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Nissan Quest 2004+: Problems & Solutions



  • ivan_99ivan_99 Member Posts: 1,681
    Anything “stuck” in the bottom track?

    We had an AAA battery stuck in the bottom…so every so often it would roll in a position to obstruct something…plus all the other junk the kids have “stored” back there.
  • plashenickplashenick Member Posts: 165
    Very common problem. We had the recall work done, but the door likes to "refuse to close" every now and then. Since the dealer does not see it, they cannot fix. We had the slides re-greased, but no help. When it is frequent I turn the switch for the powerslide off and manually close. :cry:
  • squestsquest Member Posts: 25
    This may help: There is a certain sequence to reprogram the doors written in the TSB section for Nissan. My doors were acting badly, and I asked the dealer if he followed that sequence given to program them, after the relay fix. He said no. I printed out the instructions and programmed them myself. My Van is a 2004 SL.
    Hope this helps you solve the problem.
  • benduprebendupre Member Posts: 121
    Can I ask where you go to look at TSBs from NISSAN?

  • ClairesClaires Member Posts: 1,222
    Edmunds.com has them here: Maintenance Schedules, Recalls & TSBs


    Need help getting around? claires@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.

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  • hassanihassani Member Posts: 2
    Does anyone here has any complains about their air conditioners. I have an 06 SL with about 2000 miles on it and the a/c doesnt blow cold air, its just a little bit cooler and that is on a nice 80 degree day. Even when I keep it at MAX A/C, which basically stops the air intake into the cabin, I still feel like there is hot air blowing into the cabin from somewhere.
  • ivan_99ivan_99 Member Posts: 1,681
    It may sound obvious…but make sure the rear seat temp is not set to HOT…my wife did this once…It was 90 outside and I had the AC running…it seemed to take really long to cool when I noticed my wife had the rear on HIGH heat and full fan...she also likes to fiddle with the climate control…always; I say, just click “Auto” and all will be well…oh well…
  • garycoxgarycox Member Posts: 59
    I just wanted to post information as to where you can also file complaints regarding issues with your vehicle.

    Federal Trade Commission regarding issues of unfair business practices etc... I filed on on Quest Tires... http://www.ftc.gov/ftc/consumer.htm

    Better Business Bureau Auto Line - It has worked for me to get reimbursed for brake repaires. http://www.dr.bbb.org/autoline/

    National Highway Transportation Safety Administration - investigations into vehicle defects - http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/complain/

    While it might not do you a lot of good if enough people file complaints it could put pressure on manufacturers to address issues!
  • hassanihassani Member Posts: 2
    I wish it was that obvious, something I overlooked. But the thing is the coolness of the air that the a/c is blowing. I dont know how else to put it. I have a 2001 Infiniti and when you turn the air on its throwing like freezing air at you, the quest doesnt. One more reason why I dont like the quest, should have gone with what I wanted (the Odyssey) rather than what the wife wanted (the Quest)
  • squestsquest Member Posts: 25

    Check this site, and click on "body structure doors"

    I am not sure if thsi will help. If not, GOOGLE Nissan Quest TSBs and see if you can come up with something.
    I will try to find the site I used before and send it later if I find it.
  • squestsquest Member Posts: 25
    I could not find the full TSB on line, but call your dealer and ask for TSB#03080B and see if you can get a copy.
    You might ask him if he adjusted your doors by this TSB. I believe this is the one you are looking for. Let us know how you make out on this problem.
  • dtownfbdtownfb Member Posts: 2,918
    There was a TSB on the 2004 Quests. But I thought it was corrected for 2005.

    This will sound weird but try your AC on the bi-level setting and see how that works. And turn off the rear AC. I had issues with my AC during the first year and the past two summers the AC has been excellent. I'm not sure if the dealer did something during one of the service visits but no complaints anymore. Actually kids complain about it being too cold.

