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Toyota Tundra - Recent Buyers - Vibration Pbm?



  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    as I am a wisea$$ similar to modvptl. The vibration problem was resolved about a month ago. I did not receive nor asked for a guarantee to go with the buyback. I think the dealer would have initiated it cause they were getting awfully tired of seeing both my truck and me... ;)
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    So what did they do to fix it? I read they tried to beef up the frame and A-arms on some shakerados.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    they replaced the rack and pinion and both lower control arms. Apparently the new beefier rack doesn't transmit the vibrations as does the old. With the Michelins and the new rack, truck is rock solid. Now all I have left is to decide whether to leave the 3.73 in or upgrade it to a 4.10 for a little more zip off the line and replace the wind leaking rear quarter windows.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Thanks for the clarification Oby.

    Isn't it ironic that the predominant solution to the Shakerundra vibration, is to put up post after post about problems in OTHER trucks?
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Thganx for the info. Hopefully, your honesty will help other Silverado owners like Quadrunner get some relief from their shaking steeds.
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    How many major repairs have you had done on that LEMON shakerado of yours?

    Isn't it ironic that more Chevy Shakerado owners post to a Tundra VIbration topic than Tundra owners? I call it truck inferiority complex (TIC). Quad has a raging case of it.

    Why has there only been 1 post in this topic in 4 months by a Tundra owner with a vibration problem?

    Why has there been over 2500 posts about vibration for GM pickups since the start of this year? Seems like you guys have a major problem. It seems you would be spending your time better by trying to help fellow Shakerado owners.

    I don't spend my time in Chevy vibration topics making a pest of myself - why don't you show the same consideration? Is your case of TIC that bad?
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    See what I mean?
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Quad made the mistake of test driving a Tundra after he already blew 32K for his lemorado. I understand his bitterness and inability to stop pestering happy Tundra owners.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Service Bulletin Number: ST00299
    Bulletin Sequence Number: 591
    Date of Bulletin: 9905
    NHTSA Item Number: SB605915
    Model: TUNDRA
    Year: 2000
    Component: STEERING
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    If Tundra vibrations is such a huge problem - Why has only one Tundra owner with vibrations posted in this topic? This topic has been open 4 months.

    Now if I wanted to I could find hundreds of Shakerado owners and clog up this site with copies of posts. What would that accomplish? Everyone with a bit of sense knows that they have a huge problem. There has been over 2500 posts to Chevy vibration topics since the start of the year.

    Quad - Do you see Tundra owners in the Shakerado vibration topics? No. It is because Tundra owners are happy with their purchases. Why don't you take your sour grapes and go elsewhere? Is your Tundra Inferiority Complex that bad?
  • z71billz71bill Member Posts: 1,986
    Why don't more Tundra owners post about problems?

    You seem to infer that no posts mean no problems. That could be true (LOL). I think the real reason is they put so much faith into the Toyota reliability myth that they are now to embarrassed to admit they have a problem. Also the very small number of units sold limits the number of complaints. Last time I saw the numbers they were not even to 100K units yet. What would that be - 6 weeks worth of Ford or GM sales.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    988+ posts about vibrating Shakerundras at http://www.tundrasolutions.com.

    53 posts about non-vibrating Tundras.

    Almost 20 to 1 more Shakerundras than Tundras.
  • justtheonejusttheone Member Posts: 403
    I aint gettin how folks still be buyin into them quality tells on them forien ones now. They be rustin up, head-gaskets be popin left and right, and now they be shakin too. Yet some folks still be thinkin them ones got better quality than them big3 ones. Guessin this truth be stingin em: tundra=less truck, more buck. And that more buck sure aint buyin no quality, it just be shipped overseas, back to that island for sure. It be kinda like havin a hole in ya pocket now, good money just fallin away, never seen again, and gettin nothin for it. Good luck on this one now!
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    This site may help you with your lemorado buyback:

  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    You forgot to tell everyone that out of 900 posts. 550 were made by one person "erkme73". 3-4 others make up the bulk of the rest. That's a fact which is easily verified by looking at the site. Each person's screen name has a display showing the total number of posts they've made. This is in stark contrast to the thousands of posts by thousands of silverado owners complaining about their rigs.
  • haladinhaladin Member Posts: 1
    Do the 2001 tundras have the same vibration
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Wow! We got the whole Chevy pack here now. - Quad, Z and libby (she doesn't know too much about trucks, but she likes to go along with the gang).

