Ford F-150 Owners



  • Member Posts: 1,116
    I do not see the temperature sending unit on your list of replaced parts. Is the engine overheating to the point where you see steam coming out? Or is it just higher than normal indicated temperature on your coolant temperature gauge? Replace the temperature sender and see what happens.

    As far as A/C malfunction goes, you may have a vacuum leak or a split vacuum hose that controls the A/C system flaps or doors. If they are solenoid controlled, check the solenoids for proper function.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2001 F150 7700 with disk brakes. the emergency brake cables are free and mowe and pull the lever on the wheels to apply the brakes but the cables are so loose there is not enough travel to have the break engage. there is no adjustment on the cables or can I see any on the wheel. I have been told it is on the emergency brake pedle but can see nothing there can any one advise me?
  • Member Posts: 3,299
    Lets say you drive 15K per year. A year from now with 05 you will have a low milage 05 instead of an average mile 06
  • Member Posts: 1,065
    Was wondering if anyone here has a hard tonneau cover for thier trucks? I am looking at getting one for my 2005 SuperCrew. I do not do much hauling of big items and a cover would make my truck more suited for trips and running multiple errands at one time since I would be able to lock things under the cover. I hear the mpg goes up about 1.5 mpg as well. I guess that would be worth a couple of dollars per tank as a bonus. Any comments?
  • Member Posts: 1,065
    You are correct about the miles. Also, the salesman was correct--if you're going to keep the truck for a long time, it won't matter that you bought it a year old.
  • Member Posts: 1,150
    Apparently the gentlemen DID get 10K off MSRP (see post #3). I hope you really don't think that his "..actual cash value will definetly be worth more than what you paid". If you do, can we get his address so your dealership could send him a check and buy this now used vehicle?

    Incidentally, is there really a dealership named Bubba Oustlet Ford or is this some kind of Cajun joke?
  • Member Posts: 7
  • Member Posts: 2
    don't know exactly where to go to post a new message/ a '93 F150 4-wheeler...replaced light switch but still lights only stay on before they (headlights only)start blinking on 'n off...cheked wiring 'n ground a million times (OK!!...a thousand times!!)...all other lights OK...only headlights won't stay seems as soon as they get a little "warm", they start blinking on 'n off...I understand there is not a separate relay for these is NOT a loose wire or short as this has been cheked several times...also it doesn't matter weather you hit a pothole or doesn't affect the blinking of the headlights...thanks to anyone with a possible solution!!... :-)
  • Member Posts: 2
    I keep gettin' the info that itz the light switch even tho I replaced it...someone sez its not too unusual to get a bad "new" part (especially from Autozone!!)...AFFORDABLE
  • Member Posts: 493
    I don't have my shop manual at hand. Does a '93 F150 have a "GEM" (general electronics module)? My neighbor had a '96 Ranger that started exhibiting screwy electrical symptoms. Mechanic changed out the GEM module and all the electrical gremlins went away.
  • Member Posts: 1
    True story,
    I "loved" Ford. I had a ford 1999 F150 XLT that was close to perfect (I even bought it used) THENNNN the trouble started. I traded it in for a shiny new 2004 model that I loved, for three days that is. Soon after buying the truck they determined it needed a new transmission, K, things happen, I can handle it.... then my brakes started vibrating. Long story short (on this truck at least) I made 9 trips over a ten month period to resolve the issue. Test, check, test, rebalance, turn rotors, changhe rotors (admitted faulty design)turn rotors again, change caps, turn rotors, etc. etc. etc. never did get that vibration fixed when you brake. I got so sick of it, I ended leasing a NEW 2006 XLT (just today) and dumped that other piece of $#)! on them as trade. Walked away with a SMOKING deal, and now know why. I have a definate vibration (feels like rear end) but can't believe my flip'n ears, is this possible????????? I cannot believe my luck, and NOW what I'm reading here, I came online to see about sirius radio for my new truck, and see all these other "vibration" issues, I CANNOT belive this, and think Ford has GOT to be aware they are in trouble on this. Anyhow, I'm exhauseted and ready to shoot the next Ford dealer I see, go'n ta bed boys, good luck.
  • Member Posts: 1
    I have a 93 F-150 318 and the water pump is leaking. Will a radiator stop leak fix the leak on my water pump or do i need to replace it? It isn't a big leak just a drip of antifreeze every once in a while. I haven't pin pointed the leak but i'm sure its the water pump.