    If the obvious things do not work, take it to the dealer to get it checked.
  • cleelandcleeland Member Posts: 18
    I had an '04 SL and had the same complaint since taking delivery in August of '03. Not only did the A/C not cool well, but warm air dumped out of the floor vents onto my feet constantly, even when the vents were off. There's a TSB about this and they did it, but it still sucked.

    Recently I traded it for an '06 SE, and things couldn't be more different. I don't know if the SE is a "Wednesday" car or if there was a running engineering change or what, but this A/C gets things cold and keeps them cold. No complaints so far, and it's been blast-furnace hot in my area.

    My suspicion on the '04 is that there was a valve somewhere for the heater core that wasn't properly shutting off, so I was getting heat all the time. But the dealers either wouldn't or couldn't verify.

    I recently picked up a copy of the service manual, so I might have a look to see if anything sounds plausible, but I'm not touching the '06 since it works.
  • cleelandcleeland Member Posts: 18
    You can get full text of TSBs from http://www.nissanhelp.com.
  • garandmangarandman Member Posts: 524
    I wish it was that obvious, something I overlooked. But the thing is the coolness of the air that the a/c is blowing. I dont know how else to put it. I have a 2001 Infiniti and when you turn the air on its throwing like freezing air at you, the quest doesnt. One more reason why I dont like the quest, should have gone with what I wanted (the Odyssey) rather than what the wife wanted (the Quest)

    "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." Have you taken it to the dealer? This is NOT normal.

    We took a trip from Ontario to Boston in 95 degree heat, sunny, and 6 people in the Quest. It cooled everyone admirably, and averaged 25.9 mpg going 75 mph. The Odyssey forum is full of folks complaining about lower than expected MPG, BTW.

    However, what DOES seem to be normal is that folks don't read the owner's manual about using the "Max AC" setting, or about using recirculate mode to improve cooling performance and mpg.
  • rprossilrprossil Member Posts: 62
    One other thing to check might be the cabin air filter, the one mounted inside the car behind the glovebox in the air duct. when they get dirty, it can really cut down the air flow. I just changed them in both of our cars and it made a big difference.
  • squestsquest Member Posts: 25
    Thank you. That is the site I was looking for. I think I gave the gentleman the wrong TSB number, but if he looks through here he can find the correct one.
  • plashenickplashenick Member Posts: 165
    My wife was at the mall and the power sliding door (pass) on our 04SL was not opening well. She had it on manual because it was behaving badly earlier on remote closing. The door, now, would not shut properly. All of a sudden the body panel (right / rear) above the sliding track pops off, except where it is connected next to taillight. She cannot put it back and is afraid if she drives it might damage panel / lower quarter panel.

    She called the dealership who came out and mostly popped it into place. The car was going in for oil change anyway. The dealership says they will take care of this (re-paint if necessary). They also said this is not the first time they have seen this. We have 36.5k

    Anyone ever had this problem?
  • chuck0731chuck0731 Member Posts: 12
    We have a 2004 Quest which has experienced several common problems discussed on this site (and about which I have posted before). Fortunately it hasn't caused us too many problems lately (knock on wood), but we just went over the 35,000 mile mark (in less than 2.5 yrs) and I'm worried something major is on the horizon. I've seen several posts here which mentioned Nissan extending the warranty on all 2004 Quests to 5-yr, 60,000 mi. Is this true, and if so where can I find out about this? If it is true I'm sure my dealer would be aware of it if I needed service, but they're not above claiming ignorance and forcing me to prove it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  • f1236089f1236089 Member Posts: 25
    Yeap, I had the same problem as rich21093 a few months after owning the van. Came to find out that there was a pacifier stuck down there. Most likely it fell out of the car seat. :P
  • eyeblindeyeblind Member Posts: 156
    Go to www.nissanhelp.com. Click on "Headline News." Scroll down to the date " 9/24/04. The artile will explain the
    warranty extension. You can print the article out and show it to your service department.
  • garycoxgarycox Member Posts: 59
    I had Nissan write me a letter on company letterhead stating the extended warranty. You might email them at nnaconsumeraffairs@nissan-usa.com or call them at 800-647-7261 and include your VIN#. I too wanted something to show the dealer if I had a problem with warranty.

