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Ford Explorer Maintenance and Repair



  • mazman1mazman1 Member Posts: 229
    Geez, why didnt they just build you a new truck from the new parts? Am I correct in reading that you had to put new TC tensioners and brake rotors on a 1 year old vehicle? I know that the shocks Ford uses are crap, but you really have a lemon there. I'd get a subwoofer for your radio and turn it up really loud so you dont have to hear all the squeaks!
    Seriously, speak with an attorney.
  • gipplegipple Member Posts: 10
    I did it. Traded in my Explorer this past week for a new Silver Acura MDX. Oh my. The upgrade is enormous. Now when I hit a pebble I do not jump into the next lane. Bump? What bump? This SUV is so smooth like a babies bottom.

    I know you Explorer lovers are getting pissed as you read this. But I just wanted to let those folks who are married with kids and want a SUV that drives like a car, holds cargo like a SUV and hauls people like a mini van to sell your Explorer and get yourself an MDX.

    Oh yeah. The waiting list is brutal though - 3 month waiting list if you are lucky.

  • tomtwilitetomtwilite Member Posts: 12
    i had same problem with my new 96..then i read an auto column q and a about bad ford thermostats. seems they have a tendency to stay open and not allowing engine to warm to proper operating temps. i noticed my temp gauge at only 1/4 warm. took to dealer and they replaced under warranty, although only $55 job. mileage immediately went up to 17-18 hard city and 20-21 hiway. ford has a tech bulletin on this problem so they know about it. drove the beast for almost 2 yrs before i found this out.
  • sadatxsadatx Member Posts: 70
    Thanks so much for the tip. I'm going to tell my service dept about this. Just this morning on my way to work, I was getting 12 miles to the gallon at a constant speed of 60mph!! I would understand if this was a Navigator, but it's an explorer. And a 6 cylinder explorer. Anywayz, thanks a million. I really appreciate it.
  • mister_rangermister_ranger Member Posts: 1
    Hoping someone can help me. My 4-wheel drive on my
    '93 Explorer won't work. Push the button and
    nothing happens.

    Took it to a shop and after a few days of tests
    their best guess is that it's a faulty control
    module. They said everything else checked out fine
    and this is the only thing they could think of. Is
    this a common problem? If the transfer case,
    switch and wiring is fine, is there anything left
    to check? This control module is pretty expensive
    to install on just a hunch.

    Any help would be appreciated!!!
  • swn1swn1 Member Posts: 27
    See response 207 under this topic for a fix. I have an occasional problem with my '91 not engaging but the light comes on. I haven't tried this fix yet but it seems reasonable if you can get just the bushing without having to buy the whole motor assembly.
  • swn1swn1 Member Posts: 27
    Not only the tensioners replaced but also the valve lash adjusters. FORD just seems willing to keep throwing money at it. I thought about an attorney but it would cost a bunch and although the problems are numerous none are a safety issue or hazard. I just keep being a pain in the butt to the dealer, who has been great through all this, and FORD who hasn't been so great. What's one PIA customer to them, it's like saying one vote can't make a difference or so we all used to think!!!! You might notice from other postings I have a '91 Eddie Bauer that runs like a champ for having 237,000 miles on it.I always bring that up when complaining about my '99. It kind of leaves them defenseless about the problems with my '99 XLT. It's a shame as I was looking forward to the 2002 Explorers after seeing a test on Car and Driver TV this weekend and reading about them but why risk it.
  • njdevilsrnnjdevilsrn Member Posts: 185
    It must be something with the 1999 model year. My 1999 was a piece of trash. For the first 8 months I owned it, had some minor problems. From months 9-14, the thing was in the shop 10 times. I racked up what would have been over $2000 worth of REPAIRS in 5 months on a vehicle with 14000 miles on it. My advice to you, as other dealers will stick it to you on a trade (if you have any confidence left in Ford and have a couple grand lying around) is this...go to the dealer, ask for the sales manager, show him your pile of receipts, tell him how unhappy you are with the vehicle, ask him to contact the district rep for assistance with a buyback/re-purchase.

    This past summer I traded my headache and heartburn away for $3700 (including taxes and tags) to get out of an XLT into a 2000 NEW XLS (as loaded as could be). I occasionally miss the power of the SOHC engine (the 2001 XLS now has that engine anyhow), and the stupid stuff like the compass. Otherwise, I am glad I did.