  • Member Posts: 247
    "Will a radiator stop leak fix the leak on my water pump?" Naa, radiator stop-leak will only work on radiators. :D Seriously, don't pour that junk into your cooling system, it will tend to clog up the entire system.
    If you are sure it is the pump leaking bite the bullet and replace ain't gonna get better.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I want a 4x4 Ford F150 or an F250 4 door (Supercab)
    Crew cab and as much luxury as I can get for the money.

    I hate going to the dealer for service. If have to become familiar with the service dept, then I've bought the wrong truck.

    What is the overall reliability of the trucks? Is the mileage the same between the models?

    I want to tow 3 dirt bikes and a go kart in a covered trailer.

    I am also looking at other brands, but I like the Fords best.
  • Member Posts: 1,065
    My Ford dealer provides good service. I took my 05 SuperCrew in for an oil change and tire rotation a couple of days ago and they had me out the door in about 30 minutes.

    If you like Fords the best, then buy one. When I was shopping last year, I knew it would take something special to get me to not buy a F-150, and I didn't find anything special out there.
  • Member Posts: 1
    I know of 2 other issues besides mine when it comes to back window leaks. I have had it fixed once already and it's going back tomorrow. I also called Ford Dearborn on it and they said they will follow up with me. It rainned a lot yesterday and when I stepped on the brake this morning shortly after getting under way it sounded like a rush of water moving foward somewhere in the truck - could it be in the well under the rear seats where the jack is stored?

    Im ticked, have sunk some good money into it for XM, Tonneau cover and new exhaust. Funny thing is Im from Michigan and my dad workled for ford so I got the retired plan price on an 04 Larriett loaded. Only have 16k on it in miles so it is babied quite a bit.

    Anybody can give me additional info on this issue I would appreciate it.
  • Member Posts: 1
    The plastic cover that I use to turn on and off my headlights broke. The switch works, but the black knob is what broke. Any ideas where to get the knob and not buy the whole thing?
  • Member Posts: 1,065
    The parts counter at your Ford store. Just ask for the knob. Should cost a couple of bucks. The same thing happened to me with the A/C selector knob a few years ago on a car by another company. I asked the Parts guy for the "Air conditioner switch" and he quoted me a-hundred-and-something dollars. When he found out I meant the knob, it became like two bucks. Should be no big deal. Do you not have automatic headlights?
  • Member Posts: 1
    They are in a world of trouble. Problems started with my 2004 right off. Wife took in because it is close to her work. It seemed to be fixed the first few times. But... they absolutely refused to give us any paperwork. As things got worse they got snotier and snotier until I just decided to trade the piece of crap for a 2006. The dealer didn't want to take the truck in trade. So, I told them that since it was under 30,000 miles I was going to try to take some action under the "lemon law". That perked them up and they said to bring the truck in. They replaced the master cylinder, all rotors and pads, the clutchs in the rear end, for a second time, supposedly repaired the transmission by changing something in the computer. Fine, it seemed to be better. Took it on a short trip. By the time I got back I was having the same problems and again tried to make a deal for a 2006. They offered me $8,000.00 trade in for a 2004 that cost me $25,000.00. By then I had gone over 30,000 miles and did not have the paperwork to support a lemon claim. They are smart not giving people any paperwork. Makes it hard to prove anything. With a heavy heart I bought a Dodge and so far it has run fine. I will never own a Ford again.-
  • Member Posts: 1
    The power door locks on my 1994 F-150 failed together. I've gotten different opinions (I haven't taken it in for anyone to inspect)on what the problem might be(examples - relay, actuator(s), electrical short). I lifted the control panels on both doors and everything looks tight with no frayed wires. I have to guess that with both of them going at one time, some one thing is the problem. Any suggestions on a troubleshooting sequence? On my vehicle, there are two loads on the same relay, the power door locks and the power lumbar support. The lumbar support works so I'm ruling out the relay. I don't see anything else in the fuse box or power unit box in the engine that is related to the power door locks. I was told by one dealership that there are actuators in each door. Once again, I'm guessing that the chances of them both failing at once are remote. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • Member Posts: 729
    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum but reading your story makes me sick.

