Lexus LS Dealers and Service Issues



  • Member Posts: 333
  • Member Posts: 5
    My previous Lexus also had tires that leaked air and had chrome wheels. I was told by the Bridgestone folks that the chrome finish sometimes chips/peels, which results in the tire not seating properly on the rim, and subsequently leaks. If this is true, I don't think there's much you could do about it other than scream at lexus for new wheels.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Concerning the tire pressure loss in regard to chromed factory wheels. The Bridgestone dealer is blowing smoke in regard to chrome wheels being the source of the problem. Unless a wheel or wheels have been damaged ,eg: violent curbing ect. a chip of chrome externally is not going to be a factor. Occasionally a dealer employee will fail to dress the wheels and tires properly on remount and fail to get a good bead set and there by create a problem.
  • Member Posts: 3
    My Stock Wheels were Chromed Plated by Park Place Lexus Plano when I took new deliver of my brand new 2003 Lexus LS 430 and now after 5yrs they are losing the first 10 pounds of air presure very quickly after filling them full. This takes about week for them to lose the 10 pounds. Filling them up every week has become a pain. Lexus in Plano said I need to buy a new wheels.
    Sewell Lexus in Dallas, said I could send out the wheel to be fixed for 175 dollars. I would think this kind of thing would have been would have been warranty item, but appreantly it is not. I heard this is a problem with all chrome wheels after certain period of time.
  • Member Posts: 55
    I know that I'm posting this under the wrong topic, but for some reason this is the only one I was able to sign in on. Anyway, I'm trying to find where the discussion took place some time ago about a solution to the problem of protecting the sensor for the cruise control on the 2002 LS. Mine was just replaced due to a crack in the sensor. I know I remember reading about various things that others have done to try to protect that sensor, since it is in such a vulnerable location. Does anyone have any idea where I might find that discussion? Please help me if you can.
  • Member Posts: 20
    cneuman, I haven't checked this forum in a good while, and just caught your question. While I don't have a link to the previous discussion on protecting the laser sensor, I CAN tell you I've followed others' advice to protect the sensor with a piece of clear Lexan, doing it on my 2005 LS 430. I first measured the size of the metal frame bordering the sensor (height x width), then took this measurement to Home Depot and had them cut this exact size from a slightly larger piece of stock. Cost me approx. $8, if I remember correctly. I attached the Lexan to the sensor metal frame surround with pieces of stick-on Velcro, 3M brand. It's been on there for maybe 2 1/2 years, and hasn't budged. I have never noticed any detrimental effect on the operation of the Laser Cruise Control, which really surprises me, since I never clean behind the Lexan. I mounted it with Velcro with the idea of removing the Lexan periodically to clean off dirt that accumulates on its back side, but it's just too darn hard to reach the area in front of the sensor without removing any bumper trim. Took a lot of my patience to get the Lexan placed where I wanted it. And I used a lift, so I was working with the sensor at about eye-level. Will be harder if you have to lie on the ground and do it. But it can be done.
  • Member Posts: 55
    Thanks mac1lsr1, for your reply. Sounds like one of the solutions I was referring to reading about, but could not remember the details.

  • Member Posts: 10,706
    I put brand new BBS 3-piece racing wheels on my 2001 911/996 C4 as soon as it arrived POE. I kept having problems with both of the rear tires having low air pressure for the first year or so. When I finally realized it was due to small,tiny, cracks in the wheels I contacted BBS.

    BBS was aware of the problem and had already upgraded the wheels to a slightly thicker metal and thus sent me two new interior rim wheel pieces along with new bolts and o-rings.

    So it does happen.
  • Member Posts: 329
    My LS460L tires (all 5 of them) lost about 6 psi over 5 months, going from 36 psi to 29-31, thereby turning on the Warning light. When I took the car in for its 15,000 mi service I told the dealer (Park Place Mission Viejo) that I wanted this problem fixed, if necessary by replacing the wheels. They tried to tell me this was normal, that the manual instructs you to check air pressure regularly, that they would be happy to refill the tires anytime I wish to stop by, and -- finally -- that they are about to install a Nitrogen system to fill tires with Nitrogen instead of air, which is supposed to reduce leakage.

    Have any of you with 460's had similar experience, and what was the resolution, if any?
  • Member Posts: 19
    Permeation loss of up to 1 PSI per month is considered normal. Also a gain or loss (gain for increasing temperature and loss for decreasing temperature) of up to 1 PSI per 10 degrees Fahrenheit is normal. So, I would say that your situation is within normal expectations. That is why your tires need to be checked and air added regularly. Nitrogen has some marginally better characteristics, both permeation and temperature coefficient, but if you are having to pay very much for it, it is not worth it.

