is. use a small probe that will fit inside, but do not force. there is usually some debris blocking the drain. Again... do not force the probe just move it lightly as to not puncture any thing. this should start water to drain.
Yea this is correct. look down by the passenger side bulk head between the engine cooling system expansion tank and the engine itself you will see 2 insulated pipes wrapped in a silver material, just to the right if this you will see a black elbow or elbow and pipe coming out this is what blocks simply remove and clean the pipe and and you should be able to clean the elbow by simply squeezing it. if it is blocked the amount of water released is astounding. it literary takes less than 5 mins :shades:
My 2004 ENVOY XL has the same "No Blower" Problem. I bought 2 Blower resisters from 2 different sources, both saying "exact fit". The problem is it does not fit. All the replacements so far have a 7 pin connector, but the one in the car has only 3. Can someone please explain if there is a conversion to upgrade the 3 pin to a 7 pin, or is there resistor with 3 pins out there?
My 2004 Envoy is doing the same thing. Works great at first then after about 20 m- 30 mins stops blowing cold air. Did you get yours fixed? If so what was the problem?
So I have checked with a meter and once the engine and works heat up the clutch quits working and the AC gets hot, I have put the meter on there and it shows 13.7 volts but the clutch does not spin, Is it possible to change the clutch or does it need a new compressor?
and is it possible to do any of this without removing the engine or Rad and fan as there is very little clearance in there I had enough trouble getting the connector apart to put the meter on it.
It was the Blower Motor Resistor. Every part store has a so called OEM replacement that has a 7 pin male connector and a output to the blower motor, unfortunately My 2004 has a 3 pin connector and a output to the blower motor. I got the exact part by goint to a GMC dealer and they searched for the part by VIN number. Bingo... exact fit, but it cost $119 dollors. I bought 2 of the wrong parts for $57 and wasted my time and energy shipping them back. Take my advice... go to the dealer first.
It was the Blower Motor Resistor. Every part store has a so called OEM replacement that has a 7 pin male connector and a output to the blower motor, unfortunately My 2004 has a 3 pin connector and a output to the blower motor. I got the exact part by goint to a GMC dealer and they searched for the part by VIN number. Bingo... exact fit, but it cost $119 dollors. I bought 2 of the wrong parts for $57 and wasted my time and energy shipping them back. Take my advice... go to the dealer first.
2003 Envoy XL- To all you users who have issues with the blower not turning off (A/C), it is the module that is causing the prob. We had our dealer pull the fuse under the middle seat. If we need to use it, we can then replace the fuse and pull it when we are done with it.
Has anyone had an issue with the top of the rear lift (the part that holds the rear brake light) coming off? We were driving down the highway and it totally blew off. The rear hatch window is still intact, but will most likely break when they try to straighten the mounts that are attached to the window. Have had no accidents or vandalism to the car.
I am having the same problem with the dash vents not working, also my outside temp always reads 50, I saw the answer to this problem but does anybody know what to do to get the air to blow out of the front vents?
I have an 04 envoy that will blow cold air initially, then after a few minutes it will shut off and blow warm air. I have changed the ambient air sensor, thermostat, engine fan, blend door actuator on passenger side, and no change in symptoms. for the few minutes it works it works fine, then compressor will shut off. any answers?
Thank you, I'm sure the dealer could fix with a large bill. I was hoping to hear it was an easy fix I could do myself. I am surprised to hear the Envoys all having the same problem and GM does not recall to fix the problem. With so many different Envoys having the same problem it's obvious this is a faulty part. After doing some research for my current problem, I have learned other issues I had fixed (my clutch fan replaced and the entire electrical system going out) have happened to many other Envoy owners as well. I realize when a vehicle gets old things start going bad however, if the same issue/problem comes up with so many different Envoys it's pretty obvious there is a problem with the part. I even found a website stating the problems that have come up with the 2002 Envoys and what to expect if you buy one. The clutch fan and electrical problem were the #1 issues!
Sometimes the A/C comes on, then shuts off and only blows hot air. What is the problem? A/C Expansion Valve? Ambient Air Temp Sensor? A/C High Pressure Cut-out Switch?
I spent a few hours on this and have it figured out. Very common problem. Here is an answer that I found that sums it up:
An occasional problem on this vehicle is the failure of the A/C Low Pressure Cycling Switch. The cost to replace the A/C Low Pressure Cycling Switch is estimated at $43.19 for parts and $32.50 for labor. All prices are estimates based on $65.00 per flat rate hour and do not include diagnostic time or any applicable sales tax.