    This is exactly why Ford and GM need to revisit their dealer relationships, and punish dealers for acting this way. You may have bought an excellent truck, that many good and honest people strived night and day to make sure was the best on the planet, but due to a $^(#&^% dealer you don't want a Ford again.

    They are loosing sales due to this, and ITS NOT ABOUT THE CAR, these dealers need to be punished.
  • Member Posts: 2
    Can anyone help me????
    I have an 1989 Ford F-150 2 gas tanks and one does not work and I get terrible gas mileage. I have read my owners manual and I can not locate what I need to do to fix this. If anyone has any suggestions. I am a half-way mechanic and learning as I go. So please help me!!!

  • Member Posts: 493
    Sounds like one of your fuel pumps has died.

    There's a fuel pump/fuel gauge sender unit in each tank. The switch on your dashboard selects which one to power and also cycles the diverter valve so that any unused fuel returns to the tank that it was originally pumped from.

    Set the switch to the dead tank. Turn the key to "ON". Do you hear any humming from the tank for 3-5 seconds? Fuel pump needs to run to pressurize the fuel system before starting. You could have a bad selector switch, but odds are with a 17 year-old-truck it's the fuel pump.

    To replace a fuel pump you have to drop the fuel tank (or take the bed off of your truck). Technically they aren't too hard to replace, but it can be a fair amount of work. You've got to pump out the tank if you're going to drop it. Dropping the tank without a lift while you under the truck is also "fun." It's still kinda heavy/awkward even when it's been emptied, and you invariably get a face full of dirt, rust and other miscellaneous stuff. It'd be wise to have a helper around just in case.

    Replacement pump is ~$125. Includes pump, float, & sender unit.
    Don't Forget - No Smoking! ;)

    As far as the gas mileage - when's the last time you gave the truck a tune up. As a rule they don't get very good mileage, :cry::cry: but every little bit helps with $3 a gallon.
  • Member Posts: 2
    :cry: Geee...I just bought the truck in March. I don't do to much driving with it. After I bought it the whole truck just died on me. I had to replace a few things. Well I left the replacing to my husband who replace the starter, the alternator, and something else I can not recall. Well, I do not know which was the problem since he did it all at once and then started the truck up after all three things were changed. Ever since I bought this truck I have had nothing but problems. The one listed above, an electrical problem, and now the gas tank thing. Since the truck was bought with out a warenty I could not claim it as a lemon. :cry:

    Well I guess my husband should look deeper into a car before buying. Since it is more his truck than mine. I have a newer SUV, well not so new anymore 98 Mercury Mountaineer.

    Thank You

  • Member Posts: 4
    My 06 F-150 SC 5.4l, 8ft bed, HD payload, 2wd, is vibrating at 60 -65 mph since I had the General Duelers rotated at 7500 mi.
    Am getting steering wheel shimmy and vib thru floor even after 2 balances and putting tires back to original position. Dealer is contacting "HotLine(?)", maybe tires or driveshaft. Tires on my 98 (Goodyears)were replaced for "out of round " at 25K and we all know about the Bridgestone/Ford thing ,so ????
    Anyone have anything similar?
  • Member Posts: 1,116
    The problem is the incorrect differential gear backlash setting. I had a Nissan truck that started making whining noises in the rear axle after about 3K miles. It would do so only under load . When foot was taken off the gas pedal, the whining noise stopped. The differential was replaced under warranty. The new one started making whining noises, but thankfully only while coasting (taking foot off the gas). Under constant power the noise disappeared. The whining noise was confined to a narrow speed range between about 45 and 55 MPH in both cases.