    Which is it? First Quad claims it is a rampant problem - 900 posts by Tundra owners. Then Z claims that Tundra owners are too embarrassed to post about their problems. If you guys are going to act like a Chevy pack - you'd better get your stories straight.

    The truth is that there are vibrating Tundras - no doubt. No truck is perfect. If you visit Tundra Solutions you will find that there are a few very vocal posters with this problem. I don't blame them - if I had a truck that vibrated - I would be raising hell also. Most of the problems have turned out to be related to out of balance tires or rims.

    How widespread is this problem? Well one person at Tundra Solutions is a salesperson who claims that out of 111 Tundras she has sold - 1 of them vibrated. I believe her. Her name is Dianne - read some of her posts for yourself.

    I bought a Toyota because of their track record. J.D Powers ranks Toyota in a tie for third with BMW for quality. Chevy ranked 26th.

    The Tundra won the 2000 J.D Powers award for initial quality. That's right - the best.

    The Tundra is already rated by Consumer Reports as better than average predicted reliability.

    The Chevy ranked -90%(Off of their charts). Consumer reports has already ranked the '99 Silverado as a used vehicle to avoid. The 4wheel drive is related even less reliable (if that is possible) The 2000 can't be far behind. These results are the result of owner surveys.

    With Libby, it is obvious that she does not know a truck from a hole in the ground.

    With Quad it is truck inferiority complex - he got stuck with a lemon shakerado.

    Z is the runt of the Chevy pack - he just wants to run with the others (it makes him feel important).

    Take a look at the posts to this topic. Only one Tundra owner with a vibration problem has posted here in 4 months. This topic would have died months ago if envious Chevy owners weren't posting here.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    4-5 people have hundreds of posts to their credit about vibrations. One of them traded for a 2001 and swears everything is great. Personally, I don't think anything really changed in the design.
    Out of the 170,000 or so Tundras sold, probably 1-2% have real vibration problems. That's no concellation to the 1-2%, but better than going with the 15-20% chance of getting a chevy lemon.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    The site is http://www.tundrasolutions.com

  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    In case you haven't figured it out. Quadrunner is one of the many unhappy Silverado owners who spend their days posting in the Tundra topics. His sour grapes definitely speak volumes about which truck to buy.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    stopped by the link provided by Quad and checked out the vibration and tire topics. There are a little more that 4-5 people with vibration and tire problems. Actually felt right at home reading the posts as it resembles the one at Edmunds entitled Silverado vibrations. Wow that one topic had 933 posts. Just about blew all the other topics away. Just my observation.

    Some of those Tundra owners seemed a bit anal too. Like they are the nit picky type that irritates everyone around them. They should take a Carnigie course cause in looking at how they post, I'm sure they are pissing off the service advisor at the Toyota dealership with the way they speak...sort of like a Bill Gates type of nerd arrogance... IMHO.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Your absolutely right!!! They are very nit picky and anal(can I say that?). "erkme73" and "chreitzberg" tell people not to have their tires balanced saying it wouldn't help. They act like there is some huge conspiracy aimed against them. Those 2 guys comprise the majority of complaints. The rest of the postings are from do-gooders trying to help them and stop their incessant whining. At least Silverado owners don't whine as much, even when their trucks are really acting up.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    "Chrietzberg" bleeted long and hard, until Toyota finally gave in and traded his truck for a 2001. He now says it's the greatest thing ever. I doubt that there was any design change. Are you still waiting until 2001 to purchase your Tundra. You better hurry! The 1999 Silverado is already listed as a used truck to avoid, the 2000 will be added to that list soon. When that happens, you'll lose 3-4 grand on resale.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Don't like non-GM owners posting in their topics:

    "Just the fact that you
    decided to post a ford comment in a silverado
    buyback topic tells me that either you are looking
    to get flamed or lack the sensitivity to understand
    what the owners of these trucks are going through."
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    If you're going to quote me, at least acknowledge where and from whom and to whom rather than quoting out of context.