I followed the instructions and jumped the wire (bypassing the low pressure switch) and it totally worked. I could almost twist this part off by hand. I am going to pick the part up at the dealership tomorrow. I had the part off and back on again in about 30 seconds.
Here is the a very good link that i started with. Good picture of the part. Wish I had known this last week when it was 100 degrees! 90's this week though...
I was so confident that i had the answer. My symptoms matched. I even jumped the wire and the a/c started working. I am pretty sure that was just coincidence. My a/c is still intermittent. Comes on cold sometimes. Last 20 minutes sometimes, 1 minute or not at all others. Really hoping for some answers. Hate to take it to the dealer. Any suggestions?
I have a 2004 GMC Envoy that blows hot air. I had tried to recharge the Air thinking that was the problem when the canister was cold but the air still remains hot. I'm lost. Does anyone know what the problem is?
I think by now GM needs to step up and at least provide some answers to some of these questions and problems that most of us are having I'm pretty sure that most and all of these issues have been addressed at some point and have been worked by GM dealers. Obviously they don't care about their product since they've made their money off the sale. If they don't want to lose money by calling or recalling these vehicles they should provide the answers of what it takes to fix these pieces of crap. :lemon: :mad:
Oh I forgot I also have the AC problem where the air does not blow out the front vents, I've tried disconnecting the battery and nothing happens I verified all the fuses. Oh and also just repaired the stalling/hesitation... it was a dirty throttle body pretty simple fix that no mechanic understood how to repair. I still have to get the measurement cluster panel replaced or fixed. This is unbelievable amount of problems everyone's having it with these vehicles...GM really sucks! :mad: :lemon:
04 'Voy SLT-- We had the same issue with the AC/heater blower working intermittently and not shutting off. In my 45 years in working in, under, over, etc with cars, I had never experienced any electrical accessory not shutting off when the key was off and out of the car!
However, thank God for these type of Internet forums. If it wasn't for them, we would be at the mercy of the dealership service centers and/or repair manuals. The former will all know rip us off, sometimes not solving/remedying our car woes. The latter do not always explain details about a repair, teardown, and/or re-assembly well enough for first-timers or DIYers.
With the help of you posters, I ordered ACDelco Part #15-80567, Heater & AC Blower Control from Rock Auto for a cost of $73.79, plus $5.65 USPS Priority Mail shipping charges to Southern California. By week's end (Fri., 8/26), I had the part in my hands. Fast shipping, as the part was shipped from Wisconsin.
The install was quite simple.
Remove the plastic kick panel (the one that surrounds the two round "drain tube" ends facing your passenger's feet) under the glove box (two hex screws on each end. There are three socket couplers that are attached to this panel that you will have to work out of their holes. They are quite troublesome (I hate these type of "one way, push in attachers) to take out without damaging them. Once you get the 3 couplers unattached, you simply take out this panel and place it aside.
You will be able to see the switch, which is attached to the blower cavity from below. The switch is visible when you look up toward the windshield from below the glovebox. It will have a 3-wire male socket attached to it's face (the face bears a 3-wire female socket) that bears a white part number label to it. Leading from the switch is a 2-wire (black and violet colored wires) male connector.
There is a spring retainer that holds the glovebox in the open position (so it won't drop on your passengers lap when opened) that you must spring bend up to let the glovebox drop down so you can gain access to the 3-pin connector that is attached to the blower motor itself.
Incidentally, the cars with ATC take the 3-pin connector switch, while the manual control AC cars will take the 7-pin switch.
After dropping down the glovebox, you will see the 2-wire (black and violet) switch connector. Again, this connector type can be quite difficult to separate without damaging it, so be careful. Once you separate this connector, you should then close the glovebox and look for how the switch is attached to the blower cavity. The switch is attached with two hex screws. A 1/4" ratchet drive/socket set is a must for this whole project.
Once the two screws are out, the switch will drop down and it is a simple matter reassembly in reverse order.
It took me about 30 total minutes for this whole operation and the AC works as good as new!
No comment on why this part failed so early in this 'Voy's life, it only has 54,000 miles on it). My Honda CRV has 190,000 and hasn't had any electronic issues (or otherwise) other than a factory recall/replacement of the ignition switch).
Is it true that Japanese cars are more reliable and error-free than Detroit products?
I do have pic's of the switch and part number on the ACDelco box in case anyone is interested. But I do not know how to post pic's on this web site.
Unfortunately, you (mikejp20) have a valid point on the domestic v. foreign debate.
My first car was a 1955 Chevy Bel-Aire V8. My second was a 1966 Pontiac GTO... And I've had various other Detroit products in my garage over the years. The sixties and previous were the days during which the Big Three were riding high. Oh, of course, there are those divisions within each of the Big Three that have consistently produced good products (Cadillac and GMC Truck Division are just two examples).