    Why does Ford have these axle issues? The reason is simple. They probably contracted with the lowest bidder for their axles and the axle assembly is done in some third world country by untrained people who have no clue how to set up these differentials corectly. The differential gears must by carefully shimmed and adjusted to specifications and backlash must be within spec.

    I know how annoying whining axles can be. The first one I had in the Nissan that was howling all the time was nearly unbearable. One thing that helps quiet a noisy axle is 80W140 weight gear oil, such as Lucas heavy duty gear lubricant. But it should only be used in warmer climates as it getsw really thick in cold weather.
  • Member Posts: 5
    Since May 2005 our 2004 F-150 4x4 has had a mind of it's own. Start driving, step on the brake, (cold, hot does not matter) and the truck wants to take off. Engine revs up to 4000 rpms. Must hold foot on brake while changing into nuetral and goosing the accelerator. This calms it down. Been to dealership 5 times, called Ford each time. Last dealership attached a diagnostic to vehicle for 2 weeks, but of course nothing happened in those 2 weeks. There is no specific time truck will act up !
    Therefore, Ford will not do anything because there is no proof of a problem. In the meantime, our pick-up can 'take-off' whenever it pleases. !!!!!!! Anyone else with such a problem ?
  • Member Posts: 4
    I bought a new 2006 in July and last night, I had the same experience. It has not happened today. I pressed on the brake and it wanted to go. There is also a lingering gasoline smell when I get out of the truck. Only 1000 miles too. I have not seen any similar posts to this problem and am suprised yours is up as it happened to me for the first time last night.
  • Member Posts: 5
    Thank you, we thought we had a ghost. Start calling Ford Customer Service and report every time it happens. It started out mild and continues to get worse.
    The last time it happened to us, I had to literally stand on the brake while the rear tires spun gravel ! Maybe we can get it fixed before someone is injured !
  • Member Posts: 1
    We are a fleet maintenance department that converted to Fords in the last year. So far we have 2 trucks 1-F250 & 1 F-350 that have both experienced violent shaking while driving down the freeway at any speed above 60 MPH.
    If you hit any type of bump such as the expansion joints on a bridge/overpass the whole truck starts jumping all over the road. Literally have to slow down to appx 50MPH to get it to stop.
    We took the first one to the dealer and received a 'you must be crazy' invoice for diagnostic service with no problem found. Now I can duplicate the problem almost at will by getting up to speed and hitting any type of bump in the road. I think this is extremely dangerous, and Ford is saying they have never heard of this problem.
    Anyone else experience this?
  • Member Posts: 2
    My 1998 F150 XL went dead today at a traffic light. Towed it to the Ford dealer and I'm waiting for diagnosis tomorrow. Hoping it's battery, alternator or something fixable. I am very, very attached to that truck, as I was to the Ford Explorer we had before we bought the truck. Never thought I would like anything as much as that Explorer, this F150 proved me wrong!
    I've read with much interest the posts on this site tonight......this truck has had it's share of problems too, rotors, brakes, calipers hanging up, ABS, sensors, fuel pump, I think I replaced the alternator a couple of years ago. All things being said, it's been (and hopefully will continue to be) a great truck, reliable and safe. I now hope it's reasonable to fix, would like to get it to 250,000 before it gets a much deserved rest. By the way, the truck has seen it's share of trailer towing too, about 3 weeks a year since we got it. Just needed a place to share thoughts and hoping this isn't an obituary!
    We also own a 04 Ford 150, though hubby uses that one. No problems with it. Still like my 98, though.............
  • Member Posts: 3
    i had a 2006 chevrolet duramax do that to me and it was insane, i even flipped the key of and on and it still did it
  • Member Posts: 3
    definatly fords man just take my edvice
  • Member Posts: 5
    Did anyone give you advice or solve the problem?
  • Member Posts: 2
    I have an 04' F-150 Crew. I too have been experiencing the vibrating when I get between 60-70 mph. Took it into the shop today and was told first it must be out of balance and then I was told I needed new tires instead. They had the nerve to tell me that 3 out of the 4 tires were BALD!!! I am a woman and let me tell you I am not STUPID. I take care of my ride and treat it like a baby and that includes mataining it according to all standards. Something is going on here and I want down from my soapbox now.
  • Member Posts: 5
    Have you been able to contact Ford yet ? I would be glad to exchange dealership names if that would help.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I have not yet contacted Ford directly. This only happened yesterday. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • Member Posts: 5
    The dealership we took our F-150 to is Simmons-Rockwell in Hallstead, PA. 570 - 879-5000 Last time there June 15, 2006. Managers name - Warren.
  • Member Posts: 2
    Trace your wiring from the selector switch before you go to the pain of dropping the fuel tank. While under the truck though replace the fiber filter in the T housing where the fuel lines from both tanks come together if it is like my 86' model.
  • Member Posts: 2
    did you ever get a solution to the disc brakes hanging up? Jim
  • Member Posts: 1
    I tried to rent an auto trailer to tow a 55 Packard Clipper today and was told that my 01 F-150 wasn't up to the job by U-Haul. The Clipper weighed in at 3900 lbs and the trailer at 2000 lbs. I have a class III hitch, 4.6L V-8, with a 3:08 rear end. Was U-Haul correct? Or was he trying to blow smoke because it was Sunday and he would have to send somebody to another store to get the trailer and I didn't have a reservation?
  • Member Posts: 640
    They've had some vehicles written up incorrectly in their guides before but in your case they may be correct.