    BTW, kit1404 never did answer the questions. In fact I was kind of reminded of the Tundrasolutions.com postings when addressing his previous post...

    It's ok to be anal....as long as you wipe when you're done...LOL!!
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    Another sad misguided Chevy loser. Chevy saw him coming. How many major repairs on that Lemonado?
    Truck inferiority Complex flaring up again? Poor baby!

    Here is a post from another satisfied Chevy owner. Enjoy! This post is from this topic!

    Hey!!! (obyone) Thu 29 Jun '00 (01:18 AM)

    GM has a TSB just out to replace the rack and
    pinion, power steering valve and weld a support
    bracket to the A frame. This is to correct the
    60-65 vibrations on trucks manufactured prior to
    1/24/00. Is this a recall? No, GM has made this TSB
    available to dealers who have customers
    complaining about vibrations...guess what, the "FIX
    KIT" is now on national backorder...WHOOOSH
    another piece of turd down the bowl for GM...They
    chose not to let all the 1/2 ton 2wd owner's know.
    And do you think they ever will? For the record, we
    are not talking about everyone could end up with a
    lemon in all makes. We are talking about thousands
    of trucks out there vibrating with a fix
    available, and the chicken sh*t manufacturer won't
    go public. I'd like to hear a little more in
    support of GM, Chevy, and GMC. We can start with

  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Quad continues to be the red herring in the chevy crowd. He has a lemon Silverado, which he admitted to his fellow owners, yet he still can't face the awful reality of his situation. He can't unload it, because the vibrations and shaking is too bad. So, he's stuck and tries to ease his frustration, by pretending that 4-5 vocal tundra owners who have hundreds of posts to their credit, is the same as 10,000 Silverados with defective ABS or 60,000 shaking Silverados. Keep on posting those Tundra topics by the same names (erkme73, chrietzberg, mark4400). BTW, Sidecross was exposed as a fraud (he has no VIN number for his Tundra). Just another chevy loser trying to stir the pot.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Please, explain how your quote was taken out of context:
    Seems someone likes to post in "Tundra owners rate your truck" topic but gets irate when a ford loser posts in the "Slverado Buyback" topic!
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    on my post #139. What I had stated was if you're going to quote me, quote the whole thing and who I was referring to and that I was doing the post. eg.

    #68 of 109: Check this one out (kit1404) Fri 22 Sep '00 (09:51 PM)

    Edmund's has a new test showing on their start
    page of 2000 pick-up trucks. Guess which one won
    the contest? I was a little surprised - the older
    designed F-150. Frankly, I love my 1999 F-150 4X4
    off-road, but I was shocked to see this old a
    design beat the newer GM and Toyota designs. Says
    something for the truck.

    #69 of 109: kit1404 (obyone) Sat 23 Sep '00 (02:21 AM)

    Actually it says more about Edmunds....

    #70 of 109: Obyone (tiredofwaiting) Sat 23 Sep '00 (03:11 PM)

    You are soooo right.

    #71 of 109: Frankly (kit1404) Sun 24 Sep '00 (06:34 PM)

    I read a lot of car/truck mags and most of the
    consumer stuff too - Edmunds does a credible job on
    their tests. It would be hard to dispute their
    opinions/findings - still, think it was rather
    impressive that the older Ford product stood up to
    the new competition so well.

    #72 of 109: kit1404...without sounding prejudiced (obyone) Sun 24 Sep '00 (09:40 PM)

    nor too opinionated. Why would edmunds do a
    credible job. If we look closely at their
    evaluations, there are a lot of contridictions. To
    me any evaluation is highly opinionated. Whether GM
    trucks came out first or Dodge, it should be taken
    with a grain of salt. Just the fact that you
    decided to post a ford comment in a silverado
    buyback topic tells me that either you are looking
    to get flamed or lack the sensitivity to understand
    what the owners of these trucks are going through.
    Either way your opinion is just that. Another