    ... Gary
  • dtownfbdtownfb Member Posts: 2,918
    All dealers are aware of this warranty. It is no secret and it covers all 2004 Quest. It is an extension of the 3 yr/36,000 miles bumper to bumper warranty. No wear and tear items are covered. You may have to "remind" your dealer of this warranty but it will be honored.
  • asbelejasbelej Member Posts: 3
    Just had the very same thing happen to us. 2004 Quest at 32k miles. My wife was in the van, had the engine running while in park. All of a sudden the warning lights starting going on and off for eveything (air bag, battery, engine, etc) and the navigation system kept rebooting. She turned it off, and it restarted but then would no longer go into drive or reverse. She turned it off again, and that was the end of it- it's dead. The power locks still work as do the interior lights. What a nightmare this van has been for our family. Continual problems since the day we got it. What was the end result of your problem?
  • eddiers71eddiers71 Member Posts: 2
    I have 04 SL, and its MPG has been always around 18 to 19. Recently I had a trip from New York to Niagara Falls, and drove highway around 70MPH with premium gas (93), and still got only 19.9. I usually have 3 people in the car. Does anybody has same kind of problem, getting MPG of only 18 to 19?
  • asbelejasbelej Member Posts: 3
    With 1 adult and 2 kids in the van, always using regular gas and similar driving habits as you state, I never get anything better than 18-19 MPG. I have come to expect nothing but the worst from this van.
  • garycoxgarycox Member Posts: 59
    An interesting note, I brought my 2004 Nissan Quest in for work and the dealer claimed the warranty ended at 36,000 miles except for Power/Train warranty. I contacted Nissan and they also said they showed my vehicle out of warranty.

    A few months before I had checked on it with Nissan and they said it was covered under the extended warranty for 60,000 miles and I had them send me a letter stating that and thus I showed it to the dealer...

    What's up with that? Didn't they up the warranty on all 2004 Quest's?
  • garycoxgarycox Member Posts: 59
    I know I've posed on this before but I have more questions...

    I just took in my 2004 Quest to a dealer again for steering wheel shake while driving and even more shake while braking. Best guess on the braking is that rotors are warped again, not sure if that's the problem with the steering shake. I have brand new Goodyear 225/65/16 tires on it, balanced twice already. However, the problem while braking must be rotors. If I lightly apply the brakes I can see the steering wheel shake back and forth, left to right. If I press hard on the brakes it's not doing it, my guess the rotors are not warped enough yet to give shake during hard braking?

    While under warranty, I'm trying to get Nissan to address the problem rather than try other brand pads and rotors which some have suggested.

    Are there actually 2004 Nissan Quest owners who are not having this problem with the brakes?

    Rotors have been turned 4 times and pads replaced twice, now at 38,000 miles with the problems beginning at 29,000 miles although when I first purchased the vehicle, in the first few thousand miles they had to turn the rotors.

    I went from several thousand miles 20,000+ miles before I think that I recognized the problem again. I'm not sure how it lasted that long and now I can't get more than a few thousand miles out of the brakes before it shows up again?

    It looks like to me a basic design problem in the brakes so how can they really fix it without a redesign?

    So why are not more Quest owners complaining or are they just living with the problem or do I have a lemon?

    ... Gary
  • famof3kidsfamof3kids Member Posts: 160
    Nope, no problems with brakes or shaking here...30k miles....