Detroit, in general, would gleam with pride when airliners full of Japanese executives, engineers, and technicians would fly to Motown to see how Detroit built cars. The Japanese teams would then fly back to Tokyo and improve on what they saw in Detroit. The rest is history. All that those old fogies that ruled the Big Three were interested in is fattening up their bank accounts. We eventually lost the war.
I currently own six autos. Two are Japanese, one German, and three American (all classic era cars). The Japanese cars (Honda CRV and Toyota Tundra) are by far the most reliable, followed by the German car (a classic 1986 VW Cabriolet). The three American cars ( a 1990 Komfort motorhome on a GMC P-30 chassis, a 1968 Dodge Charger RT, and a 1965 Pontiac GTO) are all from classic eras during which Detroit built cars well and reliable.
Obviously, we all know what kind of cars Detroit was building in the 70's and 80's. And, we all know that Detroit found themselves at a crossroads demanding that they build reliable cars near equal to products out of Tokyo, Munich, Berlin, and Seoul in order to survive in today's marketplace. Detroit is nearer equal, but still has a lot to makeup, if it ever will to ward off the competition over the globe.
The issues with the AC in Trailblazers/Envoys listed in this thread all point to what GM is still building AND THERE APPARENT LACK OF INTEREST IN SOLUTIONS FOR CURRENT OWNERS! Do they honestly think that people who are having these issues will ever buy these products again? Have they forgotten how badly Tokyo, Seoul, Munich, and Berlin buried them. Chrysler, GM, and Ford are but shells of what they used to be.
And, those old fogies that used to run the Big Three? Well, they laughed all the way to the bank. They are now in their mansions, on their ranches, and/or on their yachts enjoying their millions--which, quite frankly, all they really cared about...
My 2006 Envoy is doing the same thing...passenger side only is cool, warmer air on driver side. After awhile, even the passenger side gets warmer (on hot days). Did you get your problem solved?
I have a 2003 Envoy XL, 116K miles. Yesterday as I was driving I noticed that the AC blower speed was not changing as I pressed the buttons to change speed. If you shut the entire climate control unit off, the fans continue to blow through the defroster. This happens even after you shut the vehicle off and pulled the key out of the ignition.
The only way I found to shut the blower off is to remove the fuse under the hood.
Is this a blower issue or is it in control unit itself? What can I do to narrow down the possible causes and/or solutions? Thank you for your help.
I would love to see the pictures that you have so that I know what I'm looking at as I diagnose this issue. It sounds like I may have to order the same part.
I'm gong to take it to the Toyota dealer and trade this POS for something that I don't have to worry with every day. Old GM, New GM doesn't matter. Still the same people and the same problems. No sense of responsibility. You design lousy systems and don't back them up unless someone forks over big bucks. I also have a 2002 Toyota Avalon with 172,000 miles. Been in the shop for one recall. GM has created more terrorist than Ben-Laden.
My 06 Envoy Denali's AC blower stopped working completely. However, ever so often it would start working again out of the blue until it finally stopped working altogether. After reading through all the posts on this forum et al, I still could not find the answer until I found a You Tube video which pinpointed the problem and showed me how to replace it in about 15 minutes. The culprit, come to find out, was the Blower Speed Controller which can be purchased online at http://www.motorcity1.com/Truck_Kits.htm#CJ2 for $70-$90. If you want to see how to replace it go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0mDPW9P5VU and start watching the video at about 3:25 minutes into the 6:51 minute video. Apparently, this little culprit of a part goes bad in many GM cars because water seeps down into the electronics and shorts it out. Good luck
I love my 2003 Envoy! I have less than 61K miles on it and my heat just stop working. I have replaced the fuse and the blower. It worked for less than 24 hrs and stopped. When it did work it wouldnt turn off and seemed to be uncontrolled by the car control panel. Please help!!!!
I just purchased this Envoy and I enjoy it... minus the little issues I am having. 1) The front drivers side light has a short or something, when the lights are on, the front turn signal wont work, when the lights are off it works perfectly. Lights are also very dim compared to the passenger side. I have changed the turn signal light, but same issue. I checked the connections and they seem to be fine. When I move the wires for the lights there is no change. Any suggestions on where to start looking. 2) The AC was not working, so we purchased a can of recharger for it. the compressor would start to come on, but makes the Envoy stall out. With give it gas the compressor will start, then stop, start, and stop, and still wanting to make the envoy stall out. Suggestions? :confuse:
I started having AC problems with my 04 Envoy last year while I was on vacation out West. Timing could not have been more perfect summer in the west with no AC The AC starts off cooling and then quits, the blower works but no cold air. We have replaced the ambient the sensor which worked several months last summer but not this year, replaced it again, replaced high and low pressure switches and the fan clutch this year but still no AC. this week they will test the compressor and the heads. Anyone have any more suggestions.