    Continuing, what has edmunds done in their
    evaluation that I as a consumer should give their
    evaluation a second thought? You state that edmunds
    has done a credible job. How? You state that it
    would be hard to dispute their opinions/findings.
    Opinions are just that, opinions and will always be subject to criticism. Findings? Exactly what
    findings would be hard to dispute? Their evaluation would not sway anyone who owns another brand that they are happy with to ford. Nor does their evaluation have any convincing evidence to support ford as their #1 choice. One last thing, please explain to me what "I read a lot of car/truck mags and most of the consumer stuff too" have anything to do with "Edmunds does a credible job on their tests" as I see no relevance between the two. The problem with any "evaluation" is that objective "data" is mixed in with subjective "opinion" of the authors rendering the evaluation useless.

    I look forward to your response....
    Good luck on this one now!!

    Rwell, does this make more sense? If you noticed my first post, didn't really care if or where that nimrod posted. Frankly, I don't think he even knew where he was posting, and I couldn't resist his rebuttal on Edmund's opinions. Seems too many people are using comic books as facts which they are not. If you're looking for a new truck, places like this and Tundrasolutions.com are where you are going to get the feedback you need to make your decision.

    And though I think that some of the Tundra owners in Tundrasolutions.com are anal, I don't assume that all Tundra owners are. Anal that is.... ;)
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    The ones complaining about Tundra vibrations are all Siverado owners. Classic sour grapes!!!!
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    I've read your post and it stilll seems you don't like someone spouting off garbage in a Silverado topic. Please explain how I'm wrong in my interpretation.
  • mgrmgr Member Posts: 40
    This topic needs to be shut down. Tundra owners dont post here because they cannot get an answer to their questions. I do appreciate some of the last few posts. I am headed to my dealer today with the little bit of info from here, and lots of info from other sights.

    You guys have fun debating Chevy vs Toyota and the merits of smoking.

    Looking forward to seeing a big ice cube on this topic.
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    You stated you have a vibration in post #68, and
    asked if others are having it. The little bit of
    information you got here, pointed you to the "lots"
    of information you got somewhere else.

    Tundra owners do post here every day. In spite of obvious attempts at damage control by others, you DID get your question answered here.

    Take this information, and use it anyway you can
    to help solve a problem. We all want perfect
    trucks. When Toyota makes one, I will be first in
    line behind you to buy one. Until then, the timeout
    needed is at Toyota, not Edmunds. Sincerely.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    this topic was created and monitored by a tundra owner who says he doesn't have vibrations. It wasn't created for the specific purpose of vibrating tundra owners to post in. for that go tundrasolutions.com. This topic is to practice and engage in war. Any problems with that? If so, it should be emailed directly to the host above which is meredith. Good luck on this one now!

    does it seem that I take offense that a tundra owner posts in a tundra subject? You bet. He has every right to post whatever he wants within the guidelines as defined by Edmunds. And so do I.

    As far as my replies in the Silverado topic, let me state them once again. I didn't care whether kit1404 had posted in the buyback topic or not. The point to be debated was

    1-The validity of his comments
    2-The validity of the data that he commented on
    3-The purpose of his post in that topic

    I had asked the questions, he had a feeble answer. end of conversation...
    I had no malice, posted no flames, just asked questions which had no inflection due to typing. I did try to make it sound as [non-permissible content removed] as possible which may have been interpreted different by others. Other than that didn't really matter to me. I still don't agree with the evaluation that Edmunds did...they should have saved their time and money....or was it Ford's money....LMAO!! Everyone has a price...maybe Edmund's is cheaper than others....or as cheap as Consumer Reports...LOL!!
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Consumer reports doesn't accept advertising. If they could be bought off to provide a good review, GM certainly has the bucks to do it!!!
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    as so could ford, toyota, nissan, dodge....
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    So if they're all paying off CR, why are the Silverados rated so low in quality?
  • stan_the_manstan_the_man Member Posts: 2
    I find it interesting to see posts in this forum that are word for word identical to posts in other boards, it makes me think there might be misleading information being posted around the Internet. I'm in the market for a new truck but all I find here is bickering about brand loyalty. It would be nice to have Joe Friday from the old TV show "Dragnet" monitor this forum so he could remind everyone "Just the Facts!"
  • bamatundrabamatundra Member Posts: 1,583
    I purchased my Tundra Dec. last year. It has been absolutely troublefree. I have not had any trace of vibration.