    All tires have always exhibited these characteristics and many premature failures and catastrophic failures are the result of prolonged operation while they are under-inflated due to inattention. That is the main impetus for the NHTSA mandated Tire Pressure Measurement Systems that were required by law beginning with all 2008 model cars and light trucks sold in the US. While you might find it annoying to be reminded so forcefully by your car that the tires are under inflated it is for your own safety. There is no substitute for adding more air or nitrogen to your tires periodically.
  • Member Posts: 329
    Thanks jmcraney for your very informative reply. I wish the Lexus guys had been able to put it like that. They just made it sound like double-talk.

  • Member Posts: 7
    My mother owns a 2005 LS 430 and as it was nearing the end of its warranty period she wanted to buy a factory extended warranty. She went to Longo Lexus (El Monte, CA) and bought what she thought was a Lexus factory extended warranty from Rachel Amin Financial Svc Manager there. Three weeks later my mother discovered that she was sold a 3rd party warranty! When I saw this and told me I was in shock, I never expected a Lexus dealership, especially a large one, to take advantage of a customer like this. What a rip off!!

    I went to the dealer with my mother and spoke with Rachel Amin. When I told her about her ripoff she immediately said that the reason she sold my mom the 3rd party warranty was because the Lexus factory warranty was much more expensive. At no time during the original sale did Rachel present my mom with the option to choose between the two warranties and tell her the pricing of the two. My mother asked for an extended warranty and was only presented with one which she bought assuming it was the Lexus warranty. My mother paid $2,000 for 7 yr/100K mile $50 ded warranty by "Motor Warranty Servies of North America" . The Lexus warranty 7 yr/100K mile $0 ded is $2,900 MSRP and $2,100 at Molle Toyota which my mother bought. Longo Lexus agreed to refund the purchase of the original contract.
  • Member Posts: 10,706
    I'm pretty sure the Lexus (Toyota) warranty can be had for less than $1000 if you shop around. NEVER buy the extended warranty from the dealer selling you the vehicle.

    HUGE source of income for the dealer's "financial" manager.
  • Member Posts: 318
    I've read many simple fix/improvements on many different types of vehicles. It's interesting that the car makers didn't think of these little things while designing the cars. In this case, Lexus has the ability to come up with laser cruise control but failed to do a simple protective cover. Why? Same as those 3m headlight films. It costs very little, but will save you hundreds of dollars. I don't understand why car makes don't do those during production.
  • Member Posts: 10
    Yes, I have four Bridgestone ER 33. I also have factory rim with tire size 245/45/18. You can't always think that once air is filled in tires at the recommeded psi, that it will stay that way for a long time without needing to check them. Experts say that tire pressure should be checked at least monthly. I check them weekly. This is good practice toward long tire life, better handling and most of all best gas mileage possible. Don't forget to rotate and balance them regularly.
  • Member Posts: 10
    This normal with all cars whether they are Lexus or not. If you haven't check tire pressure in 5 months chances you will experience air loss. Do yourself a favor, check your tires bi weekly or even monthly. By doing so, your tires will receive longer tires, better gas mileage and improved handling.
  • Member Posts: 10
    It all depends on how well you know these quick oil change shop. Do you have a mechanic whom you trust to do the job right? To me, it is not difficult because I do my own oil changes. If you think that the cost isn't an issue, go the the dealership for the oil change. If you trust outside repair shop to do your oil change, then go to the outside repair shop to do your oil changes. Changing your oil regularly keep your car running in peak condition.
  • Member Posts: 10
    You may want to look into a certified pre-owned. I purchased a 2003 LS 430 in July of 2007. I am pleased with my certified pre-owned purchase. Also look at to further your own research on LS 430. I think that cost of maintenance work on LS 430 is less than European cars.
  • Member Posts: 7,239
    I think that cost of maintenance work on LS 430 is less than European cars.