I am not too happy with GM at the moment and am planning to trade my vehicle in sometime this year but I don't think it will be another GM product.
Thanks, Bob
Not sure if this is related or not but...My A/C was intermittent in my 2003 Envoy. The external temp gauge was reading 50 on 90+ June days. It appears that the 'The ambient air temperature sensor' needed replacing. It mounts near the radiator. I replaced it in 10 mins and the part cost $21. The dealer was going to charge $200.
If you replace it, you need to update the ambient air temperature display on the HVAC control module, perform the following procedure:
1- Turn ON the ignition.
2.-Simultaneously press the MODE, FRONT DEFROST and REAR DEFROST switches.
This process worked a couple of times before I was able to replace the sensor. Hope this helps!!!
and is it possible to do any of this without removing the engine or Rad and fan as there is very little clearance in there I had enough trouble getting the connector apart to put the meter on it.
Thanks in advance.
Has anyone had an issue with the top of the rear lift (the part that holds the rear brake light) coming off? We were driving down the highway and it totally blew off. The rear hatch window is still intact, but will most likely break when they try to straighten the mounts that are attached to the window. Have had no accidents or vandalism to the car.
I would recommend taking the vehicle to the dealer. They will be able to assist in getting the vents operational.
GM Customer Service
I am surprised to hear the Envoys all having the same problem and GM does not recall to fix the problem. With so many different Envoys having the same problem it's obvious this is a faulty part. After doing some research for my current problem, I have learned other issues I had fixed (my clutch fan replaced and the entire electrical system going out) have happened to many other Envoy owners as well. I realize when a vehicle gets old things start going bad however, if the same issue/problem comes up with so many different Envoys it's pretty obvious there is a problem with the part.
I even found a website stating the problems that have come up with the 2002 Envoys and what to expect if you buy one. The clutch fan and electrical problem were the #1 issues!
A/C Expansion Valve? Ambient Air Temp Sensor? A/C High Pressure Cut-out Switch?
Anyone have any ideas -
An occasional problem on this vehicle is the failure of the A/C Low Pressure Cycling Switch. The cost to replace the A/C Low Pressure Cycling Switch is estimated at $43.19 for parts and $32.50 for labor. All prices are estimates based on $65.00 per flat rate hour and do not include diagnostic time or any applicable sales tax.
I followed the instructions and jumped the wire (bypassing the low pressure switch) and it totally worked. I could almost twist this part off by hand. I am going to pick the part up at the dealership tomorrow. I had the part off and back on again in about 30 seconds.
Here is the a very good link that i started with. Good picture of the part. Wish I had known this last week when it was 100 degrees! 90's this week though...
The Owner/Mechanic found out that my AC was low. Had 2.1 psi and needed to have 3.0. All checked out ok.
Good luck. Spent 92 dollars.
04 'Voy SLT-- We had the same issue with the AC/heater blower working intermittently and not shutting off. In my 45 years in working in, under, over, etc with cars, I had never experienced any electrical accessory not shutting off when the key was off and out of the car!
However, thank God for these type of Internet forums. If it wasn't for them, we would be at the mercy of the dealership service centers and/or repair manuals. The former will all know rip us off, sometimes not solving/remedying our car woes. The latter do not always explain details about a repair, teardown, and/or re-assembly well enough for first-timers or DIYers.
With the help of you posters, I ordered ACDelco Part #15-80567, Heater & AC Blower Control from Rock Auto for a cost of $73.79, plus $5.65 USPS Priority Mail shipping charges to Southern California. By week's end (Fri., 8/26), I had the part in my hands. Fast shipping, as the part was shipped from Wisconsin.
The install was quite simple.
Remove the plastic kick panel (the one that surrounds the two round "drain tube" ends facing your passenger's feet) under the glove box (two hex screws on each end. There are three socket couplers that are attached to this panel that you will have to work out of their holes. They are quite troublesome (I hate these type of "one way, push in attachers) to take out without damaging them. Once you get the 3 couplers unattached, you simply take out this panel and place it aside.
You will be able to see the switch, which is attached to the blower cavity from below. The switch is visible when you look up toward the windshield from below the glovebox. It will have a 3-wire male socket attached to it's face (the face bears a 3-wire female socket) that bears a white part number label to it. Leading from the switch is a 2-wire (black and violet colored wires) male connector.