    2004 Quest SE
  • famof3kidsfamof3kids Member Posts: 160
    I haven't exceeded that warranty limit yet, but, I was afaid this would happen. I have an email from Nissan that simply says this, but, last I heard, they were mailing us a lable to affix to our manual that stated the increased warranty.
    Here is the copy/paste from the email they sent me:

    > Thank you for contacting Nissan North America, Inc. /Infiniti and allowing us the opportunity to be of assistance.
    > In regards to issue that was stated in your email. At this time we have no documentation that can be provided because there is an automated distribution to our customers and you should be receiving your documentation shortly.
    > BASIC WARRANTY 04/08/09 60,000
    > OUTER TRIM CORROSION 04/08/05 12,500
    > ADJUSTMENTS 04/08/05 12,500
    > POWERTRAIN 04/08/09 60,000
    > EMISSION DEFECTS 04/08/07 36,000
    > EMISSION DEFECTS (CALIF 1ST LIST) 04/08/07 50,000
    > EMISSIONS PERFORMANCE 04/08/06 24,000
    > If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me.
    > Sincerely,
    > Coleman Stephens
    > Consumer Affairs Specialist
    > Nissan North America, Inc
  • asbelejasbelej Member Posts: 3
    Same problem here, I don't know of anyone with the 04 Quest who doesn't have brake problems. We had to have the rotors turned at 26,000 miles, numerous recalls done, and the alternator replaced at 32000. The power windows don't work right, power side view mirror doesn't work right, power passenger door keeps opening when we try to close it, sunroof leaks, rust on roof by skyview glass, flat-tire sensors shot, seat memory doesn't work, passenger seat controls falling off the seat, trim is hanging everywhere because it keeps popping off when we put it back, the hinge on the dash storage is broke... oh I could go on and on. I'm not sure how to get this van fixed anymore. Now I'm really concerned about my warranty "expiring". I need to get that email from Nissan that states the extension. I don't know what I'm going to do if Nissan won't do a buyback. I need to figure out how get rid of this van...
  • dtownfbdtownfb Member Posts: 2,918
    I think I have told you my story before. Front rotors warped around 8k miles. At 41k miles, had them turned again when front brake pads replaced.

    Rear brake rotors and pads (which are smaller and thinner than front) replaced about 40k miles. During that time, I felt the same vibration/steering wheel shaking you described. Gone with new rear rotors and pads.

    I they have only turned your rotors (they have turned them too much already) then you probably need new rotors. The basic problem with the rear rotors is they are undersized for the vehicle. this was fixed with the 2005 model. If you have a shop that knows how to properly cut rotors, you should not have the issue with rotors warping. The dealership that cut my rotors at 8k miles did it properly. Only reason they cut the rotorw at 41k miles was because of the new pads.

    My advice is either find a new dealership to take your van to or find an independent shop to do the work. It's not a warranty item so you may as well get it done right.

    And yes, you are covered up to 60k miles. It was part of the September 2004 Customer Service Initiative. Well documented. I bet you can find it on Nissan's website if you search it. The service writere may not be aware of it if they are new to the job but anyone who has been with Nissan for the past 3 years is well aware of the issues with the 2004 Quest and the customer service initiative.
  • garycoxgarycox Member Posts: 59
    I think that is what Nissan classifies as "normal maintenance" items. The warranty covers items which are not broken at the time.
  • garycoxgarycox Member Posts: 59
    We all need to file reports with NHTSA to document the brakes and other issues. At least try to get enough complaints in to force a recall.


    I'm currently having it worked on based on 12 month or 12,000 mile warranty received when I had the pads replaced a few months ago.

    I'm having it all "done by the book" as if it goes to "legal action" I want it documented that all work was done at a Nissan dealership.
  • funkmeisterfunkmeister Member Posts: 2
    For two days now, my wife and I are having this issue with our 2004 Nissan Quest SL. This is what happens:
    From a full stop, when I step on the gas, nothing happens for a couple seconds except revving (like you are on neutral). Then it will engage and jerk and go. The last time this happened was last year and it only did it twice. When my wife drove it this morning, it happened at every stop, so she drove it back and we called the dealer. The dealer sent a tow truck to pick it up.
    The other problem - the dealership could not "duplicate" the problem and therefore can't fix it. They said they haven't had that sort of complaint before but a friend who owned a '04 Quest said she encountered the same problem.
    I've been reading about the problem and I think it is related to the TCM (A/T Control Module) issue.
    Anyone else experience the same problem?
    Was it the TCM?
    Please advise. Thanks.
  • dtownfbdtownfb Member Posts: 2,918
    There is a TSB on this issue and a well known issue with the Quest. I would talk to the service manager about this issue (nicely) and ask what do you need to happen for them to look at the van. Tell him this is a very unsafe situation for my wife and kids to be in. Tell him you have brought this issue to his attention and have not received the service promised by NIssan and that you would hate for an accident to happen because of this issue. Feel free to show him the TSB at this time (you can find a copy of the TSB on many websites).