    That has also been my experience......about 50% less.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Just bought a used 2005 LS 430 fully loaded.Unable to close the trunk since yesterday.No accidents,Any ideas?
    Also the car now has 65850 miles and the red triangular light with the message "maintenance reqd" shows up. Do I have to go to a dealer?Can independent repair shops fix both problems?I live in Ocean County,NJ
  • Member Posts: 1
    To reset,
    Turn key to on position and push the odo/trip button to change the display to blank.
    Turn the ignition switch off.
    Turn key to on position with the trip meter reset button held down at the same time.
    Should take 5-8 seconds.
    Turn the ignition switch off,
    Problem solved
    Sorry but can't help with the trunk.
  • Member Posts: 5
    I'm looking for an extended warranty for my 2009 LS 430 but haven't been able to find anything for less than $1000. I found a Toyota warranty for less than $1000 but they don't cover Lexus. If you know of a good site for Lexus warranties, please let me know. Thank you!
  • Member Posts: 10,706
    Strange, it's a Toyota extended warranty that Lexus always sold me.
  • Member Posts: 7
    try Molle Toyota in Kansas. You can buy over the tel. It will probably be a little more than $1,000 for the factory warranty
  • Member Posts: 5
    Thanks! I will definitely give Molle Toyota a call. The last time I spoke to Toyota, they told me they only sell extended warranties for Toyota, not Lexus.
  • Member Posts: 5
    I called Molly Toyota and got a quote for 8yr/100k mi for $2,585.
  • Member Posts: 329
    Are you talking about a 2009 LS 460, or a 2006 LS 430? Or is it a used 430 that you are buying in 2009?
  • Member Posts: 5
    I have a 2006 LS 430 that I bought new 3 years ago. The original warranty has not expired yet.
  • Member Posts: 1
    I'm a new lexus owner and am already experiencing problems with my dealer, Pohanka Lexus in Chantilly VA.

    I purchased a car last Fall and have visited this dealer for recommended service and to fix a problem with the nonfunctional SOS feature -- their version of OnStar. What I have noticed so far is that they generally ignore their customers after the sale.

    I have told them repeatedly that the parking brake on the car needs adjusting so that you don't have to literally push it completely to the floor to get it to hold the car stationary (and who designs floor pedal parking brakes these days?). Both times they have failed to adjust it even though the loaner car they gave me which is identical to mine had the pedal adjusted correctly.

    The SOS/OnStar issue took two months to resolve (had to take the car in twice to finally have it serviced). This meant that the 12 month access to this service that is included with a new car was shortened by the amount of time it took to fix it. I approached Mr. Scot Brewer on the issue and he copied my service form and took my contact information, telling me he'd get back to me. Of course, he didn't. I called twice only to have him dodge my calls with the standard "he's in a meeting" line they give all their customers when they want something from them.

    I realize this complaint may sound trite compared to some issues others have, but if they respond so poorly for minor issues I'm wonder what a colossal failure they will present handling a major one. Overall, my initial impression of Pohanka service does not match what they would have you believe when they are trying to sell you a car. I hear good things about their competitor, Lindsay Lexus in Alexandria. At least i have a fallback position if Pohanka continues to suck so hard.
  • Member Posts: 125
    Hi. Usually Lexus service is pretty good. However if you're having trouble, try calling the main Lexus customer service number. They are located in Torrance, CA. I'll bet your dealer will jump on your service request pronto.
  • Member Posts: 5
    The information display box in my 98 ls 400 always displays " low washer fluid" even though the reservoir is full.No one has an idea what the problem might be.

    Was thinking about a computer problem but it may not be that and all of you here know what happen when u take your lexus to the dealer.They want an arm and a leg.

    Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.

  • Member Posts: 1
    how much transmission fluid does my 91 lexus Ls400 holds in the pan?
  • Member Posts: 10,706
    Everything that the torque converter doesn't.
  • Member Posts: 1,284
    edited March 2010
    The pan holds only 3.5 to 4 quarts of approximately 14 quart total capacity (the TC contains about 6 or 7 quarts, the rest is in the valve body, actutators and their pathways, plus the plumbing and transmission fluid cooler).
  • Member Posts: 64,481
    The little float that measures it must be stuck. Just take the tank out and measure the switch continuity with the float up and float down and see which isn't working--the float or the switch.
  • Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2010
    Hah..easy to say.. but just taking the tank out would be a big deal, let alone measuring the switch continuity with the float up and down.But i greatly appreciate your input.