There is a spring retainer that holds the glovebox in the open position (so it won't drop on your passengers lap when opened) that you must spring bend up to let the glovebox drop down so you can gain access to the 3-pin connector that is attached to the blower motor itself.
Incidentally, the cars with ATC take the 3-pin connector switch, while the manual control AC cars will take the 7-pin switch.
After dropping down the glovebox, you will see the 2-wire (black and violet) switch connector. Again, this connector type can be quite difficult to separate without damaging it, so be careful. Once you separate this connector, you should then close the glovebox and look for how the switch is attached to the blower cavity.
The switch is attached with two hex screws. A 1/4" ratchet drive/socket set is a must for this whole project.
Once the two screws are out, the switch will drop down and it is a simple matter reassembly in reverse order.
It took me about 30 total minutes for this whole operation and the AC works as good as new!
No comment on why this part failed so early in this 'Voy's life, it only has 54,000 miles on it). My Honda CRV has 190,000 and hasn't had any electronic issues (or otherwise) other than a factory recall/replacement of the ignition switch).
Is it true that Japanese cars are more reliable and error-free than Detroit products?
I do have pic's of the switch and part number on the ACDelco box in case anyone is interested. But I do not know how to post pic's on this web site.
My first car was a 1955 Chevy Bel-Aire V8. My second was a 1966 Pontiac GTO... And I've had various other Detroit products in my garage over the years. The sixties and previous were the days during which the Big Three were riding high. Oh, of course, there are those divisions within each of the Big Three that have consistently produced good products (Cadillac and GMC Truck Division are just two examples).
Detroit, in general, would gleam with pride when airliners full of Japanese executives, engineers, and technicians would fly to Motown to see how Detroit built cars. The Japanese teams would then fly back to Tokyo and improve on what they saw in Detroit. The rest is history. All that those old fogies that ruled the Big Three were interested in is fattening up their bank accounts. We eventually lost the war.
I currently own six autos. Two are Japanese, one German, and three American (all classic era cars). The Japanese cars (Honda CRV and Toyota Tundra) are by far the most reliable, followed by the German car (a classic 1986 VW Cabriolet). The three American cars ( a 1990 Komfort motorhome on a GMC P-30 chassis, a 1968 Dodge Charger RT, and a 1965 Pontiac GTO) are all from classic eras during which Detroit built cars well and reliable.
Obviously, we all know what kind of cars Detroit was building in the 70's and 80's. And, we all know that Detroit found themselves at a crossroads demanding that they build reliable cars near equal to products out of Tokyo, Munich, Berlin, and Seoul in order to survive in today's marketplace. Detroit is nearer equal, but still has a lot to makeup, if it ever will to ward off the competition over the globe.
The issues with the AC in Trailblazers/Envoys listed in this thread all point to what GM is still building AND THERE APPARENT LACK OF INTEREST IN SOLUTIONS FOR CURRENT OWNERS! Do they honestly think that people who are having these issues will ever buy these products again? Have they forgotten how badly Tokyo, Seoul, Munich, and Berlin buried them. Chrysler, GM, and Ford are but shells of what they used to be.
And, those old fogies that used to run the Big Three? Well, they laughed all the way to the bank. They are now in their mansions, on their ranches, and/or on their yachts enjoying their millions--which, quite frankly, all they really cared about...
Were you planning on having the vehicle fixed by a GM dealership? Please keep me posted.
Thank you,
Caron, GM Customer Service
Yesterday as I was driving I noticed that the AC blower speed was not changing as I pressed the buttons to change speed. If you shut the entire climate control unit off, the fans continue to blow through the defroster. This happens even after you shut the vehicle off and pulled the key out of the ignition.
The only way I found to shut the blower off is to remove the fuse under the hood.
Is this a blower issue or is it in control unit itself? What can I do to narrow down the possible causes and/or solutions? Thank you for your help.
I would love to see the pictures that you have so that I know what I'm looking at as I diagnose this issue. It sounds like I may have to order the same part.
Thanks for everything.
I just did the resistor on my minivan - part from RockAuto.com was around $35 with shipping.
Is this normal? Could it be a faulty part?
After reading these posts, I really starting to regret buying my 06 Envoy!
GM Customer Service
The AC starts off cooling and then quits, the blower works but no cold air. We have replaced the ambient the sensor which worked several months last summer but not this year, replaced it again, replaced high and low pressure switches and the fan clutch this year but still no AC. this week they will test the compressor and the heads. Anyone have any more suggestions.
I am not too happy with GM at the moment and am planning to trade my vehicle in sometime this year but I don't think it will be another GM product.