    P.S. - Also check on this board. I think when you re-start the engine it erases the codes. The answer may be to turn off the engine and have the tow truck come immediately.
  • garycoxgarycox Member Posts: 59
    I had a simular problem. I would press on the gas and it was like it had no power, very sluggish. If you turn off the vehicle and re-start it then it would be ok until it did it the next time. I took it to the dealer several times for the problem and finally printed the TSB about it and they replaced the A/T control module and it hasn't done it since.

    I'm not sure if what you describe is exactly like what I experienced but it sounds like either the A/T control module or the transmission.

    ... Gary
  • garycoxgarycox Member Posts: 59
    Just got my Quest back from the dealer. They turned the rotors yet again and re-balanced the new tires (3rd time). I think this is the 5th or so rotor turning in 38,000 miles. They did it at no cost. I don't blame the dealer, I do blame Nissan.

    I tested it in town and on the interstate. So far it is driving like it did when I first purchased it. Very smooth.

    However, I know as well as you do it won't last. Rotors will warp again...

    I'm thinking with the weather getting cooler it may last a bit longer? As best as I can determine the problem is the materials in the pads and rotors, their design and heat combination causing all the issues.

    I'm really pressing for Nissan to address the problem and issue at least a TSB for a fix if not a recall. Of course, I'm just one person. For those of us having issues we all need to make sure we file complaints with the NTSB and blanket Nissan with letters and emails complaining.

    Sure I could try non Nissan pads and rotors, some have reported success. I don't really want to do that under warranty as that could be an excuse by Nissan to avoid responsibility. So far I've had 100% of the work documented and performed at Nissan authorized dealerships. They have no excuses. They just need to address the problem and fix it!

    ... Gary
  • funkmeisterfunkmeister Member Posts: 2
    Thanks. How do I get the TSB on this? I went to TSBDATA.com but don't know how to proceed because I do not know the TSB number. Please advise. Thanks.
  • garandmangarandman Member Posts: 524
    I have 04 SL, and its MPG has been always around 18 to 19. Recently I had a trip from New York to Niagara Falls, and drove highway around 70MPH with premium gas (93), and still got only 19.9. I usually have 3 people in the car. Does anybody has same kind of problem, getting MPG of only 18 to 19?

    We have an o5 SL and made the trip Boston - Niagara Falls - Boston this summer with 3 adults and 3 kids. We averaged 22. something on the way out and 25.9 on the way back.

