2013 and earlier-Mercedes-Benz M-Class Lease Questions



  • iamgortiamgort Member Posts: 82
    Also are there any incentives right now that I could be utilizing to get the out the door sell price under the invoice value? Thinking something like the BMW ultimate drive coupon, etc. If I can get my dealer to agree to close to invoice pricing then utilize incentives to get the final sale price under the invoice that would be perfect.
  • iamgortiamgort Member Posts: 82
    Sorry for the multiple posts. In the mean time I've been quoted the following if you can tell me if you think this is a good deal. I am also a USAA member which I have not told the dealer about yet so that should give me a bit more off I believe?

    30 month lease with 10,000 per year

    2013 ML350 AWD - Lunar Blue with premium 1 package, rear seat wiring, and harmon audio

    0.0016 money factor (if I do auto pay this will reduce it by .0001 right?)
    63 percent residual ($35,327.25)
    $56,075 MSRP
    $50,467 is the selling price
    $199 processing fee
    $595 MBUSA lease acquisition fee
    $2,050.44 Virignia tax
    $52.75 Virginia tags
  • jeffgolds1jeffgolds1 Member Posts: 1
    Hi Carman! Can you pls quote me a 48 mo money factor and residual on an ML350 blutec? I was quoted 600-650/mo on a list price of $61k. Is this a good deal? Thanks!!
  • car_enthuzedcar_enthuzed Member Posts: 15
    Just picked up a 2013 ML lease - folks think this is a good deal? Doesnt seem to be as great of promos on the ML than on the C and E classes right now...but I thought I did OK. I calculate ~13% off of MSRP and $2k under invoice.

    MSRP: $57,680
    Cap Cost: $50,300
    Adj Cap Cost: $50,919 (addition of prepaid maintenance)
    0 Cap Cost Reduction
    Residual: $36,915 (64%)
    MF: .0015
    30 Months/10k miles
    $3,800 due up front incl taxes, tags, registration, first months payment, $795 acquisition fee

    Would be interested in feedback!!

    Thanks. :)
  • gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    What state did you get that kind of deal? I probably would have gotten serious about the ML350 Bluetec if offered a lease like that to start with. They would only come down $2000 on a $56k MSRP. Residual of $35,987. I think the MF was .00441. To me they were not dealing on the vehicle. They said the Bluetecs are too hard to get.
  • ludbaludba Member Posts: 1
    Looking at doing a 24 month with 10k miles per year, one pay lease on a 2014 ML bluetec. THe MSRP for the car is around 65k. What would be a good payment on it? I have 4 other One pays with MB Financial (not sure if that helps)
  • erinzerinz Member Posts: 31
    Hi Car_man,

    Can you post the August 2013 residual and MF for an ML350, 36 months, 12k a year?

  • tuburonhtuburonh Member Posts: 9
    Hi (esteemed) Car Man-

    Could you please also let us know what the Mercedes August money factor and residual figures are for the 2014 ML350 Bluetec, on a 15K/per year, 3 year lease? The one I ordered in June is due to be delivered the end of this month, and the "deal" I made with my dealer when I ordered it was that we would use whatever Mercedes lease rates are in effect when I take delivery: hopefully they are not significantly worse than they were in June :)

    Many thanks.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    I'm sorry.. it doesn't look like we'll have Mercedes lease numbers for August.


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  • tuburonhtuburonh Member Posts: 9
    Hi guys-

    My car (2014 ML Bluetec) has arrived, and the dealer is telling me the Mercedes lease rates (3 years, 15K miles per year, top tier credit) are money factor of .00325 and residual 60%. The residual sounds right but the money factor seems way high. Do you have any info yet on the actual September rates from Mercedes? Thanks in advance for any help you can give on this.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    The residual is correct... that model uses the standard money factor. I'm not sure what that is, but I would assume it is high.... but, would also assume that your dealer is marking it up the maximum, as that is astronomical..

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  • tuburonhtuburonh Member Posts: 9
    Thanks very much. You'll love this: the tentative deal I had made before placing my order (as no one knew then what the rates would be at the time the car got delivered) was that the selling price would be invoice, and the money factor used in the lease calculation would be whatever the Mercedes top-tier credit money factor was plus a small markup of .0001 (in the dealer's words, to pay for his finance department's time). I told them the figure they were quoting now for the MF of .00325 was just too high (it's the equivalent of an APR of 7.8%) and that I was going to walk. They came back the next day and said they had "discovered" that Mercedes has a special secret money factor for "super tier" credit people and my money factor under this program would be only .00195.

    I thought the days of playing games with the customer like this were long gone, especially at a Mercedes dealer. Boy, was I wrong. Needless to say, I stuck with my decision to walk away from the deal.
  • iamgortiamgort Member Posts: 82
    Ridewithg.com has 2014 Mercedes ML350 4matic 36 Month – Residual 53% of MSRP – .00149 Base Rate. Not sure how much the blue differs....but yea, glad you walked! There are plenty of mercedes dealers in the country.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    Yeah... your story is not that surprising, unfortunately...