    I did
  • sadatxsadatx Member Posts: 70
    Check this out...I opened up the hood of my truck this morning and noticed that on the top left side, there is some duck tape holding something togther. I don't know what that part is called or what it does, but it doesn't look good. And lately, I've been so damn worried about the knocking noise coming back, that I'm always listening for it. I'm still in the process of getting an attorney. I've had a 1990 camry and 1994 accord and those vehicles never gave me problems. And what sucks is that I really like my explorer. I've wanted the explorer all through college. Now that I can afford it, I wanna give it back. The car has less than 24k miles on it and is in mint condition. But you hit it on the head when you said that it's going to give me ulcers. Possibly a heart attack!!
  • mazman1mazman1 Member Posts: 229
    Where was the duct tape??? The front left is probably the air filter housing or the mass air flow sensor. Please describe the part.

    As for the other points,
    1. Always carry a cellphone for emergenices,
    2. Turn the radio up as loud as it will go when the engine is on,
    3. Go to Church every Sunday.

    Good luck
  • sadatxsadatx Member Posts: 70
    Actually, the part lies in the top upper left region. So you could say it lies right in front of the passenger. It looks like a rectangular piece. The color is black and and it looks horrible. Took it to a dealer yesterday to trade it and they were only offering me 18k for the car. I said no because that was too much of a loss. Anywayz, I made another appt with a different service dept for this wednesday. I'm going to mention acceleration, extreme wind noise, poor gas mileage, squeaky driver side door, and of course the duct tape situation. Also when I was at the dealer, I looked at a used 98 4Runner Limited, and the interior of my Eddie Bauer is a lot better looking. Wish I could say the same about the reliablility and resale value.
  • sadatxsadatx Member Posts: 70
    The duct tape is also covering something that looks like a circle. And the duct tape is covering it from the top and works it's way down to get the whole part. Also, is it normal for the engine to rev while in park. For example, if I'm in park, the engine seems fine but it seems to rev up for a couple of seconds before getting back to normal. And when I come to a stop, like at a red light or stop sign, a knock comes from under the hood. I pray that's not the engine. Thanks for all your help.
  • nyfifenyfife Member Posts: 5
    Has anyone else experienced a whistle type sound coming from under the hood when starting the vehicle in weather below 32 degrees? I have a 1999 XLT. The car starts fine, however once I put it into drive and accelerate I hear a fairly loud whistling noise from under the hood. It usually lasts for about 5 minutes or until I get above 50 mph. I only hear the noise in cold weather. I took it to the dealership and they claim they could not hear it. However 2 other people I know with Explorers have had the same problem. Anyone else?
  • mazman1mazman1 Member Posts: 229
    I'd pop the hood when it is making the whistle and try to hear exactly where it is coming from. I would say that it is probaly not a major issue.. maybe some pulley needs to be lubricated with a lubricant that does not freeze..
    I'd also check the air filter to see if it is clear.

    Good Luck... I'd also consider turning the radio up louder.
  • nyfifenyfife Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the advice. It only makes the sound when the vehicle is in drive and my foot is on the acelerator which makes it impossible to look under the hood. I checked the air filter and it is clear.

    Just wondering if anyone else had this symptom becuase my hearing is starting to go with the radio up so loud.
  • sanandtonsanandton Member Posts: 342
    My following post will prove I'm no mechanic, but I hope it will help you some. From the symptoms you describe it seem logical that the whistle might have something to do with the "choke" system ( or whatever system these cars use to aid in rapid engine warm up and cold starts). Does it do it again if you stop the engine, but do not give it time to cool down ie running into a quick stop?
  • njdevilsrnnjdevilsrn Member Posts: 185
    Hello, asking for feedback from anyone who may have changed out their stock audio components on their Explorer. I'm looking to upgrade my system. Went to the local audio guy (recommended by my dealer), said he can replace my single in dash CD/tuner with an Alpine (CDM-7861) and replace my speakers with Alpine speakers for $600 including tax and labor. He really seemed high on the Alpine product line. Anyone with any ideas?
    PS...Anyone ever try an in-dash CD changer? They have a 3 CD changer mounted in the dash unit for $100 more.