  • Member Posts: 64,481
    Oh---the labor rate to remove that reservoir didn't look too bad. I think it was .6 of one hour. Not so bad. Courage man! :P
  • Member Posts: 3
    Has anyone experienced a failure of the USB port for MP3 use in the LS460. Lexus is saying there is no repair for the port.
  • Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2010
    The fuses seem to be ok but the front cigarette lighter on my Lexus LS 430
    doesn't work. What could be wrong here?
  • Member Posts: 3
    Yes I had the same problem with my LS460 and was told the same thing. I fixed the problem by pinching the mail USB prong so it makes a tighter fit. It fixed the problem forever.
  • Member Posts: 7,239
    It never worked in my 430 either. Had to use the one in the back.....
  • Member Posts: 8
    I must share my experience with the Lexus Dealer in Silver Spring Maryland. So far those folks have met my every expectation. They really are customer first and I hope that it stays that way. We also MUST demand service from these firms and keep them "HONEST". I purchased a 2008 LS460L and the vehicle is great. It had a few issues whistling wind noise on the passenger side front (they will fix as soon as ordered parts come in), front headlight had moisture and will have that replaced also.
  • Member Posts: 19
    The "whistling wind noise on the passenger side front" is a common problem with many of the 2007-2010 LS460s and LS600s. If your dealer is unable, or unwilling to resolve this issue for you, check here for a possible solution: the-jmcraney-wind-noise-fix.html
  • Member Posts: 26
    I had them for about a year. Mine are Potenza G019 Grid with a 50,000 miles warranty. They occasional lose air, but small amount. All tire company recommend checking air pressure frequently, or at least monthly. They also suggest purchasing a good quality tire pressure guage when doing pressure. Another reminder, check tire pressure early in the morning when the tires pressure are cold or the car hasn't driven yet.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I had the valve spring recall completed on my 08 LS460L and am now experiencing sluggish acceleration. The day after getting the car back I was making a right turn onto a busy street and needed to aggressively merge into traffic. To my surprise the car barley moved at all and I was almost hit. After avoiding that potential disaster, I entered a freeway on-ramp and gave it some gas. The engine strained and would not accelerate but the revs kept slowly climbing. Once I finally reached freeway speeds everything seemed fine. Coming back home I had to enter the freeway again but there was a Scion XA next to me so I floored the car to pass him up the on-ramp but to my surprise I was not able to pass this little car and had to break off my attempt to pass. Again the revs did climb slowly but did not seem to be putting any power down to accelerate. I do not know what it could be. The car is at the Dealers, but they said with out being able to duplicate the issue would make for an impossible cure of the problem. I live 100 miles from the dealer and can't just rush it over when the problem occurs. I would greatly appreciate any information you all may have that can help. The car only has 23,000 miles on it. I am the original owner and have pampered the car.
  • Member Posts: 2
         I have a white 1994 lexus LS 400, with a strange overheating problem, and it's gradually getting worse.  I bought this car from a man while he was in the process of dying from cancer.  It was winter when I bought the car.  The car handled fine all year and throughout the summer it was fine.  Another winter passed and all was good.  It wasn't until the weather began to get warm a second time, that troubles began to surface.

         This summer is a lot warmer than the last.  It got hot early in the spring, and I turned on the air conditioner, but after about 10-15 minutes I began to notice an overwhelming musty odor.  I would later realize it was the odor of an overheating radiator, but at the time I could not place the smell, an the engine was not smoking.  I stopped at a random repair station (lets call him mechanic R), and the mechanic R did me a favor and sprayed some anti-mildew spray in the air ducts.  This did not work, because the next time I used the air conditioner, the smell was back.  I was told by a fellow who worked for an air conditioner company, to change the air filter and let the air conditioner run for a while.  I let the car sit while turned on for a few hours, and let the air conditioner run with the windows open to avoid the stench problem.  This seemed to solve the problem, temporarily, as the smell issue went a way for a while.

         The next hot day I put the air on, about 10-20 minutes later the smell was back.  I drove around with the air on and the windows open, the smell went away.  I went to run a few errands and when I went to turn the car on again it began to stall.  I decided to take it to my mechanic (lets call him mechanic M), it took me about 10 minutes to get there.  As I pulled into the mechanic M's station, the car began to smoke like crazy.  I popped the hood and we let it cool.  I left the car overnight and  mechanic M said the radiator had a hole in it, he said he replaced it and that was that.

         Now when I drove the car, the engine was making a louder sound.  It was no longer quite and purring like a kitten.  It was sputtering and would seem to want to stall when I would start it and accelerate in the morning and after work. Yes, It had trouble accelerating, but it would be fine after I drove it for five minutes.  It would have trouble accelerating every time I used it, after a few hours of non-use.