    We log all fuel use and average every 5,000 miles and it has never been much lower than 22 overall. I keep it in good tune and keep the tires inflated to 35-38 psi. It now has 34,000 miles on it.
  • plashenickplashenick Member Posts: 165
    I have an 04SL and recently drove from NJ to FLorida. Avg 70-75 ewith three adults, 2 kids. A/C on in 95+ temps, with a full trak of suitcases. Avergaed 22.5-24.5 mpg per fillup, 23 overall. Beofre trip I reset the MPG gauge and it had 23.5 So pretty darn close. I ran on Regular and have 38K on van
  • slimwslimw Member Posts: 1
    My 05 Quest developed steering wheel vibration @ 4000 miles. Dealer turned front rotors. vibration gone. Tires rotated @ 7500 miles, no vibration after rotation. Vibration resurfaces @ 12,000 miles. Dealer replaces front rotors, turns rear rotors and replaces front wheels,(rims) due to a out of round condition. All repairs done on warranty. Dealer states on work order that all four tires are defective, tire hop, tread seperation, unbalanceable. Dealer refers me to a Goodyear retailer. Steering vibration the same after these repairs. I can't hardly believe this is happening and really can't afford to spend this much time on this. I decide to take the van to Discount Tire to inquire about pro-rated tire replacement. Discount Tire was GREAT!!!! They gave me $90.00 credit per original tire, no questions asked. I had them install Yokohama TRZ 235/60/16's At some cost to me. These new tires cut the vibration by 70%. I returned to Discount Tire and had them remove all wheels/tires and road force balance all tires @ $15.00 charge per tire. I was going to get to the bottom of this problem now or go Lemon Law. Discount Tire discovered one of the new wheels the dealer installed was defective, had a 2" flat spot on both sides and could not be balanced. I had them move this tire to the right rear. Steering vibration almost gone. Returned to dealer. Dealer replaced defective wheel on right rear. I have not had this new wheel road force balanced yet and may not because the vibration is so minimal it may not be worth $15.00 to find out if this is the source of the small vibration. The moral to this story is that if you are having a steering vibration go to a shop like discount Tire that has the Hunter Road Force Balancer. Do this first then you will know if the problem is wheels,tires or brakes/rotors. this will cost $60.00 to find out but time is money. In my case the dealer replaced the front rotors and wheels. I have no way to know if they were in fact the problem or if the tires were the problem. I suspect it may have been a combination of all three with the tires being the worst ofender. If this van develops steering vibration again I will road force balance first the if it's not tires I will return to the dealer with proof as such. I really don't know if this problem will resurface, flip a coin. But I do know how to isolate tis problem in the future. Good Luck!!!
  • exploder750exploder750 Member Posts: 159
    We had the same problem with our '04. Luckily thru this website I knew what the problem was right away. We shut it off, re-started, and it was fine. Took it to the dealer with copy of the TSB in hand, and they were very forthright, replacing the TCM under warranty. If this problem happens again, shut it off ASAP and re-start. Not doing this and driving as is can be very hard on the transmission.
  • abraabra Member Posts: 2
    We have this problem for both doors in our Q04 S van - both sliding doors have inner plastic pannels coming off, so dealer (after several times of fixing it in place) decided to replace the whole inner pannels. Hopefully, we are still under warranty coverage. When we first noted this problem, dealer told us it is became common problem for 2004 Quests with more than 50 000 mileage.
  • abraabra Member Posts: 2
    We also received it from our dealer, but later, after my husband argued with manager, they accepted 60,000 miles as our warranty. I remember, we received extended warranty letter from Nissan about 60,000 miles.
  • aaronkaaaronka Member Posts: 1
    Would that be TSM 04144?
  • cirrusscirruss Member Posts: 87
    My 2004 Quest is mainly driven by my wife and when I do get to drive it, I notice the clock is couple minutes fast. At first I blamed her for setting the clock fast, but she told me she didn't. Right now, it's adding 2-3 minutes a month, and it's just annoying because I like my clocks to be right. What's the purpose of having a clock in the car if it can't keep time!!!! Anyone else have noticed this problem.

    I am taking it in tomorrow and the the dealer said they will have to diagnose it....WHAT....as if the mechanic has an atomic clock in their tool box to reference my clock to it!!
  • july2004questjuly2004quest Member Posts: 9
    Our Quest clock does the same thing -- inexcusable, given the accuracy of clocks in every other vehicle I know of. When I brought it in for warranty service, Nissan claimed that it was working-as-designed: 4 minutes fast per month is within spec. Our clock drifts about 2 minutes fast per month. Please let me know if you have better luck.
  • benduprebendupre Member Posts: 121
    That's the limit of the technology. You may not know it but quartz clocks (all clocks you don't wind are based on quartz ocillators) are sensitive to temperature. I bet the problem probably gets worse when the car is parked in the sun a lot.

    I haven't seen a portable cesium clock yet, but you can get one for your home that resets itself several times daily on a radio signal from the atomic clock in Colorado.

    But: does anybody really know what time it is? We've all got time enough to cry... all got time enough to die...

This discussion has been closed.