    Any info would be appreciated.
  • ahughes2ahughes2 Member Posts: 14
    I replaced the stock system in a previous (95) Explorer with a Alpine head unit. Alpines are great. Some models come with a hand remote control. It will be a major improvement.

    With respect to the speakers, listen to the Polk Audios' before you make your decision. I went with the Polks and was very satisfied. They did install an electrical component to the head unit which made the system work efficently with the factory amp though. Sorry, but I forget what it is called. Some type of supressor. It had to do with how the volume increse was distributed. I could see a noticicable difference before and after the installation of this component.
  • jagraffjagraff Member Posts: 1
    Hello everyone! My first post on here....

    I would like to say first, about the aftermarket stereo. Do yourself a favor, go to a stereo shop and start at the cheap speakers and stereos. As you work your way up the ladder of stereos and find new options, but find that they all seem to have the same thing after a certain point, stop there! There is not need to pay a forturne for a headunit. Alpines are fantastic to say the least, but Clarion is a great system also and might be a heck of a lot less costly too. Gap or Versace?! Both wear great and feel nice, but do you really need a flashy name on your butt cheek, same as the stereo brand names. As for the speakers, tell the salesperson to start at the bottom of the heep of the speakers that will fit your application. As he goes up the line of speakers and you don't hear a difference, buy them! Take this from a person who has over 1200 watts of stereo! Best of luck in that, but anything you buy will be better then stock, that is a guarantee! Oh and I would recommend a seperate for the front speakers, but that is just my opinion!

    Ok, now to my real intentions of this post! I have been a die hard Ford fan since I popped out of the womb and will be forever. My list of cars in my young 27 years of life is staggering to most, from a mint 280ZX to a Twin Turbo 300ZX and from a 67 Mustang to a 2000 Expedition, but I have not owned a older Explorer yet. The list goes on for 20 cars actually! My brother got a 96 four door that is nicely equipt and seems to have nothing but troubles. Now I know as well as him that he has the ability to beat the hell out of that car and it most likely contributes to many of the problems, such as the breaks, but is that the case with many of you? Some of you have 4x4's, which I will not get nor do I need in South Florida, so that will kill several problems. I have a Mustang right now that we will say, is not "stock" and it is become more work then fun recently so I am in the market for a newer, used vehicle. Would you say to not get a used 96 four door 4x2 with low miles? Shed some light! Any and all responses are greatly appreciated!

  • pocahontaspocahontas Member Posts: 802
    In addition to asking your questions in Ford explorer topics, you may want also want to check out these topics.

    Try using the Topic Search (left side) to find other topics of interest throughout Town Hall. And now back to the subject of Ford Explorer problems. Good luck. ;-)

    Edmunds.com/Roving host
  • blackie74blackie74 Member Posts: 1
    I have experienced the same cold weather whistling noise problem with my Explorer. It started last winter. Stopped in the warmer months but started back up this fall. I haven't had it checked out yet. So I would also be interested in anyone else who has experienced this problem.

    Also last week it has started to stall on start up. I don't think this is related to the whistling but maybe it is. It doesn't stall on the first start up of the day, but on subsequent start-ups. Anyone else have this problem. I just have to rev the engine so it won't stall. Maybe I just got some bad gasoline.