         Any use of the air conditioner would produce the same overheating after 20 - 30 miutes of driving with the air on.  The fan clicked on when I used the air conditioner.  So it wasn't that.  I took it to the mechanic who repaired it for the original owner (lets call him mechanic O).  He said he had tried to figure it out but could not.  He said the original owner had given up on them and went somewhere else.  He took the car, said he ran it for 30 minutes with the air on, said he ran it in the shop with the air on as well.  He said he could not find anything.  He told me the radiator looked old, and like it was the one that came with the car.  I had suspected my first mechanic had not replaced the radiator, this confirmed my suspicion.  I also believed my first mechanic had not changed the oil much earlier.  This newer mechanic also did not have time to change the oil.  So how much attention could he have given the car, other than running it.  A friend had suggested that a lexus has a second speed setting on the fan that clicks in on extra hot conditions and is sometimes affected by the fuses.  This newer mechanic said this wasn't it.  But how much time could he have dedicated to it to know that.

         I was running out of options, the previous owner had experienced the same issues and had brought it to two different mechanics with no success.  I had brought it to two different mechanics with no success (although one had been used by the original owner and one simply cheated me.)  I thought about going to Lexus, but tales of high prices were discouraging me.  I drove another week with no air conditioner use and for the final 3 days of that week it was very hot outside.  A strange vibration was coming from the engine, I could feel it through the steering wheel when I started the car after work.  The temperature gauge always seemed in the middle so I figured I could get by for a while if I didn't use the air. I stopped at a store on my way home from work and the strange vibration I had felt through the steering wheel was back.  I shut the engine off, and as I began to walk from the car, I noticed smoke coming out.  I went and got some water from the store.  The radiator was so hot and empty if I added water it would evaporate and shoot back out.  I left the car at the store.  The store is close to mechanic R (who had first helped me with the smell in the air conditioner.  I now recognized this smell to be an overheating engine.  It must have sucked the vapor into the air conditioner system.


    - Initially the car would only overheat on a hot day when the air conditioner was in use, but now additional damage has been done with the engine being louder.

    -The water level must be dropping, but my ride two and from work is not filled with traffic.  I must have slowly been loosing water for the car to overheat without the air on.

    -The car doesn't overheat when I am driving.  Only when I stop and turn the car off.  Then the fan is off too.

    -The oil needs to be changed

    -Mechanic R is close to the store I left the car at, but I am confident when I fill the car up with water, I can drive to the lexus dealer.

    -It is a busy summer season where I live, and mechanics are busy making fast money on out of town customers, not spending time on people from the area who have problems that don't have a simple solution.

    -I don't have a lot of money to burn.

    Any hints or suggestions or solutions are welcomed at this point, I believe I will take it to the lexus dealer.

    -Thank you
  • Member Posts: 12
    I took my late '90s Lexus to the dealership body shop to replace a damaged door. The body shop said my insurance company would only pay for a used (salvage) door; if I wanted a new door (which I do), I'd have to pay the difference. When I asked how much that was, he looked on the computer to get a salvage vs new price, and then said there were no salvage doors (in the whole US?) Therefore, the shop would put a new door on (he said Lexus still makes these doors, even for this older model), and insurance would pay for it. Am I being played? Is the dealership going to actually put a salvage yard door on the car, and how can I tell if they've done that? Something seems fishy to me. Is there some kind of collusion between the dealership and the insurance company? (The body shop is a "preferred provider" of the insurance company.)
  • Member Posts: 64,481
    Without testing it's just a guess but given that you said it runs rough after not being used for a while, I'm thinking that coolant is leaking onto one or more spark plugs. I think what might have happened is that initially you did have a bad radiator and then the engine overheated and warped a cylinder head---that's one possibility.

    I'd suggest that you get a "cylinder leakdown test" or if the mechanics don't know how to do that, have them pressurize the cooling system and then remove the spark plugs while the system is still under pressure--if they spot coolant on any of the spark plugs, there's your answer.
  • Member Posts: 9
    There is almost always some collusion between the "preferred provider' and the insurance company. The good thing about this is that the insurance company is dealing with the dealer. They will probably put a new door on, if for no other reason than reputation alone. I do not know how to check a door to see if it is new or used after it has been installed. Maybe someone else can chime in on that. Your only concern in this case is your deductible and peace of mind that if it is not right, you have recourse. I have had repairs done under similar circumstances, and results were good, even when problems were discovered two months later.
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