    Everything I see indicates your axel ratio is what's killing you. You're limited to about 2000 pounds. Ford doesn't think the 4.6 with 3.08 will handle much more than that. You would need 3.31s MINIMUM to be right at the limit where UHAUL might be willing to rent you something.

    Check it out.
  • Member Posts: 2
    Don't know if any other owners had this,but I need a repair manual just with the pages for the window track,our window slid down and the motor runs. Our town had to order the manuals and it takes a weeks time which we dont have.Ford town here doesnt cover this under warranty and I dont have 300 to 400 to shell out. Can any one help me with this,just need pics and how to. Would appreciate greatly. Thank You Mrs. Muckhog...... :cry:
  • Member Posts: 20
    Anyone solve this headliner noise issue?
  • Member Posts: 131
    Can anyone tell me if Ford had both a straight 6 cyl. and V6 in the earlier F-150's? I hear others talk about the straight 6 and I'm looking at an '87 F-150 that says it has a V6. Which engine is better and why?

    Also, can any of you experienced Ford owners tell me how many miles is too many when looking at an old truck with any of the Ford engines (6 or 8 cyl.)? I'm talking about from say 1986-1995.

    What should I be aware of when looking at these trucks for trouble signs? I'll be using it for trips to the hardware store and getting me back and forth to work. Thanks to all!
  • Member Posts: 1,757
    My dad's 76 F100 has a str8 6, not sure when Ford switched to the V6.

  • Member Posts: 3,516
    If it's an 87, it had the straight six (300 cube/4.9 liter). The 97 was the first year of the V6 (4.2L).

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • Member Posts: 1
    when key is turned on but not started the fuel pump kicks in but does not go off it keeps running we have changed both the relays and still cant figure it out please help
  • Member Posts: 1
    I don't know if anyone has helped you but, ford has only came out with an inline 4.9l 6cyl. in everything under 95'. They did come out with a V-6 in 97' and up ford F-150's.

    Also, depends on the care and maintenance. I still own a 93' ford f150 and all the one's before that have lasted 250,000 to 300,000 miles.

    Suspension is a must and so are the oil pumps. If you can make sure the transmission has had a flush and filter in at least once in its life. Oh yeah, one more thing... If the power steering whines, that just means its working. :-)
  • Member Posts: 2
    So i'm very, very interested in purchasing an F-150, but i'm not quite sure what i'm looking for. i have a feeling this might not be the place to find out, is there a place ya'll can direct me to do my research, or is there anyone willing to help me out? i'm a ford rookie, haha. thanks.
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