    Just some more problems on a long list of problems.
  • cwbarrettcwbarrett Member Posts: 40
    I couldn't afford a new car but I couldn't afford to keep my 93 XLT w/98,000 any longer. I had bought the car new. What a piece of garbage. Electrical problems from the start. I've put over $7,500 into it and from what I've read it only gets worse from here. I've got a long list of expensive repairs that started almost exactly at 36,000 miles. Because they we selling so well Ford told me tough luck. I got $3,000 on a trade in and I feel lucky to have gotten anything.
    I've now put my wife in an Outback LLBean. She loves it. We'll see how it holds up
  • sanandtonsanandton Member Posts: 342
    I have owned 3 Explhorrors the first was a 96 4x2 XLT. Let me just say that as junk goes our 96 explorer was the best of the lot. Tighter build, less mechanical failures, less rattles, and even quieter road noise. Take into account this is in comparison to a 97 and 98 explhorrors both were POS vehicles. Even the 96 couldn't touch the quality I currently enjoy in my 01 PathFinder LE. Since you seem to be a diehard fan, I would guess the 96 would be a good choice (least of the model year evils).
  • swn1swn1 Member Posts: 27
    Sounds to me like you have the proverbial hub squeal that so many of us have endured. If you can only hear it when it's cold with the vehicle in motion and the noise increases and decreases with the speed then you got it. The so called fix is to replace the hub seals. Mine on my '99 XLT have been replaced twice and sometimes still squeal. The only way for the dealer to as they say "duplicate the concern", notice they don't call anything problems, is to leave it sit on their lot overnite and go in and drive it with them first thing in the morning. Don't be surprised if it fails to do it when you have them with you. If they try to make you think you're hearing things, complain to FORD.com. Go to the owner connection and register your junk and complain. The dealer will get a call from them and it works. Makes you feel like a real jerk going down the road in a $30,000 tub squealing like a pig and all the other SUV drivers snickering at you, believe me. The noise will get worse if you let it go.
  • sadatxsadatx Member Posts: 70
    Would anyone know of a good service department in the Chicagoland area? So far, I've been to three, and they all did a pretty poor job. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  • dadsexplorerdadsexplorer Member Posts: 3
    My dad bought his 95 Explorer about 2 years ago. He died in June. Mom wants me to sell it for her but the door handles for the back seat don't work. You cannot exit the vehicle from the inside. We think it has to do with the child locks since the doors will open from the outside, but I don't know anything about how the child locks work.

    I guess everyone else is having so many major mechanical woes it's not worth mentioning that their door handles don't work.

    Please post if you've had this problem and what you did about it. Thanks!
  • singlemsinglem Member Posts: 1
    I have a 96 Explorer XLT and I have had to replace both of the backseat door handles. Does the door knob seems to be in the "out" position and won't go back in? The replacements are relatively inexpensive..about $16.00 at dealership. You just have to pop off the door panel and the rest is sorta obvious. Good Luck.
  • dadsexplorerdadsexplorer Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the quick response. The door handles feel normal except that they don't operate the latch. They aren't stuck in the "open" position, and they return to their normal position after trying to open the door. They're not engaging the latch.

    Was taking off the door panel easy?
  • sanandtonsanandton Member Posts: 342
    Have you flipped the child lock switch off? It is on the side of the door just above or below the actual door catch. Looks like a small lever. Please forgive me if this is an insult to you, just didn't want to overlook the obvious.
  • dadsexplorerdadsexplorer Member Posts: 3
    Yes, I've played with them quite a bit. I'm mechanically inclined, but I'm visiting from out of town and didn't plan on spending a day on playing with the door panels. Plus, I didn't bring my tools so I'd have to use whatever is at M&D's house...meaning, I'm not sure if I'd have the tools to do it.

    I'm hoping to get an idea of what is wrong (expensive or not too). Mom wants to sell it and if it's going to be costly she would want to compensate for it in the price.
  • jrc346jrc346 Member Posts: 337
    To those that have the wistle on start up...Are you sure that it isnt the cooling fan. i find that i get a howling sound for alittle while but it goes away pretty fast (within 5 min of start up). I am happy with my 2000 Explorer XLT and i hope that the rest of you enjoy yours too!
  • fxgofxgo Member Posts: 1
    chicoreyes wrote:

    "I have to pump the brakes several times to stop."

    I have not had this problem, but I'm pretty sure
    you're not suppose to pump anti-lock brakes.
  • tomtwilitetomtwilite Member Posts: 12
    bought my new 96 at gleason golf mill ford. after 3 years of hassles with their service dept i took my explorer to park ridge lincoln/mercury. they now do all the stuff i can't. they seem to be quicker and more honest, also made some repairs on good faith. they had done work on a 91 merc i had and was very satisfied. most merc dealers will be happy to work on your explorer.
  • uw_dawgs1uw_dawgs1 Member Posts: 1
    I am looking at a 1999 & 1998 Ford Explore Eddie Bauer SUV fully loaded. I would like to here some good, bad, and ugly responses. The 1999 was leased and only has 19K in miles. The 1998 was leased and has 43K in miles.
    I have looked at Kelly Blue Book and Edmunds for pricing info but sometimes that isn't enough. Any other suggestions.
  • swn1swn1 Member Posts: 27
    BUY A TOYOTA!!!!!!! Take some time and go back and read the postings to this topic and you will see what most of us are saying.
  • sanandtonsanandton Member Posts: 342
    Take it from someone who has owned 3 explorers. Don't do it! The vintage year in my experience for an explorer was 1996.
  • mazman1mazman1 Member Posts: 229
    As a current ExploHORROR owner, I would say the only reason that you would want to buy an Explorer, is if the following apply:

    1. You are deaf. (the noises and squeaks and rattles will drive you nuts), or
    2. You are nuts.
    3. Your other car is a tow truck.
    4. You are going to drive it until it goes off warranty and then just throw it away or donate it to some charity.

    But Seriously, its not a great idea to BUY a SUV off lease. Chances are, they were driven hard and were not maintained well. Explorers especially need a lot of TLC to keep them on the road and I doubt that most leasees change the radiator fluid, Tranny fluid, re-pack the 4x4 wheel cylinders.. etc. I have a friend who has yet to change the oil on his leased Lexus 4x4.. and it's 18 months old!

    As far as SUV's go, I would get a new one, either buy or leased... and the best brands to go with are (in my prefernce order) Toyota, Honda, Acura, Mercedes, Isuzo, Nissan, Mitsubishi. Note that GM Ford and Chrysler were not mentioned!

    Good luck in whatever you choose.
  • tincup47tincup47 Member Posts: 1,508
    hundreds of thousands of Explorer's are sold each year, it has consistently been the #1 seller. If they were as bad as some of the people who post here claim, the sales would go into the toilet.
  • masonmimasonmi Member Posts: 148
    I have to agree with Tincup47, sales have been very good on Explorers and on Mountaineers with the volume they produce some will be lemons as in all product lines of cars and trucks and SUV's its not just Ford, its many other automakers, I bought a Mountaineer 4 mos ago and i'm happy with my purchase, of course at first i heard squeaks and some rattles though i had them taken care of at the dealership, I had a door that sounded like all the parts were lose inside which was a dealer fix since then I haven't heard any rattles or squeaks, also some people forget that these are trucks they aren't Lincoln town cars or Caddys, and some people never take care of them and they expect them to last forever without doing regular maintanence. im sure theres some happy Ford SUV owners out there or they wouldn't be as many on the road.
  • smily1smily1 Member Posts: 104
    I own a 98 XLT V8 AWD with 36k. Have had no major problems with it besides the usual squeaks and rattles. I have had some of the noises fixed by the dealership and some I fixed myself, but they can be fixed! I agree with mazman1 in the sense that you dont want to buy a lease. I would even go so far as to say dont buy a used especially off of the lot! Most Explorers are fine mechanically and the people that I know that own Explorers love them and hold on to them. I just have a hard time thinking that someone is trying to dump their problems on to someone else when you are buying used. Depending on the area and use of the SUV I would say that Toyota 4 runners are a good bet. I looked at all the SUV's and chose the Explorer based on several factors:
    1 Comfort. You can have a great vehicle but hate it because its uncomfortable.
    2 reliability. The V8 302 engine has been around and I can say I can trust it (note all the problem posts on the SOHC V6). Try to stay away from new stuff.
    3 cargo space. Lots of room especially compared to a 4runner.
    4 Cost of parts. Domestic parts and labor is much cheaper than forein.
    I have been very happy with mine. My Explorer use consists of mostly in town driving but take it off road several times a year: soft sand, deep snow and through creeks. I have yet to get stuck. Even had to help a Toy 4x4 get unstuck. Good luck in your hunting.
  • sadatxsadatx Member Posts: 70
    Please for the love of god, don't buy an explorer. I bought my EB about a month ago with 22,880 miles. A week later, I needed a remanufactured engine and it hasn't been the same since. Even though the engine is getting smoother and smoother daily (I guess I haven't broke it in yet), I still wouldn't recommend it. I got a pretty good deal on mine. I think the kbb value is roughly between 18-20K. I don't know where you live(I live in Chicago) but I paid $22k for mine. I bought a fully loaded Blue & Tan 1998 EB 4x4 in mint condition. Previously owned by an executive. I regret my purchase everyday. I'm currently trying to trade out of mine. If you decide to purchase it anyway, I really hope you have better luck than me. Good Luck!!
  • gipplegipple Member Posts: 10
  • hjw1hjw1 Member Posts: 17
    Our 1997 Explorer Sport with the ohv engine has a howl that seems to be coming from what I think is the mass airflow sensor. The sound is coming from the plastic housing that is just downstream from the air filter. I've taken the thing apart and could not determine the source of the sound. I was wondering if any town hall readers have experienced this problem and may know the solution. Thanks.
  • mazman1mazman1 Member Posts: 229
    I think the howl may mean that the air is restricted at some point in the tube. The tube and sensor are very easy to take apart, also check that the filter box inlet (it's in the front of the box) is clear of leaves. I'd also see if your truck makes that howl sound with the tube disassembled and the maf sensor out of the way... it might be something else...
    Other than that, I have no other ideas.
    Good luck.
  • nj98explorernj98explorer Member Posts: 2
    I bought a new '98 Ford Explorer 2 years ago. A
    little more than 2 weeks ago, I broke down on the
    highway on the way to work. I had my explorer
    into my neighborhood Ford Dealer. I have moved
    since my original purchase.