    There are several Chevy owners with Tundra Envy who inhabit this topic and post negative posts from other websites. Why from other websites? Because there is only one Tundra owner that has posted to this topic in 4 months with a vibration problem. There are more posts to this site from Chevy owners than Tundra owners.

    One Chevy owner in particular - Quadrunner unfortunately got stuck with a lemon Silverado. His posts to this topic prove his raging case of truck inferiority complex. It is sad to see.

    Are there vibrating Tundras? Of course. With over 120,000 produced there are bound to be some that vibrate. Most of the problems seem to be cured by balancing the tires, replacing them or a combination of the two. Some owners have had a more difficult time. It could be incorrect balancing procedure (hub centric vs. lug centric) incorrect alignment or something else.

    The fact that Tundra won the 2000 J.D.Powers quality award for full size pickups says to me that it cannot be very widespread. I know of 4 other Tundra owners personally and none of them have had any problems. In fact, every single owner I have talked to has been thrilled with their purchase.

    My suggestion to you would be to take a very thorough test drive including some freeway travel. I would suggest this no matter what brand truck you buy. If there is any problem - make them fix it before you buy it. Dealers tend to be more motivated before they have your money.

    Oh - be prepared for Quad to do some massive cutting and pasting of negative posts from Tundra Solutions. That is his disease (TIC) kicking up again.
  • stan_the_manstan_the_man Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the reply :) As with any mass produced vehicle, there are bound to be some problems from time to time, I'd just like to not have so many of them I have to use the lemon law (hee, hee). It does sound like sour grapes on the part of owners of other brands but I would like to see facts published and not lies & rumors about a vehicle, no matter what brand it is. Every vehicle has good features and some not so good ones too, it's a matter of personal preference and people should allow others to buy what they want WITHOUT bashing them for it.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841

    Have you checked out tundrasolutions.com? It's your opportunity to post questions to current Tundra owners. Seems like more of them congregate there than here.
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Obyone is a sicere Chevy Silverdo owner who is
    trying to help Tundra owners understand how bad off they really are!! ;)
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Denial is not a river in Egypt
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
  • rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Chevy makes over 10,000 trucks with defective anti-lock braking systems during 1999 and you just shrug it off. Talk about denial!!!
  • quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    By you and Bama I'm merely a Chevy owner in a Tundra problem topic. And now you are egging me on? See!
  • z71billz71bill Member Posts: 1,986
    Motor Trend just finished testing a 99 Silverado (1 year I think). Under problem areas they list - NONE - the article goes on to say "Problems? What problems? The only non-warranty cost was $265.26 for 2 oil changes, a tire rotation, 2 quarts of oil and the required 15,000 service" Not bad for 22,245 hard miles of towing and hauling. The Silverado only lost $1,116 in value comparing MSRP to current blue book value!!

    They are also testing a 2000 Tundra - only part way through the test (maybe 5 months) Under problem areas they list - Cold start stalling problem. Also state - "Rear seat is like a park bench"

    Maybe the MT staff does'nt understand that Toyota wants its trucks to start hard - you know so they have a chance to get the oil moving before the truck starts. LOL
  • dogsterdogster Member Posts: 94
    For the guy shopping for a truck: I've owned my Tundra LTD 4x4 for 1 year and 7,600 miles. No vibration. I haven't talked to anybody in real life who owned a Tundra with vibrations problems either. Whoops, I take that back. I did have a vibration problem once. I quickly figured out that the bias ply tires on my boat trailer had flat-spotted after sitting for four months. I towed the boat for ten miles, the trailer tires heated up and the vibration was gone. LOL. Got a couple of you didn't I :)
  • timothyadavistimothyadavis Member Posts: 322
    But these guys will just tell you that you wouldn't have even had that problem, if it would have been a Chevy trailer.... ;-)
This discussion has been closed.