    I wouldn't have the guts to order a car, without the financing program being locked in... I know Mercedes won't do that...

    Good luck!

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  • rbgonegolf1rbgonegolf1 Member Posts: 2
    Does anyone know the new MF and residual for 2014 ML350 4Matic, 10k a year 36 months. thx in advance.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    .00149 MF and 56% residual..


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  • pzzdogpzzdog Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2013

    i m thinking to buy 2014 ml350 msrp $59340,what is the discount off MSRP I would expect for 2014 version
  • gvitalik1gvitalik1 Member Posts: 58

    Could you please provide lease terms for '14 ML350 4matic lease 12k/yr for best term available.

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    .00149 MF and 55% residual for 36 mo, 12K/yr.


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  • lepialepia Member Posts: 45
    Hi all,
    I went to a Mercedes dealer near by and asked for lease quote on a ML350W4, MSRP:58,795.

    Here is what I was offered:
    36 Months, 10K
    down payment $4,643 which includes taxes/fees/1st month/DMV
    monthly price: $798.99
    Residual not clear as one sales rep said 55%, and the other one said 49%. Didn't ask for MF. The dealer offered a discount of $2,450.00.

    Can anyone share their findings or what they think of the above?

  • al838al838 Member Posts: 9
    HI There,

    I am looking for 2014 ML because my previous ML leasing will end in Dec. and i got one option from dealer:
    MSRP $62295. MF is 0.00169 and the residual value is 53%
    1500 down 861
    2500 down 831
    3500 down 801
    5000 down 755
    all for 36 mo lease 10K miles with tax Included

    Is there any better deal which I can get? I am thinking to get 7.5K miles with 1500 down and monthly rate close to $750 is that possible?
  • perpmoperpmo Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2013
    with P1, running boards, hitch, lane assist, HK speakers. selling price of $53.9k. 36 months
    lease at 18k miles per year with $4.7k down for $829 per month. MF of .00114 and resid of 52%. Is this a good deaL? THX FOR YOUR HELP
  • traderbtraderb Member Posts: 38
    do you have rates for the 2013 ML 350 and bluetec also.

    12k miles per year. 30 month, and 36 month

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    2013 ML350 AWD 36mo, 12K/yr lease
    .00114 MF and 54% residual... 30 month residual is 62%

    2013 ML350 BlueTec 36mo, 12K/yr lease
    Standard MF and 61% residual.. 30 month residual is 64%


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  • al838al838 Member Posts: 9
    Hi kyfdx,

    Do you have 2014 MF and residue value for 27 month and 7500/year lease?
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    .00149 MF and 67% residual for 24mo, 7.5K lease

    I don't have any numbers for 27 months..


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  • lc2002lc2002 Member Posts: 2
    Can you post the residual and MF for 2014 Blue TEC ML350, 36 months, 10k a year? thanks.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    Standard money factor and 63% residual.


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  • ml_newbieml_newbie Member Posts: 1
    Hello Everyone

    I am being offered a (demo with 5500 Miles) 2013 ML 350 4matic

    Premium 1 package
    keyless Go
    Lane assist
    blind spot monitor
    parking assist package
    Ambient Lighting package

    MSRP is 58K

    30 month lease
    10K miles a year
    630 Down (first month)
    and 630 a month
    Tax and fees are included

    is this a good deal??

    i dont mind the car being a 2013 but the fact that it has 5500 miles makes me think about it a little.

    What do you guys think?

    The next best offer is on a 2014 similarly equipped, 0 miles for 715/month, 10k miles a year and 4300 down (taxes and fees)

    looks like i would be saving 5000 to 7000 for the life of the lease.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    If you are turning it in at lease end, I'd jump on the demo...

    Under warranty the entire time, I wouldn't give it a second thought.

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  • rprarpra Member Posts: 1
    I got ML350 for lease

    $699 for 36 months 10K Miles zero down including taxes. VA taxes
    MSRP : 59510
    Selling Price : 50190
  • j4mlj4ml Member Posts: 2
    carman- can you provide the following:

    money factor and residual for 2014 ML350:
    30-month lease
    36-month lease
    12k miles

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    2014 ML350 AWD(?) 36mo, 12K/yr lease
    .00149 MF and 55% residual

    30 month residual is 62%


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  • renzo007renzo007 Member Posts: 3
    Does special ordering a vehicle thru the dealer reduce the attainable discount off msrp?
    What is a current reasonable discount off msrp?

    Thx! I think u are helping me on the S forum as well!
  • j4mlj4ml Member Posts: 2
    thank you carman...

    Nov 1st: Feels like Christmas morning, do you have the 2014 Nov buy rates?

    ML350 4Matic:
    30-months, 12k miles
    36-months 12,k miles

    2013- same #mos and #miles

    many thanks & much appreciated!!!
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,832
    We won't have the November rates for a few days..

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  • lordolordo Member Posts: 18

    Could someone post the November Money factors and Residuals for a 15k and 18K lease from 24 to 36 months. Also does anyone have any info about how many Payments are being forgiven..

    Thanks in Advance,

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