    I was immediately told I was not eligible for a
    loaner since I did not purchase from them. This
    cost me $800+ to rent a car for 17 days. The
    also told me they were having trouble finding the
    transfer case. I was finally told my best option
    was a rebuilt case. The total cost $1,511.94 + rental.

    I was constantly reminded about how I should have
    purchased the extended warranty. This truck has
    never been taken off the road. I also maintain it
    regularly. Why should I expect this type of
    A manufacturer should stand up for its product.
    Dealer have been set up as independents to make
    communication impossible.

    A new development today 12/5/00. The truck lasted 40 miles and broke down again. This time Ford sent a tow truck. The saga continues

    Toyota...here I come..(no I don't work for any car
    manufacturer or dealer)
  • mozeemozee Member Posts: 12
    I know of no one who bought an Explorer,not leased it,bought it,and had a positive experience owning it,all had problems,mostly after warranty expired.How's that for Ford tough?These things are starting to clog up the used car lots already,all the trade in's and lease returns,you'll be ale to get a clean 97 for 5K real soon.Not that anyone would want one,with fuel costs as high as they are,and our roads so rough,Y would U want to bounce around in the Explorer.
  • evansmevansm Member Posts: 2
    I those two trucks were as big as the Explorer
    I would consider the Nissan first. then a Toyota.
    The last time I shut the door on a Toyota it felt like it weighed about 20 lbs. I didn't feel it would ever protect me as well. In a perfect world a vehicle shouldn't need alot of service. I'm hoping the 2002 Explorer will have alot of the major issues taken care of. I'll be watching closely before my next purchase. Maybe by then another manuf. will come up with a redesign.
  • nj98explorernj98explorer Member Posts: 2
    Ford seems to think 36K is a reasonable mileage to expect a car/truck to last. The only credible explanation is their real profit center is repairs.

    Toyota, I'm coming back
  • isomanisoman Member Posts: 11
    I have a 94 explorer with the 4.0 v-6 engine. It runs fine but when cold weather comes it starts to knock under load. I've tried various brands and octanes of gas but this does seem to help. On a warm day and all summer this doesn't happen. I've also tried running cleaner thru it to clean the injectors and intake valves but this didn't help either. Has anyone else had this problem and if so what did you do to correct it? Would appreciate any ideas back on what I can do about this.
  • tsaylestsayles Member Posts: 8
    Funny you mention 36K miles is a reasonable mileage to expect a truck to last. I had a '96 Explorer and after 36K miles rolled around it started to cost me. Brakes and electrical mostly. I was replacing braked every 6-7K miles and there was always something electronic not working. I just leased a '01 EB Expedition. I like Fords, the EB was the best SUV that I found. Well, the best I liked. The new Acura MDX is sweet but the dealers had a 4 month wait. So, in 3 years and when the Ford turns 36K miles, Ford can have the damn thing back. It's not that I'm unhappy with the EB but I will expect problems down the road.
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